Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2017 (Page 1 of 5)

Block party of five

Been a long week , not sure I have much gas in the tank, but somehow when we get around our brothers some strange burst of energy comes out of nowhere! With that being said 630 hits and its time to get to it! We ran to the to the flag at the top of the park, pledge, 25 ssh ic, 20 Merks ic, swimmer shows up repeat for him, then run back to tennis courts for some block work!

partner WO

200 thrusters / a squat with a press! Partner one starts, partner 2 runs the court, alternate till completion! Lot of mumble chatter, also blarts Mexican food from last night is really starting to work on him!

200 curls, same thing

100 tricep extensions

100 flat press

200 Lbc’s

while the pax recovers, a quick talk about personal holiness, how what we need most from each other is for us to be pursuing Christ , and how He has called us to be set apart for His glory! And naturally that affects every relationship we have!

Now that we have caught our breath, it’s time to run! One lap around the park! Ended up with a little over 3 miles, and I can’t lift my arms, but I guess we had a little more in the tank then we thought! Thanks for the push men!

announcements, 3rd event at hush puppies church October 13th

prayer request, each other, huckleberrys leg, other Pax on the ir, each other, that God would keep us close to Him!


A Little Bit of Brick Goes a Long Way

That’s not what she said!   Ha, beat you to it.

This was a pretty good one fellas.  I was draggin midway through the partner section, but being in a group helped me pull through. No doubt I would’ve simply stopped and said I’ll do this tomorrow if it hadn’t been for all the young bucks sharpening the iron.

Side Staddle Hops 20 IC, Squats 15 IC
Merkins 10 IC + Planjacks 10 IC
Dying Cockroaches 20 IC, FLutterkicks 30 IC
Mountain Climbers 10 IC, Peter Parkers 10 IC



5 burpies

Bear Crawl straights, 10 Dying Cockroaches on Corners

Mosey around the parking lot TWICE.  The second turn we grabbed the bricks.
(T-Square, I can’t wait to get a truck.)

Mosey to the other parking lot and begin:

Pair up:
100 Merkins
200 Sumo Squats
300 LBCs

Other Pax runs a lap, hits 2 burpies
at the halfway then – Switch

Mosey down 321 2 Blocks
Dips 10 IC

Using the BBNT Hill:
with bricks, run up the hill, 5 squat shoulder presses
run back down 10 LBCs
Repeat x 3

Headed over to South St.
Zombie Walk with brick shoulder press after squat
3 minutes
30 Dying Cockroaches
3 more minutes of the zombie walk with brick shoulder presses

Head back the the pavillion for 5 Merkins.

COT: Easy Rider and Bandits M’s,  Gastone friend who passed away last Friday,  all those in desperate situations due to hurricanes.


Football and other stuff

YHC hasn’t had a Q in a while and prefer to let others Q but it’s a good part of F3 that all of us take a turn leading so here we go.

Warm up to the sounds of a Def Leppard (the rock group) song! SSH, Cotton Pickers, Box Cutters and Squats all IC x 10. Even through relentless attacks on my counting ability, YHC persevered.


Indian Run to the first soccer field with the last in line passing the football to the first and the first guy waiting for the group to pass and then passing to the first, etc. Dropped passes = 1 burpee… we did several burpees on our way.

The Thang

I always look to have a different workout each time I Q, so I “borrowed” some things from Stone Cold’s Wednesday morning Q at Snowballs/Martha’s House.

Get our coupons, half blocks in this case. Merkins, LBC’s, Curls with blocks, Chest Press with blocks,  SSH, Squats with Overhead Press with blocks, burpees, all x 5, then run a lap, repeat 3 sets.

Partner up, P1 runs across field while P2 does AMRAP of the same list of exercises as above.

Lunge walk half the soccer field with your block, drop block and sprint the other half, nur back, pick up block, lunge back to start. Repeat! That was tough! Put up coupons.

Frisbee Rules football. I think our team won but there was questionable officiating that made keeping score difficult. Somehow I took a direct hit to the face and Short Sale caught it for a touchdown, one of several he had! Freight wasn’t there so not much fighting or penalties.

