Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Boars Nest

Pavilion Chili Cookoff Pre-Blast

Bathrooms coming soon to the Pavilion!

The Rotary Centennial Pavilion has been home to the F3 Downtown workout since July of 2015, a few short months after the F3 Gastonia launch.  E4 was the original site Q before he handed it off to the elusive Spiderman who then turned over the reins to Bedpan.  By my calculations, F3 has posted over 200 Friday workouts at the Pavilion besides running through the site during our three 50 mile relays.

The big cheese, Sargento, happens to be the Nantan of the Gastonia Rotary Club this year.  Both Gastonia Rotary Clubs are raising money to install public bathrooms at the Pavilion soon.  Bathrooms would be a great thing for downtown as well as for any F3 PAX who routinely run late to the workout due to those “emergencies”.  (you know who you are)

To raise money for the bathrooms, the Gastonia Rotary Club is hosting a Chili Cook Off on November 2nd of this year.  I am aware that you should probably have bathrooms installed before eating chili but I am not in charge.  There are four levels of sponsorships, with $1000.00 being the “Four Alarm” sponsor.  I propose giving back to the Pavilion and raising money for this cause.  F3 Gastonia can assist in raising money for the bathrooms and if we meet our goal sooner rather than later we will be recognized in all advertisements and social media, leading to more exposure for F3 and hopefully draw in some FNG’s.

I am calling on all site Q’s to collect donations from PAX throughout the month of September until we reach our goal of $1000.00.  PAX may contribute cash or checks (made payable to the Rotary Club of Gastonia).  The good news is Diablo Sammich has already said they were going to raise $100, and that was immediately countered with a $150 pledge from the PUB.  The Coconut Horse then said they would raise $151.

The purpose will be to raise awareness of F3Gastonia and support the community through adding an amenity to the premier Friday AO in our region.

This initiative is “Nantan approved” as well as “Site Q approved”.  If each PAX that posts contributes something we should reach our goal in short order.  F3 is free so there is no obligation to give but Site Q’s please take up the collections and let’s hit this goal and put F3Gastonia on more men’s radars in our region.




3 posted at Boars Nest this fine Sunday morning. YHC had the Q. Let’s get to work!

The Thang:

Ruck 1 Mile

Back at Ingles we did the following for 10 sets or close to it. I was really watching the time instead of counting.

50 yd suitcase carry. 25 yds with one hand then switch hands.

10 Ruck High Pulls

25 yd Bear Crawl

Ruck 1 mile to finish

COT with the runners


This was a good one. Sweat was pouring. Hacksaw was pushing as normal. When he was pushing through on the bear crawls it sounded like he was attacking the poor bear! Big Pappy was getting it done as well pushing on the ruck pace.  I’d like to see more guy’s try out the ruck workout. There’s a lot more to it than just walking with weight. My calorie burn this morning was solid and I worked on muscle gain. Come out and join us sometime. Also I’d like to see Huckleberry post again! #MHPA

Found It On The Internet

Just 2 of us today for a little morning ruck. With Bedpan Qing The Boars Nest in 2 weeks, I knew he would be there today and wanted to give him a little flavor for mixing in reps with rucking. I sometimes struggle to find new ideas for ruck workouts so I took to the internet. A quick Google search of “ruck backblasts” gave me some good ideas, but one in particular drew my attention. I found a workout from May 29th by Choker in Memphis that spoke to me. I did modify it a bit.

Bedpan had a bluetooth speaker so we blasted 90s hip hop as we strolled through the mean streets of Dallas, NC.

We head to the playground by the Franklin Gym for our first sets.

  • 1 minute AMRAP squats with the ruck on
  • 2 minute Plank with the ruck on
  • 4 Merkins in cadence with the ruck on
  • 8 Ruck Deadlifts
  • 16 Ruckbag Squat Thrusters
  • 32 Ruckbag Swings (kettlebell swings)

Rucks on, march! We made a quick stop at Pizza Man’s house for Monkey Humpers in his yard, rucked down to the old Rite Aid, navigated the worst sidewalk in Gaston County, and made our way back to Ingles. A little over 2 miles complete and, as planned, we have time for another round of exercises.

– 1 minute AMRAP squats with the ruck on
– 2 minute Plank with the ruck on
– 4 Merkins in cadence with the ruck on
– 8 Ruck Deadlifts
– 16 Ruckbag Squat Thrusters
– 32 Ruckbag Swings (kettlebell swings)


We joined the Crossroads CoT

Announcements: Convergence at Gashouse 6/29, bring donations for Ignited Minds program, 2nd F event 6/22 – tubing on the Green River, Tronmoss 5k Sunday 7/21 @ Crossroads

It was a pleasure to spend some quality time with a HIM like Bedpan this morning. Glad he and Big Pappy have gotten on the Q schedule. Look forward to having more guys join us.

