Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2018 (Page 3 of 8)

River Dance

08/21/2018 On a warm breezy afternoon at Midoriyama YHC had promised to go where we haven’t been before so 10 strong HIM’s showed to find out. Slaw and Freight coming in hot and almost missed the …
5 burpees (stressed to watch the form on all exercises as there has been some less than perfect form going on lately)
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
Hillbillies x 15 IC
Mosey (asked the guys to mosey a touch faster today than our normal mosey) to the entrance and across the road to the entrance to the asphalt track/trail (squats waiting on the 6). 15 Merkins IC (watch that form, yes my butt was down).
Mosey down to the steps and then the steep hill leading down to the South Fork River (squats for the 6). There on the muddy banks of the river we did Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC, Seal Jacks x 15 IC, Toy Soldiers x 15 IC. Sprint back up the steep hill and do 2 calf raises per step to the top. Rinse and repeat to the delight of everyone.
Mosey back to the track/trail entrance for LBC’s x 15 IC (squats for the 6).
Mosey back across the road to the lower picnic shelter near the lake. Dips x 15 IC.
Mosey up the hill to the larger picnic shelter (squats for the 6). Flutters x 15 IC, Derkins x 15 IC, Step Ups x 15 IC, Dips x 15 IC, Box Cutters x 15 IC.
Mosey through the woods back to the road. Get a count.
Mosey to the playground for a 6 Pack. 5 pullups, 1 CDDs, 4 pullups, 2 CDDs, 3 pullups, 3 CDDs, 2 pullups, 4 CDDs, 1 pullup, 5 CDDs. Whew!
Mosey to the far Turd Shack near the soccer fields. Wall Sit for a while with some Hallelujahs (single count and IC by request). The plan was 15 Hip Slappers but YHC was tired so I was going to change it to 5. This was when the mumblechatter, which I had largely ignored up until this point, became rather loud and had to be addressed. Hip Slappers IC until I say stop. I had Blart (the reigning F3 Hip Slapper champion) by my side for motivation so we start. 5, 10, 12, 15 (gotta stop soon) 17, 20 and stop! Not everybody completed the full reps! You know who you are!
Mosey back to the flag. Nameorama. I repeated the story Moses told us at Forge last Wednesday about when Gaston County was getting 911 service and it was being advertised. Moses worked in the jail and there was a street preacher that would preach and sing at the jail that told Moses all they needed was 333. Moses asked what that was and he said Jeremiah 33:3 says “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee
great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” Who are you going to call on when you need something?
Announcements: Forge on Wednesdays at 6:30 at Grits N Greens in Lowell. Huckleberry speaking this week on Joshua. Our local CSAUP this Saturday morning at 4 am (yeah that’s right) at the courthouse in Dallas as we run our region. 2nd F at Sargentos this Saturday after 5 (there may be a toilet paper problem, not sure). New AO in Mount Holly at the Middle School on Mondays at 5:30 am. SFN race on September 22nd in Belmont. JJ5k race the same day in Stanley.
Prayer Requests: Gumby’s father in Law, Mayor’s family in the loss of his uncle, Oompa dropping his 2.0 off at Clemson, Broke dropping his 2.0 off at UNC and others lifted up. Kids and teachers going back to school.
* It is always great to lead such a fine group. We got in 2 quick and hilly miles and lots of reps. Wojo’s back was acting up on him so we hope he is better soon. There was a discussion of Defib’s lovely smelling choice of laundry detergent. Slaw tried to EH a guy as we were going down the big hill to the river but either Slaw or the hill scared him off. According to Sister Act, Slaw scares off a lot of the new guys by being “overly” friendly. Swimmer, who is the King of F3 Gastonia Mountain Biking, has also become a runner as he passed me several times today after riding 3 miles before the workout. Great to see Lil Sweet back out pushing the rock. Freight’s hair never moved. Nice work by all!


I missed my scheduled Q a few weeks ago and today was my redemption Q-sorry for the mistake-it was all my fault and BreakerBreaker was kind enough to let me back in for a Redemption Q. It was very clear that the Pax would be expecting something worth getting out of the fartsack….I believe the work BreakerBreaker used was “epic.” While in my mind I often, scratch that, SOMETIMES think I have done something epic, I do realize that this is a relative term and my opinion of myself and my so-called accomplishments are not often described as “epic.” My kids are  essentially teenagers and the mystique of “dad” has turned into some old guy with stupid jokes that (I often find) I am the only one laughing at while my wife just shakes her head and my kids roll their eyes and try to ignore me……………where was I? Oh yeah, the backblast, the EPIC workout backblast that is.

