Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 29, 2016

46 and 2

10 PAX posted to get a workout today not knowing they would have so much fun!


46-SSH ic and  2 Burpees

46-Moroccan Nightclubs ic and 2 Burpees

There was a lot of mumblechatter during the SSH’s! A lot of confused looks as well.

The Thang:

Indian Run to the soccer field while carrying a 30 lbs slamball. Runner 1 carries it and passes it off to the last runner when he catches up.

At the soccer field we split up for about 15 minutes of bearcrawl/crabwalk soccer. The PAX really got into this. You could see the competitive spirit come out. There was a lot of talk about yellow cards but I didn’t see anything? Sorry Lil Sweet for not giving you a high five but you weren’t on my team. I think he was really trying to distract me.

Next up we took turns throwing the slamball. After each throw we walked up and did 46 ab exercises and 2 burpees. They went like this:

46 LBC’s and 2 burpees

46 Freddy Mercury’s and 2 burpees

23 WWII Situps, 23 Flutterkicks and 2 burpees

23 WWII Situps, 23 Flutterkicks and 2 burpees (OK so we modified on those two but they were really starting to hurt at this point. They still equaled 46)

46 Flutterkicks and 2 burpees

46 Dying cockroaches and 2 burpees

46 Hello Dolly’s and 2 burpees

46 In/Out’s and 2 burpees

46 American Hammers and 2 burpees

46 Plank hip dips and 2 burpees

We had a little time left so we played another 10 minute round of soccer then repeated the Indian run back to circle up. 22 Merkins. I forgot to the pledge today guys sorry!


CSAUP-looks like about 6 Midoriyama regulars have signed up so far. I see a team forming! We’ve got a crew headed out as Nomads this Saturday in search of a Ghost Flag. We may end up out numbering the home team when we get there.

Prayer Request:

Huck and Allen Tate’s family, Floppy Disk’s M and family.


So I heard the Tool song “46 and 2” on the radio today and it got me to thinking of Tooltime. As hard as it is for me to admit it I think I’m starting to miss him! Tooltime and I don’t ever really hang out outside of F3 but some how just doing this thang we develop bonds with one another. Amazing! So today’s workout goes out to Coretime with Tooltime! Get back out soon brother.



09/29/2016 #GoatIsland BB – No More Arms

This morning’s beatdown started with the Pledge of Allegiance because it had been awhile since #YHC had posted to a work out and he was afraid he might be too out of breath to say during the work out. After the first ten minutes of the work out, saying the pledge first turned out to be a good idea. Directly after the Pledge, it was time to begin….

Mosey to Goat Island Park


  • SSH x10 (IC)
  • Merkins x10 (IC)
  • LBC x25 (IC)
  • Imperial Walkers x10 (IC)
  • Appalachian Americans x10 (IC)

Mosey to Picnic Tables

Incline/Decline Merkin Countdown

  • Start with hands on the seat of the picnic table and do 10 Incline Merkins, then switch to feet on the seat of the picnic table and do 10 Decline Merkins.
  • Rinse and repeat, doing 9-9, 8-8, 7-7, and so on until you do 1 Incline Merkin and 1 Decline Merkin.

Partner Up

  • P1 begins doing Dips on the picnic table while P2 runs to the dog park and back then switches. Aggregate counting to 200 reps.
  • P1 begins doing Step-Ups on the picnic table while P2 runs to the dog park and back then switches. Aggregate counting to 200 reps.

Mosey to Bridge

  • Zombie Walk halfway across bridge then Backwards Zombie Walk the rest of the way.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill in front of the Fire Station.

  • All PAX hold a plank while two run up the hill and back.
  • Rinse and repeat until all have run up the hill.

Mosey to BB&T Wall

  • Wall-Sits while two men take a lap up the stairs and around the building.
  • Rinse and repeat until all PAX have lapped the building.


  • Homer to Marge
  • Freddie Mercury x10 (IC)
  • Hello Dolly x10 (IC)
  • LBC x10 (IC)
  • World War Sit-Ups x10 (IC)
  • Mason Twists x10 (IC)

Mosey back to Start for BOM

  • Announcements – CSAUP sign-ups continue
  • Name-o-Rama
  • Prayer Requests
  • Prayer

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