Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2017 (Page 2 of 5)

Oh, the fun…

10 showed for Snowballs this morning for a cooler morning and then it was cool for long. (Easy Rider posted a picture of him and what I thought must have been his daughter, I was wrong. Let’s just say he is playing above his level) Of course we all might be playing above our level.

The Thang:

Quick start on 20 SSH

20 Imperial Walker

10 Wide Arm Merkins


Mosey around the baseball field, around the soccer field, and through the forest on the trail to the bottom of the hill behind soccer fields right in the middle back.

From the intersection.

Straight flat way at each pole we did 10 Merkins down and back or 90 total Merkins.

Down again with 20 Squats and back.

Down again with 20 CCD’s each stop and back. (Roscoe bailed around this point because it was to much for him, we understand Roscoe do what you can do)

Changed directions and did 20 Sumo Squats at each stop until going up the hill backwards for 20 more at the top and back.

Flat direction for  5 Diamond Merkins at each stop and back. (Mumble Chatter began about Gastone Clock and all the fun everyone was having)

Change to the hill for Monkey Humpers, 20 at each stop until on the way back. Did a set of 30 and then 40 to end with.

Mosey back to end which we did arrive back at the start at 6:15 at least some of us arrived back then. (Note that Timeframe was one of them, that made 6:15)

The Molesking:

Time-Frame, you were there.

Great group as normal and all the fun. Looking for Q’s for Monday and Wed. of next week.

Prayer’s for all those in need in the circle of trust.

Gastone Out!


Not the Tuna 200

Nice weather for a Friday in October!! Here we go


Warm Up (in cadence)

5 Burpees OYO LBC x 10
Merkins x10 5 burpees OYO
5 Burpees OYO Flutter kicks x 30
Mosey to wall
Mike Tyson’s 2 rounds of 15
Wall sit with shoulder press  2 rounds of 15
Mosey to parking deck (Run up to top)
Partner up   (one running stairs & other exercise)
100 peter parker  merkins
200 LBC’s
300 flutter kicks (modified to 200)
McQuitters wall
Dipps – 2 rounds of 10
Step ups 2 rounds of 10
Down South Street
10 Sumo squats  at each light pole on right to first light
Backwards  run between light poles
10 merkins at each light pole on right to the second light
Mosey to Old court house Parking lot for some flutter kicks before a jail break to start
Prayer request – remember the guys  in the Tuna 200 , All of the teenager & these heading to college, Roscoe’s request

Tuna 200 – Van 1 – The Big Deal

The Tuna 200 – Van 1 – The Big Deal

Van 1 participants began arriving at the GSM International Headquarters around 4:10 – 4:15 am on Friday morning, the 20th, to embark on the great adventure known as the Tuna 200, a 200+ mile trek from Raleigh to Atlantic Beach.

As a precursor of things to come, Boudin was dropped off by his wife around 4:20 am for the trip…….that’s correct, his wife dropped him off.

We loaded up “Red Wolf”, our beloved van, and set off northeast toward God’s Country (Raleigh, home of the Wolfpack).

Hushpuppy was reminded as the driver, he was now in control of a totalitarian dictatorship and was in total control of direction, stops and agenda……..our first stop was Biscuitville. Just what we needed before jogging immense distances.

YHC texted the main group that we were finally on the road around 6:30 am or so and got back some salty responses from Van #2. At that moment, we were already east of Greensboro, but I wanted to get the smack talk & covert operational communication started early.

Somewhere along the journey, we received some grim news that Whoopee’s 16 year old cat was having some issues that morning and the worst was feared. As of this writing, the cat is fine, or at least as fine as a 16 year old cat can be.  During this discussion, Broke mentioned he had a blind dog (or did at one time) to which Whoopee replied, “Did you get him a seeing eye dog?”………you can’t make this mumblechatter up.

We arrived at Thomas Benson Park with time to spare as Broke prepared to start us on the journey to Atlantic Beach. It was cold.  There were pickles.  We almost forgot the team wrist band.  At 0900, the team Broke out of there at about a 5:00 min/mile pace…..we were off.  The running order for Van 1 went like this:

Broke – Madoff – Boudin – Sargento – Whoopee – Stroganoff

Red Wolf set off to chase down Broke and get Madoff to his launching point.

I’m not sure when this discussion occurred but somewhere along the line Boudin asked about dealing with ‘runner’s raw nipples’, for you runners you know what he means. He stated he almost wore one of his wife’s sports bras which elicited zero response from the group……just concern……..this was just the beginning from Boudin on this trip.

