Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2017 (Page 4 of 5)

Something Old But New

It was a beautiful fall Friday morning for a beat down.  YHC was still feeling a bit sore from Whoopie’s Wednesday hellevens or whatever they were called.  So I had a few options in mind.  YHC noticed Stone Cold showed without his weight vest, so I figured a few others may still be recovering.

It’s been a while since YHC has Q’d at the downtown AO.  The PAX was 16 strong so I called an audible real time and decided to revisit the old to sludge through the gloom.  From memory, we started with standard disclosures and the PLEDGE.

Warm up: SSH x 40 IC, LBC x 20 IC, 10 merkins IC, 10 burpees OC

The THANG:  mosey to the memorial bridge, bear cross over, mosey down to court house for dips x 15 IC, incline merkins x 15 IC, crab kicks x 15IC.  Sort of like a leg lift.  Rinse and repeat.   Heard some mumble chatter about the crab kicks being like the Rockets.   A big fail, want try those again.

Mosey to end of parking lot, 10 burpees and then mosey across the street behind the police station.  Up first,  20 own your on WWI sit ups, run up stairs, do 10 merkins and back down the stairs, rinse and repeat x 5.  At some point, heard the 550 am inbound train, paused and completed the mandatory 5 burpees.  Did that a few times.  Assumed the plank position while the six caught up.

Immediately meandered to the hill with the ramp.  All the pax jumped on the rails, while one bear crawled up the hill, while everyone else was moving down the rail requiring constant motion and completed two passes.  If there is  name for this exercise, please let YHC know.  It burns the shoulders real quick.

Quick mosey across the street for some partner Dora.  At this point, oxygen was depleted and think it was 100 squats, 200 merkins and 300 LBC’s while one partner ran to bottom of hill and back.  YHC noticed that time was running short and Omaha’d to 200 merkins and then 200 LBC’s.  Plank position till all completed and then mosey back towards pavilion.  Back at the bridge where we started, bear crawls back over and the a jail break to the pavilion.  Wanting to ensure that everyone got their money’s worth, asked Gastone to lead us in flutter kicks, which may of gotten to a 40 count.

Announcements and Prayer Requests.


Great effort by the Pax.  To see guys continuing to push and dig deep inspires me.  It’s amazing what your body can do when determined and motivated.  Mind over matter prevails every time.  It’s a privilege to Q and I always learn something new.  A wienke is great for keeping you organized during a Q  with the added benefit of being on target when posting about it.  Amazing how limited my recall is from working out before the rosters are up.  Keep up the great work men.

Till next time

Turtle Man


Return of the Mac (n’ cheese)

It was a beautiful morning for a beatdown, at least as far as YHC could tell in the gloom. Eight strong men showed for the event and YHC hoped not to splash merlot due to his lack of posting of late. This is what I remember.

Pledge of Allegiance


Goof Balls (what else?!?) x15IC, Don Quixote x10IC, Imperial Walkers x15IC

Mosey around the corner, up to the picnic shelter, back down to the amphitheater for a second attempt at the Bearway to Heaven. While Led Zeppelin’s classic song Stairway to Heaven plays, the PAX would bearcrawl up to the level step of the amphitheater, do 1 burpee. Crawlbear back to the start. Bearcrawl up to the second step, 2 burpees, crawlbear back. Rinse and repeat all until 7 burpees was reached. We finished before the song was over. AYE

Mosey up to the picnic shelter for the main event: The Deck of Death!!!

Clubs – Peter Parkers

Diamonds – Dips

Spades – Merkins

Hearts – LBC’s

The number of the card pulled corresponded to the number of reps. Aces meant a lap around the track. Joker were a wild card for the drawer to pick their own exercise. YHC knew that the deck wasn’t all square beforehand, I think it got messed up when Dolph and Tiny Tank got their mitts on it at Goat Island earlier in the year. There was an extra Ace and extra King of Hearts! AYE

Mosey back to the amphitheater for Mary. We did LBC’s, Flutterkicks, 6″, Dying Cockroaches and many more I can’t remember. AYE

Announcements & Prayer requests.

Moleskin- It’s been over a month since I’d Q’ed and until Thursday’s Goat Island VQ by Dr. Suess, hadn’t been at a weekday workout in a month either. It was time for me to start getting back in the groove and being with you men reminded me why I love F3. You guys are awesome!!!

Until next time, Sargento is ooooouuuutttt!!!


