Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 10 of 26)

A Lil’ Schoolin at The Storm

As this YHC first Q at this AO and with only a handful of postings, there wasn’t a whole lot of experience to draw on. Also, YHC has been trying to improve his cardio game, and there are some races upcoming, so wanted to try to cover some distance. Drawing inspiration from a recent Ricky Bobby, this is how it played out.

YHC arrived early and taped the weinke to the wall, much like Martin Luther did with his 95 theses.

0530 arrives to find 11 have joined YHC with 2 coming off of EC. None are FNGs. We knock out the Pledge and a minutely short disclaimer is given before we set on a mosey around the parking lot to end up at the school.

Alas, my weinke is no where to be found. So YHC heads back to the truck for the electronic version. Expecting to have 11 in tow, YHC was surprised to find only Dirt in attendance.

We complete the retrieval and return to find most of the PAX where they were left, while others were searching for the missing paperwork. Shout-out to Virus for locating the missing weinke, so now we can get started with school.

Here is the concept. Do the 1st grade work, mosey 1 row. Repeat 1st grade work and do 2nd, mosey 2 rows Repeat 1st & 2nd, do 3rd, mosey 3 rows. Repeat 1, 2 & 3, do 4, mosey 4 rows. Repeat all work for graduation and run entire parking lot. Once you graduate Elementary, wait on six and then repeat for middle, repeat for high, etc.

1st Grade – 2 Burpees
2nd Grade – 10 CDDs
3rd Grade – 15 Bobby Hurleys
4th Grade – 20 Crab Position Heel Touches
Elementary Graduatiom
5th Grade – 3 Burpees
6th Grade – 15 HRMs
7th Grade – 20 Step Ups (10 per Leg)
8th Grage – 25 Plank Position Knee Touches
Middle Graduation
9th Grade – 5 Burpees
10th Grade – 20 IWs
11th Grade – 25 Plank Jacks
12th Grade – 30 Squats
*Note: For the sake of time, all moseys in high school were 1 row.
Unfortunately we ran out of time and were not able to actually graduate, much less get into the college level work that was prepared. We did have time for Anchorman led Am. Hammers to close us out.

This morning’s verse comes from Philippians 2:4:
“do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”
This is reminder we are to live 3rd. Always be looking to how we can be more like Christ and let people see Him through each of us.

Gastonia Area 5 year anniversary/convergence. 21-Mar at Martha Rivers 0700 – 0930ish. See PreBlast.
2nd F Shooting Event – 21-Mar at Allen Tate’s 1200-1500. RSVP to Whoopee. See PreBlast.
GoRuck Training 08-Feb at GasHouse 0600. HIPAA with the Q. Don’t wear your good clothes/shoes.

YHC took us out in prayer.

I really appreciate the encouragement and push from the PAX. I am trying to accelerate. I have been trying to get 3 miles in a 45 min bootcamp. While today was the closest yet, the carrot yet remains.

It was an honor to be given the opportunity to lead.

Watts Up powering down.

Where was the train?

January 21, 2020

My alarm went off at 4:55 a.m. and I reluctantly didn’t fart sack because I had the “Q” at The Storm. I knew it was going to be in the 20’s, so I was not sure how many PAX would be attending a morning workout. I knew Boudin would be present since he had mentioned some EC running and he WAS running as I pulled into Stuart Cramer High School.

I had planned on the train giving us some burpees, so I decided not to put that in my routine this morning. However, the train never came or was never heard.

Disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

After the disclaimer we ran a good distance to the “circle” near the front of the school for the warm up.

Warm Up:
SSH x 20 (IC)
MNC x 15 (IC)
Windmill x 10 (IC)
Produce Picker x 10 (IC)
Peter Parker x 15 (IC)

Routine 1:
After the warm up we ran toward the football parking lot entrance where we performed 11’s.  We did 10 merkins and 1 squat and ended with 10 squats and 1 merkin.

Routine 2:
We continued running toward Lakewood Road and found a hill where I decided to do my next routine.

Each pax would bear crawl up the hill and crawl bear down the hill. While one pax is doing this, the pax that is bear crawling would call out a set exercise for the pax to do until he returned. One of the pax did call burpees here though.

With time running out we continued to run up the sidewalk on Lakewood Road and take the long way back to C.O.T.

After it was over, my watch read 3.7 miles and 587 calories burned. So I was happy with the workout.

F3 Rock Hill Rooster is Saturday, February 29. Check with Breaker-Breaker if you’re interested in getting a team together.

Pillager has two neighbors that need praying.

Continue lifting up the Hamm family and Breaker Breaker’s wife who is now doing all the wedding planning.

