Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 25, 2017

No guns downtown

I started off reading something to the pax-something from Eagle’s Perch that I (and a few others) receive daily-it was about “now” and getting stuff done, not waiting, enjoying the moment kind of stuff. “Now Cannot Wait” is the title and it ends with “Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job.” Made me think about a lot of stuff when I read that-insert your own difficult work memory now…

It’s been a rough week or so at work, so was in the mood for some pain this am. The weinke was ready early and the evening before I put out a little Twitter chatter to stir the pot. The cherry on top was my M’s comments as I left the house this morning-“Don’t get arrested” and with my puzzled look she followed with “no guns allowed downtown” as I left with my SleevelessforCheech muscle T. Anyone who knows my M is not surprised at this. So I left with a smile on my face, an angry weinke, and a skip in my step this am. I’ve missed a bunch of workouts lately and was looking forward to getting back out there. Here is what I remember:

WU: SSH, Mtn Climbers 5-7 IC then move out

Thang: Mosey to the parking lot for a lap-in comes Roscoe hot so we did a few SSH to get him warmed up, then we jumped straight into a Burpee Plank Bridge (plank in a row, first Pax does burpee then jumps over each other pax until gets to the end and gets into plank position. As soon as end guy gets jumped, you jump up and do a burpee and follow other guy to end eventually ending up in plank position. We did this for about 3 rounds and then I got bored….mosey to the wall for hip slappers and donkey kicks for 2 sets each. Quickly mosey around the corner to empty parking lot for She Hate Me: start on one end and lunge X 10 each leg then 10 burps then 10 merkins, repeat until across the lot (3 rounds I think) then turn around and do same thing back to start. It was at this time that some of Gastonia’s finest drove by for some early morning conversating that got our attention. Apparently Mr. X was ‘splaining to  Mr. Y something he felt very passionately about. He was so excited he could hardly contain himself and was eager to share this news with his across lane neighbor so much, he almost jumped out of the car. It was a lovely site.

Next we moseyed after Gastone to McQuitter’s Wall, stopping along the way at a light to do some Merkins. Once we arrived at McQuitter’s Wall, we paid tribute to Richard and Hazel with some Dips and Derkins. We quickly moved along to the parking lot, finding it unlit. We were not deterred and attacked the stairs-20 merkins at the top and 20 LBCs at the bottom. Think we did 2 rounds of this and then moved to the side and I challenged the pax to name the person that said the following: ” In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count, it the life in your years.” Not even before I finished, Slaw correctly answered Abraham Lincoln-the reward was supposed to be 20 squats instead of 40-sorry guys, the brain was running low on oxygen so I deviated from the reward…we did hip slappers then quickly went to the 20 squat reward. At this point, I believe I tasted more than a little Merlot…

I was pretty gassed, so we went back to home base for some Mary-ish exercises. I called on a few pax to lead some exercises: Spiderman with the Deep Sea Diver, Roscoe with a Burp and Merk, Gastone with some sumo squats, Bandit with dying cockroaches, Time Frame with American Hammers, think I did some flutter kicks (slooooooooooowwwwwww motion for part of it-thanks Roscoe).  We then moseyed to the back wall for some Tunnel of Love. At this point, I think I blacked out and woke up during the pledge.

We did the namorama, announcements then a quick prayer.

It was a GREAT morning for me today-got my head back on straight after missing a little more than a week. I missed seeing everyone and getting back out in the gloom is truly a privilege. I think it is important to be reminded of this every now and then. We are all very lucky to have each other and to have our families-try to keep that in mind and pause every once in awhile. Everyone eventually has that life-changing event that will knock you on your butt-make sure you have a good foundation with your brothers so when the shieldlock is needed, you are prepared, both for your sake and for the guys around you.

Enjoyed it-Whoopee


Hungry Hippos……sort of…..

