Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2015


21 Pax heard the call of the Shiele Museum AND Planetarium (yes, 2 in 1!), knew it was Go Time, and laced up for Day 2 of GasHouse. And this is what they did:

The Thang

Pre-launch music from the #SwaggerWagon to get your head on straight: 2Pac’s Hit ‘Em Up (clean version); The Hold Steady’s The Swish; Jay Z’s Big Pimpin’ (also the clean version, for those keeping score); and Jane’s Addiction’s Mountain Song. Ready to roll.

Warm-up lap through the parking lot, along the trails, until we found a nice spot for COP:

  • SSH x20, IW x15, Mountain Climbers x15, Squats X10, Merkins x10, hold position for Plank Jacks X15, Carolina Dry Docks x10

Mosey out to the road, toward the middle school track…plank along the way to regroup.

Keep going….wait a minute…what are those 10 cinderblocks doing in such nice rows along the sidewalk? And who would have wondered by and vandalized school property by spraying F3 logos on each one? No time to ponder, just grab one and follow the Q down the path.

Line up at the far end of the Knights Courtyard, and partner up for Brickwork:

  • Partner 1 runs to the end and back while Partner 2 does Cinder Block curls, and Partner 3 (where applicable) does normal squats. Repeato x3
  • Same thing, but with Goblet Squats with the cinder block, and regular ones if you’re the third. Repeato x3.
  • Bunny hop up the stairs, run down, x2
  • Take the blocks back to the track entrance, and head to the track for 1 lap, stopping at each corner for: 1) Merkins x15, then LBCs (so much drama), 2) 5 burpees, then 5 more, 3) 10 Crossfit Merkins, then plank, 4) 10 Larry Craigs (wide-arm merkins) in cadence, then plank.

Head down the hill to the baseball field for Six Minutes of Mary: Dolly x15, Rosalita x12, Heels to Heaven x12, Michael Phelps x15, LBCs x20

Re-partner up for 20 partner handshake merkins, 10 partner donkey kicks each, and 20 seconds each – in plank position – to tell your partner who inspired you to post at your first F3 workout (2nd F interlude; thanks Chum for the influence).

2 AYG sprints to the left-field fence, and mosey back. Head off the field, bear crawl up the hill. Head back to home base, picking up the cinder blocks along the way.

Museum picnic benches for 15 dips, run over near the dumpster (use all available terrain) for 5 burpees, repeato x3.

Circle up in the main lot for 2 MOM, led on the fly by TML (T-claps, brother): Low flutters x12, Russian Twist x12, High Flutters x10


  • When Ann & Hope and I first rolled into the lot around 0635, there was just TML sitting in his car, getting pumped up to the latest Hall & Oats album. We left to do a little recon and drop off the coupons. When we returned around 0650, the lot was full, and all YHC could say was “What the heck just happened?”
  • What happened was, Day 2 of GasHouse. About a dozen Pax returned from week 1, 3 more rolled out for their first installment, and 6 seasoned vets came in from the Queen City and elsewhere to help out.
  • Triple-Claps to everyone for pushing through cold air, heavy blocks and frozen grass this morning (and a little Dumpster aroma at the end – my bad on that one). You guys proved that you’re in it for the long haul, and it’s an awesome thing to see.
  • Checkers shot out of the initial gates like a rocket. Give the guy about 3 weeks to build up some cardio, and he’s going to crush the First Annual Gastonia Memorial 5K and Chess Championship.
  • Linus and DaVinci pushed it hard all morning – t-claps for the effort, boys. Each time we finished an exercise, Special Sauce was looking right at YHC, ready for the next thing. Yogi’s 20-gallon lunch pail is going to feel like a feather on Monday, in comparison to that 30-pound cinder block he lugged around. Strong work, fellas.
  • T-Claps also to the veteran guys for coming out and helping the GasHouse get off to such a great start. Really appreciate the support from A&H, TML, WantAd, Seacrest, T-Bone, and anyone I missed from the list.
  • Day 3 is next Saturday, with OBT at the controls. #metronome Be there!

2nd Annual F3 Golf Classic

Do you know anything about The LEAP? Is it…

A. What we were all hoping would lead to Tom Brady seriously bruising his ego? I know I was hoping that Bill Belichick had leapt just before him and Tom would have landed on Belichick down in that lagoon and neither one of them would coach or play football again for fear of airborne objects.

