Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 14 of 26)

F3 Dads at Martha’s House Pre-Blast


Update:  So the temperatures should be in the high 40’s so make sure you bring an extra sweatshirt for your 2.0’s and M’s for after the workout.  The planning committee has also updated the menu for the after workout replenishment since only the truly hardcore PAX will eat ice cream when it is cold outside.  (If you still want to bring it, I will help eat it)

Here is what is being provided thus far….

Guts and I are providing the hot water for a hot chocolate bar.  I am also bringing some green tea for your hauty tauty types that drink with your pinky raised (you know who you are).  I am bringing about 30 coffee cups, spoons, waters.

Hush Puppy is bringing the charcoal for a smores bar.  If you want smores, bring the requisite ingredients.

What is still needed?  We need cookies, waters, hot chocolate packets, smores, granola bars, and anything else you want to eat and share with the PAX.

What else do I need?  I need a few 1st F Q’s to help lead the workout.  YHC torqued his Achilles running with Rob Jones in Charlotte Thursday.  When something hurts when you are running with Rob Jones, you keep running.  It is just the way it is.

So….be prepared to help Q the workout Mary style and remember who the audience is.  Whoopy reminded me the last time we did F3 Dads I may have been a little too “default aggressive” in pushing the young PAX.  We will be better this time!  See you tomorrow!

Without reading the rest of the original post, here is the most relevant information cut and pasted for your simplicity.

Bring volleyballs, frisbees, footballs, soccer balls, boomerangs,  but no My Little Ponies, or Teletubbies.  There is no power at the shelter so someone bring an old school boombox so we can jam out.

If someone wants to prepare an age appropriate lesson or two along the way, let me know and we will make time for that too.




My six year old has been wanting to attend an F3 workout for the last few months and I can’t let him down.  So….back by popular demand, we return to Martha’s House for another rendition of F3 Dads.

Here is what you need to know.

Where:  Martha Rivers Park  I have picnic shelter #1 reserved from 1500-1900.  This is the one beside the sand volleyball  area and first one on your left as you enter the park.

When:  Next Sunday, November 12th.  The kid and family friendly beat down begins at 1430 hours.  To be clear, sons and daughters are welcome as well as spouses.  All ages, all inclusive, pets on a leash, etc.  Bring a friend….everyone gets a nickname.

What:  The workout will start at 1430 hours.  I will have a weinke but if anyone wants to Q some of the workout that is fine with me.  In fact, I am on call next weekend so please have some ideas in case YHC uses Q privilege and calls on you to lead.  This will  be a fun filled event for all ages.  The workout will end at 1515 for a COT and BOK.  (Ball of kids)

After the workout we will have an ice cream social.  All family members are welcome!

What to bring:  We need a few coolers with water.  We need bowls, spoons, ice cream, and ice.  I will bring some but we will need more.  Bring friends who need F3.

Bring volleyballs, frisbees, footballs, soccer balls, boomerangs,  but no My Little Ponies, or Teletubbies.  There is no power at the shelter so someone bring an old school boombox so we can jam out.

If someone wants to prepare an age appropriate lesson or two along the way, let me know and we will make time for that too.

Wear your F3 swag and represent and maybe we can EH some bystanders during the workout.

Remember that the next Sunday the 19th we will hike Kings to Crowders Mountain.  That pre-blast is yet to come so be on the lookout.


F3 Gastonia 50 mile relay dry run

Well this F3 Gastonia 50 mile relay has been in the works for sometime and with the Tuna 200 coming QIC figured it might be a good time for a dry run and to get some of the PAX to start training for it.  With that being said…we ran…took a break…ran some more…took another break…and ran a little more!!! Around 50 miles to be exact.   During the run we ran through or ran by all 10 AO’s in F3 Gastonia.  This was a good time with my F3 brothers…I think starting at 4am brought the best out of everyone.  I can’t really explain what these events are like but the reasoning behind this 50 miler is to give a relay race opportunity to everyone within F3 Gastonia and so that you wouldn’t have to be away from the family for a couple days.  Trust me when I say that this 50 mile relay will be no walk in the park but when you are with the HIMS in F3 Gastonia there are no words that can describe it.   This BB could go on for days with all the mummblechatter that went on, so I highly suggest that you start training NOW because you do not want to miss this event, IT WILL BE EPIC!!!  There will be more information about the event coming soon!!!