Anchorman said his wife is traveling to Florida to spend some time with her parents.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Tabata Tuesday

Clock struck 5:30 am

Started with the Pledge

Warm up:


20 Morocan Night Clubs IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Don Q’s IC

15 Squats OYO


The Thang

Time for a little Mosey around parking lot to the front of school.

There we did 3 rounds of:

10 Squats

10 Merkins

10 Lunges count 1 leg

10 Burpees

Lap around the practice field, approximately .25 miles.


Mosey around the parking lot back to the front of school. Time for Tabata-20 seconds of work then 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes of the following excercises. I received grief that my Tabata app did not play music.

First round

Monkey Humpers




Monkey Humpers




Mosey around parking lot with karaoke right side, left side, and Nur.

Second round of Tabata then mosey around parking lot back to the Flag for core work.

24 seconds of following exercise each, but did not do good job counting.


High Flutter Kick

Low Flutter Kick

High Scissors

Low Scissors

American Hammers

Heels to Heaven

Plank Jack



Freddie Mac


Finished up with Mary. Little Gumby in the woods, American Hammers, Die cockroach,






Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  It has been a while since I have Q.  It was good to get back in the saddle.  Until next time.

Storm 11/26/19

16 young men showed up to workout at the STORM on 11/26/2019.  It went like this……


Seal Jacks IC x 31

Mountain Man Poopers IC x 15

Hill Billies IC x 15

Merkins IC x 2

Lets mosey

Mosey to the flag in front of the school for the pledge

Mosey to the baseball field

Break up into two groups.  Group 1 does Calf Raises on the bleachers while Group 2 does Dips on the first bench.  Q fail…. the bleachers had frost on them and were very slippery.  Calf Raises and Dips x 20 IC.  Rinse and Repeat.  Omaha Calf Raises to the fence behind home plate.

10 Burpees then Mosey to the parking lot stopping at each light pole to do 20 Squats, 10 Burpees at the end and return stopping at each light for Squats.

15 Burpees – 10 plus 5 for the train

Mosey to the parking lot stopping at each light for 5 Merkins

Line up for Rugby Sprints – AMRAP called exercise until “Go” is called by the PAX who choose the exercise.   Jail Break two parking rows and back, walk to recover.  Rinse and Repeat.  Slaw called Big Boy Sit Ups for the final round when an outlaw PAX called “GO” at about 10 BB’s.  Everyone took off except Slaw, and a couple of others.  False start on all who took off.

Almost time.  Mosey back to the flag for Rock-Paper-Scissors.  Pair up.  Both PAX plank and play Rock-Paper-Scissors.  The winner does a Merkin, the loser does a Burpee.  Increase the count by one with each round.  Heard some good mumble chatter during this routine.

YHC took us out in Prayer

Thanks for participating



What Goes Up….Must Go Down


We had 9 HIM at the The STORM this morning.  We started with a long mosey around the school.

Warm Up
SSH – 25 IC
Windmill – 10 IC
Cotton Pickers – 10 IC
Hillbillies – 15 IC
Mountain Climber Merkin – 10 IC

Round 1: 10 Burpees  / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 2: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 3: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / lLap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 4: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / 40 Flutter Kicks (DC) / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 5: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / 40 Flutter Kicks (DC) / 50 Carolina Dry Docks / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Escalator Down
Round 1: 50 Seal Jacks / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 2: 50 Seal Jacks / 40 Mountain Climbers (DC) / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 3: 50 Seal Jacks / 40 Mountain Climbers (DC) / 30 Rocky Balboa’s / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Some ab exercises, which I can not remember.

Circle of Trust
Please pray for Breaker Breaker and his family. A family member recently suffered a heart attack and his wife was also taken to a hospital for chest pain.

Please pray for Radar’s colleague. His daughter is going through drug rehabilitation.

I enjoyed the opportunity to lead. I hope you all were able to burn a lot of calories this morning!

Sean Corcoran (RADAR)

The calm before the Storm

We never know what we will face, but we can prepare ourselves if we want to go pro.

Here is how it went down at the Storm.

0529:  Dolph told me to start early.  First exercise is SSH x 30 IC

Merkins x 15 IC, LBC’s x 15 IC  Squats IC x 15

Mosey to the side of the school outside the weight room for Jacob’s Ladder.

Bobby Hurley’s on one side, Big Boy situps on the other 1-10, 10-1

Mosey to the baseball bleachers

Three sets of the following:  Step Ups 10 each leg IC, Box Squats, 20 OYO, 50 calf raises.

Lunge walk 50 steps, mosey to find TopHat.  TopHat gives us the green light so we descend to the lower parking lot.

