Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2018 (Page 5 of 8)

Tesla McBadass in the Twilight Zone

So as YHC rode up from Lake Wylie to the Yank AO things went from bright and sunny to very foggy, misty and frankly a little dark about the time he hit Southpoint Road. Driving on up it looked – and felt like another world from where I had left. I fully expected to hear Rod Serling’s voice announcing that we had all gone interdimensional. Would we see Bigfoot maybe? An alien spacecraft? Hitler? Stalin? Santa Clause maybe? Oh well, too late to turn back now! the rest went something like this:

COP on the park pad:

SSH X 20

2  alligator burpees OYO

IW X 20

4 alligator burpees OYO

Copperhead squats X 20

6 alligator burpees

Mountain Climbers X 20

8 alligator burpees

LBCs X 20

10 alligator burpees

Mosey up to the field of dreams fro some BLIMPS!

Partner up, P1 runs the length of the field and back, P2 does the exercise until P1 returns. Flapjack!


Lunges (jump variety)

Imperial Walkers


Plank Jacks


After we get through this, mosey up to the corner of Knowledge.


Step ups


Three sets: 10 X 15 X 20

Take a quick 10 counts, then do the following:

Broad jump down to the center stairs. frog hop to the end.

Mosey back. Train time, 5 burpees

Back to the field of dreams for a crowd fave, Bear Crawl slalom!

BCS to the end.

at the end:

SSH X 20

Morrocan nightclubs X 20

2 sets.

Mosey to the center of the field, 20 CCDs

Mosey to the end of the field: 20 merkins

Another train set of burpees.

Mosey over to hearbreak hill where I was CERTAIN we would encounter Bear Bryant in the zone!

Triple nickle

Mountain climbers X 5 (bottom)

LBCTs X 5 (top)

Bear may not have shown up but we did this to do one thing – get tougher in the 4th quarter!

Finish up with a round of pax led Mary for 5 minutes.

Mosey up to The Yank and do the pledge.


It was humid, very soupy and very difficult conditions. Looked and felt like the Twilight Zone. No Bigfoot. No aliens, no dictators or Santa Clause. Just a sweaty ball of man and one young  FNG. Welcome Thorpe! Named by YHC for his muti sport acumen. Football, soccer, baseball and basketball. You sir, are the greatest  athlete in the park today! look up Jim Thorpe and you’ll see why.

Honor and pleasure to lead this group. Need to put together a clown car for Revolution soon.






I saw ShortSale at church Sunday morning and he mentioned Gastone was Q on Monday and possibly also Wednesday this week so I gave it some thought and by the end of the day I had wrestled the Q from Gastone-usually not a difficult task-he Qs enough so he is more than willing to give them up when asked. I started thinking and came up with the Weinke but then did a few Omahas (unbeknownst to the Pax) due to Q-fatigue, which for me today was 100% due to Saturday’s Q by SisterAct which is still causing some problems but I will just keep that to myself (sort of).

Gastone and I did a little EC and came in hot to find about 10 guys ready to get going. There were no FNGs so I gave a quick disclaimer and we started into it.

WU: SSH, Merkins, Plank stuff, 5 wolverine burpees (enough of those).

Thang: Mosey to AutoZone for 20 BB situps.

Mosey to old HT parking lot and meander to the far wall for some Hip Slappers X 10 then quick count off (12 of us) then another 12 Hip Slappers. Mosey to the school dodging traffic along the way and go to the breezeway thing. 4 pax were volunteered to remember a specific exercise and we did 1 min of the first 2 then rinse/repeated (Set Ups/Derkins). We then moved on the to second set (Sit Ups/Squats) which is when the WHEELS FELL OFF. Someone let some gas slip out (not me) and like a bunch of 3rd graders we all erupted in laughter and made a few comments that had us all on our back a little longer. I think we had to skip the second set of Sit Ups/Squats and moseyed around the back to do some stair work with a coupon we “borrowed” on the way. On the stairs we all walked up and down the steps with 20 squats at each end. While the pax were stair-walking, we took turns with the coupon on the stairs and did 20 Merkins when we got to the top or bottom. This took longer than I expected but achieved a desired burn with time for chatter. We moseyed back to start (Spiderman had enough gas in the tank to come blazing past me and come close to catching Gastone back at the start). We had just enough time for the Pledge and a quick cup of chocolate milk then COT. I closed us out with a prayer.

