Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Sword (Page 3 of 9)

Colossians 3:23-24

8 men started the week off strong with 7 running and YHC walking.  When I pulled up Gearwrench and Hacksaw was already out running around Dallas somewhere as were Slaw and SA. Roundup and Wichita were getting ready to put in their miles. Wirenut left right after start time and we all met back at 06:00 for the word.

Congratulation to Gearwrench on his first 5k without walking.   Good job man, keep pushing!

23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24.

The word was short and self explanatory. My dad instilled this ethic in me from a young child and I am continually  reminding my 2.0 of this verse as a reason to always do your best.

It’s great to be around so many great guys continually trying to do their best. Keep it up men!

Annnouncements: convergence this Saturday at Midoriyama 07:00 start all other AO’s will be closed,

Prayer request: SA and family, Big Pappy’s family, myself on the IR, seems like their were more my apologies to any I forgot to mention.

we said the pledge and YHC forgot to pray us out my apologies men.

Missions at the Sword

Our verse of the week was:

Isaiah 52:7 – How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, owho brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”

Find your mission and execute!



  • Turtleman
  • Sister Act and Family
  • Montross’s Cousin
  • Gumby’s Mom
  • All Spoken and Unspoken



A Prayer for Memorial Day

So thankful for the freedom that we have and we honor those that gave it all for it on this Memorial day. 6 HIM’s got work (running) in before heading to the Murph.


Prayer for Memorial Day: Remembering Those Who Have Fought for Our Freedom

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”  John 15:13

Freedom is a gift, it’s a treasure.  And though we all may agree on that truth, it’s often easy to take for granted the greatest gifts that God has given us in our lives.


But those most precious gifts are never free. They came with a price. With sacrifice. They were worth fighting for. And are still worth fighting for today. Many brave men and women were willing to face hard battles in order for us to enjoy that gift of freedom today.

For all those who have protected our nation, for the men and women in uniform, together, we say “Thank You.”

We take time to remember today, and say a prayer of gratefulness for the many who have been willing to pay a great price for our freedom.  May God help us to live so courageously, may we follow the brave examples of those who have gone before us…

Thank you for reminding us that there’s incredible love and sacrifice displayed when one is willing to stand strong and fight for freedom.

This service of love and sacrifice on behalf of all people, points us directly to the greatest love of all, the very gift and sacrifice of Christ.

Our Savior was willing to pay the ultimate price, so that we can live free. Forever.


Dear God,

We thank you for the freedom you have given to us, and for the price that was paid by Christ so that we could live free. We remember today. The cost of it all. The great sacrifice for freedom.




We thank you for the brave men and women who have fought, and continue to fight, so courageously for our nation. We ask for your covering and blessing over them and their families. We pray that you would be gracious and encircle them with your peace. We pray for your great favor and goodness to be evident in their lives.

Please be with all those who wear the uniform, who serve our communities and nation every single day. We ask that you provide your protection, that you would be their guiding force who leads the way, and their rear guard who keeps them safe from behind. We ask that you would draw them to yourself amidst the dangers they face in a dark world, for you are the Truth, you are the Way, you are the Light.


Help them to walk wisely. To stay covered in your armor. Give them godly discernment. Make them constantly aware of what lurks close by. Help them to be men and women of prayer, realizing that this is where their greatest help comes from. Help them to stay united and strong, bold and resolute, determined and unwavering.

Bless their families. Bless those they love. Give them your great favor, this day, and every day.

Thank you that in our nation today, we are free to worship. We are free to pray. We are free to read your Word.  We are free to speak.  We are free to share. For this, we are incredibly grateful. Yet, we understand how quickly these freedoms can be taken away. Give us an increased awareness of the spiritual battle we’re in. Help us to stand strong in you and for your purposes. In Christ Name, Amen!

Prayer Request:

Big Pappy and his mom, Sister Act’s daughter, Gumby’s mom, Turtleman

I’m Sarlacc and I’m out.

Tax Man

At the sword this morning, we ran,moseyed, and Rucked.
The Bible verse I chose was about that little Big Tax man Zacchaeus.
LUKE 19: 1-10
Jesus told Zacchaeus to get out of the tree, so he and Jesus could have Dinner together.
The towns people mumbled and thought how could Jesus associate with such a low life of a person. (think of an old lady grabbing her chest and making a loud exhale and fainting). What he was showing us is that God’s Love does not care if you are the tax man.
He wants to be a part of your life and wants you to share his love with others.
Who can you think of that maybe you have passed by because of their social status/smell/lifestyle. I can think of a lot in my time and hopefully will think twice before I do it again.
God Loves us all.