  • Montross


3 PAX at Boars Nest on Sunday. This is what we did.

1 mile ruck

10 sets of 10


plank pull though

Squat thruster

1 mile ruck

Special Guests

I saw the call gonout on Slack on Saturday night…something to the effect of “anyone rucking Coconut Horse tomorrow?” Playa, we have a ruck AO on Sundays in Dallas so I cordially invited them.

6:15 am Sunday rolls around and I was pleased to see Dry Rub and Watts Up take us up on the invitation. They joined Big Pappy and I for a tour of Dallas.

We head toward the Dennis Franklin Gym, legendary home of roundball. 10 Parkbench Merkins IC and 10 Dips IC. Lets mosey!

As we head toward the courthouse, we mosey by another Dallas Icon…Pizza Man’s house. 10 Money Humpers in cadence in his yard for good measure. Lets mosey.

Next stop, the historic Dallas Courthouse. Triple Nickle over the stairs with Merkins and Squats on each side. This exercise is tough with a ruck sack on…it is my go-to!

Next we mose across Trade St and do so.e overhead presses with pallets. We continie to mosey to the hills of Dallas. I showed them where Pappy lives, the bear cut from a log with a chainsaw, and we rucked up and down various hills, pausing for squats periodically as well as Incline Merkins on the steepest hill. We make a loop back around and return just in time for CoT.

I enjoy this AO so far. We are consistently getting a few men each week. I would love to get a few more regulars and even a few guys who would like to Q. Come on out and see us in Big D on Sunday mornings!

Crossroads on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day, a chance of rain and an alleged “Smartsack” hindered attendance but we had 5 Runners for Crossroads and 1 tall, lonely Rucker Montross representing The Boar’s Nest Rucking AO showed on a gloomy Mother’s Day Sunday Morning. All the runners ran 5 miles, except me. I slogged through a slow 4 miles and called it a morning. I’m just going to say Montross or anyone else should NEVER have to ruck or run alone.


Prayers lifted for Pizza Man and his family in the passing of his niece, Mayor as he recovers from surgery, Wheezy, Roadies family and a reminder to be available for guys around the workouts for anyone who needs someone to listen. There are lots of guys going through things right now. Broke took us out!

A Reminder from the Q Source discussion that followed about “Live Right”.
To Live Right a man must have an ultimate Purpose in mind.
To Live Right requires self-sacrifice.
Living Right helps a man to stay Right.

Wait, Dallas Has Charging Stations for Electric Cars?

After spending the last week battling sickness and congestion, I pulled into The Boars Nest with a full week away from F3. A good ruck is just the ticket to get back in the groove though! I knew Big Pappy and HIPAA would be there Sunday, but was also glad to see Nothin and Pockets planning to join us.

I decided a trip up and down the hills Freight showed me last week would be a good call. With HIPAA making his first trip to the B.N. AO, I wanted to show him we indeed have some very capable terrain that can help with BRR prep. 50′ into our ruck, Nothin decided to run so we were down to 4! (Gold Digger will include Nothin in his backblast).

We made several laps up and down the hills of Northern Dallas, stopping periodically for low-slow squats in-cadence and lunge walks across the street and back while the 6 caught up. We basically continued to circle Big Pappy’s house and we popped out on Oakland St and proceeded over to the courthouse. I feel like HIPAA liked the hills, but was most impressed that Dallas has charging stations for electric cars. (ssshhhhh, don’t tell anyone!)

The rain was really picking up now as we got in a little run of the Stair Nightmare – Triple Nickel over the courthouse stairs, with 5 Merkins on one side and 5 squats on the other.

With a few minutes to spare, we wrapped up and headed back to Ingles. HIPAA and I were talking about some coupons and options to get a telephone pole during the ruck and was we are approaching the end of our ruck, we saw a piece of telephone pole about 4-5 ft long just sitting in the ditch. It was obviously being thrown away so we grabbed it and rescued it from the scrap pit. To go along with our Dukes of Hazzard theme, I have named it Daisy since it’s not very big and needed to be rescued, much like Daisy did in almost every episode of the TV show. Daisy was tossed in the back of my truck for future use.

Thanks to the guys who joined me today. I look forward to getting a few more new faces out to The Boars Nest soon!

We joined the Crossroads COT.

The other side

2 PAX posted at the newly named ruck workout Boar’s Nest Sunday morning. This workout is intended to be more than just rucking. This is a ruck workout. Show to know.