While at the fart-hall, I mean breezeway, I took a couple minutes to briefly discuss my recent trip to San Francisco and tour of Alcatraz. I picked up a book written by an ex-inmate named James Quillen. I am about 50 pages into it and he has not arrived at Alcatraz yet-he is giving background for how he ended up there-basically a really crummy home life which led him to make bad decisions. He took the blame for making the choices, however he also pointed out the situation he was in when he made those poor choices. He talked about how when he was younger, he knew what was right and wrong, but once he started down the wrong path, it was really hard to get back on track and the “easy way” was clearly the wrong way. At the time he did not have the insight and strength to do what needed to be done. Clearly, if he had something like F3, he would have had a better chance to end up somewhere other than Alcatraz.

Reading this book is helping me re-remember how lucky I have been to be surrounded by a loving family who encouraged me early on to make smart choices, ultimately leading me to where I am now-posting at a frozen icee place at dark-thirty in the morning surrounded by some great guys who can’t stop laughing at a fart. IT REALLY DOES NOT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS!!!!!

Hope you all had a great day and thanks for being there this morning and all the other mornings.


Say what?

Seven PAX decided to get the workweek off to a good start by rolling out of the fartsack and posting at the newest AO in Gaston County, Mt. Hollywood. Everyone was a regular so only a short disclaimer given before we go to work.


Quick warmup of Imperial Walkers, SSH’s and Morrocan Nightclubs all x10IC. Said the pledge and headed down Catawba Ave to the BB&T on the corner where we got started with The Thang:


Walls of Jericho – 7 reps of 7 exercises then a lap around the building and parking lot repeated 7 times. Exercises were  Hip Slappers, WWI’s, Squats, Derkins, American Hammers, Seal Jacks and Mike Tyson’s.


We took a few minutes to recover and discussed what we can learn from the bible story about the walls of Jericho and how they fell. The massive wall surrounding the city seemed to be indestructible and the strategy laid down by God probably seemed foolish to the people…. You want us to march silently around the city once a day for six days, and then, after seven circuits on the seventh day, shout and blow our horns? Say what??? But Joshua was obedient to the plan given to him by God and the people followed the instructions exactly as they were laid out for an easy victory. When we are obedient to God’s commands we will achieve victory, no matter how foolish his plan may seem to us, he will always deliver us when we are faithful. The problem we have is that we make life difficult by seeking to do what WE want and not what HE wants.


Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Mosey over to Central Ave and head back toward the start. Orangeman and Sister Act are starting to get restless due to the fact that we haven’t heard a train and YHC has yet to call any burpee’s. Gotta keep the PAX happy so we gathered up at the entrance to Rankin Elementary to practice the monthly challenge – Contra Burpee’s. Start with one at first light pole and add one at each pole all the way to the corner.


Short mosey over to the auditorium for the last part of the workout. Deep Sea Divers, Calf Raises and Dips on the steps.


Just enough time left for a couple of rounds of Mary which consisted of Corkscrews, Crab Cakes and Bobby Hurley’s.



3rd F at Grits and Greens in Lowell on Wednesdays at 6:30pm

CSAUP relay on August 25th – If you want to sign up you need to let Pizza Man know ASAP.

2nd F cookout at Sargento’s on August 25th (M’s only, no 2.0’s) – Let Sargento know if you are planning to attend.

Nomads heading to CSPAN convergence on August 18th – Freight is getting clown car together

Folsom 2.0 workout on August 18th

Tubing on August 18th – Contact Freight for details

JJ5k on September 22nd at Common Grounds in Stanley

Speed for Need – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/10k in Belmont September 22nd

Special Olympics Burpee-thon on October 6th


Prayer Requests and YHC took us out.


Strong work from everyone this morning. Sister Act continues to post all over the county, Dr. Seuss and Orangeman are two of the most steady, hard working guys in F3, Tiger is battling an injury but still posted and pushed through, Gilligan is back and pushing the rock and Gold Digger continues to do his energizer bunny impersonation. I appreciate the push and opportunity to lead this morning.