Prayer request:
SA and his family, Big Papi and his family, kids, each other and our country.

Events: Amoeba Ruck coming up this weekend 5/22/21

The BedPan is full!

Running / Rucking in the Rain post Mother’s Day

5 HIM’s showed even in the rain to get better. Some Rucked, some ran.

We said the pledge and then I talked about the Q-source topic “Meeting”.

Why is Christian Fellowship so Important?

Fellowship is an important part of our faith. Coming together to support one another is an experience that allows us to learn, gain strength and show the world exactly what God is.

Fellowship Give Us a Picture of God

Each of us together shows all of God’s graces to the world, No one is perfect. We all sin, but each of us has a purpose here on Earth to show aspects of God to those around us. Each of us has been given specific spiritual gifts. When we come together in fellowship it’s like us as a whole demonstrating God. Think of it like a cake. You need the flour, sugar, eggs, oil and more to make a cake. The eggs will never be the flour. None of them make up the cake alone. Yet together, all those ingredients make a delicious cake. It is like that with fellowship. All of us together show the glory of God. Romans 12:4-6  says “For just as each of us has one body with many members do not all have the same function, so in Christ, we through many, form one body and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith.”

Fellowship Make Us Stronger

No matter where we are in our faith, fellowship provides us with strength. Being around other believers gives us the chance to learn and grow in our faith. It demonstrates to us why we believe and sometimes is the excellent food for our souls. It’s great to be out in the world evangelizing to others but it can easily make us hard and eat away at our strength. When we deal with a hard-hearted world, it can become easy to fall into that hard-heartedness and question our beliefs. It’s always good to spend some time in fellowship so that we remember that God make us strong. Matthew 18:19-20 says, “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

I’m Sarlacc and I’m out


A few men got out and ran or rucked this morning, then met up for the Word to start the week.

Psalm 119:105 ,Your word is a light to my feet and a lamp to my path.

By the regular study of Gods word we can navigate through this life in a way that glorifies God and lead our families and others in this same direction! Your leading others whether you know it or not! Are you leading them to a path of destruction? Or are you leading them to the one who offers eternal life?
Seuss sends and a few others send me some awesome words of encouragement on a regular basis. In one of the text he sent just the other morning it said “ Christ is the foundation from which the new man must draw the influences of life and strength or he will decay everyday!
The thing is, when we aren’t in Gods word regularly, we don’t just stay in the same place spiritually… we tend to get swept down river grabbing at other things to save us, only to be swept further down river because it was just a rotten limb… but thankful we have a God who cares and comes to us in our time of need!! We don’t have to fight this river to get to him, he comes to us, that’s a good God!

when we study Gods word it renews us, it transforms us, we start to see things for what they are! We tend not to fall into traps and snares of this life!  We also can see to help others that are around us !

Announcements- Snowbird men’s retreat September 24-26

Prayer request- SA, Big Pappy, family

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!

Don’t Gratify The Flesh

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

We discussed how our work as men should be done as we walk in the Spirit. Not gratifying our flesh with worldly desires or pleasures. Man’s work is to be glorifying to his Creator first and foremost and is also a means of sanctification. Our work like all the other relationships we have are ultimately not about us but about those we serve. So chose this day how you will walk/work… In the Spirit or gratifying the flesh the choice is yours!

Prayer Request: Sister Act’s daughter, his family and his knee. GSM and everyone involved in the tragedy. Students and teachers

Announcements: PT test this Saturday at Gas House 7 am

Thanks for lending an ear this morning men! And thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Wichita out and  on to the next one

Substitute Q

What a great morning to get a mosey and the word in with a great group of Friends.

Rabbit ears was on the schedule to Q, luckily for me I had a verse in a text from Wichita he had sent this morning.
So we preceded with the verse below.

“But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet.” Hebrews 10:12-13

Convergence, and PT test coming up.

Prayers for, the Shook, Lewis, leslie family. each other and the GSM family as they lift up the loved ones of the employees they lost. Success of the Ville 2 Ville.

The Bed Pan is Full..

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