Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 10, 2017

Midoriyama 5k

So a few weeks ago I put out a Tweet asking for brothers to represent Gashouse in the Hope Builders 5k SpeedForNeed race which benefits Levine Children’s Hospital ….and a few weeks later ….Crickets….so The Midoriyama 5k is born….



None! It’s warm enough

Mosey Mile 1

Circle up wait on the six….Shout out to Pizza Man and Tyson for grabbing the 6 after each mile

The rest uof us

40Flutter Kicks IC

Mosey Mile 2

Circle up

25 V-up Roll ups

Mile 3

Circle up head to the Bleachers….

15 Dips IC

10 Merkins IC

5 Burpees OYO

Head to the Turd Shack……1 min Wall sit …..Time

Great work by all the Pax……



Advisory Board Meeting Sunday Oct 15 at Growlers Pub, Third F event this Friday at 7PM till 8:30ish….New Covenant Church  631 Efrid St Gastonia Hushpuppy, Sparky and Freight speaking BE THERE (3rd F is the Dynamite!!!)





1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.

It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

The Storm found 3 levels of hills

8 men arrived at The Storm on a Tuesday morning for a Gastone Q. It was humid and warm for a Tuesday morning in October.

The Thang:

SSH 26

Merkins 10


Mosey to the corner of Lakewood and the bottom entrance to the High School.

Lunges up the grass hill

Lunges up the grass hill, 20 Sumo Squats with a jump

Lunges up the grass hill, 20 Sumo Squats with a jump, 20 Squats

Lunges up the grass hill, 20 Sumo Squats with a jump, 20 Squats, 30 Calf Raises

Lunges up the grass hill, 20 Sumo Squats with a jump, 20 Squats, 30 Calf Raises

Mosey through the grass to the next hill. 10 backwards up the hill and back down.

Mosey through the grass to the next hill

11’s, 10 Merkins at the top, 1 LBC at the bottom. Go until you have reversed the numbers.

Mosey to the round traffic circle

Bear Crawl around the circle. (Short Sale was way behind but made me aware that he took the wider part of the circle and I took the inside, anger management)

Flutter to 50 on my count.

20 LBC’s

Elbow Plank 1 Minute

Mosey down the windy path that goes alongside the entrance to High School. It is a particular curvy path. Reference to Elf as we went past candy cane land and passed a Narwhal.

Made it to the first right turn.
Place Mayor in front and line for Indian Run at slow pace to the finish.

Still time left so we did some 6 Minutes of Mary.

Elbow Plank 45 seconds

Flutter Kick


Elbow Plank 30 Seconds ( Brief Mumble Chatter from Mayor and he was quickly quiet again)

Flutter to end.

The Moleskin:

Great group of guys and I need to add more of the Tuesdays to my workout. Dolph showed up today and made my Q look easy. I like the effort from everyone and I am totally appreciative of the opportunity to take the reins at The Storm.

This is my second Q of the week and one of my goals is to inspire some other crazy nut to try this incredibly stupid feet by also attaining the 5 in a row Q of a Bootcamp. Also, everyone should be jumping on the opportunity to Q like it is a football and you are not Cam Newton. It is an honor to Q and I will want the Q’s as long as I can walk. The next point I want to make is for everyone to put some more guys in a headlock and drag them into our world. The stronger in shape fitness dudes in town need to know that we bring it. The guys trying to make it happen need to know that they just do what they can and they will want to climb the ladder. All while become better people, making your body and mind better.

Slim Shady, you are going to kill that presentation.

Hushpuppy, Coffee prayer thing on Friday night. Look on Twitter for details.

Christmastown 5K Need for speed, sign up or show up anyways. Support the pax. Bring your family to cheer, Aye!

Everyone have a great day and I will see you tomorrow at Snowballs!

Gastone Out!




Crap I forgot my watch!!!

4, then 5 HIMs met in the gloom at Folsom this AM. YHC asked for the Q, which motivates me to breach the fartsack. It felt like it was summer again heading out of the house at 5 AM. That quickly got me motivated to hit the AO early for some EC and get some breathing practice in prior to the thang.  Forgetting my infamous Gamin super watch, I return home to grab it. That put me out of EC, but I believe the Watch was way more important. You never know if other PAX will have a time piece, plus, YHC wants to verify that we reach at least 5 miles during my Q. Ok, 5:30 hits as we are starting with 4 HIMs.


SSH, Imperial walkers, Don Quixote all X10 IC

pledge! Yes, a shovel flag posted this AM, thanks to YHC and his personally crafted piece. Aye! No pun intended Huck.


mosey to the entrance parking lot line up on the curb, quick side steps across to the opposite curb for 10 merkins, side step back for 10 more. Lunge across for 5 burpees and return for 5 more. Partner up for some Mary. P1 runs a lap of the lot while P2 hits LBCs(amrap). Switch. Round 2, P1 runs a lap while P2 V-ups(amrap), switch. Hey there’s Sparky. I was honestly about to take it personal since he has yet to post for my Q in months.  Sparky finally mosied up just on time to mosey again. Around the lot and back down to the tennis courts. Line up, on your six for X-sit-ups X 20 OYO, then Bigboy sit-ups x 20 OYO. Looking for a good gut burn. Now time for suicides, or burpeecides. Run width of first court and back for 6 burpees, second court and back for 5, third and back for 4, you get the idea til we run the full distance and back for a single burpee. By YHCs watch, we are at 4.6 miles. So let’s hit 5 with a lap around the tennis courts. Mosey down to start for 22 Merkins for the Vets!

Announcements ChristmasTown 5k, Third F and coffee This Friday at Hushpuppys church


QIC did the honors

great work men. Honor to Q as always. I realized after who knows how long, maybe a year, that I didn’t know how to work this complicated watch. Thanks to Huckleberry, now I know, I just honestly forget to start the run mode! Hey, sometimes it just feels good looking down to see 3-5 miles when you only really log 2. To me, it felt like 5. Aye!

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