8 men showed for another shield lock. I dug into the old files and found a previous workout I really liked and thought I would bring it back. The last time we did the 300 workout was in December 2015 and I believe Roscoe carried a shield and sword thru the whole workout. No shield or sword today….maybe next time. I started with a quick description then read part of the speech from Testacles (TEST-a-klees) from the sequel movie for 300. That was not his real name, Billy Madison-I know you will correct me at some point, being the movie hound that you are. The speech was basically that if you need a reason to push a little harder, look around you. Your shield lock is the motivation for improving. Enuff said, start the WU:

SSH X 10 IC then 50 single count squats in honor of Sparky’s son Madden who has his VQ today in Folsom. You have probably seen him on elementary school calendar’s floating around. He is the guy with his shirt off and a boyish snarl that makes the boys tremble and the girls go weak in the knees. Hey Madden, if you are reading this, stay away from Audubon Drive. I have 3 girls and need to keep them focused on something other than your guns.

Pledge then 2 for PainLab led by Mayor and 6 pax to mosey to the track at Grier Middle School. Here goes the 300 Workout: 6 exercises, 10 reps each with a lap around the track followed by 6 hip slappers.  6 exercises X 10 reps X 5 laps = 300. I threw in the total of 30 Hip Slappers just to make everyone smile a little. Exercises were squats, merkins, flutterkicks, gorilla humpers, scorpion dry docks, and lunges. The hip slappers were a crowd favorite I think. There was some mumble chatter but nothing too overwhelming. I believe this is when a train came by so we saluted with some burpees-see below.

We then meandered to the little courtyard area with steps and continued with the 300 theme. Partner up, P1 runs up the (approx 15) steps then down the 15 steps (total 30 for you fellers who ran out of toes counting) while P2 does flutter kicks. I got a few funny looks from the Pax when I said we were going to do 10 rounds each…..30 steps X 10 rounds = 300. We got through it and the mumblewhining got more prevalent from an unnamed pax called Stroganoff. That part always makes me happy.

The last part of the 300 workout today consisted of Merkins and Squats. Sets of 30 Merkins followed by 30 Squats for total of 5 sets each (ran out of gas but I will claim it was because time was running short). 30 Merkins X 5 sets + 30 Squats X 5 sets = 300 total reps. We did a few of these sets on our mosey back to home base and arrived in time to close things down with the PainLab.

Announcements: Speed for Need, 3rd F event on Friday, 10/13/17 (next week) at New Covenant Church at 7pm for about an hour or 2-check with HushPuppy, Freight, or Sparky for questions. Roscoe is organizing an F3Dads event with 2.0 and a Kings Mtn/Crowders Mtn Ruck/hike/sprint for 2 Sundays in November (12 and 19)-look for a pre blast soon.

Quick word at end about why we post-it is NOT for the exercise. You can get the exercise any time at all and impress your M (in your mind) by working out. You post for the guy next to you. He needs you and you need him-if not now, sometime real soon. Get out of bed and post or make that trip to Midoriyama you have been wanting to for so long. Someone is counting on you being there.   I just read about Bulldog planning to drive an hour to post in Atlanta. You really gonna complain about the 10 minute drive to a GasHouse AO because you are tired? Really????!!!!!!

enjoyed it this morning guys-see you in the gloom-Whoopee


Maddens 11 for elevens!

0530 madden roles out of bed and he is ready to go! Excited about getting a chance to lead a group of f3 men! We pull into the park, he says dad you think anybody will be here? And the cars start coming in! As the pax are walking up I hear madden say ” I hope y’all are ready for a beat down”! 630 finally comes… time to get started! 15 ssh ic, 15 Don Qs ic, 15 hillbillys ic, 15 squats oyo, mosey to the tennis courts for some 11s ( full length of the courts) starting with merkins on one end and plank jacks on the other, we covered a mile in the first set of 11s! Madden saw he needed to modify the next set of 11s and cut out some of this running next set is burpees and jump squats and instead of running all the courts we only ran one! After this, madden turned it over to tooltime! Mosey around the tennis court… 50 flutter kicks ic… mosey to the flag… madden lead the pledge… then on your side for 25 oblique v ups, right then left… mosey to fork in the road…. 25 pretzel crunches right, and left side… mosey back to the starting point where tooltime turned it back over to madden! He lead us in some Mary to finish it out!

Announcements- 3rd f event next Friday, 2.0 event in November, hike / ruck in November

prayer request- a young lady named Ray I think who was a candidate for speed for need, but her health is not strong enough! Our country ! Madden took us out!

And I just want to say thanks to all of you for being a good example for Madden and Aflac ! Yall are good men, and i am thankful for you!




I rolled into Folsom 15 minutes early to see 2  were already waiting for YHC to bring the beatdown.  Just a few minutes later and another  pulls in.  05:30 hits and we are  getting started when we see headlights coming heading in our direction.  YHC calls Morrocan Nightclubs to get the pax moving till the final one joins in.


Morrocan Nightclubs

Gravel Pickers

Don Quixotes

Mosey to the flag at park entrance for the pledge.

10 Merkins IC and proper Flutter Kicks by Medicine Woman. YHC doesn’t remember the count.

Mosey to parking lot by the rentabike stand.

