Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Mt. Hollywood (Page 13 of 13)

Vern goes to Hollywood

5 PAX posted for a bootcamp and one more came to log some miles on an unusually warm December morning. No FNG’s so after a short disclaimer, pledge and a little warming up we headed to the front of the school for The Thang.


Most of you who have been posting for a while have likely done The Vern at some point. To my knowledge, it hasn’t been done yet at Mt. Hollywood so let’s break the ice. Fortunately for me, there’s no place around town with a good place to do pull-ups so lets change that up to more of a crowd pleaser – Hip Slappers!


It went like this:

10 Hip Slappers

Run a lap around the parking lot (about 250 yards)

20 Dips

Run a lap

25 Merkins

Run a lap

30 LBC’s

Run a lap

Repeat a total of 5 times


Still had a little time for Mary. Corkscrews, Big Boys, Burpee’s, etc.



Christmas party December 15th at Quiche’s – reply to the email

Convergence at Schiele on December 15th


Prayer Request

Orangeman with some upcoming decisions to make, pray for courage and guidance. Each other, PAX battling injuries.


Moleskin – Give More

Read Luke 6:38. You don’t need to be wealthy to possess a giving heart. Don’t get caught up in giving presents, rather give of yourself. A helping hand, a listening ear and a kind word are all examples of how we can give to others without spending any money. God promises us that when we give he will return those blessings back to us multiplied.


YHC took us out.




Veterans Day Zachary Tellier

12 posted at Mt Hollywood on this Veterans Day.  Every since I was on the Q schedule for this day I knew what would be done.  I was going to introduce the PAX to Zachary Tellier.  Please take time to click on the link to find out what we did and read about this HIM.

We welcomed one FNG(Hot Air) today and I’m sure this guy will prove that he is not full of Hot Air. (I have known this man my whole life)  Great work by all that posted this morning!!!

Always remember the service members that have sacrificed their lives for our freedom and thank the past and present members!!  Thanks again and it’s always a honor to lead a great group of men!!

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOUUUUTTTTT!!!


SFN Christmastown 5k- November 24th at 6pm…please come out and support!!!

Christmas party- December 15th from 6pm til 4am…The Quiche’s(more information coming)

40 day Spritual Challenge- read 31 Chapters of Proverbs and 12 Chapters of Ecclesiasties

Wingin’ It

YHC grabbed a Q at F3 Gashouse’s newest AO- Mount Hollywood. YHC had his Weinke locked and loaded the night before the workout. He was wakened by the sound of rain at 0230, so for the next 2 1/2 hours, he laid awake in bed modifying the Weinke. “Never mind. I’ll just wing it”. 12 men took the DRP and rolled out of the fartsack on a wet Monday morning to start the day off right. With half the PAX in the RESPECT age group, Sargento sleep walking, and Sister Act’s back outta whack, YHC considered taking it easy on the guys. Then again, this is F3, not FIA. 5:30 hits and YHC attempted to give the PAX their money’s worth.


  • Seal Jacks X 15 IC
  • Gravel Pickers X 15 IC
  • Morr. Nightclubs X 15 IC
  • Chinooks X 10 IC


The Thang:

Mosey to Brokeback wall by Ida Rankin Elementary for 2 rounds of: 10 Dips IC, 10 Derkins SC.

Next, mosey to Wells Fargo bank under the drive-thru area for some ATMs (because we’re at a bank).

10 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Merkins. Immediately go to core work with 10 Freddie Mercuries IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 10 Plank Jacks IC. Rinse and Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. This was a real crowd pleaser.

Mosey to the Presbyterian church parking lot for some 4 corners escalator.

Corner #1- 20 Squats, NUR to corner #2

Corner #2- 20 Squats, 40 CDD’s. Bear crawl to corner #3.

Corner #3- 20 Squats, 40 CDD’s, 60 LBCs. Mosey to corner #4.

Corner #4- 20 Squats, 40 CDD’s, 60 LBC’s, 80 SSH. Plank for the 6.

Mosey to the White Wall behind BB&T bank for some wall work. Starting at 10 reps IC and decreasing by 2 each round, perform: 1) Dirty Hookups and 2) Hip Slappers. Note to future Q’s at this AO- Dirty Hookups on a glossy painted wall with wet gloves/ hands= PAX potentially needing emergency dental work. Q fail. Broke nearly ate the asphalt on that one. Sorry, brother.

Quick Mosey back to the flag with 3 1/2 minutes left. Circle up for some Iron Hulk. PAX made it to 8 Merkins/ 32 air presses when time was up.

COT/ Announcements:

  • Gashouse Convergence on 11/10 at the Fighting Yank. 3rd F afterward with Tiger and Squirt speaking.
  • Christmastown 5k on 11/24 at 1800. If you didn’t sign up, please come and support. We will be pushing 8 Chariots this year. It’s going to be great!
  • Christmas Party at Dr. Quiche’s house. More details to come.
  • Hipaa is starting a new AO at W.A. Bess Elementary on Tuesday mornings. Kettle bell  workout.
  • Operation Sweet Tooth Toy drive is underway this year. Check the Twitterbox for details.

Prayer Requests:

Sly’s safe and quick return from Afghanistan, People battling addictions, Roadie’s M, Any PAX hurting physically or spiritually.

YHC took us out in prayer.


My Pastor made a statement yesterday that YHC had never heard before. Although not verbatim, he said “We are more wicked than we are willing to admit, but at the same time we are loved more than we can ever imagine”. He then stated Romans 5:8- “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners”. No matter how low we believe we have gone, on our worst days, God’s love for us is just as strong then as it is on our “better” days. YHC sat thinking long and hard on that one. It’s almost unbelievable and inconceivable that His love is that strong and unwavering for each and every one of us. Furthermore, we are to extend that type of love to each and every person we meet.

