Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 20, 2016

The House Always Wins

YHC arrived a little early today to make sure the table was set for the day’s workout. After a quick walk around in the gloom, the men of the Yank began to arrive. Qui$h and Tool Time made a quick fly-by finishing up some EC and one of the two FNGs ran to the AO too! Great start!

After some extended chit chat in YHC called for the PAX to circle up to get it going. A full disclaimer was given to start the two FNGs off right along with some encouraging words and we were off.

Warm Up

Abe Vigoda x5 IC with a transition into Don Quixote x5IC due to slowness!

SSH x15 IC?

Morrocan Night Club x30 IC

Dying Cockroaches x10 IC

Merkin x10 IC

The Thang

A short mosey to the pavilion revealed a little surprise for the PAX, a deck of cards! Could it be THE DECK OF DEATH?!? Yes!!! Immediate mumble chatter followed. Excellentt!

Spades = Burpees

Clubs = Squats

Hearts = LBCs

Diamonds = Dips

When a certain suit is drawn, the PAX will execute the corresponding number of reps for that exercise. The cards were picked one by one and the PAX performed like the champions they are, FNGs included. This routine is not joke! The only time the group missed a beat was when YHC Omaha’d to cut the last set of burpees in half. In retrospect, the PAX was strong, YHC had actually softened up from a month of BRR training that has left him in less than ideal F3 shape!

Once this ordeal was complete, the PAX was led to the field behind the middle school for some new action, but low and behold they were beaten to the spot by a middle aged guy practicing his disc golf form. So that our workout could maintain our good rep in the community, YHC decided to play nice and not take over the field but instead move on to a patch of grass on the side of the school.

When everyone had arrived, a leg of Seal Crawls was announced. This is a crappy derivation of Bear crawls because you don’t use your legs. One length of this had everyone tapping out and agreeing that we shouldn’t try this one for a long time. 20 goof balls was announced followed by a return trip of actual bear crawls.

Mosey back down to the amphitheater for the Triple Nickel. 5 mountain climbers at the bottom, run up the hill for 5 WWI sit-ups at the top. Repeato x5.

This too was really tough but the PAX powered through just in time for a short round of ab work.

Peter Parkers x10 IC

Flutterkicks x30IC

Protractor x?

Nolan Ryans x10 IC

Awesome work men. Thanks go to Mayor for pulling some strings to make sure we avoided the trains today. Lord knows we did enough burpees anyway.

It was a pleasure leading today, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Announcements, CSAUP, Prayer requests, Namorama.

Welcome FNGs Boudin and Gilligan. We look forward to pushing the rock together again soon. AYE!!!


I started out the morning with some EC with Outhouse and Whoppee. We ran to Goatisland and back for about 2.5 mile warmup before the other pax arrived. As everyone rolled in I was noticing a lot of new faces. Some newly posted guys from week ago to first time posters from Saturday. We did have one FNG among us. As the time drew near I welcomed all to the Brownstreak show and pre answered the question with ” no, it’s not what you think!” Welcomed Josh the FNG and explained he could remain Josh for the next 45 mins but after that he would be transformed and renamed…. A rebirthing if you will. Disclaimer was spoken and here’s what Brown threw down……..

Mosey around the parking lot island for some high knees, butt kicks, L&R side steps back around to circle up for more of…..
S: ssh 20ic
T: toy soldier 20ic
O: over head sqauts 20
R: reverse crunches 20ic
M: mericans 10ic

Mosey to the upper parking lot where the Painnado was stirring…..


20 Mt. Climbers
Run 0.1 miles (lap around parking lot island)

20 Diamond Mericans
Run 0.10 miles

20 Carolina Dry Docks
Run 0.10 miles

20 Mericans
Run 0.10 miles

20 WWII sit-ups
Run 0.10 miles


After two rounds of that the pax were fighting for wind cause it had just been sucked out of them….. We moseyed to the speed bump at the top of soccer field where we triple nickeled from speed bump to speed bump along soccer field where there is a slight incline…..

Triple Nickel:
5 Burpees at top
5 Sqauts at bottom
Repeato x5

The pax toughed thru this one. Great work men. We moseyed to the flag for the pledge.



Great work by everyone today. Everyone stayed together and encouraged the FNG. I explained that f3 is for YOU! It’s were you vs you. It’s not about being better than the next guy. Are there friendly rivals? Yes, but it’s all in fun. We are not here to discourage or break a man. So I want to thank everyone for the encouraging words and for sticking with the FNG! #HIM


The CSUAP in November. SIGN UP!

Welcome FNG “Lambskin”


Thanks guys for allowing me to lead and I look forward to growing stronger with each of you. Brownstreak out!!!

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