Plank for the six and YHC asks about gratitude.  Families, Kids, Jobs, Health, Fitness,

Next Exercise:  Burpee Broad Jumps at each parking space, mosey to lower lot

GodFather Zombie walk, (2 lunges, one squat) to the next lot

Next exercise, Plank walk on the curbed parking island  all the way around.  I had more to do but time was running short so we circled up for “Nickels and Dimes”.

5 burpees, ten squats-repeado  (Most likely got 4-6 rounds)

Return to start for Mary.  T-Square paid respects to his heritage by calling Appalachian Americans.  TopHat called Moroccan NightClubs.   Dolph snuck in 5 burpees OYO after time expired but we obliged him anyway.

Pledge of Allegiance

Announcements:  JJ5k In Stanley this Saturday at 0900.  5K trail run for charity to benefit East Gaston.  Ragnar the following week.  Need Q’s for the Storm (see Breaker Breaker)

Radar and Wetnuts will be doing the Iron Pax Challenge this Friday at 0530 at New Hope Elementary (Bring a coupon)

Prayer Requests:  Lyn Hamm and her husband who is starting a new job.  Those on IR, Broke’s sister in law with a recent breast cancer diagnosis, Dolph’s brother can use prayers, A mother in law, and Def Leppard’s M’s surgery this week.  Keep the Nantan, Stroganoff, in your prayers.  He is dealing with sinus issues and we need him healthy.

Moleskin:   I had forgotten that I had the Storm Q until I looked at my calendar last night.  I was immediately excited since I don’t usually do Tuesday’s as part of my routine.  It is a great AO with lots of space.  It was good to see many of the familiar faces and some new ones who make Tuesday’s part of their fitness schedules.

If you are interested in the Whetstone program, please let me know.

Please consider donating to the Rotary Pavilion bathroom project.  We will reach our $1000 goal but we need your help.  Please donate to any site Q and YHC and his designee’s will collect this week.



Notorious S.T.O.R.M.

The Storm is one of my favorites.  Mostly due to the big numbers that turn out week after week.  Almost like a mini-convergence.

Lets warm up, YHC, merkins etc.  Mosey around the school stopping periodically for a mix of core, upper body, lower body and all three.  First stop the stupid shuffle, six shooters, lunges.  Mosey to the picnic tables for dips, step ups and freddy mercury.  mosey to the round about for bear crawls, planks, squats.  I think we also stopped at the ballards.   Back to the start.


Prayer Requests

Hamm Family

Breakers Aunt

Dr. Feelgoods Mom passed away

Hucks Family


Chili Cookoff November 2 to raise money for bathrooms

9-11 Stairclimb coming up 9-14-2019

JJ5k 9-28-2019

Christmas Town

SSS 9-21-2019

Pointe Church now doing Sundays on Thursdays meeting services at 6:30 – speak to Slim Shady for more info

Pavilion Chili Cookoff Pre-Blast

Bathrooms coming soon to the Pavilion!

The Rotary Centennial Pavilion has been home to the F3 Downtown workout since July of 2015, a few short months after the F3 Gastonia launch.  E4 was the original site Q before he handed it off to the elusive Spiderman who then turned over the reins to Bedpan.  By my calculations, F3 has posted over 200 Friday workouts at the Pavilion besides running through the site during our three 50 mile relays.

The big cheese, Sargento, happens to be the Nantan of the Gastonia Rotary Club this year.  Both Gastonia Rotary Clubs are raising money to install public bathrooms at the Pavilion soon.  Bathrooms would be a great thing for downtown as well as for any F3 PAX who routinely run late to the workout due to those “emergencies”.  (you know who you are)

To raise money for the bathrooms, the Gastonia Rotary Club is hosting a Chili Cook Off on November 2nd of this year.  I am aware that you should probably have bathrooms installed before eating chili but I am not in charge.  There are four levels of sponsorships, with $1000.00 being the “Four Alarm” sponsor.  I propose giving back to the Pavilion and raising money for this cause.  F3 Gastonia can assist in raising money for the bathrooms and if we meet our goal sooner rather than later we will be recognized in all advertisements and social media, leading to more exposure for F3 and hopefully draw in some FNG’s.

I am calling on all site Q’s to collect donations from PAX throughout the month of September until we reach our goal of $1000.00.  PAX may contribute cash or checks (made payable to the Rotary Club of Gastonia).  The good news is Diablo Sammich has already said they were going to raise $100, and that was immediately countered with a $150 pledge from the PUB.  The Coconut Horse then said they would raise $151.

The purpose will be to raise awareness of F3Gastonia and support the community through adding an amenity to the premier Friday AO in our region.

This initiative is “Nantan approved” as well as “Site Q approved”.  If each PAX that posts contributes something we should reach our goal in short order.  F3 is free so there is no obligation to give but Site Q’s please take up the collections and let’s hit this goal and put F3Gastonia on more men’s radars in our region.



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