B. The proper way to traverse the last three steps in any set of stairs. Unless you subscribe to the every-other-step theory. Which is a much sexier way to do it. Sexier but risky. This also applies outside of workouts.

C. A necessary progression of one’s thoughts from an observation of reality to thinking that The Nibbler actually does it better than the next guy. This can also be described as the side-straddle-hop syndrome, 10 burpees = 4, or Mumblechatter Moxie.

If you answered A, you are correct. But that’s not what this post is about…

If you are reading this it is because you are an F3 guy. Someone headlocked you, you showed up, you showed up again, and your life started to change. Someone somewhere had started this thing that would forever change lives and the lives of those around us. It was free; doesn’t cost nuthin’. What they didn’t tell you is that if you want to keep it, you would have to give it away.

Now’s your chance to do that. If you click on the Leap above you will learn all about how F3 can grow. But it isn’t easy, and it isn’t free (insert joke about Nibbler’s first girlfriend here).

The upcoming F3 Golf tournament is an excellent way for you to support the Leap initiative. Most of us give to something in our lives; our church, favorite charity, school fundraisers…So why not give to the thing that impacts our lives the most. Give so that it can do the same in others people’s lives. Why support something to help someone you may never meet? Because someone did it for you.

Playing in the golf tournament is a great start. Sponsoring the tournament is even better. But you don’t need to do either of those things. You can donate your money through the PayPal link in the original post below. If everyone reading this would send in $10, the Leap would be funded well through the launch of the cities currently on the hit list.

So don’t be like most of the Gonzaga players just standing there taking up space. Shuffle your feet and do something. After all, most of you are Carolina fans with nothing left to root for unless you are waiting on your $200 check too. I hear Sean May took the entire Orleans Loiret team out for authentic crème brulee. It just so happened that J.R. Reid waited on them in the fancy new beret he bought with his check.

Final teams are due by April 16th. Stop procrastinating, reserve your spot now. At the very least come and see Uncle swing a club. I hear he has a three wood he whittled out of the actual Cuban pine tree he came over on. That I’d like to see. We all know that pine is unwhittleable.

To learn more, and to sign up, click HERE




Preblast: GasHouse Week 2 – The #SwaggerWagon Cometh

Gastonia pax, the muscle soreness from last week should be about gone by now, and you’re chomping at the bit for Round 2 of F3 Nation’s finest new workout.

We’re excited to bring a full slate of seasoned F3 pax to see you on Saturday, along with the most heart-pumping, pre-launch music you’ll ever hear from the back of an imported minivan.

Bring yourself, and a friend or 2, to the rear parking lot of Shiele Museum, for a 7 a.m. sharp launch on Saturday.  Arrive a little early to stretch and let 2Pac and Jane’s Addiction get your mind right for the next 60 minutes. Plan to stay for coffeteria at Panera afterwards.

Bring some gloves (to protect your hands, not to keep warm), bring your energy, and bring a friend. We’ll supply the rest.

The Sedentary Life Vs The D.R.P. – PART TWO

Quick link to PART ONE –


My father’s desire for a “miracle pill” really did not surprise me. We live in a world where technology creates so many things in terms of instant results and instant gratification. We are spoiled by technology – too much sometimes. We want what we want – and we want it now! We shouldn’t have to wait for anything we desire right? Too bad that technology doesn’t allow us to be “instantly” physically fit! Or is it?

All of us know that healing does not take full effect upon ingestion of our first dose of any medicine. Our systems need to adjust to the introduction and our chemistry needs to find the balance needed for the medicine to take its maximum effect. For some that could mean days or even weeks to realize the full effect of whatever pill we are taking. The quest for an instant fix is a futile one and yet it is within that illusion that many still dwell. It is only when we are honest with ourselves and faithful in our daily dosage that the full and positive effects can be realized. It is only then that we can fully benefit from our medication. So is also true with our D.R.P.

One dose of the D.R.P. is not enough to cure what ails us. Nor is two, three, four, etc. It is not a pill of convenience nor of comfort. It is a pill not unlike others we have ingested – in the beginning it is harsh! In the beginning it seems too large to swallow, or to bitter to taste, and so like a petulant child we put up a fight! We find reasons why we shouldn’t take it. We make excuses as to why we don’t need it and we either discard it or we shelve it out of sight. We put off taking it because it doesn’t show instant results and the thought of continuing to ingest it makes us shudder. It is that type of thinking that will surely expedite our membership acceptance into the Sedentary for Life Club. It is that type of thinking that will increase our chances for being in a skilled nursing facility one day.

