Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

The Enemy Inside

  • Post Type:
  • When: 10/27/2017
  • AO:
  • QIC: Roscoe
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Roscoe, Slaw, Hush Puppy, EZ Rider, Time Frame, Clavin, Whoopee

Gastone fartsacked.

SSH x 10

Squats x 10  Pledge of Allegiance

Slow, great form Merkins x5

Clavin showed up late so we hit some more SSH to get him in the game

LBC’s x 10 or something

Indian Run around parking lot

A brief word:  The toughest battle you’ll ever fight in your life is the battle within yourself.”  You can’t expect to lead your family if you aren’t winning the battle inside yourself.  Do things that are good for you and stop doing the things that are bad.

Mosey to bridge:  Bear Crawl the bridge and Lung walk back

Run to Methodist parking lot for deconstructed 8 count bodybuilders=

8 squats, 8 merkins, 8 plank jacks,  8 squats   One set altogether and 3 sets OYO

Run to Methodist steps.  Two rounds of 50 calf raises counted by Slaw and then Hush Puppy.  Whoopee started singing “Do Diddy Do” which confused Hush Puppy but I believe he counted….in order.

Train- 5 burpees OYO

Run to bottom of parking deck…

Partner carries to the top of deck….switching as needed.  Several PAX were well over the 240 mark but not EZ Rider who claimed a shredded 175.

Run down to bars and 10 pullups

Run to Art Circle

11’s  Dips and 10 Derkins

“The most challenging of all resistance comes from within. The similarity with all warriors is that they’re always battling demons within themselves. It’s a constant battle, that has to be fought non-stop.” Tim Kennedy

Stop before the Pavilion for descending burpees 10-8-6-6-6? with some sharing in between.  We learned the struggles within can be confidence, struggles with family illness, etc.  We need to do our best to fix ourselves and give the ones closest to us our best efforts and model proper behavior to those around us, particularly our children and spouse.

During the burpees SLAW either couldn’t count (likely)  but as the trains continued to roll by, 5 burpees oyo became 6 and then at one point Slaw couldn’t stop doing burpees so I had to call time.  Jailbreak was called by EZ Rider and we returned to the Pavilion better men just in time for the COT.

Prayers for Clavin’s mom, EZ Rider’s family, Def Leppard’s son Logan, Hush Puppy’s M.

A pleasure to lead as always!  You don’t need to Q to have that Q strength, but it helps!

1 Comment

  1. Gastone

    I did Fartsack thinking I could not make it to said event. But, I arrive and Roscoe arrived before I did to the event. Looks like I missed a good Q.

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