Special thanks to all the HIMS that made this dry run happen!!!  There is absolutely NO way this would have been possible without each of you!!!

Until next time Pizza Brah is OOOOOOOUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!  (Show to know)

Tiny Tank’s Favorite Things

Being that this was Tiny Tank’s last F3 workout as a resident of Gaston County, I wanted to pay homage to him.  Or, as Wheezy would put it, do this in his memory.  So I tried to do some of the things we’ve become accustomed to during Tiny Tank’s Qs.

We started promptly at 0530.  No warmup, as is typical with a Tiny Tank beatdown.  Batan Death March out to the main road.  Basically an indian run where the last man drops and does 5 merkins before running to the front of the line.

We moseyed to the front of the school for the main part of the workout – The Accumulator.  Here’s the way it works; do exercise 1 for 60 seconds, then 30 seconds of rest.  Do exercise 2 for 60 seconds, exercise 1 for 60 seconds, then 30 seconds of rest.  Do exercise 3 for 60 seconds, exercise 2 for 60 seconds, exercise 1 for 60 seconds, then 30 seconds of rest…

Exercise 1 – burpees
Exercise 2 – squats
Exercise 3 – merkins
Exercise 4 – crunchy frogs
Exercise 5 – SSHs
Exercise 6 – shoulder taps
Exercise 7 – CDDs

During the 30 seconds of rest each pax took turns telling 2 truths and a lie.  We learned YHC did not work at a pet grooming boutique shop, Gilligan left a date at Waffle House, Dr Suess likes going to presidential libraries, Tiny Tank visited 20 countries while in Germany (I still don’t know how that’s possible), Tesla is bothered when other’s put themselves first and Dolph never played football.

I Omahaed and cut out a few exercises on the last set of The Accumulator so that we had enough time to do the last thing.

We did a slow mosey around the parking lot and I chanted an Airborne Ranger song I knew and they chanted back.  That took all of about 30 seconds, so Dolph, Tiny Tank and Tesla picked me up with some running chants they knew.  We circled back to the flag to finish the workout.





Gilligan is moving and could use help this Saturday.


Prayer Requests:

Tiny Tank moving





Just wanted to wish Tiny Tank the best of luck for his and his family’s future.  F3 Gastonia is going to miss him.


Burpee Murph (Burph???)

So a couple of folks have been throwing around the ideal of doing the Murph again during a regularly schedule workout.  Some pax have been all for this and others seemed to think it couldn’t be done in 45 minutes.  YHC being the “Peoples Q” and all, decided to give it a shot and to give the .  Unfortunately TheStorm lacks the required equipment to do pull ups, so YHC decided to modify that exercise to Burpees.  The 45 minute time constraint was still looming large, but some careful clock management and a shortened mile at the end took care of that.

14 pax showed for the Burph.  Most pax were on time and a few showed pretty early.  No FNGs so YHC gave a short disclaimer and let the pax know that we would start with a short run and where to meet up if they weren’t in the moseying mode.  This talk was given a few minutes before time to ensure we started promptly at 0530.  With 1 minute to start time two vehicles were seen pulling in hot.  I’m not one to wait for those who may be late or right on time for that matter, so we started our mosey before they had parked their vehicles and they caught up.

Now I normally forgo Warm Ups and start with a decent sized mosey, so the regular pax thought the knew the route we were taking.  When I took a unexpected left turn that heads away from the high school some chatter started in the back.  Luckily it quickly died down though and you could hear crickets by the time we hit the main road and the small hill up to the art and circle out in front of Cramerton high school. From the circle we headed back down and around the main parking lot.  Run was just shy of a mile, because I limited it to 10 minutes.  Now time for the fun.

