Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2018 (Page 6 of 8)

Paul at Forge

8-8-18 Wednesday evening at the Forge at Grits N Greens in Lowell to discuss Paul. Paul is such an important biblical figure that it is difficult to speak about him in such a short time but I promised a “cliff notes” version (that’s kinda like Wikipedia for you youngsters) so we just hit some highlights. I tried to point out several main themes of his writings and ministries as well as some facts about Paul the man. We summed up with this verse. 1 Corinthians 11:1 “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.” The point is to live a life worthy of imitation because many are watching! Thanks to those who attended. Moses will be speaking next week and he always has a great word to share.

Lessons Learned

After one week as site Q, YHC is quickly learning from mistakes and some of those lessons learned are;

  1. Send out reminders to the upcoming Qs so that they remember they are scheduled to lead the workout, and you don’t have to wing a wienke

  2. Always keep a prepared wienke available so that you can quickly adapt when a Q is a no show

  3. Don’t call on Dolph for an exercise during round of Mary’s unless you are ready for 10 burpees. This applies to all Qs.

So, I thought Whoopee had the Q this morning and on my way to the Storm, I started thinking, what if he forgot, I am now site Q and responsible. So I started thinking of a few exercises we could do. As I pulled into the parking lot, several cars were already there, but I didn’t see Whoope’s truck. It was about 5:25am when I arrived, so he still has time. 5:30 came, time to go to work. PAX, you have YHC as Q today so let’s get started

Warm up:

SSH x 25 I/C

Mountian Climbers x 20 I/C

Merkins x 10 oyo

Train whistle, 5 burpees oyo



Mosey to the school building and then called exercise..Mosey around the soccer field and at each corner do the following;

corner 1 – 5x burpees

corner 2 – 15x dips

corner 3 – 25 squats

corner 4 – 35 lbc

Rinse and repeat 5x

Now for the triple nickel;  5 flutter kicks, bear crawl across sidewalk for 5 American Hammers, rinse and repeat 5x

Next, back against the wall, but below knees and hold for 20 seconds, release and then balls against wall for 30 seconds, recover, rinse and repeat 2x…thanks Gastone for this exercise, it was a real crowd pleaser.

Zombie  walkers and then Mosey back to flag. Finish up with a few called exercises from PAX.. of course Dolph leads off with 10 burpees. It is 6:14 and another train whistle blows, 5 burpees oyo to complete workout.


The Forge – Wednesday’s @ 6:30pm (Green and Grits)

Official Mt. Hollywood AO Launch (Mt. Holly Middle School – 124 S Hawthorne St, Mt Holly, NC 28120), Monday’s at 5:30am

August 11th – F3 Gastonia M’s workout @ Folsom @ 8am

August 12th – Crossroads Convergence (Coconut Horse will be CLOSED)

August 25th – BRR/Bourbon Chase Relay CSAUP @ 4am….sign up here –

August 25th – 2nd F event at Sargento’s Casa (PAX and M’s ONLY)

Sept. 22nd – Stop Solider Suicide 5k/10k Speed For Need event in Belmont….sign up here – Discount Code: HAPPY

Sept. 22nd – JJ5K at Common Grounds in Stanley…sign up here –

Oct. 6th – Special Olympics Burpee-thon – More information to come


Prayer Request and Close with prayer.


Whoopee, there was a lot of smack talk about you not showing up, No worries, wanted to give you a hard time knowing you can take it, and definitely dish it out.

Men, it was an honor to lead you this morning. Great work by all!

Breaker Breaker

No Ruckers

it was a rather humid morning rolling up into Folsom for some PrisonBreak shenanigans. There wasn’t much mumblechatter on our GroupMe conversation last night which left me not so optimistic on the turnout. I roll in and Sister Act is right there with me. He takes off as I wait for other PAX and clock in time. Here they come and just in time.

In case you didn’t know, PrisonBreak is actually a Run/Ruck AO which also uses the Folsom facilities. There are a couple routes to venture on depending on whether you Ruck or run. Both however, incorporate the Gaston College campus.

