Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 11, 2017

3-2-1 Its Cold, Lets Mosey

Bright and early on the freezing cold morning after the College Football Playoff (#AllIn), YHC sat in the parking lot of TheStorm watching the clock and hoping no pax showed.  Alas, with 2 minutes to spare, a pickup truck suspiciously circles the parking lot and parks where the pax normally warm up.  Unfortunately for Shad Rap, his grand entrance and debut at TheStorm was only witnessed by YHC.

I’m sorry fartsack I cannot return to you this morning, disclaimer given and on to the workout…

Warm Up:

To cold for a warm up! Long mosey around the parking lots ending at the softball fields.

The Thang:

3-2-1.  3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs.  Used cinderblocks during strength exercises for added fun.  For strength we did a minute thirty for two separate exercises and a minute for two exercises of cardio.  Abs was a minute for one exercise per set.  After each set moseyed to the parking lot and back to keep the body warm.

  • Set 1:
    • 3: Squat Press & Curls
    • 2: Burpees & High Knees
    • 1: V-Ups
  • Set 2:
    • 3: Lunges & Merkins
    • 2: Plank Jacks & Fast Feet
    • 1: America Hammer
  • Set 3:
    • 3: Squats & Dips
    • 2: Side Straddle Hop & Mountain Climbers
    • 1: Flutter Kicks
  • Set 4:
    • 3: Overhead Press & Tricep Extensions
    • 2: Squat Jumps & Seal Jacks
    • 1: Supine bicycle

Finished two minutes over time and moseyed back to start to close out.



  • Need Q’s at TheStorm!

Prayer Request:

As always I appreciate the opportunity to lead. Special thanks to Shad Rap for showing up and making me conduct the workout and not head back home to my fartsack!

26.2 or a little more in 45 minutes

12 PAX showed for another Pizza Man Midoriyama delivery.  With this being taper week before the Charleston Marathon, I wanted to concentrate more on strength training and being around my F3 brothers with this delivery.  17:30 hit and it was time to begin.  Short disclaimer letting the FNG know that I’m definitely not a professional and that it’s YOU vs. YOU.



Don Quixote’s X 26 IC


With the warm-up complete, I heard some mubblechatter from the PAX after they figured out where this workout was heading.  This delivery was a little different cause there wasn’t going to be much moseying.  The PAX were to complete each exercise and do 2 burpees after completed.  The exercises were:

Merkins X 26

Incline Merkin X 26

Decline Merkin X 26

Dips X 26

CDD’s X 26

LBC’s X 26

Flutter Kicks X 26

WWI X 26

Freddy Mercury X 26

Dying cockroaches X 26

Squat X 26

Lunges X 26

Mosey to playground for pull-ups X 26

(2 Burpees after each exercise)


After the last set of pull-ups/burpees the PAX circled back up and did 5 burpees, counted off, 5 burpees, counted off, and 5 more burpees.

Mosey back to the flag for pledge and 22’s for the Vets.

After all said and done here are the numbers:

Exercises completed in workout: 26

Reps per exercises: 26 and 2 burpees

Total number of reps: 698 (26reps X 26exercises + 22 merkins for the Vets)

Total number of burpees completed: 67

Number of reps 698 X Number of burpees 67= 46,766 yards in 26.5 miles (Sorry went a little over)

*There are 46,145 yards in a marathon*



Charleston Marathon this weekend

P200 coming up

Mud Run on May 20th

Snow Bird Retreat


Once again,  I will start off saying THANK YOU to all my F3 brothers!! You don’t understand how much you all mean to me.  Thanks for holding me accountable and pushing me every week.  Great work by the PAX today and pushing through another Pizza Man’s delivery.  It’s an honor to lead a great group of men!!  Welcome FNG Madden!!

Until the next delivery Pizza Man is OOOUUUUUTTTTTT!!!

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