It wasn’t long before the temperature started to creep up and even though Atlantic Beach is located well below Raleigh, these routes were by no means flat. Rolling hills for all.

The first 5 runners had us ahead of schedule and had multiple kills as we headed to the first big transition zone where we would meet up with Van #2 and they would complete sections 7-12. The problem now became the heat as it crept up into the low 80’s.  Our last few training runs had been in the 50 – 60 degree range and in the morning.  As Whoopee approached the exchange zone to hand off to YHC (after completing an insane 9+ mile leg), I was concerned with the heat and the 7 miles ahead of me.  As I took the bracelet and headed off, I couldn’t get my Jocko Podcast to work and as I fumbled with it someone passed me (oh hell no) and I finally got the podcast going and back on track, I could see a couple of persons in front of me in the distance so I tried to settle in to a good pace.  Did I say it was hot?

I was good until about the 5.5 mile mark as the heat and hills had taken its toll. I had actually passed 3 people to this point and had another guy blow past me at a quick pace.  However, I could now see him slowing and thought I might could get him before the finish.  My pace was slower now though but he suddenly started walking….keep it up Strog, for heaven’s sake don’t stop.  I was able to catch him and finish relatively strong but I was torched.  I handed off to Kuicwche and Van 2 was on the course.  It took me some time to calm down and get in a good condition to leave, I think I even vomited in my mouth but am not sure.

We then headed for some food and found White Swan BBQ on the outskirts of Smithfield and I wondered how in the world we ended up here. More Tuna 200 mumblechatter.  As I was attempting to remove the route tattoo I was informed by Whoppee that “nutbutter would take that tattoo right off”…..I made a mental note.  It was also during this period that I learned that while at a concert, Sargento and his M were “searching for something like a sperm searching for an egg”.  We didn’t ask for more clarification.  After food, we headed to the next big transition zone to rest and wait on Van 2 to arrive.  Nice Church; people trying to rest/sleep everywhere; real bathrooms inside the Church; met an F3 guy from Raleigh that grew up in Gastonia and went to Ashbrook H.S., small world.

Dolph arrived as darkness started to settle in on us and handed off to Broke for his longest run, a 10 miler……good Lord, why are we doing this? Short time sharing some thoughts with Van 2 group before we headed off to chase down Broke for our next transition.  It was dark now so we would all be in our night gear, reflective vest, blinkers and head lamp.  Surprisingly, we saw more than one runner from other teams without all the night gear that was required.

Boudin “The Big Deal” arrives on the scene. Somewhere during his second leg, Boudin stopped to help a damsel in distress.  It was dark and some of these sections were a little scary so one of the female participants came back to Boudin during his night run (when he saw her running back to him he immediately thought he was running the wrong direction) and asked about running together to the finish as she was a little frightened and Boudin obliged as the gentlemen he is.  He then proceeded to remind us that he is ‘kind of a Big Deal” and gave the impression this happens to him all the time.  It also may have been during this time that one of our M’s asked about our groupies as they had seen women in the background on one of the video posts online.  We informed her we had not seen them yet but expected them to arrive at any moment.

Everyone picked up the pace during these night sections as the temperature had dropped significantly, Whoopee even arrived to hand off to YHC before I was even up to the line yet. I quickly got to him, turned on the night gear, cranked up the Rush and took off.  The night leg was terrific, cooler, allowed me to catch several other runners and finish with a decent pace (for me anyway).  I did experience some post run cramps after this leg but was able to push through them much better than I did at the BRR.

It was now just into early Saturday morning as Van 2 worked through Legs 19 – 24. We headed forward to the next big transition zone to attempt to get some sleep.  Some of us were able to, others not so much.  It was cold now and cramps kept me from sleeping at all.

We received the warning text that the last runner from Van 2 was on the course so it was time for us to get it in gear for our last legs. Van 2 arrived and not long after, Dolph sped in to hand off to Broke.  Off we went for the third and final legs for Van #1.  The first few final legs were in the dark and all were much cooler sections and all the runners before me continued to blaze the trail with fast times.  There was much relief as each Van 1 runner completed their last leg, including myself.  My pace was okay but my legs were not responding well to the pace my brain was telling them to run.  However, I finished and Van 1 was done.  There is a sense of relief and accomplishment when you know your last section is behind you.  It was now in Van 2’s hands to bring it home to Atlantic Beach.

