Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2017 (Page 3 of 5)

You never know….

Well it was a record setting night at Midoriyama.  17 HIMS posted for a special Pizza Man delivery.  17:30 hit so it was time for the delivery.  It was another Thursday so I wanted to use a throwback delivery with some added toppings.  It went like this:



Don Quixotes X 20 IC

Seal Jacks X 20 IC

The Thang:

Now it was time for the delivery.  The PAX went on a mosey throughout Midoriyama and at each opening on the right we performed two exercises with 25 reps each. The exercises were:

  • Merkins/LBC’s
  • Incline merkins/Flutters
  • Squats at the big opening
  • Decline Merkins/WWI
  • Wide merkins/American Hammers

After this set we couldn’t pass up the playground for some pull-ups.  While doing pull-ups someone noticed a train horn.  WHAT?  Train horn?  Well, everyone in Gashouse knows that means 5 burpees.  So the Q yelled Omaha and we did 5 burpees.  We then continued our mosey to the next openings for:

  • Diamond merkins/LBFC’s
  • CDD’s/Dying cockroaches

Continued the mosey to the picnic shelter after a count off to hear that record 17 number again.  At the shelter we performed:

  • Dips/Freddy Mercury’s

*Along the way there are four speed bumps which now are called “Burpee Bumps” thanks to Slaw.  At each Burpee Bump the PAX did 5 burpees.*

On the way back the Q went for a detour to slider hill.  The PAX ran down and up the hill then performed 1 burpee at the top, then 2, then 3, then 4, and finally 5.  Great work men!!

Fellowship mosey/mosey to the steps for calf raises.  These are not my favorite so it’s something I need more of.  We completed 5 calf raises on each step.

45 minutes complete.  Now time to mosey back to the flag for 22 merkins for the vets.



Theme of the workout: You never know what tomorrow begins so make the best of each day!!

With that being said, 15 years ago to the day my life suddenly changed.  I can honestly say that it was the worst day of my life.  Some people know but I lost my sister in a car accident.  Everyday was tough because I caught myself always asking why her and not somebody else?  After time of thinking and sole searching I asked myself, Is this the Christian way?  After that I started realizing that each of us are on this earth for a purpose and that God has a reason behind everything.  Now I honestly say that live everyday to the fullest and truly cherish every moment with friends and family I can.  You never know what tomorrow brings!!  I want to say thank you to my F3 brothers for posting to help me through this tough day.  Once again, you see God’s work because nobody knew what this day meant to me but yet 17 HIMS posted to set a record at Midoriyama.  GOD IS GOOD!!!

Isaiah 41:10– So do not fear, I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your GOD.  I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to lead a great group of men!! Until the next delivery Pizza Man is OOOUUUUUTTTTTT!!

On your Six!


SSH- 15 IC

Don Quixote’s – 15 IC

Squats- 25 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs- 30IC

The Thang:

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

Leg Climbs Right leg – 12/ Then Left Leg 12

And to put the cherry on top….

American Hammers -50

It wasn’t over….yet!

High Plank/Low Plank Pulse tucks- 8H/8L x4(Huckleberry said he was going to go home and show the M what he did at f3 today!)

High Plank Peter Parkers- 25 IC

Low Plank Peter Parkers – 25 IC

Abdominal C – Sit position session no break in-between these.. Hank’s chest was apparently tight during these??? AB’S chest you know same thing!

Twists- 25

Twist with Alternate knee raise-25

A Frame twists -25

A Frame knee raise- 25


C –Sit position single leg  right then left  20 each ( in C-sit position hold leg off ground 6 inches then bring knee in extend leg back out and raise as high as you can = 1 rep)

Both legs together – 10 x2……Sparky said something about his gold finger with these….

We ended the workout with a nice to get the hip flexors feeling really good…circle up at the Flag and say the Pledge!



Bulldog shared what a blessing f3 has been for him and that f3 came to him at the perfect time…keep pushing that rock Bulldog!


