Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 24 of 26)

Backblast #GasHouse: Sherwood Log Jam

Thanks for the 14 PAX that came out Saturday and threw those logs around like a bunch of savages. The only thing that would have made the day better is if Dr. Feelgood had gotten his phone to work, and some rain, of course.

Start with the Pledge, of course.


Formation run up Garrison through church parking lot to Sherwood Middle School.  WU done to 4 count cadence.

  • Bend and Reach x10
  • Rear Lunge x10
  • Hi Jumper x10
  • Windmill x8
  • Forward Lunge x8
  • Rower x10
  • Dive Bombers x10
  • Overhead Arm Clap x2

Thang #1
Partner up then 3 rounds of 1 lap, max Merkins and max body weight rows or pull ups. PAX run together then while one’s pushing the other’s pulling, then switch exercises = 1 round.

Thang #2 (Log PT +/- 200lb each)

  • Squat x10 4 count
  • Overhead press x10 4 count
  • Thrusters x10
  • Back extensions x15
  • Bench press x20

Extra Credit (Ring of fire version 2.0)
1st man sounds off and every body does 1 rep (Merkins), 2nd man, 2 reps, third man, you guessed 3 reps and so on.

Mosey back for COT and Name-O-Rama.


Is anybody interested in training for a go ruck event ( ) or doing our own? We could add Monday or Friday to the rotation and start rucking once a week. Any questions or interest email Woody at and we can work something up.


Backblast #TheStorm: Crazy Eight and Stadium Stairs

Warm Up
20 – Imperial Walkers
20 – Side Straddle Hops
15 – Merkins
15 – Prayer Squats

Take a lap.

Crazy Eight

  • 20 Merkins then run along the goal line.
  • 20 Freddy Mercury (total of 40) then run to the 50.
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks then run to other side of 50
  • 20 Flutter Kicks (total of 40) then run to goal line opposite goal line.
  • 20 Prison Cell Merkins

Plank till everyone is finished.

Once everyone is done, repeat to other side of field.

Take a lap

Stadium Stairs

  • Lunge Up then 20 Mountain Climbers (total of 40)
  • Run Down then 10 Decline Merkins
  • Lunge Up then 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • Run Down then 10 Dips

Repeat the above to get back to starting point.

Those that could still mosey mosied.  The rest crawled like slugs to the COT.  I quit at this point and took it to the car!!

BackBlast #GoatIsland: Gone In 60 Seconds

11 Men battled the GLOOM this morning for the workout at Goat Island.

The morning started out with a bit of a shock to the PAX when we found out the gates were locked to Goat Island Park, but that did not deter anyone.  The PAX set up shop in the parking lot, grass, and gazebo and got to work.  Music, Cinder Blocks, Benches, and a Gazebo made for a great morning.

Start with Pledge of Allegiance


Circle Up (In Cadence)

  • Side Straddle Hop x 10
  • Don Quixotes x 10 Forward/Backward
  • Mericans x 10
  • LBC’s x 10



This comes from the movie Gone In 60 Seconds (Our Arms were gone in 60 seconds after this nice exercise).  Mericans set to cadence of the song Flower by Moby.  Bring Sally Up- Go Up, Bring Sally Down- Go Down.  x 3 minutes


Partner 1 does exercise 1 while partner 2 runs to designated area does exercise 2 and runs back and the partners switch exercise.  Continued until all repetitions are completed.  Plank Until all PAX are finished.

  • Blockees 75/ Carolina Dry Docks 5
  • Upright Rows 100/Mericans 5
  • Tricep French Curl 100/Dips 5
  • Bicep Curls 150/Derkins 5



  • Round 1- 20 Standing Cinder Block Chest Presses/PLANK
  • Round 2- 5 Mericans/PLANK



  • 50 Standing Chest Press/5 LBC’s

FRENCH FRIES x 10 Both Arms



  • Prayers
  • Upcoming Workouts and Q’s



  • Gate locked at Goat Island can become a problem.  JoeBoo and BA will get in contact with Cramerton Parks and Rec to try and come up with a solution.
  • Some of the PAX had the new shirts on and they looked sharp.  Other PAX will have to put their name on a wait list and when enough show interest orders will be reopen.
  • The song Flower by Moby seemed much longer than anticipated during the Bring Sally Up exercise.