I rolled in and quickly realized there was going to be a crowd-this is GREAT!!!!!-I remember posting at the STORM a while back in the rain and there were only 4 of us-one of the best workouts ever believe it or not. At that time I still wondered if this AO would be around for long. Great work out here by the veterans-you know who you are and so do the others so no need to call out names.

We started at 0530-I gave a quick rundown of the fact that I have been accused of ALLEGEDLY listening to bad music and having quick/nonexistent warmups. I thought I could combine these 2 rumors into a nice…..long……warmup. I cranked up my semi-waterproof speaker (my gift from the hospital after 10 years of service??!!!) with some Johnny Cash: It Ain’t Me, Babe. We would do SSH until hearing the word “Babe” at which time we would drop into a burpee then resume the SSH. This lasted for about 2 stanzas and even I couldn’t handle it after that. Where are Stroganoff and Shortsale when I need to torture someone with my music-I really do think if either or especially both of them were there, I could have played that song at least once completely, possibly twice. There were a few comments (I think) but I couldn’t hear them over the most excellent music. I saw a few pax stop doing SSH and I am not sure if it was a cue to cut the music or that they were just in awe of the epic music….we will never know.

Enough of that, mosey to the wall for (you asked for it Monk), some hip-slapper type of stuff. Get on the wall for some Crazy Indian Run thing-not in the F3 official exercises-it’s a Whoopee original. All pax on the wall in BTTW position, first guy drops down and moseys to the other end of the line and gets back into BTTW. As he gets past the guy next to him, that next pax drops down and runs to the end of the line and back into BTTW. We repeated this for all 21 pax to perform this twice-that was a good starter. We made it across most of the front of the school. We quickly moseyed to the back of the school near the loading dock for some partner work. P1 does exercise, P2 runs to loading dock, jumps up on it, runs back to P1 and swaps. This was a bit of a Q fail but the pax did not complain much. We finished this then moseyed around to the small Eye of the Storm at the bottom of the hill-we did some moseying and lunging but all got in place around the circle for a quick review of the 5 rules of F3 and some “Whoopee Says.” Basically one pax yells out an exercise, all other pax perform this exercise while first pax runs around the circle. At some point, Whoopee yells next. The timing of this is mainly due to how much I want to do your exercise and how much I like you, and possibly how hard your exercise is to me. We did a lot of things including burpees X 3 or 4 times, flutter kicks, merkins, sandy v’s, protractor, squats, Bobby Hurleys, dying cockroaches, MNCs, diamond merkin (I did 1 DM then called for next person) and maybe a few others that I cannot remember.

We then moseyed up the hill to the larger Eye of the Storm. Sargento carried the speaker while I played some “Cliffhanger” yodeling from the old Price is Right with Bob Barker more than once. Once we got to the top I talked quickly about the Alcatraz book I am reading-a repeat discussion but not sure anyone today was present for previous talk. Basically it was about how F3 has the potential to keep us on the right path and lack of F3-type of stuff allows us to wander off the path with a really hard time to get back on the path-that type of inertia is hard to correct.

Enough of that, I had a couple things in mind so I gave the pax an option: A or B? Cannot remember what was picked, didn’t matter-both options were 25 Mountain Climbers. After we finished, I again asked the pax: Option A or B? Again, does not matter, run down the hill in front of the school and plank for the 6. Again, Option A or B? At this point, Sister Act accuses me of some type of duplicitous behavior. Me???? I was in no way being deceitful. There were 2 options: A or B. Just because they both had the same answer was irrelevant at the time. We then did 25 more Mountain Climbers and moseyed back up the hill where we came from. I think we did some more Mountain Climbers at the top then moseyed back to the bottom. There was a quick headcount on how many pax made it to C-SPAN’s send-off. There were 3 so we moseyed back to start with (initially) 3 burpees per speed bump. There were a few derogatory remarks by some cheesy guy that will go un-named that rhymes with Fart-gen-toe….so we changed to 4 burpees at each speed bump. I had to defend my (little that I have) honor. In retrospect, I wish I had picked a larger number (like maybe 237) but I am sure I would have regretted that. We got back to start with time for a few rounds of Mary then the Pledge.

COT: HIPAA gave us a quick run down of all the events (see recent newsletter) and a warning of upcoming pre-blast type of thing for the Burpeethon on October 6 (I think). If you are able, get to one or more of the upcoming events and remember, even if you cannot be there, you can financially support. Like in the movie Grease, if you cannot be an athlete, you can be an athletic supporter (prime example of a “dad joke” around our house.)

I closed us out with quick prayer then we all took off.