Top Hat and family…For Strength and for peace …Prayers for the division in our country to turn to unity.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Here a burp, there a burp, everywhere a burp-burp

10 Brave souls fought the extreme gravitational pull of the fartsack Monday morning and got out to Marthas for a classic Defib burpee inspired beatdown.  It was a beautiful winter morning with temps in the 50s and a light breeze which allowed YHC to push these 10 to their limits.

Warmup – all IC

SSH 25

LBC x 15

Flutter x 20

Don Quixote x 20

Pledge and disclaimer to get back in car not to follow this idiot


Mosey to Martha’s parking lot for a very quick round of 11s with Merkins and Flutter kicks.  Fastest round of 11s Ive ever seen – congrats to pax – then mosey to Concession stand to pair up and complete Dora with 100 Merkins, 200 LBC and 300 Squats.  Partner two runs 20 yards and does a burpee then runs back.  Next we moseyed back to parking lot for a 4 armed Starfish with a heart of burpees.  Pax ran to corners of the parking lot and performed 20 LBC, 20 Flutter kicks, 20 American Hammers and 20 Merkins, each time returning to center to do 5 Burpees.  After getting sufficiently gassed we did some Burpeethon training. Pax lined up and did Burpeebroad jumps across parking lot.  This was a real ball buster – TClaps to Bulldog.  Finally ended with 2 rounds of dips on picnic tables before moseying back to Pelicans.  As is customary on Monday’s not a whole lot of mumble chatter but lots of hard work and great encouragement.  Great way to start the week!!

Prayer requests went out to TopHat and his family on the loss of his brother.

Announcements: Bupreethon is April 29th each AO to field a team

As always it was my honor to serve the great men of F3 at Martha’s. Until next time – Defib out

Shield Lock


7 manly goats found their way out of the fartsack to see what would be in the BB before it came out. I’ve had the STORM Shovel Flag for a week or so now and finally brought it back to Tiny Tank. I am still missing Goatisland Shovel Flag so I will be making another. The pax started rolling in and time drew near. Here’s what happened….


SSH 20ic
G: Grass Pickers 10ic
O: Overhead Squats 10ic
A: American Hammers 10ic
T: Tomahawks 10ic
(now let me explain what this is. I needed
a stretch exercise that started with a “T”
Mayor yells out Tomahawk. Dolph quickly
does a wind mill motion with arms above
head and hands together. So that’s the

With the gates to the island opened we moseyed across the bridge and pass the split rail fencing where I hear Mayor ask Dolph where is he going? Hybrid (first of his kind) aka Mayor had a case of the mumble chatters this AM. We moseyed to the back parking lot for some Dora. Starting at the edge of the parking lot we partnered up. I explained the theme this morning was Shield Lock. TopHat lost his brother this week and needs his F3 Brothers to stand with him. Help Him. Be an Armor Bearer. So I told the guys Shield Lock with your partner. Work with him to complete the goals this AM.

Dora 123:
Partner 1 exercise
Partner 2 ran up the hill path to bridge gates and back
100 mericans
200 Squats
300 LBC

We then moseyed back across bridge and stopped at the split rail fence. Keeping same partners we did…

Deep Sea Divers:
Partner 1 Deep Sea Divers up and down split rail fence til Partner 2 ran across bridge to center and back. Flip flop 3 sets.

TRAIN!!!! 5 burpees.

We moseyed to gazebo where we lined up in plank position.

5 pull ups/ sprint up hill to side walk and back. Get back in plank line. The lines works itself down where next guys does exercise as man before.
5 Toes to Bar/ sprint as before
5 pull ups/ sprints as before.

With minutes left we moseyed back to the start for Mary.


Crunch frogs 10ic ( now let me go ahead and put this out here so Mayor can’t take jabs. I completely messed up counting this one due to me not being able to catch my balance to do exercise)
WWI sit ups 10 oyo


TRAIN!!! 5 burpees

Announcements: TopHat and family. Visitation tomorrow at Woodlawn in Mt. Holly.
Mud Run registration (get your teams up)
Burpeethon get teams up. Need team for each AO.