Mosey back to the flag Indian Run style with football passing again and more burpees! Bad idea on the burpee penalty! Our young friend, 10 year old Batman showed up about this time very upset that we were finished!

22 Merkins for the Vets.

I gave a quick word on unity which is a large discussion right now. I quoted several scriptures that urge us to seek unity and reminded us that it begins at home and with our circle of influence. Don’t just quote it but try to live it and strive for it in all of our relationships.

Announcements, Prayer Requests, Huck’s quad, Our local Relay test run guys, injured, our country! Great push today in the heat and each guy brought it!

Moleskin –  There was a discussion about bearded millenials and it so happens that Sidecar may be too old to be one but Huckleberry maybe could be. Defib and I did this similar workout with Stone Cold but he didn’t seem to mind  the repeat. Thanks to Pizza Man for leading the planking for the six. Our new guy Brilliant is really getting better fast and I noticed he may sweat as much as me. Swimmer had a new bike which he decided to try to ride out of the back of his truck. It didn’t end well but no broken bones. Swimmer, Canteen and Sister Act got in some EC biking on the trails. Blart and Ash Pond didn’t fight during football so that was good. Oompa Loompa was pushing hard even after his Tuesday beatdown! Great to see Short Sale on this side of the county! Thanks for the opportunity to lead!


Gashouse 3rd F Coffee-rama

When: Friday, October 13th, 2017, 7:00-8:30ish pm

Where: New Covenant Church,  631 Efird St Gastonia NC (Corner of Hudson and Efird

Who: Hosted by Hushpuppy and Midwife, All Gashouse pax

Opening by Hushpuppy, Special guest speakers Sparky and Freight


The long mentioned but often ignored 3rd F will be celebrated on Friday, October 13th (total coincidence that day was chosen!). As Dredd recorded in Freed to Lead, the first F is the Magnet.  lets face it, we posted to that first workout with the hope of becoming a stallion like Dolph, but we end up returning because of the second F, the Fellowship.  It becomes the glue that keeps us together, posting at ungodly hours to sweat and splash Merlot in the gloom.  But sometimes we shy away from that 3rd F,  finding it mysterious and religious. We hear that and in the back of our minds wonder if something Pentecostal might rub off on us.  In reality, Faith is the dynamite which activates what we do!  It is that thing inside a man that says “If I can do this, I can do more for my family, my neighbor, and my community!”

Tha thang:

I encourage every High Impact Man of the Gashouse to join us at New Covenant Church for Coffee-rama and Conversation.  Midwife will host us in the coffee lounge at NCC and  YHC will open up with a testimony of how God has brought me from a life of drugs and near death experiences to the Gashouse and a new life, Freight and Sparky will share on family and community leadership through the Dynamite of Faith.  This will not be a sermon preached from a pulpit, but friends gathered to strengthen each other in our faith.

Tweet an HC if you’ll make it and Post!

More station work at the Storm!

9 HIMs showed up for another late summer like beat down by stations at the Storm Tuesday morning in the ever present gloom. It went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead squats X20

Merkins X 15

Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey to the center of the lot for four corners action. Count off by fours

1s – 1st corner, 10 merkins

2s – 2nd corner, 10 flutter kicks

3s – Jump squats X 10

4s – LBCs X10

After completion, run back to the center and 5 burpees. Rotate to next station. Rinse and repeat two rotations.

mosey to the schoolhouse.

15 SSH, slalom bear crawl through concrete obstacles, 15 dips. Repeat 5X

Next round:

20 dirkins, 10 step ups each leg, rinse and repeat 3X

Wall work:

People’s chair

airpresses X 20

Parking lot work, burpee suicides

Run two lines forward, one back and do 2 burpees. repeat to the 1st island

Coming back, same protocol except insert 5 squats for 2 burpees.