The Thang (Burph):

  • 1 Mile Run
  • Burpees x 100
  • Merkins x 200
  • Squats x 300
  • 1 Mile Run

After the initial run the pax circled up and YHC broke the news of the Burph to some excitement (thanks Dolph) and some fear (sorry Mayor).  10 supersets of 10 x Burpees, 20 x Merkins and 30 x squats would be preformed starting every 3 minutes.  The faster you finished the set, the longer break before the next you would have.  YHC also had the pax share interesting or unknown facts about themselves during the rest periods.

As the number of sets passed by, breaks got shorter or longer depending on how much modifying or lack of exercising people started doing.   With the last set complete, the last mile was cut in half because of the 5 minutes remaining.  Mosey on back to the start.



  • Burpeethon is set for 16 September.  Sign your 2 man teams up and support a great cause!
  • Mayor has graciously volunteered to attempt and fill YHC’s enormous shoes as TheStorm’s new site Q.  Sign up to Q or get ready for some heavy lifting!
  • Come out to Glenway Pub this Thursday @ 1930 to have a beer to either wish YHC luck on my upcoming move or in Memory of YHC if I’m dead to you.

Prayer Request:

  • All Pax
  • Those moving/starting new jobs

It’s been a pleasure to serve as site Q of TheStorm for the past 8 months.  I’ve really enjoyed pushing the rock with you men and you will all be missed.  If you’re ever in the Carolina Beach or Wilmington area, look me up and the first beers on me.  I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy the Mayor Love!

To Ruck, or Not To Ruck

We used to have a ruck in Belmont and it fizzled out over time with different things here and there and there was only four or so who posted anyway, but I always liked it.  While rummaging thru Twitter, I came across the Go Ruck Wednesday.

When it came time to get it on, we did a quick warmup: SSH x20IC, Moroccan Night Clubs x25IC, Grass Pokers (for whoopie) x10IC.

Thang:  Short mosey across the parking lot and circle up.  10 rounds of 20 squats with hands on head (didnt have a sandbags or blocks), 20 Merkins, 50 Flutter-kicks.  Not a whole lot of mumble chatter and we realized Dolph and Sargento need to practice at it.  We got thru round 7 and I wanted to get some team work in before Sargento had to roll out, so we mosey to the back of the school for two rounds of something I dont have a name for.  One partner would do french fries while the other ran and jumped up the loading dock and did five burpees and ran down the ramp.  Repeat x2 rounds with the exercises in the middle changing from french fries to LBCs to Mountain climbers.  A fellowship mosey to discuss a few things and then mosey to the start and finish our remaining rounds of the ruckaround.   With a handful of minutes left, we set the timer for one minute and each pax picks a workout for a solid 60 seconds….LBCs, turtle crunches, CDDs, jump squats, dying cockroaches.  Mosey to the start and finish with wave of merkins to 5.


Announcements – nothing really noted.

BOM – Tophat took us out.

Moleskin – we talked about things happening and Tiny Tank was brought up and how he is moving and his impact that he has had.  He is currently the site Q and is responsible for at least five regularly attending pax and a couple of others that show sporadically.  We talked about how we need more like him and that we have to step it up to fill the void that will be left by his absence as well as Bulldogs.  TT isnt leaving for a while so make sure you come out and post and be the example he has been.  We also talked about the convergence at Folsom last Saturday and how awesome it was to have +/-39 guys show up (some at the correct time, others as they felt like it) and sweat with a fellow brother to say goodbye.

Storm Block Party

10 pax showed this morning to push the rock and better themselves at the Storm.  The cloudy 73 degree weather might not compare to the heat of Midoriyama, but we still got a good sweat in and shirts stayed on.  No FNGs present so quick disclaimer and start on time.  YHC normally forgoes the normal F3 warmup to maximize exercise time, but this has been a concern and cause of serious mumble chatter in some pax.  So being a Q of the people, YHC decided to include a brief warmup this morning.  It was a definite hit with Dolph, which says it all…

Warm Up:

5 minute warm up.  5 sets of 10 Burpees started on the minute.  Any remaining time is you rest.  This got some good mumble chatter going and some friendly competition between Mayor and Dolph.  Shockingly Dolph managed to stay a few burpees ahead of Mayor, but Mayor made up for it with pristine form and unmatched motivation.