TRAIN!!! 5 burpees


Always a honor to lead. Great work men. Brownstreak out!!

Love was in the air

13 HIM showed up for a valentines day evening workout. As the PAX started rolling in I knew we were in for a tasseling 45 min. With almost everyone in circle we started some moroccan nightclubs while our last PAX gets ready. Your QIC was reminded of the disclaimer, so with a quick disclaimer we started our warmup.

SSH x 15

Imperial Walkers x 15

Don Quixote’s x 10

Shoulder Tap x 10

With that we long moseyed around the parking lot to the hill behind the playground.

Triple Nickle on the hill

Burp & Merk at the bottom   we did one burpee with one Pushup on 1st trip

one Burpee with 2 Pushups on 2nd trip

one Burpee with 3 Pushups on 3rd trip

one Burpee with 4 Pushups on 4rth trip

one Burpee with 5 Pushups on 5th trip

Squat x 5 at the top

Another Triple Nickle

5 Squats at the bottom

5 Monkey Humpers at the top

Mosey to the playground for some Classic Pull ups at Midoriyama.

Triple Nickle

5 Pull ups


Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot we did 50 reps of an exercise and then ran a lap around the lot. Since someone mentioned Sandy V I thought we should start with that. Here is what we did.

Sandy V’s x 50 plus a lap

Carolina Dry Docks x 50 plus a lap

LBC x 50 plus a lap

Scissor Kicks x 50 plus a lap

Hill Billy x 50 plus a lap

Merkin x 50 plus a lap

Seal Jacks x 50 with the lap finishing up at the flag for some mary.

Mary went like this

Pockets – 10 Monkey Humpers IC

Slaw – 5 Burpees OYO

Blart – 30 Scissor Kicks IC

Stroganoff finished with 2 min of Plank

announcements and namerama

Prayer request

Top Hat and family, Service at Woodlawn 6-9 on Friday, Fellow F3 brother Dipstick from the Myrtle Beach area, Def Leppards M surgery, Lil Sweets family, and our brother Chum.

Praise report for Freights M getting a new job.

As we kneelt to pray I reminded the men of the story Jesus told of The Prodigal Son. As the son returned home his father RAN to him and hugged him and kissed him without question. With some things going on in my life, Valentines Day reminds me that no matter what has happened, the LORD loves us all without question. Is there someone in your life that needs your love more than a lecture. If so don’t put it off. Tell them you love them and the LORD will take care of the rest.

Thank you men for showing up and pushing me to be my best.



Folsom B.O.M.B.S

7 #HIM made it to Folsom this am to perform some BOMBS.

Warmup; Before any other exercise this morning the Pax were surprised with the Slaughter Starter. It’s a good one. Then it was LBC’s, Flutterkicks, and Boat to Canoes all by 15 IC. We then moseyed to the lower parking lot for the Thang.

Thang; YHC looked for some new exercises last night and stumbled across the BOMBS. Definitely a #DRP. Partner up.
Burpee x 50
Overhead Claps x 100
Merican x 150
Big Boy Situps x 200
Squats x 250
Partner 1 starts exercise and partner 2 runs 50 yds up hill to speed bump and back, change and pick up count where P1 is and it is P1 turn to run. This is a good one, perfect for time and will be feeling the Big Boy Situps for a while. Strong work by all men. Tclaps to Sparky and Bulldog for taking the trophy this am. All pax pushed the rock this morning. Mosey back to the upper lot and perform 5 Merican Wipes.

Moleskin; Allen Tate said it was good to see YHC again, we both have been MIA from Folsom as of late. Mumble chatter began at the Slaughter Starter which was 20 burpees right out of the gate. #Crowdpleaser for sure. Sparky you still owe us 20 sir. Think someone mentioned announcements around #15. Boat to Canoes were a hit as well and tough to count through the moans and groans. AYE! Running the hill during the BOMBS was a challenge and the Pax crushed it. We tracked a little over 1.5 miles. The merican wipes were the finishing touch; in the down position touch nose to right hand and then to left hand w/o moving hands. Nice work. It was a pleasure to lead you men.