Mosey to flag for short Mary:

Rosalita X 20

SSH X 10

Flutter kick X 20

SSH X 10

LBC X 20


NMM: Great group out here today and great work by everybody. In a world seemingly gone mad it is great to have F3 to be a rock and a refuge for body, brain and soul building , an affirmation that we are here to do good in the world and get better. Reaching our full potential is hard but guys willing to get up and come out have the stuff to do that with. It is our call to do so.

The subject of “Q” came up and I am willing to co Q with anybody to get them started. That is how I started and I recommend it. Do it once and it just gets easier. And better. And you get better too! Try it, you’ll like it! I promise.

See you in the gloom.




And Begin

No FNG’s so we started with the pledge.

LBC’s 20 IC
Merkins 10 IC


Moseyed to the parking lot of the old Harris Teeter but on the way had to stop and grab a rock.  Once at the thing was to perform 5 reps of Merkins, LBC’s, Squat with a Shoulder Press (w/rock), WWII’s, SSH, Bicep Curls w/rock, and Burpees.  After those 1 lap around the building.  Rinse and report for 3 rounds.

Then we kept our rocks and walked to the parking lot and partnered up. P1 would run to street while P2 did exercise.  We used the same exercises as made sure everyone was completely happy.
Then we kept rocks and did lunges, Sprints w/o rocks, and more lunges.  We returned to rocks to their home and stopped by the bank wall for 20 Derkins, 15 Dips, 10 Derkins and 5 Dips.  Moseyed to Snowballs where Gastone led Flutters and we finished with American Hammers.

I pray that these men will leave as faster and stronger leaders to handle anything that life throws at them.


You ever feel that tug from God – challenging you to do more, say more, feel more? I think it’s fair to say we all do. For me, I felt that tug to declare God as our ROCK and REDEEMER at the GOAT today.

So… Each of the men were given ROCKS to be held and incorporated into the WORKOUT, challenging each of us to take it to the next level.

THE WARMUP (in Cadence – 10 reps of each) – Toy Soldier, Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers,  Merkin Shoulder Taps…And then each grabbed our rocks and MOSEY over the two bridges and to the other parking lot.

THE THANG (15 reps, 3 sets) Rock Suicides with 1) Rock Curls and Gorilla Humpers AND 2) Peter Parkers and Rock Curls… And we MOSEY to bridge doing a Rock-in-hands Billy Run, last person sprinting to front…

At the first Goat bridge, we TRIPLE NICKLE with 5 CDDs run over bridge to GOAT entrance 5 Burpees, 5X…EC running and doing exercises with Rocks in hand. We get in a 10 count and count-off, then get a quick Merkin-Stretch rotating between extensions – Right Arm/Left leg, Left Arm/Right leg, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg, ReguLAR… Some other OMAHA shenanigans from here, LBCs, SUPERMANs, Side Straddle Hops, Toy Soldiers…And then, we MOSEY back to our starting position…

From God is OUR ROCK and REDEEMER To God so loved the world that He gave HIS ONLY SON, for you and for me…

John 3:16 exercise – 3 exercises, 16 reps, as fast as you can. LBCs, Wide Merkins, Jump Squats

Conclude with 10 second countdown Wall Sits and a 10 count of Wall Mountain Climbers…


Prayer Requests – PAX of F3 active and inactive, our political leaders, our country. Personal update – my Dad’s bone scan came back negative, so praising God for this, thanking all who were in prayer!

Thanking God for each of you and that he is OUR ROCK!


Oompa Loompa 400

13 PAX, including two Welcome-Back-Kotters, showed up on a hot Tuesday afternoon for a fun in the sun at Midoriyama. Not to mention any names, but, the fatigue from a Sunday Frisbee golf outing, might have made cowards of certain unnamed PAX.

I sent out a pre-blast smokescreen to warn the PAX to avoid the upcoming beatdown. Slaw Q’d the first workout I attended as a FNG, 365 days ago, and is currently unavailable due to something called work, so I wanted to give everyone a large helping of Slaw so he won’t be missed.