5 Core Principles of F3 Workouts

16 PAX showed up at Gashouse on Saturday morning.  9 did boot camp & 7 did painlab.  The bootcamp workout was as follows:

Warm Up
SSH IC x15
Moroccan Nightclubs IC x15
Imperial Walkers IC x15
Grass Pickers IC x15
Goofballs IC x10
What do the 3 F’s stand for in F3?
Fellowship (community)
Split up Bootcamp & Painlab

library parking lot

5 Core Principles of F3 workouts…#1 Free of Charge
Parking spaces uphill…bear crawl, american hammers, crab walk, LBCs)
pharmacy parking lot
5 Core Principles of F3 workouts…#2 Held Outdoors (rain or shine, hot or cold)
Alternate balls to wall & mountain climbers at pharmacy (10x IC)
first presbyterian church
Indian Run (in order of height) to First Presbyterian steps
5 Core Principles of F3 workouts…#3 Open to ALL Men
Define Sad Clown
A man with decelerating Fitness, Fellowship, and/or Faith
Sad Clown carry with a partner (think about Sad Clowns we need to invite or reinvite to F3)
Up the stairs – P1 shoulder, P2 above head
Down the stairs – P1 above head, P2 shoulder
5 Core Principles of F3 workouts…#4 Peer Led
11s at 1st Presbyterian Church (top-CDDs & bottom-Monkey Humpers)
grier middle school
5 Core Principles of F3 workouts…#5 End with a Circle of Trust
Joel Hendricks from parking lot to sidewalk then Bear Crawl to parking lot x3
Variation of the 2018 Iron Pax Challenge (week 1)
50 Squats
40 LBCs
30 Merkins
20 flutter kicks (counting 1 leg)
10 Burpees
200 meter run
plank for the 6

PREBLAST: F3 Gastonia SPEEDFORNEED Stop Soldier Suicide 10k/5k


F3 Gastonia, I was lucky enough to be involved with a recent SPEEDFORNEED event and now I’m hooked on being a part of the good work they are doing!!  Now it’s your opportunity to join us for an event right here within F3 Gastonia!  Join your brothers from F3 Gastonia and F3 Nation for our 2nd SPEEDFORNEED event of 2018.  If you’ve never heard of SPEEDFORNEED, watch this video from F3 Gastonia’s Community Foundation Event earlier in the year.  2018 – Speed For Need – Gastonia Community Foundation Run .  If you have any questions feel free to contact me.


  • RACE EVENT: Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/10k
  • DATE: September 22, 2018 @ 7:00am
  • WHO’S INVITED: F3 Nation PAX, their M’s and 2.0s (spectate & support or register to run)
  • REGISTRATION WEBSITE: Stop Soldier Suicide 10k/5k Tickets, Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 7:00 AM | Eventbrite
  • OTHER DETAILS: Use Discount Code : HAPPY
  • MEETING POINT:F3 Nation SPEEDFORNEED tent (look for the racing chairs!)
  • HOST F3 REGION: F3 Gastonia
  • DRIVERS:ToolTime, Defib, 2-TBD
    • Frank Polito (94) Army
    • Dwayne “Buzz” Benson (84) Air Force
    • Spencer Anderson (83) Army
    • Margaret Craven (95) Army

Mixing it up

10 brave souls posted in the Midoriyama heat for a not-so-typical Q from YHC. In attempt to keep the PAX guessing about the workout, YHC consulted the exicon for some exercises he hadn’t performed in a long time (or at all for that matter). YHC could tell his Q’s were getting predictable when half the guys started burpees a minute before the workout began. They said they were “getting a head start on things”. Whatever. Unbeknownst to them, my weinke had 0 burpees. Good work on the EC, boys. No FNG’s, quick disclaimer given, let’s get going.


  • SSH X 10



Like YHC stated earlier, he wanted to mix things up a bit, so we started with 11’s Route 66 style. Start at first light pole and all PAX perform 1 Flying Squirrel, 10 Little Gumby In The Woods. The Folsom deficient PAX immediately asked for a demo. They are known as Smurf Jacks on the exicon, but they were sorta renamed Little Gumby In The Woods after watching Gumby knock them out at Folsom. It’s a SSH performed while in the squat position. It’s funny to watch tall guys like Blart perform this one. Anyway, 10/1 at first pole, mosey to next pole 9/2 and so on until 1/10 achieved. Legs were smoking already.