Once complete, mosey to the softball fields for The Thang.

The Thang:

Six stations.  Pax will conduct exercises on cards at each station for 4 consecutive minutes.  Goal is to perform each superset on the cards 4 times.  Bonus for EC!  After each set, 2 minutes mosey.

  • Station 1:
    • Hip Slappers x 10
    • Jump Squats x 10
  • Station 2:
    • Kettle Bell Swings w/ cinderblock x 10
    • Sumo High Row w/ cinderblock x 10
  • Station 3:
    • Squat Press w/ cinderblock x 10
    • Shoulder to shoulder press w/ cinderblock x 10 (going over head)
  • Station 4:
    • Merkins x 10
    • Up/Down Planks x 10
  • Station 5:
    • Dips x 10
    • Triceps Extensions x 10
  • Station 6:
    • Curls w/ cinderblock x 10
    • Reverse Grip Rows w/ cinderblock x10

Last 3 mosey’s were shortened by 1 minute to ensure completion on Time. With about 30 seconds left in the last set a train finally came by. 5 Burpees! And Time

There was some pretty solid mumble chatter through out with random talk of cheerwine, KT tape coming off of an elbow from overuse, and one pax imaginary boyfriend.  YHC did have to remind a few pax that they wouldn’t be able to talk so much if they spent more time exercising!



  • Need Q’s at TheStorm, Goat Island and the Yank!
  • Bulldog & Tiny Tank are moving soon.

Prayer Request:

  • All Pax
  • Those moving/starting new jobs

Once again I am honored to be able to lead and lock shields with my fellow F3 Brothers in the Gloom.  I appreciate every drop of sweat we put in together and look forward to continuing to sharpen myself with you all.

You want fries with that?

Only four brave souls showed up for a Norwood-led beatdown.  All vets, so brief disclaimer.  No warmup because I had no clue how long the workout would take.

Short mosey to the adjacent parking lot for a Double Quarter Pounder.  Run 1/4 of the parking lot, do 25 merkins then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run 1/2 of the parking lot, do 50 squats then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run 3/4 of the parking lot, do 75 mountain climbers then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run the length of the parking lot, do 100 SSHs then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.

Short mosey around the parking lot.

Then the “double” portion came in for the Double Quarter Pounder.  Run 1/4 of the parking lot, do 25 jump squats then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run 1/2 of the parking lot, do 50 flutter kicks then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run 3/4 of the parking lot, do 75 moroccan night clubs then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run the length of the parking lot, do 10 burpees then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.

We moseyed up to the baseball field for a triple nickel.  We used the hill on the first base side of the field.  Monkey jumpers (because I can’t do a Q without having monkey jumpers!) at the bottom and WW II sit ups at the top.  Madoff and I thought it would be a good idea to do the WW II sit ups in the grass.  We were soaked.

We moseyed back to the front of the school for a little wall work.  60 seconds of wall sits with shoulder presses for the last 20 seconds.  Then 10 hip slappers.  Rinse and repeat.

Then we did a little Corewood.  60 seconds AMRAP OYO with 30 seconds break in between each exercise:

  • American hammers
  • LBCs
  • Pretzel cruches
  • Windshield wipers
  • Crunch frogs
  • Dying cockroaches

Fellowship mosey to the main parking lot.

Prayer requests:

  • The F3 brothers who haven’t posted recently
  • Safe travels for the kids going to summer camps



Great work this morning, men!

Cramerton Craziness!

12 HIMS should up for a dose of Tesla on Tuesday and it went like this.


First, had some late arrivals as Dolph came from that wilderness land of Crouse, NC for his morning burpees. We aimed to please!


SSH X 20

IW X20

5 burpees OYO

LBCs X20

5 burpees OYO

Merkins X 10

5 burpees OYO

Mountain climbers X 20

5 burpees OYO

Mosey over to baseball field entrance now officially known as the Field of Dreams.

Each lamp to the end 2 merkins, increment by 2 at each light for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 merkins.

11s on the grandstand and the concession stands, dips and Mike Tysons.