10 Mike Tysons then Duck Walk to the median and do 10 LBC’s  sprint back to start then repeato  3X.

Another short mosey to the parking lot on the left side of the park near the pond.  Bearcrawl  and at every third line 5 merkins.  Down and back.

Mosey around to the shelter for Dips X 15 IC and 20 Big Boy Situps OYO.  Repeato 2X

20 stepups each leg then mosey 1 lap around parking lot then on to the amphitheater.

10 hip slappers each arm and 20 American Hammers.  Almost 2 miles according to Sparky’s FitAppleBit watch and nearly 10 miles on Medicine Woman’s.  Let’s get our 2 miles in. Mosey again to the parking lot for a lap and back to start. Not quite 2  so we hit the tennis courts for 2 laps.  Just over 2 miles logged and right on schedule 06:15.


Speed For Need

3rd F Coffee-rama Event- OCT 13th 7-8:30pm.

Prayer request

Sparky had some encouraging words for us. Thanks Sparky

Las Vegas, each other, our nation.

YHC took us out.

Thanks for the chance to lead you guys once again. Was a pleasure and an honor.

What’s My Shape? at Goat Island

Dr. Seuss’ VQ co-Q with Slim Shady

Warm Up:

Toy Soldiers

Side Straddle Hops


Moroccan Nightclubs


Workout Q:

Triangle-15 of each; 2 rounds

Imperial Walkers

Russian Dips


Square-10 of each; 2 rounds

Mountain Climbers

Dying Cockroaches


Flutter Kicks

Pentagon- Triple Nickle

Big Boy Sit-ups

Run over bridge

Jump Squats

Message by Slim Shady: God has given us each: Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences to fulfill our unique purpose

Thanks very much for all those who came out for my VQ! If you’ve not been to f3 for awhile, please come back. We miss you.

Hellevens and Blood

I found out on Monday that Wednesday needed a Q. Gastone didn’t really ask so I didn’t really say yes. I was pretty much told I was the Q. That is how Gastone rolls and that is a good thing. I needed to Q. I knew it. He probably did too, even if he didn’t. Guess that is how this thing works. Good lesson learned. I have been going thru a few things lately (aren’t we all??) that have been a bit distracting, so getting out in the gloom as spilling some sweat (and blood sometimes, right TSquare?) helps to reframe things. It was good seeing Spanx out this morning. Snowman put in some serious effort too. It’s the effort like that and seeing new guys post more than once that keeps me pushing hard.

Here is what I remember:

Disclaimer, Pledge, WU: it was quick-just like I like it: 5ish each IC-SSH, Squats, Merkins, Flutter Kicks then we’re off…

The Thang: Mosey to grassy hill by baseball outfield. Mosey up the hill for Jack Webb and come down hill after each set of Merkin/air presses for 20 squats. Total 200 squats and full set of Jack Webb started things off right.

Short mosey to parking lot for HODOR, HODOR, HODOR: partner up, piggy back partner across the lot for Mountain Climbers X 10 each, swap and piggy back to other sidebar more Mountain Climbes-total 3 trips each.

Mosey to Turd Shack for Hip Slapper Hellevens after a quick pep talk by me about the mental fatigue of life and it’s curve balls that come at you and make you feel worn down. Remember, when you feel like your tank is empty, you’ve still got a lot of gas left. Push through it. Your mental  fatigue can be overwhelming if you let it. DON’T LET IT GET YOU DOWN. What’s that phrase…..oh yeah, DFQ.  We then broke into the Hip Slapper Hellevens: 11’s with Hip Slappers on one end and Squats on the other. The hip slappers were full count, big boy hip slappers and my shoulders are still feeling it. About this time I was shown a pool of blood from TSquare’s nose on the ground. Maybe not such a good idea…

We finished this and had a short mosey about 20 feet then we started the final approach to Pelican’s. Start She Hate Me….this lasted for a looooong time. We probably did about 6 or 7 rounds (10 lunges each leg, 10 Merks, 10 Merkins, repeat) until we ran out of time. We did 22 Merkins for the vets then Stone Cold gave us a 10 count (he did Merkins instead of counting) to recover. Couldn’t let him do that by himself so we then did 20 Merkins IC then moseyed the final way to Pelican’s to finish right….on…..time.

Quick namorama, announcements, COT.

This was a tough one for me on a few levels. Definitely wouldn’t have pushed that hard by myself. Having a partner like Gastone for Hodor and Hip Slappers, seeing T Square push despite a bloody nose/beard/shirt, me sucking wind and watching Snowman squeeze out the final merkins instead of cruising in and skipping reps, trying to keep up with Turtleman on the final mosey into Pelicans, seeing newer guys out there working through the soreness, or hearing grunts from various others as we did the merkins or hip slappers. I needed this today and appreciate each of you. The extra COT at the end was the cherry on top-thanks HushPuppy.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this am-Whoopee

No Weinke?