PreBlast-Goat Island: Gone In 60 Seconds

Gone in 60 seconds at #GoatIsland

We won’t be boosting any cars tomorrow or driving a 1967 Ford Mustang named Eleanor, but you can channel your inner Memphis Raines (Nicholas Cage) while grinding through the upper body beatdown that BA will provide you.

Extra Credit to anyone who knows why this workout will be called Gone In 60 Seconds.



Martha’s House BackBlast – TheFort Invades Gastonia

Ten men including one FNG gathered in the gloom as Godfather made his solo-debut as Q. With three visitors from @F3theFort in town, the Godfather knew he had to impress…


  • Side Straddle Hop (x15)
  • Imperial Walker (x15)
  • Prayer Squat (x15)
  • Hillbillies (x15)

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to Covered Picnic Tables

Breakfast Table Beat Down – Start with 10 reps and mosey to the pole and back between sets, adding 10 reps for each set – 10, 20, 30

  • Step-Ups (each leg)
  • Dips
  • Derkins

Four Corners of Mary (x30 IC)

  • 1st Corner – Dolly
  • 2nd Corner – Rosalita
  • 3rd Corner – LBC
  • 4th Corner – Flutter Kicks

Ring of Fire – Circle up in plank position. Hold plank while each man completes 5 Merkins. (Rinse/Repeat x2)

Modified Zombie Walk – Start at sideline then right complete a leg lunge, a left leg lunge, and a prayer squat. (Rinse/Repeat across the field)

Mosey to parking lot then a few more exercises until the clock runs down…

  • Freddie Mercury (x20)
  • Ring of Fire (Merkins x5)
  • Plank (for those who like to show off, right/left arm and leg raises)
  • Merkins (x5)

During COT and the Name-o-Rama, the Godfather explained the importance of leading from behind the pack when exercising. #Tclaps to Bandit for leading exercises that were IC.

– Godfather

BackBlast – Wolfpack Grinder and 311 with Love

17 men, including 1 FNG, faced the Saturday morning heat for the #GasHouse workout from Stroganoff & Wink.

Stroganoff led the mosey to the Flag for the Pledge and run over to the GMS Football Field to play a little sprinkler dodge warm up.

Warm Up

  • Side Straddle Hop (x15)
  • LBC’s (x16) – Stroganoff thinks – He attended NC State and has trouble counting past 10
  • Imperial Walkers (x18)
  • Freddy Mercury’s (x16)

Run 1 lap back around to behind goal post.

The Thang Part 1 (Stroganoff with VQ)

WOLFPACK GRINDER – On your own and group play

  • Prayer Squats (x15)
  • ½ Lap Run
  • Merkins (x20+)
  • ½ Lap Run
  • Mountain Climbers (x20/Leg)
  • ½ Lap Run
  • Merkins (x10+)
  • ½ Lap Run
  • Lunges (x10/leg)

Next we partner Up for the Sideline Follies…

First Folly

  • Partner 1 – Bear Crawl to mid field/Run to other side and back
  • Partner 2 – Plank Jacks (x20) + Freddy Mercury’s (As many as possible)

Second Folly

  • Partner 1 – Run across field and back
  • Partner 2 – LBC’s (As many as possible)

The Thang Part 2 (Wink with VQ)

Mosey to opposite side of GMS to courtyard (at least we found shade at the end).

  • Elevens with Merkins and Bomb Jacks!
Wink’s ADD shines through as we Mosey back to opposite side of GMS to another courtyard (Wink’s ADD shines through – we can stay in once place too long.  Oh… we see stairs.)
  • Tunnel of love
  • 300’s (100 Dolly’s, 200 LBC’s, 300 flutter kicks)
This series shall now be forever called “311’s with Love”
PAX mosey back to Schiele parking lot for COT and BOM.