BOM; Pledge, Announcements, Namorama, Prayer requests. Thanks Huck for taking us out.

Forty Love Beatdown

Today could have been a reasonable excuse to stay in the warmth of a fartsack, snuggled (or spooned) next to our significant other, conjuring methods of cardiovascular excitement not named SSH or Merkin (or maybe they do? Yeah – I almost went there…). Instead, this Valentine’s Day began for 16 HIMs in the gloom, in a shield lock to support Tophat who lost his brother last week in an accident. My first Q at The Storm happen to coincide with these two events. I had a couple of ideas to ensure the PAX would get their money’s worth. It took a few minutes to set up the workout so I arrived to the center of the circle at 0530 to learn we had two FNG’s ready to do battle. I manufactured a quick disclaimer: “Modify as needed, don’t kill yourself, don’t try to keep up with Dolph…” PAX: “Dolph is QIC at Folsom.” What? My very first exercise was just for him:

  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Seal Jacks – IC x 10
  • Toy Soldiers – IC x 10
  • High Knees – IC x 10
  • Don Quixote – IC x 5…(hit Whoopee’s limit for warm-up)

A very short mosey to the tennis courts. An early recon mission failed to find the lights that would have been nice to illuminate our movements but we’re used to dancing under the pale moonlight. QIC Fail #2: the speaker was not fully charged to play the soundtrack built for the workout. I was excited because I finally down-loaded George Strait to fit Whoopee’s odd musical appreciation (odd because of his disdain for Rush which were songs #4 and #13 on my playlist). Next time I’ll be better prepared. YHC earned one athletic letter at Ashbrook High School. At 5’9”, 130 lbs, my scrawny frame wasn’t suitable for the gridiron or hardwood at the high school level, so I focused on tennis. I was privileged to play with some good guys on a good team that finished 2nd in the conference, won regionals and top 5 in the state tournament. Our team’s bonds exist to this day. Nearly all of our practices and match warm-ups began with two drills that I wanted to share with my F3 brothers.

The Thang:

Set I

  • “W” drill – from the baseline, run to the net, backpedal to the “T”, run to the net and backpedal to the baseline. Upon explaining this and noticing Anthrax and Roscoe were present, likely for the first time since “The Incident,” another disclaimer was shared (not sure who – Stroganoff?) – “if running backwards, watch out for people that may be on the ground behind you…” We had 4 courts with two sides of each court – that was 8 reps. Oh yeah, perform 2 burpees between running each court.
  • “Tracers” – begin at the baseline, run down the alley to the net, backpedal to the service line, side-step to the center line, forward to the net, side-step to the alley, and backpedal to the baseline. Perform 8 reps moving along each side of the 4 courts. Between each court execute 5 jump squats (Tophat’s choice).

Set II

The Ultimate Four Corners – instead of 4 exercises at each corner, we ran all 4 courts. At 8 different points was a cone, arriving at each cone perform the following:

  • Merkins – 15 x 8
  • Flutter Kicks 15 x 8 (omahaed from 30)
  • Freddie Mercury 20 x 8 (each leg) – that is 40 total


Time was running out so I offered the PAX a choice between Dora or Mary. They chose Dora. So partner up: P1 runs a suicide among 3 cones while P2 performs the exercise in aggregate:

  • WWI x 50
  • Plankjacks x 100
  • SSH x 150


After the first set, I shared a brief summary of the shield lock, how the Roman soldiers formed a tight pack and used their shields to protect them in battle. Roscoe helped me with additional color. He shared the soldiers wouldn’t be upset if a fellow fighter lost their sword but would be if they lost their shield. The importance of remaining a protected, cohesive unit. Arriving at base, I offered a brief devotional:

Joshua 1:9 – “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

In challenging times, our faith provides the comfort and guidance to shepherd us through. For those of us in the gloom, we have come to believe in the three elements of F3 which work in concert to provide a foundation of support to help fellow brothers, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. Presence can be a silent motivator to push the next guy through, not to meet your goals but to get to his.

