Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Billy Madison’s Farewell at Midoriyama

  • Post Type:
  • When:
  • AO:
  • QIC: Billy Madison
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Billy Madison, Lil Beast, Mayor, Edison, Sparrow, Freight, Blart, Sister Act, Huckleberry, Tiger, Pizza Man, Def Leppard, Slaw, Oompa Loompa, Canteen, Shocker, Dr. Seuss, Tyson.

Billy Madison had to get out of town without a backblast, so I will write one for him. Sorry if I missed anyone’s name who was there. I don’t remember a lot about the workout. It was very hot. We ran back and forth across a soccer field and did exercises. We played dodgeball. It was fun. Billy Madison is always fun.

Billy Madison and his family came here from Missouri. He showed up at F3 Gastonia workouts quietly at first and then joined right in as one of the guys. He shared his story about how his M was going through a devastating diagnosis. She miraculously survived this and it really changed how they viewed their life. They home schooled their 2 children for a year and just travelled around the country, seeing sights they may have never seen. They eventually settled in Gastonia and he said he was looking for some guys to connect with. F3 is his group of guys and he is our friend. Billy Madison always had fun and always brought a smile. I remember seeing Billy on the side of the road in the Palmetto 200, laying on a towel with a freshly cut Mohawk and an American Flag tank top reading a book. Billy Madison is always fun. Billy liked to sprint to the front of the Pax as long as he could and push the pace. We wish him the best in Florida and some F3 guys down there have already reached out to him so that is great. When I think of Billy Madison I will think of the truth he told us that life can be short so enjoy it and cherish it while you can!

1 Comment

  1. Billy Madison

    Thanks for the BB assist Def Leopard! Sorry for the delay – we literally moved for 2 straight days after I finished the Q and I was without internet (or home) until this week. Sidenote: back to back Qs after a month off workouts was a VERY BAD idea before moving. My M (Veronica Vaughn) laughed a lot when my legs were so shaky while carrying furniture. I cried.

    I’ll add this to the BB: Missing from your roster were Slaw, Oompa Loompa, Canteen, Shocker, Dr. Seus and Tyson (Roadie and Whoopee were NOT in attendance).

    Workout Details can be found best by watching the movie Billy Madison which I attempted to recreate. Or just read my backblast I’ll post next for Snow Balls the next morning. (“Penguin walks”, O’Doyle-Rules-inspired “bananas”, spelling bee “C-O-U-C-H”, academic decathlon and of course, you remembered the dodgeball)!

    Love you HIMS! As Iron sharpens iron, so too, have you all sharpened me….

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