Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 9, 2017

Climbing Burpee Mountain by Bearcrawl

Cold, real cold. We’re all idiots, not just the Q this time. YHC hasn’t posted at Martha’s House in probably at least 2 months, so long he felt the need to introduce himself to the PAX. Even made the mistake of calling Stone Cold Bandit. My apologies brother! The disclaimer was given and we’re off.



SSH x15IC, Goofballs x15IC, Moroccan Night Clubs x20IC, Dying Cockroachs x15IC, Mountain Climbers x15IC

Mosey toward the old Teeter parking lot doing a little follow the leader to avoid traffic and ice covered sidewalks.

Arrive at the lot for a quick (not really) round of 11s. At one end we do Mountain Climber Merkins, other end was Rosalitas. This took a while because of the Mtn. Climber part of the merkins, it was good though.

Next were the Deconstructed Burpees. 10 squats, 10 In & Outs, 10 Merkins, 10 more In & Outs, 10 Jump Squats.Rinse and repeat x3. It was in between these sets that I’d ask one of the PAX to share 15 seconds about themselves. I picked this up the previous week when Apache guest Q’ed Goat Island by way of Rock Hill. In my opinion, it’s a perfect way to encourage some conversation and sneakily get us a breather.

A short mosey (about 20 yards) to a convenient spot for the Bermuda Triangle. At corner 1, do 1 burpee, bearcrawl to corner 2, do 2 burpees, bearcrawl to corner 3, 3 burpees and bearcrawl to the start.

Mosey back to where we were for Whole Lotta Rosie. This is based on an AC/DC song about a plentiful woman and her dimensions. It goes like this: 30 Mtn. Climbers, 42 LBCs, 30 more Mtn Climbers, 39 Hip Thrusts, 30 Mtn. Climbers, 56 Flutter Kicks, 30 Mtn. Climbers. That’s a lovin’ woman!

Mosey back over to the triangle for another set of Bermuda. Finally mosey back through the snow to Pelicans. Wrap up the last minute with a set of Nolan Ryans. Aye!

In reading almost all of the backblasts over the last couple of months, I realized that I’d gotten into a bit of a rut with my schedule, posting almost exclusively at The Storm, Goat Island and The Fighting Yank. While the consistency, along with my usual running routine, has provided some pretty good physical fitness, the pattern kept me from all the other guys who post at the western AOs including a ton of newer PAX. It was great meeting Stone Cold and TK, keep up the good work men! If you have a chance to post somewhere you haven’t before or in a while, do it. You’ll probably see some old friends and meet some new ones too.

Until next time men, it was a pleasure to lead you! Aye!!!

Cards in the snow

4 brave men crawled out of the fartsack and ventured onto the icy roads to make their daily down painment Saturday morning. The weather man predicted 6-8 inches of snow, but Belmont received more like 2 inches of ice. Not knowing what to expect, YHC chose to go with a Wienke that could mostly be done under shelter. Here’s how it went.


SSH x 15IC

Hillbillies x 15IC

Merkins x 15IC

LBC x 15IC

Mosey up the hill to the picnic shelter for the Double Deck of Death. Here’s how it went:

The Thang:

Two decks of cards were combined using 9-Ace with 4 Jokers.

Spades = Burpies

Diamonds = Dips

Hearts = Merkins

Clubs = WW1’s

Jokers = Lap around the track

All cards were played. If my math is correct, that equals 138 of each exercise and 4 laps around the track.

Finished with a few minutes to spare so we mosied to the flag for the Pledge. Back to the shelter for 5 minutes of Mary. Flutter kicks, WW1’s, and a few others were done.

COT and Announcements:

DDC and Pot Pie both have upcoming mission trips. Pray for the homeless in this weather.


It was an honor to lead. I look forward to next time.



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