GoatIsland Backblast: We would have just played cornhole, but I forgot the bags…

9 faithful PAX gathered in the gloom to sweat and inspect the Goat Island bridge in excruciating detail. Warmup breakfast of merkins, imperial walkers, Freddy Mercury’s, mountain climbers and prayer squats, then mosey over for the pledge at the flag on one of the light posts in patriotic Cramerton. Mosey across the street to start the party.

The Thang
The format was a split – half exercising, half running and exercising. Divided into pairs, one teammate runs across the bridge and to the cornhole boards, then performs an exercise on the other side. The other teammate performs 10/20/30 reps of the exercises for that round. Rounds were as follows:

Round 1
Teammate 1: 10 burpees/20 Carolina dry docks/30 lbc then plank until the other returns
Teammate 2: Run across the bridge, touch the cornhole boards, run back.

Round 2
Teammate 1: 10 knees to chest jump (this needs a name)/20 spider man merkins/30 hip raises (also needs a name).
Teammate 2: 10 inverted rows hanging from the swings across the bridge.

Round 3
Teammate 1: 10 burpees/20 lunges (10 per leg)/30 freddie mercury’s. Al Gore until teammate returns
Teammate 2: 10 pull ups using playground equipment across the bridge. Negative pullups when we ran out of gas.

Pause for a plank break, right arm up (right leg option), left arm up (left leg option). Then, back to the task at hand:

Round 4
Teammate 1: 10 turkish get-ups/20 plank jacks/30 flutter kicks (per leg)
Teammate 2: 15 box jumps on a picnic table across the bridge.

Round 5
Teammate 1: 10 burpees/20 imperial walkers/30 SSH
Teammate 2: Run to the cornhole boards and back

Mosey back to the lot for COT. Work was easy after this one.

BackBlast – No Picnic at Martha’s House

Eight regulars posted at Martha’s House to continue yesterday’s cardio-heavy activities. Picnic tables were first, but by the end we were eating our Freedom Fries from the pavement. Here is how is went…

Warm Up

  • Side Straddle Hops x 15
  • Seal Jacks x 15
  • Windmills x 15
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 15
  • Merkins x 15

Mosey To Picnic Shelter for the Down Escalator

  • Step Ups x 20
  • Dips x 15
  • Derkins x 10

Run to bottom of path and back (lunge walked the first hill).

Rinse and Repeat x4 (reducing reps as needed).

Mosey to Lower Soccer Field for 4-Corners

Mosey to each corner and complete exercises

  • Corner 1 – 5 Leg Flutters
  • Corner 2 – 10 Dying Cockroaches
  • Corner 3 – 15 Freddy Mercuries
  • Corner 4 – 20 Little Baby Crunches (LBC)

Rinse and Repeat x2

Finish with Duck Walk and Lunge Walk the short end of the soccer field.

Mosey back to Brewsters

Still had 3 minutes remaining so finished up with some more Merkins and CDDs and Fench Fries



While not YHC’s VQ, this was his first solo Q so there was definitely some anxiety around biting off more than he could chew. Leading a good workout takes planning (not at midnight before a 5:30am workout) and clear directions to the PAX (not, well… I guess we’ll count some of these and go OYO for others, …). Counting keeps the group together and motivated. Stuff to work on next time.  Advice… keep it simple. Q what you can do. That helped a lot. Also… remember to do Name-o-rama.  #LearningToLead #GettingStronger


PreBlast: #TheStorm Turf Monster and Hills

Get ready for the turf monster and hills.  Stuart Cramer High School offers a variety of facilities to accomplish many tasks including a lot of running, bear crawls, crab walks, lunges, and more.  You never know what the audibles could be with all of the equipment around.  Let’s start our first round of this weeks workouts strong.


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