There were no Rucker’s this morning so all took off on their own pace and route. Once 6:10 hit, all but Oompa Loompa we’re accounted for. After a minute of looking, we see his bright red shirt in the distance. Come to find out, he had a Sparky moment down around he lower pond. ShowToKnow for explanations. Anyway, all are back safe so time to clock out.



YHC took us out in prayer

Your Welcome….And Thank You

10 HIM’s showed for a Moana inspired Q that quickly failed because the speaker was not loud enough. But, I mad up for it another way.

The Thang:

Music Fail

Seal Jacks until I call end to them.

20, 3 Count Merkins

19, 3 Count Imperial Walkers

15, 3 Count Carolina Dry Dock

19, 3 Count Moroccan Night Clubs

15, 3 Count Wide Arm Merkins

Mosey down to the middle of Soccer fields.

Plank, Raise Right arm then leg, Hold for 20 seconds. Flips the sides and repeat for a second round.

Lunge walk from one light post to another.

Mosey to bottom of hill at the back of soccer fields.

11’s, 10 Merkins at the top, 1 Squat at the bottom. Every trip to the top ran backwards. Keep going until 1 Merkin and 10 Squats.

Mosey around the soccer field to the next hill.

20 Flutter

15 American Hammer

20 Flutter

15 American Hammer

Triple Nickel, 3 Runs to the Little Library Stand. Each time your reach the Library do 5 Merkins.

At bottom of the hill run backwards to the top.

On the way back we stopped at every tree for 5 Merkins. I counted 20 Tree’s.

Then we stopped at 2 Light Poles, Since they were different we did 40 Sumo Squat Jumps at the first and 40 Squats at the next.

At the bottom of the grass hill with time running out.

Backwards Bear crawl up the grass hill.

Mosey back to the start.

The Moleskin:

We did some arm work this morning but did not leave the legs or core unattended. Thanks to all that attended and it is always an honor to Q these workouts. I hope to find some more men that are ready to start Qing. It does not matter how good your Q is just that you do Q.

T-Bone, your showed up and have been kicking butt.

Pledge was at the start.

We ended in prayer with prayer for those requested.

Gastone Out!


The Lone Rucker

9 men showed at Crossroads this morning!  8 PAX ran 3-5 miles, and we had 1 Lone Rucker.   The Mayor was the first to show, and went to work and pushed the rock today rucking solo.  Good job sir!  Great work from the other PAX as well.  Awesome that we continue to have steady numbers at this AO and guys making time on Sunday mornings to push the rock.


Prayer Request: YHC took us out



Honor to lead today!

Sister Act

Shed of sorrows

10 showed at Folsom for a muggy morning beat down, delivered by the chief himself!


prayer request- each other, medicine woman’s leg, oompa ‘s family!



The chief took us out!

Bat Flippers

12 PAX posted on Thursday at Midoriyama. YHC is a little late on the BB due to going out of town the next morning. But hey at least it’s done before the next Midoriyama workout. I had a special workout planned for some of the bat flippers that come out but to my surprise they didn’t show. No offense to those that did I just had a few particular PAX in mind. That being said I decided to improvise and save my batflipper workout for another day. Here is what I remember.


Butt kickers, high knees, SSH, Morroccan nightclubs

The Thang:

NUR up and down the hill 5 times

Joe Hendricks x 3

10 Calf Raises on each step-in hindsight not a good idea before going to the mtn’s biking for three days!

Merkins and pullups

Victory march-lunge lunge Bobby Hurley

Wall sits

Step ups and tridips

Finished with 2 minutes of AMRAP burpees. How many can you do? A brother from Lake Norman did 50 in the middle of a Goruck tough after completing a Goruck heavy!!!!!


Good Job Everyone!

Touchdown Beatdown

We started this weekend off right with a good ole beatdown. Sister act had a very impressive month of July with 37 post. Mad respect bud you have inspired a lot of men to really push the rock. BUT because of his push he has been a little mouthy lately. Therefore I made sure he had a weighted vest for warmup.




Slawter starter(20 burphees oyo)


Let’s mosey to the bottom parking lot.