3 Pax fought the sack to hit the Folsom gloom for a beat down. Chatter was high about how great it felt. The air was nice, cool, and finally breathable. Whoops. 5:31 so we clock in.

warm up;

smurf jacks, mountain climbers, X10 IC………….we hear a sound from a distance……there’s Roadie coming in super hot and joins us just in time for 10 burpees OYO.  Mosey to the park entrance for some core with LBCs, American hammers, XYs x 15 IC( well the XYs were a little tough for the Pax including YHC to maintain cadence, so maybe 12-32?) recover for Pledge. Mosey a loop back to start.


Hungry Hippos was the theme YHC had in mind. Partner up, P1 wheelbarrow P2 about 10 yards while in said position, grab a rock and move it into a bucket, which was placed prior to start, then backward wheelbarrow the 10yards where all Pax perform number of exercises. Rotate Pax after each moved rock totaling 6 trips. 1st round with 10 hand release burpees, 2nd round 20 merkins, 3rd round 30 crab cakes, 4th round 40 high knee lunges, 5th round 50 Al Gore SQUATS, 6th round 60 french fries……..mumble chatter……..Ok 60 LBCs. After round 1 of wheelbarrow, modifications quickly were made to prevent further injury to a couple Pax, instead of wheelbarrow, lunge walked each round. With a few minutes left, mosey to the lower shelter for dips, step ups x15 IC, fellowship mosey with some real fellowship back toward start, at about half way, YHC calls for All You Got back to start.

Announcements, JJ5k, Christmas Town 5k with #Speedforneed


Nice work men. thanks for the opportunity to lead. Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of a Real Men’s organization where you get 3 very important aspects of life rolled into 1. I saw a quote the other day, “The Task Ahead of You is Never As Great as the Power Behind you.” F3 is always behind you, whether it’s just a push during a brutal workout or encouragement and support during a hard life struggle. Let’s push Tha rock and continue to grow these relationships and build manly leaders within our communities.

“Be strong in the lord, and in His Mighty Power.” Eph 6:10

TBQ for all!

11 Showed for Gastone’s first Q at Midoriyama. The forecast and Freight were calling for a cooler day but if that is cooler than I am really not going to come out of the gloom that often.

The Thang:

35 SSH

Plank, Raise one arm then the other, then 6 inches until Freight joins us. He took his time.

Jack Webb up to 7 and then back down.

Run around baseball fields to the soccer fields in the tall grass.

Stop along the way at a 15 yard hill for 10 to the top backwards. (We got 2 young guys to join us that made it around the field and when we started the backwards stuff one of them got a phone call from his mother and they had to leave)

Mosey to soccer field.

Partner up for some wheelbarrow all the way across the field.

Next was the 11’s near the dog park. Conveniently a sidewalk between the soccer fields and then on the other side of the fields was a good hill. We started with 1 Partner Hand Slap Merkin then each partner ran in opposite direction to the top of a hill for 10 Get Up’s. We switched sides to run after each set up Partner Hand Slaps. Now this sucked far worse than I would have expected and I will explain. One hill had shade and the other put us closer to the sun. One field was dry and the other field was a swamp that had just been watered. I personally was only done with the second set and realized how much of a suck this was going to be for everyone. Many times during this workout I felt overheated, dizzy, and a close to vomit feeling in my throat. Pizza Man at the end joined several other groups for extra credit, Kudos on that. Slaw had it all under control. Tooltime is a beast and stayed near the front. Freight the Natan, had a serious look on his face and stayed in the front the entire time as well. The rest of us got it done and survived.

The Moleskin:

Midoriyama, one of the only pm workouts in F3 is alive with HIMS. When I look around F3 Gastonia I find that I have friends, some of them new and some I have know for a while.  The surprising thing is that most of even the new friends are like we have know each other for years. I don’t even have the words to express how much I appreciate everyone. F3 Gastonia is a special group of guys and we will grow and should be really proud every day of what has been made with sacrifices from all of you.

Everyone did a great job or the best we could do.

Prayer request for many of our brother’s out here, family, and friends. Let’s pray for all of them.

Always and honor and thanks for the opportunity, That was Fun!

Gastone Out!


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