Please don’t feel I am writing that our D.R.P. is a way around all of the inevitability of our aging. I am not proposing it to be a new found “fountain of youth”! What I am writing is along the line of that old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. We control what we can – our bodies will control the rest. We take our D.R.P. as preventative medicine – not as a miracle healing drug. We take our D.R.P. to keep our bodies and minds strong. Strong to fight the battles of aging and the eventual breakdown that will surely come to us all. We take our D.R.P. because we want to live a longer, stronger, healthier life for as long as we possibly can. The more we take the pill the more we will get adjusted to its ingestion. That does not mean it won’t still taste bitter, or get stuck in our throats on some days. It does not mean we will all have a dramatic restoration to our glory days of high metabolism with a side of Spartan-like chiseled features. What it means is this – we are giving our bodies and minds a better chance. We are giving them the chance to be FIT TO FIGHT! We take the D.R.P. so we can take the fight to the enemy without fear or excuse.

Our fight ultimately will be lost. Yes we all know this to be true but that is not a good excuse to skip our D.R.P. My father never took a D.R.P. and in that inaction probably expedited his demise. I wonder what he would change now if he could? His mind is so far gone that he can’t even remember much about the last 30-40 years. I would bet though that he would make some changes if he could!

F3 Brothers – don’t let this be you! Do yourselves a favor – if you haven’t already. First take a look at the people in your life – family, friends, etc. Ask yourselves what they mean to you and how they would adjust to your not being in their lives. Second take a look at yourself in the mirror and in your mind – ask yourself – AM I FIT TO FIGHT? Lastly imagine yourself not being around or being confined to a place such as my father for the remainder of your life and then ask yourself this – Would you be willing to trade all the days from that point backwards just for the opportunity to get FIT TO FIGHT? I THINK YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER! Take the pill. Take that oft bitter, oversized horse pill and make yourself swallow. As often as you can and even double your dosage. Its no miracle cure, its no fountain of youth. Its a tool to help you get and stay FIT TO FIGHT.

Your choice with no excuses – THE SEDENTARY LIFE VS THE D.R.P!


The Sedentary Life Vs. The D.R.P.

For all of my F3 brethren. It is a little long but has been on my mind for a while now so please bear with it. I hope it brings you some good reasoning for what we do together!


Today I made my one of my routine visits to the Veterans Victory House in Walterboro, South Carolina. I have been making the trip 1-2 times per week for the last three months. When asked about the reason for my visits I usually state it is due to an incident that occurred in the later half of 2014. Truth be told it is because of a path that was taken starting in mid 1967. A path that was embarked upon shortly after my birth. This was the time when my father retired from the United States Army.

My father like many others joined the military and had a career of service. He worked hard and did whatever his service required of him – including staying “fit to fight”. He was never in a combat role but he still stayed fit – because it was required. My father was never one that was physically active prior to serving save his time as a Western Union telegram messenger! He was not interested in sports of any kind not even as a neighborhood kid playing with others. Therefore the Army kept him physically fit for twenty plus years. Sure he smoked – about a half pack a day, and even indulged in the social beers of western Europe but he stayed pretty fit overall. He did his p.t. and passed all of his physical tests. This came to pretty much an abrupt halt the summer of ’67.

Once my father retired from active duty he began a journey on the sedentary life. As he transitioned into civilian life he was no longer required to participate in the routine fitness workouts and physical fitness tests. He worked his job, came home, ate dinner, watched a little television, and played his music. His only hobby was buying old record albums to add to his collection, and then make recordings to cassette tapes. He would sit in his studio for hours upon hours playing, listening, and recording his music. On occasion he would take the family on bike rides! He and mom had a 10- speed tandem bike and we would go for an hour long ride sometimes with all of us in line behind them on our bikes. Like a bad prequel to a National Lampoon’s Vacation movie! So he would do that once or twice a month in the summer only and that was the extent of getting his heart rate above 65 bpm. And so it would go for the next 40 years of his life.

