Fitness, Fellowship, Faith


  • Post Type:
  • When: 04/19/2018
  • AO:
  • QIC: Broke
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Def Leppard (Respect), Wojo, Wheezy, Pink Panther (FNG), Swimmer, Lil Sweet, Slaw, Tool Time, Freight, Pockets, Oompa Loompa (Respect), Arial, Wrong Turn, Blart

15 PAX total for an afternoon beatdown at Midoriyama. FNG was present, so after a short disclaimer we got after it.



SSH, Hillbillies and Don Q’s all x 10IC

Knock out the Pledge and off for a short mosey to the small soccer field


The Thang:

Partner up and let’s do some BOMBS. While one partner runs across the soccer field and NUR’s back the other partner performs the following until the total cumulative reps are reached:


Burpee’s x 50

Overhead claps x 100

Merkins x 150

Big Boy sit ups x 200

Squats x 250


Time for a short mosey over to the big hill at the dog park for some ab and leg work.


Hill Sprint Countdown – start at the bottom of the hill and perform a set of LBC’s, American Hammers and Flutter kicks x 10 OYO then sprint to the top of the hill and back. Repeat sequence counting down by two’s (8..6..4, etc.) until we get to zero.


Time’s almost up so let’s head back to the flag with a quick stop on the way for 20 Mike Tyson’s IC called by Blart.




Announcements – Virtual run at Rankin Lake Saturday for Operation Sweet Tooth, see Pizza Man. Global 6k for Water May 19th, see Broke.


Prayer Request – Huckleberry, PAX who haven’t posted in a while.


Moleskin – Welcome to FNG Michael Sumner – Pink Panther, strong work on your first post. All PAX were pushing hard today and it’s a pleasure to be a part of such a strong group of HIM’s. All kind’s of EC going on before the workout; Blart and Pockets running, Wojo and Swimmer on the bikes, everyone pushing to get better.


Reach out to someone in this group  if there’s anything you need or are struggling with something. Life is tough enough as it is, you don’t have to go at it alone. On the flip side, if a brother reaches out to you, be there for him.


Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor; If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”


YHC took us out in prayer. As always, it is an honor.




1 Comment

  1. Michel Sumner

    Enjoyed it folks! Thank you for the hospitality and this strawberry on my coxic! Not exactly sure how that happened, and don’t remember much after the relay of pain…however somehow I’m sure I’ll see you guys again soon.
    -Pink Panther

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