Thanks again for the “redemption” Q opportunity. It is great to see so many pax out here. Kudos to those pax who have stuck out the thinner times and kept this AO going. Also, I would encourage those pax who have not been routinely posting out here to make the short trip and post. This and Goat Island are great AOs with a lot of good stuff for our type of workout. I will say the acoustics at the STORM could be little better. Johnny Cash was not getting me going like it usually does.

Keep up the great work.


Burpees for breakfast!

I was fortunate enough to lead the group of pax for a Monday morning beatdown.  After a restful Sunday YHC was ready to get some.  All 12 pax arrived on time and no FNGs so quick disclaimer and then pledge…


Warmup – NOT – Started with a fast paced mosey down the street to first intersection.  Surprisingly there was very little waiting on any six – This group came to play.  Stop –  10 LBCs .  Run some more – Stop – 10 Merkins, run some more to “Gastone’s Hill”  Up we go stopping at each light with 5 Merkins.  At the top gather up and Indian run to Robinson elementary for some big boy setups then to parking lot for some 11’s.  I had not really written anything down so I asked for volunteers to call out exercises – Island called Mountain climbers on one side and Squirt called ….Hip Slappers – well that wouldn’t work so Gastone pipped up with Burpees (uh oh ) So 11s were completed with very little mumble chatter.  Then cross parking lot with lunges and burpee long jumps x2 (planned on three but had to omaha )  Moseyed back to Food Lion to shopping cart return to hold dip position for 10 count x 4 ( a real crowd pleaser – hey at least we weren’t running).  Finally Mosey to old Harris Teeter for some wall work – I didn’t forget you Squirt!- hip slappers ! and wall sits.  Finally moseyed to short wall for dips IC before arriving back at snoballs.  All in all it was a real ball buster workout with very little rest between sets and this group knocked it out.  Its a real testament to F3 to see everyone pushing and improving so much.


Prayers for Gastone’s family dealing with the ravages of Alzheimers


As always it was my honor to lead – Until next time – Defib OUT

Carry Each Others Burdens, or just each other

Technically my first Q was a CoQ with Montross.  So I’ll call this my first Solo Q.


10 – Moroccan Night Clubs IC

15 – Windmills IC

10 – Imperial walkers IC

10 Burpees OYO (this is where Sparky shows up and comments, “I should have waited another minute”)



Mosey down the the lower lot for 4 corners.  We partnered up for this and each pair started in a different corner.  Purpose of the partners was simply to push each other and create healthy Mumble Chatter with you partner, which was intentional for the spiritual tie in to the workout.

C1 – 40 LBC, nur to C2

C2 – 30 Bobby Hurleys, karaoke to C3

C3 – 20 Freddie Mercurys, lunge walk to c4

C4 – 10 Burpees, karakoe to C1

We did a few rounds of this before regrouping for a Mosey up to the tennis courts.

At the tennis we stayed with our partners for a variation on an exercise Medicine Woman called last week.  P1 carried P2 piggie back to the 1st light pole then they switched for way back, meanwhile all other HIM’s did an exercise of that pairs choosing.  We almost completed three rounds of this before 6:15.

Exercises called included:

Side Straddle Hops, LBC’s, Hip Slappers, Burpees, Squats, Balls to the Wall, Alternating Shoulder Taps, Big Boys, and more Burpees


Back to the Parking Lot for CoT where I challenged the PAX with Galatians 6:2 which tells us to carry each others burdens, just like we carried each other.  All HIM’s present were encourage to specifically contact their partner for the workout sometime in the week to do just that in praying for each other.

Prayer Requests – Students and Teachers with school around the corner, each other, Gumby’s Father-in-Law

Closed out in Prayer.

In closing, I’m really enjoying F3 both for the workout and the brotherhood it helps create.  I’m honored to be a part of it and to get to Q this morning

Pastor Clever

2.0 day

21 at Folsom for the monthly 2.0 day.  We clocked in at exactly 07:00.

Warmups: 2.0s decided

Madden led 20 moraccan nightclubs IC

Excitebike decided we’d do a slawter starter

DMC picked 20 LBCs IC

Let’s mosey to the far small parking lot.

Route 66: Lunges and Squats

11s.  CDDs and Merkins.  Parents carrying their 2.0s in between.

Gumby takes over and a mosey to the parking lot by the ballfields happens.

Four corner escalator. Corner 1: merkins. Corner 2: star jacks.  Corner 3: LBCs.  Corner 4: flutter kicks.  We then de-escalated.

Grabbed a frisbee.  Throw the frisbee and where it landed do exercises.  Exercises were burpees, merkins, LBCs and Squats.