Mosey over to the bottom of hamburger Hill for partner work

Partner 1 climbs the hill to the fence at the softball field. Partner 2 does called excercise

Rd1: cross fit merkins

2: Squats

3: LBCs

4: Flutter kick

5: Plank

6: merkins

7: burpees

Mosey back to last lamp, squats back to entrance X 4 per lamp, 4,6,8,12, 16, 20, 24

Mosey to walkway in parking lot, halfway between tennis courts and school.

Partner 1 : bear crawl to yellow line. partner 2: crab walk to yellow line on other end. rinse and repeat.

Grab some wall at school for people’s chair.

20 airpresses

balls to the wall

Mosey back to start – done!

NM: Great AO here at Storm, lots of toys to play with. Coach K makes his reappearance – welcome back! Great crowd. Did decide that mayor will lead on the 4th at 6 am! YHC could not talk him into 7 am. Oh well! Its his call and it will be worth attending I am sure. Could be some fireworks.

Thinking seriously about reaching out to AD at Thomas Cramer HS and seeing what it would take to get the field on a regular basis. Likely will have to do a workday out there one Saturday for an hour or so but would be worth it. Thoughts?

Enjoyed leading this group. Great men all!




YHC was kind of hoping for no pax to show this morning so he could return home and climb back into the fart sack, but luckily 3 other pax showed and a good workout took place.  Norwood was given pass from his M this morning to post on a weekday, but bad dreams of ‘Wide Right’ kept him up all night and he failed to show.  And once again no Mayor so insert Mayor missing workout joke here.

All regulars present so no disclaimer given.

Warm Up:

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Merkins x 15 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 15 IC

The Thang:

Lots of stairs on the weinke this morning so the pax moseyed down to the stadium.  Up first the pax would perform 10 burpees OYO and then run all the stairs on the home side of the stadium.  Pax would run down the right side of the stairs and back up the left side of the same stairs, running down and up all six sets.  Mosey to the start and plank up for the 6.  The weinke called for 6 sets of these and YHC realized he may have bit off more than he could chew after the first set.  The pax were calling for an Omaha after 2, so YHC decided to break it up a bit  After 4 sets we moved on to the next portion of the workout with a promise to come back and finish the last 2 after.

Next we moseyed down to the football field for some 11’s.  Pax performed 10 Merkins on the home side of the field, ran across to the visitors sideline and performed 1 LBC.  Then back to the home sideline for 9 Merkins and back to the visitors for 2 LBCs.  Continued until we performed 1 Merkin and 10 LBCs.  The legs were definitely feeling the stairs on this and not much chatter was said.

Back to the stairs to finish up the remaining 2 sets.  Cut the last set short because of time and moseyed back to the Flag to finish on time.



  • Q School has gone well in other regions and Tesla can coordinate one for Gashouse on any Saturday this summer.  Would like 30-40 pax, but 20 would be a success

Prayer Request:

  • Pax on IR

Friendly competition at the storm

Pledge first, then mosey to the traffic circle for a short warmup. Another short mosey to the big lot at the school building, then split into 2 teams. For each team, each of the PAX takes a turn running to the opposite end of the lot. Once there, prescribed 10 bobby hurley’s then drop into plank. When the teammate drops, the next one runs across.

Down and back, and a winner was crowned. The losing team got 5 burpees, winning team got 10. With prizes like this who wouldn’t want to compete?
Repeato, but bobby hurley’s replaced with 10 jump lunges (5/leg). Everyone got a trophy this time, 5 burpees per team.

Proceeded to divide into 4 teams for field of dreams in the 4 corners of the much-larger-than-a-baseball-field-non-sand-parking-lot. First round was as described in the Exicon. Second round was stepped up a notch:

  • 1’s – jump squats
  • 2’s – clerkins
  • 3’s – peter parkers
  • 4’s – 15 burpees

Returned to lot for 3 minutes of mary, name-o-rama, COT.

Special thanks to War Eagle and BP (Border Patrol) for coming out today…we hope to see them again soon. Great effort all around, except for the Mayor, whose absence was noted and now documented.

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