YHC then led the men to the shady part of one of the soccer fields for the next exercise. If anyone ever posts with Def Leppard and Karaoke is called, he wails out the most God-Awful rendition of George Strait you’ve ever heard. Even Whoopee would be crying and begging for some Rush. YHC picked out another country singer inspired exercise called Tammy Wynettes. She was famous for her song “Stand by Your Man”. Grab a partner. While standing beside your partner, P1 does 10 Merkins, P2 does 10 Squats in sync with P1. Flapjack and perform 5 rounds for a total of 50 Merkins and 50 Squats per PAX.

Next, Mosey to the small soccer field for a little Run D.M.C. Run one lap around the field, then 20 Diamond Merkins. Run another lap, then 20 Merkins. Run one more lap, then 20 CDD’s.

Mosey back to the shady part of the large soccer field for the Gross. 12 reps of 12 different exercises. They were: Merkins, Squats, Big Boy Situps, Werkins, CDD’s, Plank Jacks, Military Merkins, Side Squats (Right), Side Squats (Left), and Flying Squirrels. Yes, YHC realized that’s only 11. Diamond Merkins were missed. Q fail. But then again, it IS Midoriyama.

PAX were then instructed to partner up with their earlier partner and perform 5 more rounds of Tammy Wynettes (which would be 100 Merkins and 100 Squats total for each PAX).

Running low on time, the Q pushed hard to get 11’s Route 66 style done with Flying Squirrels and CDD’s. A bunch of negative mumble chatter was directed towards YHC on this decision. Defib pushed YHC to the 4/7 mark with just 2 minutes to go. Omaha was called and we Moseyed back to the flag just in time.


  • CSAUP on 8/25
  • 2.0 Workout at Folsom on 8/18
  • Women’s workout at Folsom 08:00 led by Blart’s M and Pizza Man’s M on 8/18
  • Clown car to the Fort on 8/18 for the CSPAN convergence. He’s moving to Philadelphia.
  • BRR coming up
  • Bourbon Race coming up
  • Sign up for Christmastown 5K
  • Another F3 tubing event will be happening on the 8/18. Freight will have more details out soon.

Prayer Requests:

Sly in Afghanistan, Freight’s M having procedure performed, Oompa Loompa’s M’s cousin’s family upon her passing.

YHC took us out in prayer.


Def Leppard led a great “Cliff’s Notes” study on the apostle Paul at the Forge Wednesday night. One point that stuck with me is Paul urging Christians to be imitators of Christ. If you are a Christian, people are watching you to see if you “practice what you preach”. The very next day, I had a moment where I wasn’t acting as Christlike as I should be. As soon as the moment passed, Def Leppard’s words from the night before came to mind. Screwed up again. Thank the Sky Q above that he is more than willing to forgive us if we are truly sorry for whatever we said or did.

Great work by all the guys for pushing through the Midoriyama heat and getting it done. Thanks to you men for coming out and supporting me and allowing me to Q. It was awesome.

Until the next time,


Why don’t we get in shape together?

The PAX has been pushing the rock strong all summer while YHC has withered away and gotten soft because of his self induced study restriction. Well that stuff has thankfully passed for now so it’s time! Time to get back to prime F3 shape.

17 other courageous HIM’s made it out this morning expecting something. Maybe what YHC delivered was enough to satisfy them for another day.

A ragged disclaimer was given but it’s ok, everyone here is a veteran.

Warm Up:

Bobby Hurley’s x20 OYO (and you thought it would be Goofballs)

Nolan Ryan’s x20 IC each side

Long mosey around the block with some pauses for planks and such until we gather at the bridge.

Bear crawl the wooden part of the bridge then karaoke left to the other bridge. 5 burpees OYO.

Crab walk the flat bridge and feel the burn! Mosey back across then karaoke right to the other bridge and across.

Bear crawl the wooden part of the bridge again then skip, yes skip, to the other bridge. Not so easy after all, was it Sister Act?!?

Mosey down the incline to the parking lot for the Thang.

Partner up for Dora 123.

100 Merkins, 200 Squats & 300 LBCs. Partner 1 exercises while #2 runs to the other end of the parking lot. Feel the sweat!

