Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

2016 Joe Davis Memorial Resolution Run Pre-Blast

  • Post Type:
  • When: 01/09/16
  • AO:
  • QIC: Slim Fast and Bushwood
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: PAX plus M's, 2.0's, friends and families that want to kickoff 2016 by showing support for Rock Thrill, his family, and Keystone Substance Abuse Services.

The 4th Annual Joe Davis Memorial Resolution 10K/5K Run benefiting Keystone Substance Abuse Services is scheduled for Saturday January 9, 2016 at 8:00 AM starting at Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill, SC.

This family-focused/family-friendly event has special meaning to F3 because it is in honor of the brother of our own F3 Brother Rock Thrill… aka Chris Davis.  Chris and his family established this event to capture the hope that his brother, Joe, always held onto… “Hope…never lose this.”

Here are some thoughts from Rock Thrill:

On behalf of the Davis-Boyd families, please allow me to thank everyone from both F3 and FiA for both past participation and for considering participating again this year as we stand together to fight the awful sickness and disease that is Addiction. This event would only have a fraction of the impact that it has had if it were not for you!

Unfortunately, the odds are that each of us will be affected by Addiction in some way in our lifetimes, whether it be personally, a family member or a friend.

Every day in life, we talk about the “What.” In this case, a running race. But, the “What” matters only because of the “Why,” right?

The “Why” is to spread awareness that there is help available for those struggling; hope that our family wish we had known about. Help and support saves lives.

For our family, we hold tight to Romans 8:28, which reads,

“We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”

It is a tough pill to swallow when you lose a member of your family or a dear friend, but we feel called to make an impact because we believe God saves lives through earthly resources when we align with Him.  We believe this race is God’s purpose for us and we want Joe’s life to continue counting for good. Many times, when we are out at a restaurant, or in a race, or anywhere, someone recognizes us and tells us that they suffer from addiction or know someone who does, and that it has impacted their life in a positive way. Those times serve as confirmation that the race is making a difference!

Yes, we are asking you to leave your comfort zone, get out of a warm bed, early on a Saturday morning, and run a distance that is challenging, on one of the coldest days of the year. It will be tough, but isn’t it a great reminder of how tough it must be to get free of Addiction?

I hope you will join us as we celebrate Joe’s life on January 9th!

In Him,  Chris (Rock Thrill) Davis and the Davis-Boyd Family

Race Overview… Why You Should Sign Up!!

In 3 Years, the race has raised over $65K for the Keystone Substance Abuse Center.  Total participation has grown from 400 in 2013 to 600+ in 2015, including 200 F3 and FiA participants.  This year’s goal is to expand to 700-800 runners, including 225+ F3 and FiA participants… which is TOTALLY doable!

We need you, your M’s, your 2.0’s, your family, and your friends to sign-up!

Here are the reasons you should sign-up and run the Joe Davis Memorial Run on January 9, 2016:
1.  Proceeds raised from registration fees and donations go to support Keystone Substance Abuse Services, whose mission is promoting health, offering hope, and restoring healing to those impacted by substance abuse and addiction.

2.  Rock Thrill has given many of you, including YHC, tons of encouragement as you have come into F3 and set and achieved your personal fitness and leadership goals.  Your participation in the race allows you to give back support and encouragement to someone that has given a great deal to our PAX.

3.  Cool t-shirt!

4.  Family-focused/Family-friendly… The Davis/Boyd family does this for their family… but they believe this is about the BIGGER family!  You won’t find a nicer, more welcoming family than the Davis’s!  Bring your M, your 2.0, your friends, and you will see that you are considered part of the family!

5.  Ok… now something for YOU!  This is a great event to kickoff your 2016 fitness and commitment goals!  Last year, we had SEVERAL guys run their first 5K if not for the VERY FIRST TIME… at least in a long while!  The PAX always step-up and provide great support for all runners… young, old, fast, not-so-fast, first-time, long-time… it is just a great event for getting 2016 started in the right direction!

6.  Finally, by your participation, you encourage others in MANY ways… some ways you may never know…. You encourage neighbors with abusive addictions… You encourage your M’s, 2.0’s, friends and family to also participate… You encourage your PAX to push themselves to achieve something they might not thought was possible 6 months ago… You encourage a community to see what F3 is all about!!

Here is the link to sign-up.  In the “Team” field, indicate “F3” or “FiA” (as appropriate).

There are some early registration discounts, so just go ahead and get signed-up!  Slim Fast, Bushwood and other PAX will get you ready!!  Let us know if you have any questions.

There will be more information as we get closer… the main thing now is to get signed-up!!

Don’t be the Sad Clown working out alone on Saturday Jan 9, 2016!!!


  1. CSPAN

    HC for me and my crew (FiA Beastie & FiA Glee)

    Truly a fun family event, always a great event to start the year

    Please let the men of @F3TheFort know how we can support race day activities


  2. Mermaid

    Registered. Did this race as my first road race ever last year. Great event. Get signed up.

    Slim Fast and Bushwood let me know if I can help with anything.

  3. Champagne

    HC – in and Paid 10K – looking forward to this – Third year in a row. Great event

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