Mosey back to the launching point for COT and BOM.

Sparky closed us in prayer.

Mt. Holly gets its first bear Crawl Slalom!

As the HIMs rolled in from various points throughout the Gaston region YHC was carefully scoping out the new AO for its suitability for various forms of punishment. As YHC tends to be bale to do a lot with a little this was a VERY useful time investment! The results were as follows:



SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead squats X 20

Mountain climbers X 20

LBCs X 20

Burpee repeates between each exercise  2X4X6X10

Mosey down to the field for homage to the great Doctor Kevorkian and some partner assisted suicides.

Grab a partner and here we go.

Round 1:

P1 runs half the field drops and does 10 merkins. At the end does 20 merkins. Mosey back to P2.

P2 does merkins the whole time. Flapjack.

Round 2

Jump Squats X 10 X20 P1

Jump squats P2


Round 3

Hand release merkins X 5 X10 P1

Hand release merkins P2 Flapjack

Round 4

LBCs X10 X20 P1

LBCs P2. Flapjack

Triple nickel on the school hill.

Bottom: merkins X 5

Top: Dips X 5

Repeat 5 times.

Time for Bear Crawl slalom:

Round 1: Bear crawls

Round 2: Agility run.

2 sets at the end:

SSH X 10

Merkins X 10

Four corners time!

Mosey to corner 1 : 10 SSH

Mosey to corner 2 : 10 SSH, 10 merkins

Mosey to corner 3: 10 SSH, 10 merkins, 10 squats

Mosey to corner 4: 10 SSH, 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 lBCTs

Time for COT:


Great work by the pax today. Mt. Hollywood claims its first FNG, welcome CDL! Named for his recruiting efforts in the transportation industry. Great to have you onboard! YHC, Tiger and Virus EHed him in Belmont at Bicycles and Beer Friday afternoon. It worked!

Put Mt. Hollywood on your rotation. There is more where this came from! We are here in the gloom for YOU!



Back To School

Typing Backblast Sunday night at 9:45, coverage in detail but just the facts this time, sorry.

Nice attendance given CSpans farewell tour attracted 1/2 of F3 Nation, deservingly so.  Wish him the best.

Disclaimer, go……

Warm Up: 

Sargento’s (Goofballs) – Many in cadence

Merkins – 10 in cadence

Squats – 15-20 in cadence (always get my counts confused)

LBCs – Many in cadence

Pledge, split up about 1/2 evenly.

The Thang:

Library, bottom parking lot, Eleven’s.  Time to check out some books, get ready for school.  Library card on hand, not expired, ready to go.  One merkin at the bottom and 10 Homer/Marge at the Door.  Increase on the merkin, decrease on the Homer/Marge.  Moses and I pretty sure we were keeping good count, Stroganoff and JJ going for extra credit.  Pretty sure they finished with Twelve’s but we were good with our Eleven’s.  Soon to be RPO keeping good form with all of us.

Walk to the island, mosey up the hill to the Book Return.  Time to take all our check outs back.  Split the Pax, one set does squats while the other’s run around book return lane.  My time to run, going strong with FNG who is soon to be known as Ready Player One (RPO) when we see Hushpuppy and crew littering the sidewalk with planks and monkey humpers.  Let’s join some fun, line up across from each other with nothing but 100 feet of road splitting the two factions.  I thought I was a genius until Pup leans into this low crawl plank hold for roughly 32 to 33 1/2 minutes.  I’m not so sure he wasn’t laying down, maybe even fell asleep.  Puppy either woke up or decided it was time to alleviate all from their pain and moved on to Monkey Humpers.  As soon as he relinquished on the humpers I bolted my group out of there, figure I better leave them some fuel in the tank, maybe my tank.  Moseyed back to the book return, finished out runs of Homer/Marge and CDD’s.  Maybe another, who knows.

Mosey to the sidewalk to engage in a round of Absolutions and Mike Tysons.  Nearly questioning my Weinke at this point but the pain seemed to be well received.  Plenty of mumble chatter and Pax seemed happy.  Wait, where the Hell is Stroganoff?  And, was he even here for Absolutions?  What about Mike Tysons?  Did he even participate in Eleven’s?  Yes, recollection deems he did so, but we lost him somewhere in the Book Return transition and mosey to Absolution.

Okay, we move on without Strogie, mosey up the back side of Dr. Macomson’s office, notice a real cute set of picnic tables under the shade and realize it is not break time yet.  Back side of FPC, squat 1/2 the length of parking lot, mosey out.  Rinse and repeat, actually felt really good on the legs.  Bunny Hop 1/4 way in, mosey out the distance.  Rinse and repeat.