By this time, the time was growing short so we started the longish mosey back to where we started. Dolph led some flutterkicks while we waited on the 6. Also something else after that but I forget.

Time! Great work men, it was a pleasure to be back and you’ll be seeing a lot more of me, at least until solitary study confinement takes me away again.



Prayer Requests: Lynn Hamm, Pastor Brunson in Turkey

Announcements: F3 Pack? this Saturday at 6:30, Wanderer’s expected baby!,

CSAUP on the 25th, Cookout on the 25th at Sargento’s ( please DM me whether you’ll be there or not),

Tubing on the 18th

Mt. Hollywood AO on Mondays


Add a little Bedazzler to your Day

Like Burpies, Monkey Humpers and sweat sandwiches?  Never had one, ask any of the 13 PAX that leapt out of bed this morning and started it more powerful, more accomplished, more better than if they hadn’t.  Awesome stuff, with a special welcome to FNG not so much, Bedazzler. And away we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WARM UP: Side Straddle Hops 20 IC, 10 Merkins IC SLOW, 10 Squats IC SLOW, 10 Monkey Humpers IC SLOW , 10 Dying Cockroaches IC SLOW, 10 Peter Parkers IC SLOW


Deep Sea Divers – 5 Steps

Let’s Mosey – 5 Burpies at the corner. > Mosey to the next corner – 5 Burpies at the corner. > Mosey to the next corner – 5
Burpies at the corner

At 2nd and South we head north. Lunges 10 per leg, 15 Monkey Humpers Repeat until we get to the light. 5 minutes later, RECOVER!

Mosey – 5 Burpies at the corner.

Mosey to the park across from Piedmont elementary:
20 LBCs, 15 Freddie Mercuries, 10 Crunchy Frogs

Run up Piedmont steps, hit 20 Flutterkicks run down, 15 Dips. REPEAT.

Let’s mosey

Mosey – 5 Burpies at the corner.

Mosey to the FUMC parking lot.
Burpie Broad Jumps – 10 Lines.
Partner up.
From one end of the parking lot, one partner sprints to the other end and mosey back. Other PAX is doing Mountain Climbers.
when they switch hit 10 Booyah Merkins.
2 Rounds

Quickly mosey back to the pavilion for announcements, COT, name-o-rama.


18 (1 FNG, Welcome Cool Hand Luke) and 2 MTB Riders came out on a hot Tuesday at Midoriyama for some Agility work.

Quick Disclaimer (no FNG at the time)


SSH x 10ic

MNC x 10ic

IW x 10ic

Couple of Stretches

Mosey to Field


The Thang:

Form Runs Across Field x 2

Butt Kicks

High Knees

High Skips




Cone Drills:

  • Shuttle
  • 3 Cone
  • W (Nur to cone sprint to next)
  • W shuffle
  • 90 Cuts

Merkins x 15ic

LBC x 15ic


Ladder Drills:

  • High Knees
  • Lateral High Knees (both directions)
  • Side to Side (both feet in each space)
  • Plank Hops w/ Knee Ups
  • Polymetric Merkins
  • Hand over Hand
  • Alternating Lunge Squat
  • Fast thru break 90 and sprint to cone

Back to Cones for shuttles and then a shuttle Relay

Mosey back to Flag


Thanks for letting me lead and have a little fun while doing it!

Mission Impossible

OK. That title was just click bait. My son just went to see the new MI movie, and that was the first catchy title that came to my mind. The mission was difficult, but 8 PAX posted at the The Pub to prove it was possible.

YHC showed up a few minutes before 0530 to find some PAX waiting. YHC also had to dodge Gastone and Madoff as they were getting in some EC. Good work men.

0530 hit and we took off for “The Pub Route”. Right on Hoffman from The Pub down Red Bud. Left on Pamela St. Left on Gardner Park Dr. Left on Armstrong Park Rd and back to The Pub.

YHC and Stone Cold returned to find Oompa Loompa. He was there so he gets credit for the full 5 miles. He could have run 8. He also could have saved some orphans from a burning building or saved a cat from a tree. Not sure exactly what work he got in , but the key was he beat the fartsack and posted.


CSAUP Run and 2nd F on 8/25
Christmastown 5k registration open

Prayer Requests
Nicky Bailey
Stroganoff dad’s test results
Gastone’s in-laws


Until next week…

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