Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Forty Days of Discipline Pre-Blast

  • Post Type:
  • When: 01/20/2018
  • AO:
  • QIC: Roscoe
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Roscoe, Medicine Woman, Pizza Man, Monk, Roadie, QUICHE', Mayor, Breaker Breaker, Huckleberry, Oompa Loompa (respect), and more to HC after they see this.

The best way to develop habits is to have the discipline and willpower to follow through with your plans.  I struggle to be disciplined in all things and so I am looking to have a little added accountability from my F3 brothers in an effort to be a little more intentional about health and wellness.  Here is what you can help me with and if you are interested please join me!  This 40 day challenge begins on January 20th and ends on February 28th.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:  Workout a minimum of 5x per week from Jan 20 through Feb 28.  Don’t eat sweets, soft drinks, or junk food.  Four cheat meals.  You can earn more.  Don’t drink alcohol or if you do, limit it to one or two drinks.  Hold yourself accountable by tracking your efforts your efforts.

What is required?


You must work out a minimum of 5 times per week (at least 27 workouts in 40 days) using the #F3 250 model.  Any workout that is a minimum of 30 minutes counts.  This could include running, cycling, rucking, any F3 workout or workout you put together at home.  “Two a day” workouts count.  Example, you complete an F3 bootcamp in the morning and a minimum 30 minute jog in the afternoon=2 workouts.

Diet:      No gluten.  (Just kidding.  If we did this our COT would last all morning because everyone would have to talk about it.)

No Mountain Dew (T-Square), other soft drinks, desserts, sweets, potato chips, junk food, fast food, etc.  You know what your food vices are so stay away from them.  Fast food is allowed if it is salad or chili or eat the grilled chicken without the bun.  No fried foods.

Protein shake within 30 minutes of ending the workout.  This is the only expense. Get some protein powder and a shaker bottle and make it a habit.   Drink more water.  Google what “eating clean” means and stick to it.

You are allowed four cheat meals during this challenge and because this challenge falls during my birthday month I will be eating pizza and ice cream at least once.  Cheat meals must be named and claimed so if you “accidentally” find yourself having that chocolate covered brownies on a day you didn’t plan to cheat, then that is one of your cheat meals.  Tough stuff.  There is no try…only do.

If you work out more than 5 times per week, you can claim an extra cheat meal.  An example is a couple of slices of pizza but don’t blow it on a whole pizza.  Even though you will be getting the workouts in you can’t out work a bad diet.

Alcohol:  I am no nutritionist but have seen enough articles about red wine being good for the heart and beer being a good recovery drink.  However, you are an adult and I am not recommending anything here.  Moderation and limit yourself to one day a week if you have to have it.

You must keep a daily journal of both your workouts and cheat meals. The journal is for your eyes only.  (I use the “notes” on my Iphone since I always have it with me.  I tracked all my workouts on my phone in 2017.  It is helpful to look back and see what you did and when.  It is also helpful to make notes about any injuries or other worthy things to note.  You can also see where you failed to work out and why.  It is a good habit.

I will be sending some tips along the way like healthy snacks in between meals and some “garage” workouts that don’t require weights and welcome anyone else to do the same.  I have heard from some of you on Slack that you are doing this with me and I appreciate it!  Start now getting your mind right and try to push yourself to do a little extra leading up to this challenge.  Good habits are hard to break!

1 Comment

  1. Gastone

    HC for Gastone. Thanks for the Challenge Roscoe it is right on time.

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