I was so pumped I rolled into the Folsom gloom about 20 minutes early. Why not get in a little EC? Stretch a minute and mosey a few laps around the tennis courts to get the lungs pumping. I see some headlights, looks like YHC won’t be alone. Mosey back to the start and here comes another PAX. So 3 for a good ole MW beatdown. 5:30, time to clock in. With no Weinke, looks like we will wing it.


SSH, Don Quixote, cherry pickers, x12 IC, Where’s the Shovel Flag????????


Anyway, mosey to park entrance for the pledge. But let’s take a quick break at the speed bumps for 5 burpees OYO. Pledge, on your six for LBCs x20 IC, 12 big boy sit-ups OYO, flutter kicks x12 IC. Mosey down to the ballfield parking lot, stopping at the bump for 5 burpees OYO. On the six for some more LBCsx 15 IC and flutter kicks x15 IC. Line up for Some Route 66, lunge every other line with merkins. Turn around for more Route 66 walk every other line with Bobby Hurleys, mosey down around the pond to the lower shelter, step ups x12 IC, Dips x15 IC, flutter kicks x15 IC, rinse and repeat. Mosey up and over to the amphitheater for Rocky Balboas x20 IC, to the wall for 20 Donkey Kicks OYO, rinse and repeat. Mosey back over to the lower parking lot for a quick lap then back to start. 22 merkins for the vets.

announcements Xmas town 5

prayer requests for our kids, families and our country. YHC took us out in prayer.

Always an honor to Q you guys. After this one, I think I’ve gotten how to do “Real Flutter Kicks!” I’m almost sure I’ve been performing baby flutters for almost 2 years.


HIIT at Midoriyama

14 HIMs posted for a Pizza Man HIIT workout and 2 went for a mountain bike ride…it’s 17:30, with that being said and all that is going on in the world, QIC gave a short disclaimer and read a bible verse that hit home.

Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”


Now let’s get it…


Seal jacks X 15 IC

Don Q’s X 10 IC

10 burpees OYO

Enough with the warm-up lets mosey to the soccer field for some 40/20 HIIT training. It went like this…The PAX were to perform each exercise for 40 sec and rest 20 sec.  then perform the next exercise.  After the set of 3 exercises were completed, the PAX were to complete 5 burpees and run across the soccer field then nur back.    The exercises were:

  • Merkin



  • Dips


Box jumps or step ups

  • Mike Tyson’s

American Hammers

Calf Raises

  • CDD’s

Chop Sticks

Monkey Humpers

With the HIIT training complete lets head to the hill for a Pizza Man special…I have been including this hill in my Q’s to get the PAX ready for the SPEED FOR NEED Christmastown 5k.  Use this link to signup: .  We call it the triple nickel…the PAX run up the hill do 5 American get-ups, run down the hill and do 5 WWI’s…rinse and repeat 5 times.

Mosey back to the flag for 22 for the VETS.

QIC wanted to do something a little different so we went around the COT and each PAX named something that they were thankful for.  It was really good hearing what everyone was thankful for.   We have a great group of men at Midoriyama.  Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to lead a great group of HIMs.  I thank the lord everyday for giving me the ability to do the things that I do and for putting each of you in my life.



NOV. 25th…

  • Gashouse 3rd F Coffee-rama Event- OCT 13th 7-8:30pm
  • F3 Gastonia 50 mile relay(Name to come)- After first of the year but start training


Until next Q, Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUUTTTTTTTT!!!!

F3 Gastonia 50 mile relay dry run

Well this F3 Gastonia 50 mile relay has been in the works for sometime and with the Tuna 200 coming QIC figured it might be a good time for a dry run and to get some of the PAX to start training for it.  With that being said…we ran…took a break…ran some more…took another break…and ran a little more!!! Around 50 miles to be exact.   During the run we ran through or ran by all 10 AO’s in F3 Gastonia.  This was a good time with my F3 brothers…I think starting at 4am brought the best out of everyone.  I can’t really explain what these events are like but the reasoning behind this 50 miler is to give a relay race opportunity to everyone within F3 Gastonia and so that you wouldn’t have to be away from the family for a couple days.  Trust me when I say that this 50 mile relay will be no walk in the park but when you are with the HIMS in F3 Gastonia there are no words that can describe it.   This BB could go on for days with all the mummblechatter that went on, so I highly suggest that you start training NOW because you do not want to miss this event, IT WILL BE EPIC!!!  There will be more information about the event coming soon!!!

Special thanks to all the HIMS that made this dry run happen!!!  There is absolutely NO way this would have been possible without each of you!!!

Until next time Pizza Brah is OOOOOOOUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!  (Show to know)

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