Van 1 headed back a couple of exchange zones for a shower before finding some terrific food and heading to Atlantic Beach. Atlantic Beach is a terrific finish as the finish line is on the boardwalk.  We arrived with time to spare to enjoy a beer and some food and wait on Van 2.  They arrived shortly before the glory leg, Dolph, arrived at the finish.  One of the great things about these races is having the entire team cross the finish line just behind the last runner and this was no different.  By this time it was hot again but Dolph and Team Fury brought it home in a fast pace.  Our overall time was 28’09”, not a bad time at all.  I believe it was an 11th overall finish……good work men.

Had some good fellowship at the event after finishing, at dinner and at the hotel on Saturday night and again on the drive home the following day. Some of the group stayed for some fishing on Sunday morning and I heard it was a successful endeavor.

Other mumbechatter heard during the Tuna 200 (must ask in person for more details):

“I lost her but she came back to me.”; “When your chatting, you don’t think of the suck.”;

“The blue shirt really makes my eyes pop.”; “I owe you one. Actually, you owe them two.”; “They’re youthish.”; Why did we drive 2 miles out of the way for a bathroom stop after passing 5 – 6 other places to stop?


How do you describe how it feels to finish a 200+ mile relay race? I’m not really sure other than to say how grateful I am to F3 and each person who has ever posted to a workout, 2nd F or 3rd F event with me.  Each of you has impacted me and inspired me to be better.  Not only had I never done anything like the Tuna 200 (or BRR or Palmetto 200) before F3, I had never even heard of them.  I don’t know how much longer I will be able to continue doing such crazy events but I will as long as I can.  I appreciate the journey I have been on over the last 2 ½ years through F3.  I can’t say for sure that I have become a better person during this time, but I know I have tried to be and want to be because of my involvement.  You men are good and I appreciate the push.

Until the next one, let’s keep pushing the rock. Get someone else out there as you never know who might need it and how you might personally have a positive impact on someone you have not yet met.



Tuna 200 RESPECT

8 great men joined in on an Honorary workout for the 12 runners and 2 drivers that completed the Tuna 200. There were over 200 reps, 36 exercises, and some fierce partnered-up competitive races.  It was definitely an interesting workout. I may have gotten a little carried away with it to show them the RESPECT they deserved. One things for sure, I think each of us was challenged and that’s when and where growth occurs… Aye?!?!?!

WARM-UP: Toy Soldiers, Moroccan Nightclubs,  Annie (10 count), Fairy Jacks (10 in cadence) and Mosey….


Partnered-up competitive races, 3 legs to the race with each leg being 20 yard dashes. At the end of each leg, was an exercise. Did 3 rounds of this with each round having different exercises at the end of each leg. Exercises – CDDs, Sumo Squat Knife Hands, Merkins, Monkey Crunches, LBCs, Mountain Climbers, Burpees, Shoulder Taps. While one partner was doing the legs, the other ones would be rotating through different exercises – planks, squats, squat holds, etc…There was definitely some Omaha going on…And Mosey back to swing set near fighting yank…

Did a remix of Colonel Trautman with same partners, 10 merkins and 5 Wooly Worms, 3X. While one did the exercises, the other did elbow planks, and then we Mosey to near the water fountain…

Triple Nickle with 5 burpees run 30 yards then legs in full extension crunches, 5X and then, Ring of fire around the water fountain. Each person picked an exercise.

We ended all of this with an honorary set of 12 Merkins, in Cadence, for F3 Gastonia team in the Tuna 200

Well done gentlemen!

Slim Shady

Gashouse 200

I knew the numbers would be down since some of our PAX were getting it done at the Tuna 200 CSAUP event.  So as a tongue in cheek tribute, I came up with the Gashouse 200.  This was a Weinke that is best for a large number of PAX as a team format.  We only had 8 total and since Rudolph had a sick kid he had cancelled the Painlab but Oompa Loopma was having none of it and decided to Q so he and Sledge-O-Matic stayed back for Pain while the other 6 of us divided into two teams.  After a quick warmup and pledge we kicked off the Gashouse 200.  Team One consisted of EZ Rider, Lil Sweet, and TopHat.  Team Two was YHC, Happy Feet, and Davinci.  After the second station, we decided to stick together as a group and that was a good call for enhanced fellowship.  With more PAX it would have been a full on jailbreak race.  I will pull this one out again and improve it based on the lessons learned.  Anyway, here is what we did…


1.     Mosey to steps at Grier JR High.  P1 and P2 run, P3 does Merkins….you get the idea Dora 200 Merkins


Dora 200 LBC
Dora 200 Air Squats
2.    Mosey to the back of FPC  to the outdoor worship benches near Parkwood (Teams can’t start until all members present) 200 tricep dips (alternate partners until complete)
3.    Mosey to the gristmill at the Schiele Nature Trail 200 combined Air Squats
4.    Mosey to the gazebo at the pond 200 combined Air Squats (I like air squats)
5.    Mosey to the Indian Village 200 Combined lunge walks
6.    Mosey to the Playscape Village 200 Combined SSH