I showed up early and pasted the AO with maps and symbols. There were 16 stations with either a triangle, diamond, circle, or square, all set approximately 1/8 of mile apart. Each symbol instructed PAX to perform 22 reps of the designated exercise. Triangles=merkins; circles=Mike Tysons; Squares=LBCs; and diamonds=burpees.

Counted off PAX into 4 teams and passed out maps with a legend to show the exercises to perform at each station and off we go:

No FNG, so brief disclaimer, warm up with 22 SSH & 26 capitalized 1,000,000 font alphabets.

Moseyed to Station 1 through Station 16. Much fun and mumble chatter was had by all. Midoriyama is mathematically challenged, so 16 x 22 = 352, plus 22 = 374, plus 26 = a grand total of 400 with approximately 2 miles hoofed.

To everyone’s astonishment, we finished within the allotted time of 45 minutes. Closed with pledge and prayer. I survived my first year of F3 and thanks again for the privilege to Q.


19 Showed up at Midoryama for my VQ.

No FNG’s so a quick disclaimer was given.



Pledge, then short fellowship Mosey to the infamous speed bump. From there I picked up the pace to the small soccer field.

There was some mumble chatter about the Q having a water bottle waiting on him at the field, but I was given some sympathy after revealing I was pretty under the weather.


The Thang:

Run Drills:  (First Exercise to Mid Field, Second Exercise to Finish)

  • High Knees – Butt Kicks
  • Carioca – Switch Sides
  • NUR – Turn and Run
  • High Skip – Skip
  • Lunge (1/4) – Run (1/4) – Lunge (1/4) – Run(1/4)
  • One Legged Run – Switch Legs (This one was a hit, Lots of Mumble Chatter after the demonstration)
  • Two Leg Bound – Single Leg Bound – Two Leg Bound – Single Leg Bound
  • Goose Steps – Butt Kicks


Form Run (exaggerated running form) x4

Countdowns from 5: (We started by doing each exercise below for 5 reps, then 4, 3, etc. The count was as fast as the Q could handle.)

  • Side Straddle Hops (in cadence)
  • Burpees
  • Mountain Climbers (in cadence)
  • Merkins
  • LBC’s


From here we repeated some run drills ,mostly form runs, high knees, butt kicks, and skips with some ab exercises mixed in. I modified from the weinke a bit here because frankly the cold had set in on me pretty hard and I was just trying to get thru.

After probably 4 sets of run drills and abs we split up into 2 groups for a old school field day relay race. We had 2 teams of 9 that raced each other hard. I set out as the odd number and ran with the l sat group. Respect to everyone for pushing so hard during this. Yall really pushed yourselves and and each other hard. Oompa Loompa showed that he still has some wheels! (hope that knee feels ok!)

We did the relay twice then mosey back to the flag.


At this point everything is a blur for me so I apologize for not remembering it all.


Annoucements: JJ5K, Speed For Need


Prayer Request

I thanked everyone for coming out for my VQ and for pushing thru the workout. I know it was a little different than our usual stuff, but it is good to do something different  sometimes. Being sick aside, it was a great time and I hope to lead these guys in a beat down again soon.  Also, sorry for taking so long to get the BB up. I have been very sick since this workout.








6        showed for a mystery q ,  but after a few clues on the twitter machine as Tsquare would say,

not much of a mystery. I had a couple guys at work that I ‘ve been trying to get out and they made it today.

Disclaimer was given and off we went 3 for pain lab

Warm up as follows

SSH  X 10 IC



Mosey to flag for pledge

Then on to the picnic tables beside track behind Grier middle School for some dips 15 IC and Step ups 20 OYO

for three sets


Next short mosey to steps behind Presbyterian church for some chalk art fun YHC had arrived a little early to

scribe some things out so here is how it went














PAX  to perform each exercise then up stairs and back down when down everyone does 5 burpees then switch

to the next one.

took  a break to catch our breath with some calf raises on steps

then pax performed 21″s  with blocks 3 sets of 7 curls

then back to front of shield for some peoples chair until six returns and while there had to do a few hippslappers

not a crowd pleaser so on back to flag area for some mike Tysons 10 IC




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