F3 Iron Pax Challenge – Cut in half due to time and 200 meter run was back to the Schiele.

25 Squats

20 BB Sit ups

30 merkins (did full on that one)

Skipped Bonnie Blairs

5 Burpees (I think)

Literally two minutes until 8:00 and we are still at the church, all Pax arrive at Schiele to raised Puppy arms wondering where we’ve been as the bells chime relieving me of my powers as Q.


Big welcome to two FNG’s, Ready Player One (RPO) and Personal Flotation Device (PFD).

50 Mile Relay around Gastonia to Hit all AO’s next weekend, 4:00 a.m. Dallas Courthouse

Linus will Q Gashouse to allow any Pax to attend relay, Timeframe (hopefully) for Labor Day Q

Women’s workout starting in Dallas, 8:00 a.m.  FIA wanting HC from 20, 10 attended last week

2nd F at Sargento’s next weekend

Prayer Requests:

Kid’s back to school in the coming weeks

Pedal:  M has stress fracture in ankle

Honored to serve



Some Summer Fun

It’s been a hot summer and workouts at the end of the day can be rough in this heat. I know I’m always wondering what kind of beatdown the Q has for the day and wondering how I’m going to make it through it. So today would be a good day to have some fun.

Quick disclaimer and a few side straddle hops to start it out, then off for a mosey toward the soccer field.

We stopped at each light pole along the way ( since this seems to be what we do now) for some “Core Time”

1st Pole. Ash Pond called out American Hammers of course.

2nd Pole. My favorites the X-man Crunch.

3rd Pole. Freight with some Little baby flutter crunches.

4th Pole. Some squats to warm up the legs.

Get to the soccer field and tried to put some fear in the guys eyes by calling out 22’s instead of 11’s. I don’t believe anyone was scared so on to the reason we are there. ULTIMATE FRISBEE TIME!

Split into teams and played our hearts out!

Back to the flag for some Veteran 22’s, the pledge, and Leopard taking us out. Hope all had as much fun as I did!


12 HIMs posted Downtown Friday for a fun run with a few exercises. The day before at The Pub, Whoopie treated us to a tirade against running, so I had hoped that he would post for more of the same. But ah, alas … on call!

Warm-up was high knees, of course, with occasional burpees, then merkins, and LBCs, then a run around a few blocks to get to the parking deck.

I decided to try something different with the first part of the beatdown. Not a complete bust, but not a complete success either. Think four corners with the corners at the top and bottom of the two stairwells in the parking lot. The exercise consisted of lunging across the deck and running up and down the stairs, performing exercises at each corner. The rest of it is too complicated to describe, and I’ll never do it again, so we’re movin’on.

Then DORA 123 with the runner going up & down the stairs, followed by a sprint to the top, then a sprint back to the bottom of the deck and back around a few more blocks of downtown Gastonia to start. A minute of Monkey Humpers brought us to 0615.

Announcements: Tubing Saturday, CSPAN send-off, women’s workout in Dallas, Roscoe w/ Q downtown next week; CSAUP probably closed but you can still run; Sargento’s gathering next saturday

Prayers: Hacksaw, Gastone’s in-laws, Pedal’s wife stress-fracture.


Cramerton in the summer gloom

So the humidity and soup of the summer of ’18 continues unabated as we find ourselves in the middle of Dog Days. Just ask my lab Deke all about it! So as we gathered at The Yank and YHC took the lead it was another Holiday in Cambodia. Went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead squats X 20

Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey to the backside and up the steps to the basketball courts.

Round 1:

Bear Crawl to from the baseline:

Stop 1 – Three point stripe, spider man merkins X 5

Stop2 – Centercourt, SPM X 5

Stop 3 – Three point stripe, SPM X 5

Stop 4 – baseline, SPM X 5

Lunge walk back

Round 2

Crabwalk to stops 1-4

Stop 1 – same as 1, 5 LBCTs each side

Stops 2 -4 , 5 LBCTs

Lunge walk back

Round 3

Broad jump to Stops 1-4

Each stop – CCDs X 5

Mosey back to the square down to the gazebo for a little something extra!

10 pull ups

10 Big Boy situps

10 plank jacks

Run to the top of the hill and repeat three more times.

Mosey over to the bridge for triple nickel

5 merkins

run the bridge

5 jump squats

Done and pledge!


Excellent push by the pax today. Another hot, humid morning. Just think about that when its January and 15 degrees guys! But everybody pushed it hard today and that was what it was all about! Great day to lead and be out there. We all got better.

Look forward to next time!


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