The thang:

Touchdown beatdown

Start in the endzone and bear crawl to the 10 yard line for 10 CDD

Run to the 20 for 20 lunges

Run to the 30 for 30 merkins

Run to the 40 for 40 squats

Run to the 50 for 50 lbs

Run to the 40 for 40 squats

Run to the 30 for 30 merkins

Run to the 20 for 20 lunges

Run to the 10 for 10 CDD

Run back to the start and r&r for 45 mins.

After 45 mins of tdbd we fellowship mosey back to the parking lot. There we pledged and did 22 for the vets. We also my have cooled Sister Act down a little.



August Monthly Challenge of 20 Contra Burpees per day

The Forge – Wednesday’s @ 6:30pm (Green and Grit’s in Lowell)

August 6th @ 5:30am – Official Mt. Hollywood AO Launch (Mt. Holly Middle School – 124 S Hawthorne St, Mt Holly, NC 28120)

August 11th – F3 Gastonia M’s workout @ Folsom @ 8am

August 12th – Crossroads Convergence (Coconut Horse will be CLOSED)

August 25th – BRR/Bourbon Chase Relay CSAUP @ 4am….sign up here –

August 25th – 2nd F event at Sargento’s Casa (PAX and M’s ONLY)

Sept. 22nd – Stop Solider Suicide 5k/10k Speed For Need event in Belmont….sign up here – Discount Code: HAPPY

Sept. 22nd – JJ5K at Common Grounds in Stanley…sign up here –

Oct. 6th – Special Olympics Burpee-thon – More information to come

Prayer request we had some mentioned and some not mentioned

Way to push today men it was an honor as always to lead.


Com’in Back from Cali…

My family vacation this summer was a trip to the west coast, starting in LA and finishing in San Diego, checking out the left coast for a change of scenery. It was beautiful, well parts were at least. LA is a zoo and you can keep the traffic. Imagine Franklin Street during Christmas, 8 lanes wide all going at least 60 to 90 miles an hour. Then throw in a few Evil Knievals weaving in and out and splitting the lanes when they have to. I enjoyed seeing Mike Love’s current tour of the Beach Boys live, some good food, and a few other things, but it is good to be home. Where I thankfully checked the Q schedule as I was doing my month end Weasel Shaker duties to learn Turtle Man had me listed as Q of The Black Knight this morning. Actually it didn’t bother me – kind of got me excited to design a new workout.

I decided to use my sandbags and bricks for a portion so that required me to get up early. That wasn’t a problem as my body clock is all to heck at the moment. I woke up about 0200 for some reason and doubt I slept much until the alarm at 0500. Good news is I arrived early to the AO for a change; second one in the parking lot behind the freshly shaved Island. If he didn’t have the purple Hornets shirt on, I’d have thought we had an 20 year old FNG. Don’t worry, Island said “the beard” will return one day. Whoopee and Stone Cold declare they were going to run instead of attend my boot camp. I was a little hurt because Whoopee and I already traded barbs via twitter – not over our musical interest but over the workout. But he’s got the BRR upcoming that requires dedicated miles. Now – my man Gastone – he got up early for EC to log his miles and then posted for the extra pain. He had the sweaty knuckles to prove it. Others began to roll in and it was time to clock in. Veterans abound so only the brief disclaimer was stated: “modify as necessary.”


  • 4×4 (4 merkins, 4 mtn climbers) x 5
  • Butt Kickers IC x 10
  • Squat Jack Twits IC x 10
  • Burpees 5 OYO


Mosey via the gravel road to the first picnic shelter at Martha Rivers, careful to avoid the large dumpster truck. Upon arrival I explained Round 1: mini Insanity. The circuit had 4 exercises at 30 seconds each with no rest until after all had been completed. We did 3 rounds of AMRAP during each 30 set:

  • Knee crunches (rest back of calves on picnic bench)
  • Dips
  • Box Jumps
  • Decline Peter Parkers