The biggest stride my father took towards improving to a healthy lifestyle during this time was to quit smoking. Cold stop. Something most people cant seem to do these days. He stopped one day and never picked up another cigarette again. What he did pick up was 50 pounds of fat from overeating. He compensated for the craving with food and combined with the lack of exercise went from a 34 waist to close to a 50. Not a good combination either for a man with a family history of heart disease – his father died of a heart attack when my dad was only 17. So here is the outcome of that lifestyle. 1994 diagnosed chronic high blood pressure. 1996 diagnosed med. dependent high cholesterol. 2002 diagnosed major arterial blockage in heart and triple by-pass performed. 2002 – major carotid artery blockage detected and repaired with endarterectomy and stent placement. 2005 diagnosed as insulin dependent diabetic. This has been the way of life for his last 20 plus years. Then in the last part of summer in 2014 I received a phone call from my mother asking advice about a prescribed drug my father was currently taking. They had seen one of those bad drug commercials about that particular drug and wanted to know if I thought that he should stop taking it due to the mentioned risks. My reply was simply this – keep taking the pill and call your doctor for a consult about your concerns. That fell on deaf ears and my father decided he would stop taking his pills and the end result was not a pleasant one. Within a month my father had experienced several T.I.A.s (transient ischemic attacks) which are also called mini-strokes or strokes in evolution. These gradually build up and worsen until a full blown stroke is inevitable. In my father’s case he did not speak to anyone about the T.I.A.s so we had no warning. When he finally had the full blown stroke my mother was clueless to what was going on and waited until the next day to get help. It was too late.

Once my father was at the hospital and all the tests were completed the verdict was in – a full blown stroke on his previously repaired right side carotid artery. He was completely paralyzed on his left side. Decades of sedentary living had come to fruition. As I sat with my father listening to the doctors diagnoses I knew what was coming next. My father barely let the doctor finish and he asked “is there some sort of pill I can take to correct this?”. I nearly lost it. My father’s new home would be a skilled nursing facility.

Now each time I visit my father at V.V.H. I sit and wonder how differently it could have been. I wonder how his life might have been different today if he had not lived a sedentary life. Would we be out playing a round or two of golf right now? Maybe some tennis? Or maybe we would be at the beach, swimming and drinking a beer. Instead I am visiting him as often as I can and helping to feed him dinner or engaging him in conversation to help trigger some memories. Who can say for sure but what I am certain about is this – my father should not have been waiting until the eleventh hour to reach for a non-existent “miracle pill”. My father should have had the foresight to embrace the pain and the suck. He should have sought out and embraced the D.R.P.

PART TWO – The D.R.P. quick link –

Inaugural GasHouse Launch

F3 Gastonia officially launched with 37 total PAX and 18 FNGs. GasHouse offered endless opportunities with schools, churches, parking lots, o my. F3 Metro, Hickory, Fort Mill, Area 51 and Isotope PAX joined for the inaugural launch. Here’s what happened.

The Thang:

Mosey to Greer Middle School football field for a COP:

SSH X 15, Imperial Walkers X 15, Merkins X 13, Peter Parkers X 10, Wide Arm Merkins X 12, Mountain Climbers X 12, Diamond Merkins X 7.

Mosey to The Hill. Jacob’s Ladder (to 7).

Mosey to the school courtyard for #Slaughterfest.

11s with squats and merkins.

People’s chair while we wait followed by 10 donkey kicks, 10 derkins X 3.

Lunge walk down, backwards run back.

Bear crawl down, backwards run back.

Crab walk down, backwards run back.

Mosey to the church parking lot. Partner up, size matters.

Partner A carries B to the end. Flap jack and head back.

Partner A/B wheelbarrows to the end. Stay there.

Partner A does 10 burpees/10 merkins while B runs down and back. Flapjack X 3.

6 MOM: LBCs, Heels to the Heavens, Rosalitas, Flutter Kicks, Dollies.

Mosey back to COT.


@MightyWind attended and brought his wig with him. Impressive #PertPlus flow.

PAX from all over the region attended for this launch. Much appreciated support for the newest region.

@Slaughter was on fire with his Q but more importantly, his naming of the PAX. Well done brother.

@MonkeyFeet showed off his #handstandmerkins in normal fashion.

Weeks ago, @Backup put an ad on Facebook for F3 Gastonia. 10 PAX got EH’d on Facebook. T-Claps brother.

Gastown PAX fought through the first post (@DaVinci, @Godfather, @Rudolph, @Lucky to name a few). It was hard but worth it. T-Claps for not quitting men.

Strong 2nd F attendance by the PAX at Panera.

Solid inaugural launch. GasHouse is back on next Saturday. Same time (7AM), same place (Schiele Museum). @Egypt has the Q which is sure to be painful.

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