7.    Mosey to the Pain Lab area 200 Step Ups



Happy Feet hasn’t been to a workout since F3Dads Martha Rivers edition and it was great having him today.  Oompa and Sledge took a pass when they were invited to finish the 200 with the rest of us on the trail.  It was great seeing TopHat somewhere besides the Goat!  Several PAX had to work so only three showed for Coffeerama.  We missed the rest but had prayers for the Tuna 200 participants and EZ Rider had a prayer for a very young man who had a kidney removed recently.

The PAX were wondering if the Linus will lead us in the Great Pumpkin again this year.  Next Saturday would be the day.  Will we see the Great pumpkin?  Will we see Linus?

As always it was a pleasure to lead this fine group of men!



Fun Fun Fun

A bakers dozen (that means 13 for the Tarheel fans) showed for a fun Q from Pizza Man.  Everyone knows that my Q’s consist of HIIT reps.  With that said this wasn’t any different.  17:30 hits and it’s time to begin.


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Don Q’s x 10 IC

Enough with the warm-up, lets mosey.  The PAX moseyed to the lower ball field for the HIIT workout.  The PAX performed 10 exercises for 10 reps each.   After all 10 exercises were completed we tried to catch our breath for 30-60 sec. then time to rinse and repeat.  We completed 5 sets for a total of 500 reps.  Great work men!!!

The exercises were:

  • Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Rev. Alt Lunges
  • Homer Marge
  • Seal Jacks
  • Supermans
  • Mountian Climbers
  • Prisoner squats
  • Plank to Push ups
  • Terminators

Now it was time for the real fun.  We counted off 1-2 and formed our kickball teams.  That’s right QIC said kickball…I do believe that all the HIMs really enjoyed this.  At the end of the game one team scored two more runs than the other one, one player was bloody, and there was a lot of mumble chatter.   We moseyed back for 10 burpees OYO and finished with 22 for the VETS.




Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to lead.  It is always a pleasure to lead a great group of HIMs!!  Now with the temperatures feeling right in the afternoon, come join in the fun at Midoriyama!!

Until next Q, Pizza Man is OOOUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!!

Mosey Down to the Concrete Hill

45 degrees.  45 minutes of blissful beat down. 45 Merkins. 45 Burpies. 45 bad jokes.  45 tears of agony.

Let’s begin.

Planjacks 10 IC, Merkins 10 IC, Dying Cockroaches 10 IC, Flutterkicks 10 IC, Squats 10 IC REPEAT x 2



Mosey down to the concrete hill.

The PAX powered though 1 set per mailbox, in this order >
10 mountain climbers (go to next mailbox)
10 merkins (go to next mailbox)
10 squats (go to next mailbox)
5 burpies (go to next mailbox)

Mosey to another culdesac:
10 LBCs, 10 Dying Cockroaches, 10 Merkins REPEAT x 2

Mosey to Harris Teeter Parking lot, the long way.

Burpie Broad Jumps for 12 parking lines.
American Hammers 10 IC
Lunge walk to each line, at the line 5 Monkey Humpers.

Turn Around

Burpie Broad Jumps every other line hit the Burpie.
American Hammers 10 IC
Lunge walk to every other line, at the line 5 Monkey Humpers.

Mosey to Snow Balls

LBC’s 10 IC, 10 Dying Cockroaches 10 IC, Flutterkicks 10 IC, American Hammers 10 IC REPEAT.

Announcement & COT

Q: What’s Forrest Gump’s password?
A: 1forrest1

Q: Why did the girl wear glasses in math class?
A: It improves di-vision.

Q: How can you get high underwater?
A: Sea weed


15 PAX posted during a cool afternoon at Midoriyama. It’s always strange when the temps start to drop. YHC came in hot due to his M being delayed at work. T-claps to Pizza Man for leading off with the warmup. I’m not sure what all they did but they were doing burpees when I rolled in. It appeared everyone was good to go so we started to mosey.

The Thang:

We went down to the farthest soccer field for sprint intervals. It’s Tuna 200 week for some of us so I thought we all could do some prep work. We did some form of these numerous times.

Sprint to the 50 and jog to the other end

Sprint to the other end, jog back to the 50 and walk it out to the end.