We performed name-o-rama and named our FNG’s. Davidson Hobson is the Director of Admissions at Gaston Day School. He earned the name Mr. Hand after giggles from Whoopee, Bandit, and Roscoe quoting lines from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Next we had Josh Valentine (coincidental name?). Josh is the interim youth pastor at a church in Gastonia (I can’t recall the name). He is also the son-in-law of Mastodon. While working on an appropriate name, Josh’s stomach evidently was reeling from the workout. As he splashed merlot in the high school parking lot, the PAX named him Zofran. We assured him that was a badge of honor that not many PAX have earned. As the QIC, I has mixed emotions. Concern over for our friendly new guy’s wellbeing, but also a devilish sense of pride the workout had pushed the limits.

It was great to have a larger audience today. The mumble chatter was a little louder than normal (despite Mayor fartsacking – he loves burpees). It was a fun group that pushed each other through the misery of each rep. Godspeed to Tophat and his family in their time of tragedy. Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Come back next week at The Storm for round 1 of Mayor week in Cramerton.

Triple Nickel/360

3 manly men showed up at 6:15 for a lil rucking. We rucked as long a time allowed 1.5 miles but we fellowshipped a lot more. We talked about life, rucking, sports. Found out Mayor was recruited to play football for NC State due to him being the “First Hybrid” of his kind. As we made it back to start the pax started rolling in. 12 pax strong including FNG (came out due to Sargento yelling “come join us” last week) it was time to start. Here’s what I remember.

SSH 20ic
Windmills 10ic
Cotton Pickers 10ic
Moroccan Night Clubs 25ic
Imperial Walkers 10ic

Mosey to Hawthorne Park.

Triple Nickel: up the hill (BIG LONG HILL)

Mosey to the track behind school.

360 Rep Workout:

Round 1:  20 mericans, 20 squats, 20 Freddie Merc, 20 burpees, run a lap

(After first round we Omaha to 10 burpees)

Round 2:  20 wide arm, 20 monkey humpers, 20 Russian twists, 10 burpees, run a lap

Round 3:  20 diamond, 20 lunges, 20 flutters, 10 burpees, run lap

Round 4: 20 offset hand Mericans, 20 jump Squats, 20 Chrunchy Frogs, 10 burpees, run a lap

Mosey back to the start.


Tiny Tank hears a train…… 5 BURPEES


Welcome FNG Dr. Seuss (respect)

Prayers: TopHat for his loss of his brother and prayer for comfort for the family.

Announcements: still need driver for runners of the Palomino 200.
Shirts for the YANK are ready for order.

Thank you for allowing me to lead this group. Strong work and great mumble chatter. Allows a pleasure guys. Brownstreak Out!

What are you afraid of?

I’ve been a part of F3 for just under a year now.  A few weeks ago I went back and read the BB from my first post.  Roscoe had EH’d me, and he was the Q that day.  The theme of the workout was “What is your weakness?”  Fast-forward to last Weds at Martha’s when Stroganoff mentioned the Q was open for the Gashouse Sat for any takers.  As we all stood silent, my heart said “I can take it.”  However, my mouth remained closed with my hands by my side.  I left frustrated and a little disappointed.  “What am I afraid of?” I asked myself on the drive home.  I’d been Q at other sites multiple times but never at the Gashouse on a Sat morning.  Why was I stressing over this?

Over the month of January, we’d been going through Freedom from Fear at the Crusade on Tues mornings and our Sunday School lessons in church had focused on overcoming fear and stress.  Yet here I was wondering what was holding me back.  After signing up to Q, I knew I had a theme for the workout.  I took some creative liberties with Roscoe’s “weakness” workout and was ready to go.