This was a grueling set that immediately brought the sweat, except for Gastone – he was already moist. Odd word “moist:” but guys find it funny while women seem to hate it unless it is mentioned in baking – is it time to digress? On the knee crunches I reiterated to give yourself some headroom between the picnic benches and quickly referenced the fabled Michael Scott joke “that’s what she said…” It took a second before the chuckles occurred. It was dark and I think it was Pedal that nearly broke the table on one of the moves – he said he was fine. Gastone tried to bring the mumble chatter but he seemed to be the only one. A peanut gallery of one is tough; time to mosey to Phase II – along the upper track and through the back entrance to Riverwood we ran until reaching the entrance. We dropped for LBC’s for a period of time until the 6 arrived and all had done at least 30 seconds of crunches. Let’s get to the office building for 11’s. I’ve not done these in a while but recalled Island doing an entire workout of this exercise and it being tough. My version was to begin with 10 merkins on the south end, run to the opposite side near the wall for 1 flying squirrel. You know the drill from there. All the guys pushed hard through that one. Other than the huffs for breath, it was quiet.

The final Thang only required a fellowship mosey to the front of the old HT. I did this a Midoriyama a few weeks ago and it was a crowd pleaser. Learning from that lesson we divided into groups of 3. P1 would remain at the parking line and perform Moroccan Night Clubs with bricks in each hand. P2 would lunge walk to the next parking line with sand bags in each hand or over their shoulder. P3 was waiting while performing flutter kicks. P2 set the timer for the exchange meaning P1 and P3 had +/- a minute of the exercises. Most of the time MNC’s are docile but do them for a minute with resistance and the shoulders will burn. More time was needed as we only made it two rounds before a sprint was required back to the AO.

COT: The announcements have been posted in other BB’s so take  a look. Throw some school supplies in your car as Hush Puppy and Squirt are collecting for Least of These kids. We lifted prayers for the newest AO Mt. Hollywood, all the guys traveling, and all the thoughts in our hearts and minds.

Today was a grinder but one that everyone pushed through. We really could have used two more really strong men to make the teams of three work, oh that’s right, they were running. I’ll still count them since they did break a sweat during their 5 mile mosey. To the others, it was good to see TimeFrame back along with many of the regulars. Thanks to our fearless leader Turtle Man that put me as the Q. Even though he was spooning this morning and missed his ride to the workout, he made sure his PAX were taken care of – you’re welcome. Until the next one, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Welcome to Mt Hollywood!!!

Mt Hollywoood is a go!!  Thanks to all who came out for the initial post of Gastonia’s newest AO.  Now the work begins to expand PAX numbers on that side of Gaston County.  Broke, Pizza Man and I pulled a recon mission a couple of weeks ago, but was in the day light, may be a few times around the area as we learn what works and what doesn’t, but the start was terrific.


SSH 10x, Goofballs 10x, burpees 5 OYO.  Pledge

Mosey downtown which is a little further that you may think, at least the PAX thought so, simmer down boys.  Stop at parking lot on Main St of medical practice. I had the Q at the Yank Saturday, and called for a few contra burpees, such a crowd pleaser lets do a few more.  Q calls 11’s, curb squats and  contra burpees.  Lots mumble chatter on this, gotta love the noise.  Once those done, let’s mosey across the street to the funeral home, seems appropriate.  Go to the retaining wall behind funeral home for planks with feet on wall.  Feet between 12″ and 18″ off ground.  Started in a line with inside middle running to outside and then outside to inside.

Move to inchworm planks.  Feet on wall and start with hand below shoulders, inch hands out as far in front of you as possible.  Called for three sets.  These are super difficult, but can’t have feet too low or too high, that eases the pressure on the abs.

Mosey from there to the bottom of Broke calls First Baptist Hill.  Three tiered hill that we ran, stopping at each side road for 10 squats.  Head back to middle school.

Have  a few minutes left so we went to one edge of paking lot, lunge to second parking space line and two Bobby Hurley’s to the other end.  Circle up for some abs, Pizza Man called little baby flutter crunches, Tool Time called V ups, Q called American Hammer, all 25x.

Finished with 22 for the Vets.

Hard workout today, way to push the rock gentlemen!!

Announcements: M led workout at Folsom Aug 11, CSAUP and fellowship on Aug 25, school supplies turned in by Wednesday.

Prayer requests: Sly and military members, Breaker ask to continue prayers for Lynn Hamm, Freight M having medical procedure, Tesla son returning to college.

Honored to have the opportunity to lead today


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