6:15 lets get after it. Montross and YHC took off and I surprised him but going straight across the street to the other side of Main st where we never go at Crossroads since it isn’t on the route. There is a good reason for this……hills! Those that know Dallas well recognize these hills and usually avoid them, with good reason, while running. Some are pretty steep. We however were training for the Cinco de Mitchell climb so it was perfect for today. We made several passes up these hills before returning to Main st.  Once back on Main we switched things up. P1 runs to the next block and does squats while P2 farmer carries both ruck sacks to catch up. We did this for probably 3/4’s of a mile. The forearms were feeling it! Time. A little over 3 miles total.

I wanted to add more exercises into it but I really wanted to introduce these hills. Next time maybe we can Joe Hendricks(just kidding).

Come out and join us at The Boar’s Nest. The possibilities of a ruck workout are endless and I’ve got a lot of ideas brewing for the future.

The Boars Nest Is Official

I have been wanting to kick off a ruck AO since at least last November…maybe even longer! There are multiple reasons I wanted to lead this that I won’t dig into today, but the main reason is I saw a need and it lined up as something I enjoy. After 2 unofficial trial rucks, today was actual official kickoff. Now when I chose the start date, I did not realize it was Easter Sunday. That obviously had some impact on attendance.
Nevertheless, we had 4 High Impact Men this morning. I was very pleased with the turnout considering the day.

We departed with our sacks at 6:15 sharp…gotta be prompt on day 1! We move toward the courthouse, pausing along the route for 10 Merkins. We continue for something that has been brewing for 3 weeks…..

Stair Nightmare – ruckers go up the stairs of the courthouse and down the other side, do 5 Merkins with your pack on, go back across the stairs and 5 more reps. Repeat 5 times (like a Triple Nickel). Squats were given as an alternate exercise. Stair Nightmare was a TOUGH start to the workout!

Move out! We head toward Papas Pizza where we stopped for 10 dips in cadence. Continue rucking around Dallas.

We stopped off at BB&T for 3 sets each of 10 curls and 10 overhead presses.

We continue around town and make one last stop at the Ingles Car Wash for Peoples Chair Bag Pass. All 4 ruckers place their bags at the end of the line. We pass them all down the line one by one and then back again. Repeat 4 more times.


All in all, we got in some good coupon work and about 2.6 miles. We learned that Dentists can really come through for ya when times are tough, found a great spot for discount toilet paper, and jeard a story about the worst getaway car EVER!

We joined the Crossroads COT and Mayor took us out.

Thanks to the men who posted today. It was great to have Hunkajunk out with us for the first day! Both Swimmer and Freight have been with me every week as this kicks off. Thanks to both of you in particular for helping establish a core group of ruckers. Freight is taking the Q next week and I look forward to getting more guys involved soon!

As I told Freight today, I am still trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. I am not quite sure if I want to make this a punishing beatdown or focus on getting the pace up. I think the answer is somewhere in the middle.
Freight and I are kicking around ideas for a CSAUP, BRR training, and other ruck-related options. If you want to be part of this and contribute ideas, holla!

The Boars Nest is Born – Preblast

Despite somehow finding my way into the Palmetto 200 this year, I have said many times I am not a runner and I have the Strava timeslips as proof. I know running is great cardio, but I have also learned rucking is a good way to get benefits similar to running without the impact, not to mention the 2nd F component.

I was already thinking about it when Whoopee kicked off Diablo Sammich earlier this year. Seeing the early success there further reinforces that guys are interested in this!

As the saying goes, “if you want to do it, Q it”….so I will! After talking with Stroganoff, Sister Act, Roadie, Whoopee, and a few others, I am pleased to announce F3 Gastonia’s 2nd Rucking AO will be launching 4/21/19!

It will leave from Ingles in Dallas at 6:15 am for one hour and end at 7:15 am each Sunday. It will be alligned with Crossroads, similar to the Gashouse/Painlab setup. We will share a COT and be able to join together for Q-Source.

I will serve as site Q and take the Q on the 21st, but I will be looking for men to step up and lead weekly. This is intended to be an organized ruck workout. There will be simple rucking, but we will push the pace (no running though!). We will also include coupon work, heavy carries, obstacles, and whatever else we can come up.

So the name….I love the Smokey and the Bandit-themed name of Diablo Sammich and thought it would be cool to keep that 80s car-chasing/TV-Movie theme. Of course, we need that “North of 85” flair. I mentioned my name suggestion to a few guys and all were in agreement I had THE right name! The name be The Boars Nest, in reference to the the legendary watering hole from The Dukes of Hazzard. (It may be noted you can also buy Boars Head meats at Ingles).

So, get your sack in order and join me on the 21st!!!!

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