Sometimes we started with 5 high knee jumps or 5 plyometric merkins. We did this for about 15 minutes give or take then went to the big hill at the dog park.

Alternating lunges up the hill and walk back down.

Left leg only lunges up the hill and walk back down. Rinse and repeat with the right leg.

Walk backwards up the hill and backwards down several times.

Sprint up and down several times.

Back to the sprint intervals. We did the same ones several more times before we started heading back. On the way back we did intervals from light pole to light pole then we finished with a cool down mosey to the park entrance and back.


SFN Christmas Town race at 37. Get signed up if you are not already! Come out to the advisory meetings and help run this thing. We are closing in on the year end and it is time for some HIM’s to step up and take on some leadership positions.


Prayer Request- F3 Brother and family in Area 51 who lost their son, Coach K’s family member lost a child, Lil Sweets young family member received a kidney transplant. All the guys on the road this weekend for the Tuna 200.


Everyone pushed hard today! Those sprints got the breathing going. Especially the full field distance. I was hoping Ash Pond was going to merlot but he fought it back. The morning after I’m regretting this a little. My knee is killing me! Def Leppard may have to run some of my race legs this weekend. It seems lately I’ve been feeling it a little more. Maybe it’s turning 38?

A light in the Gloom

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.  By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.”

I can’t help but think that F3 is an example of the “evidence” of things unseen.  When those men gathered in the gloom on 1/1/11  I’m sure they never imagined I would be typing this backblast 6.5 years later.  Just as Dredd described “paving the road 43 feet ahead of us”, I can’t imagine he would imagine 19 men gathering for coffee and sharing their faith 30 miles across the river.  But with each passing week; each example of multiplication by division, there was evidence of a force not seen.  An undeniable truth that the men who gathered together in the gloom each morning had a vision for something beyond themselves that could only be described by one word: Faith.

As the elders of F3 allowed this force to grow and create momentum in the pax, they too demonstrated a good testimony .  They allowed this thing to grow from the bottom up rather than control it from the top down.  Through the reverse-flow incubator, they gave any man with a burden on his heart full support and encouragement to bless their neighbor and pick up the 6.  F3 is clearly an example of something visible that grew because the invisible was not stifled or ignored, but given liberty to take each man on to a higher purpose.

As I stood before 18 men in my spiritual house and shared my testimony of how faith in Christ had saved me I couldn’t help but wonder, “why me?  Why am I standing here before these men?  How can the story of my mistakes help them?”  But as Freight so uncomfortably put it, sometimes the why and the when of faith is not our time, but HIS time.  I found it no coincidence that as I shared how the prayers of my mother had stifled the plans against me (through her faith), my phone began to ring as she called me.  We all got a laugh at the timing but it was clear that wherever I was and whatever I was doing, it was all a result of her Faith.

I personally was convicted at Sparky’s call for personal Holiness.  As he shared from Psalm 61:2 “From the end of the earth will I cry unto Thee when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” He challenged us to all lead our families and those around us to the rock that is higher than ourselves.  As my mother had always pointed to that same rock, I was convicted to point my own family in that direction.

I want to thank Tool Time for sharing his heart on what must have been a terrible year of his life.  How he stood strong for his family and had to lean on his savior for his own strength.  How his M, even after the tragedy in her life saved the life of another.  And the wisdom and heart of Def Leopard is an inspiration to us all; directing us towards the most valuable things in life, our faith and our families.

A special thanks to Midwife for Opening up shop for us and sharing with Hayzus on their mission to Florida.  By repairing broken roofs you demonstrated how lives can also be restored from the damages of life.

Also, thanks to T-square for sharing how F3 had helped him be strong for his M as she went through the tragedy of a losing a child. Strong work to all.


Until we pray together again!  Post!

100 yard dash Pax

Tadpole started his first Q at 6:30 till 7:00 and I did the last leg( swimmer)

20 Side straddle hops ic
10 Don Quixote
10 merkins
10 high knees each leg

Mosey to the end of parking lot and do the exercises marked on each 20 yard line. X3
10 burpees
20 LBC
30 Mountian climbers
40 lunges
50 air presses
40 ssh
30 flutter kicks
20 old man sit-ups
10 cdds
Once we finished with round 3 we all lined up for a 100 yard sprint to the end of the parking lot.

Mosey to the theater for some wall work.
10 mike Tyson’s and then to the wall for 10 hip slappers per arm x3
20 dips

Mosey back to tennis court parking lot for a round of marry that burned up the last 12 min. Did the pledge, 22 for the vets, and ended with a word of prayer.  It was a honor to lead you guys and thanks for being there to keep me strong!

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