I showed up earlier than normal for the workout because the Q adrenaline had awoken me from the fart sack a little early.  The PAX started to slowly roll in when we saw Squirt and Slaw rucking through the parking lot after some early EC.  Kudos to you gentlemen for the extra work.  7am hit on the clock so it was time to go.

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15
Don Quixote x 15

10 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the Flag for the Pledge

The Thang
Mosey to the Grier track

As we caught our breath, I briefly covered some of the info above along with the what and why of the theme of the workout. What are some things that make you feel stressed? Does that stress lead to fear and inertia?

I read this verse: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7

The PAX chose an exercise that they didn’t like or that made them feel stressed and did that exercise on their own for one minute.

I then read a quote from a recent “Thought of the Day” email that some of us receive. “Focus on taking one initial action, now. Do something, make a little progress, and feel empowered instead of overwhelmed.”  Basically, little wins lead to big victories.

So to get that progress going and push each other, we then lined up for two laps of an Indian run around the track.

Mosey to baseball field and partner up.
Partner One stays at the bottom of the hill and does squats while Partner Two sprints to the top of the hill and does 15 dips on the benches. When Partner Two returns, switch and Partner One runs up the hill.
Each partner does three trips up the hill.

Same concept for round 2 with Partner One doing lunges at the bottom of the hill, and Partner Two sprinting and doing 10 Derkins at the top of the hill. Three trips up the hill once again for each man.

Mosey back to the track.

One again while we caught our breath, another verse on trusting in God’s promises.
Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken. – Psalm 55:22

Another exercise that you don’t like or that makes you feel stressed for ONE MIINUTE.

There had been mumble chatter about the Carolina loss to Duke so we had to at least tie in something Tar Heel related. They weren’t full out Four Corners, but we split the track in quarters. Run a quarter lap, stop and complete the exercise for that station, wait on everyone to finish, then run to the next quarter post as a group for that exercise.
1st Quarter – CDDs x 10
2nd Quarter – American Hammers x 20
3rd Quarter – Flutter Kicks x 30
4th Quarter – Dying Cockroaches x 40
We completed two rounds of this.

Once again some breath catching and a verse on confidence in God.
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? – Romans 8:31

Next was the Burp and Merk… One burpee, one pushup. One burpee, two pushups, one burpee, three pushups, repeat until the burpee included 10 pushups.
What goes up must come down so after 10, one burpee, nine pushups, one burpee, eight pushups, until we got back to one burpee, one pushup.

Mosey to wall at the school for some Wall Sits. Two rounds with the second including shoulder presses.

Mosey back to Schiele

Just enough time for 5 minutes of Mary:
Tool Time: Oblique Raises x 25
Blart: Flutters x 35
Squirt: Shoulder Taps x45

Luckily the bells then rang.  Not sure of which exercise Def Leppard would have had us do 55 reps.

Prayer Requests
Top Hat and family

Prayer to close us out

Thanks to all the men who posted this morning. There was a lot of mumble chatter this morning which made it that much more enjoyable. Proud to lead such a great group of men.  Until next time…

And We Ran

Five strong runners posted in the gloom Thursday for our weekly run.  Well four initially then out of the darkness emerged Monk running down the road to the workout.  Nice EC from Monk who probably ran 10 this morning.

Disclaimer served as a warning and warm-up…lets Mosey

We set out toward Leonard and thru the neighborhood to Stroupe then over to New Hope and up to Hudson for return back to Hoffman and Publix.  Although YHC thought this would be 4.7 it turned out to be only 4.2 so EC around Duke and back to Publix for 4.8 was enough for me yet Stroganoff had other ideas needing to mentally complete 5 miles he circled the building to complete 5 miles.

Not a whole lot of mumble chatter for the morning – must have been the realization that the Palmetto 200 is real and will be here before you know it.  Strong work by all!


Ended with announcements (Burpeethon 4/29/17) and prayer requests (coworker of Monk’s going through some health issues ) were lifted up.

After COT we all got in our cars to go home except for Monk who kept on running – home – strong work Monk way to push!


As always it was my honor and pleasure to lead!

Until next time – Defib Out

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