Thank You for the chance to lead,




Mosey around the Block

Nine PAX posted in the gloom to get their week started right. Roadie was “all jacked up on Mt. Dew”, or some kind of energy drink that is allowed during the 40 day challenge, and itching to get after it. Gold Digger comes in hot after some EC and time hits. No FNG’s this morning, but a disclaimer was given nonetheless.


After a warmup of SSH’s, Don Q’s, Moroccan Nightclubs and 5 Burpee’s for the train we headed out for a mosey down Catawba Ave to the wall behind the BB&T. PAX line up on the wall and perform a wall sit while one PAX takes a lap around the bank. When PAX returns, switch to Balls to Wall while next PAX in line takes a lap. Alternate back and forth between exercises until each PAX has completed a lap.


Head out to Main Street and mosey down Main to Central Avenue stopping at each light pole for 5 Burpee’s, 10 Merkins and 20 LBC’s. Plank for the six.


Lunge walk down first set of parking spaces on Central stopping for 10 Jump Squats at each space. Bear Crawl next set of spaces with 10 Merkins at each space. NUR to Oakland Ave for 50 LBC’s. Regular mosey to the wall at Rankin Elementary for Dips and Step Ups.


Mosey back to the Auditorium across from the start for some Calf Raises, Squats and Deep Sea Divers on the steps. After 5 Burpee’s for another train, back to the start for a few minutes of Mary before time is up.



Thought of the day:

The mission of F3 is to invigorate male leadership in the community. Recently we have seen more and more men step up to lead, either through their first Q, or by taking on the role of Site Q. What are some leadership lessons we can learn from men in the Bible:


Moses – Leaders stick up for their people. Moses tried every excuse in the book not to do it, but finally answered God’s call and led his people out of bondage.

Peter – Leaders bounce back from failure. Peter was probably the most well-known disciple and after telling Jesus he would never deny him, did just that. Peter realized what he did and was distraught. He bounced back and went on to spend the rest of his life preaching and teaching about Jesus.

Jesus – Leaders are servants. Jesus washed his disciples feet. Enough said.



  • Convergence with 3rd F event following workout at The Yank on November 10th
  • Christmas party December 15th – details coming soon


Prayer Requests

  • Shad Rap’s son having testing done this week
  • Plane crash in Indonesia
  • Roadie’s friend plane crash in SC




YHC took us out. Thanks to all the PAX for supporting Tiger and the newest AO of our region. If you haven’t made it out yet, give it a try. Better yet, sign up for a Q!




Angry 7’s

Mount Hollywood 10/22/18
SSH x 15 IC
Don Q x 15 IC
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

Mosey to back BB&T parking lot downtown near the nice well-lit wall for Angry 7’s!
7 reps of an IN CADENCE exercise, run a lap around the bank and return for a word about Anger while we catch our breath.
7 Merkins, run. In your anger, do not sin. “One who is quick tempered displays folly or foolishness.”
7 LBC’s, 7 Merkins, run. “Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.” Patience is often an antidote for anger. Take that extra time to be patient in conversation especially with family.
7 Low Slow Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, run. “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” Grudges eventually hurt you. I consider this essential to staying married for 31 years. My M is great at this and I am improving.
7 Hip Slappers (Where’s Huck?), Low Slow Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, run. “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.” Reminder to take a deep breath before we speak and think about what we are saying.
7 WWI (probably shouldn’t be done In Cadence but we did any way), Hip Slappers, Low Slow Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, run. “Fools give full vent to their anger, but the wise bring calm.” Think of someone you know who is patient and calm and try to be more like that.
7 Monkeys Humpers, WWI, Hip Slappers, Low Slow Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, run. “It is to ones glory to overlook an offense.” Again, my M is great at this.
7 Flying Squirrels (CSpan special), Monkey Humpers, WWI, Hip Slappers, Low Slow Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, All In Cadence, run. “A gentle answer turns away wrath.” This is essential especially when dealing with your children.

1 minute Wall Sit with a few presses included.

Rugby Sprints. An exercise performed until Q says Go and then sprint across parking lot, sprint back across parking lot and then walk back across parking lot. Sprint should be faster pace than your previous lap speed. Little Baby Flutter Crunches, Freddie Macs, Jump Lunges (Sister Act’s fault for these), Merkins.

Mosey back to the school parking lot.

Announcements: 40 day challenge starting today, Convergence 11-10 at Yank at 7am, 3rd F event after that Convergence on 11-10 with Tiger and Squirt speaking.
Prayer Requests: Shad Rap’s M and son.


*Nice to be out on this cool morning. We got in almost 2 miles and plenty of reps of arms, core, legs and a little speed work. I wouldn’t have wanted to be the person at the bank machine when 10 men started running from the back of the parking lot toward their car. Sister Act was kind of quiet, so that was unusual. Slaw posting on a weekday morning was good to see and he was scraping the ground on the Low Slow Squats. We call those Slaw Squats at Midoriyama. Orangeman has been training for the half in Belmont and it sounds like he is ready. Shad Rap has his VQ Thursday at the Goat. Nice to see Freon posting as he lives close by and just runs up for the workout. Virus was running fast this morning on his laps around the bank. Always good to see all of the Mount Hollywood regulars. Tesla was War Daddy (oldest) and Shad Rap was War Baby (youngest). Until next time.

1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith; be men of courage: be strong.

Mt. Hollywood 10/15/18

Six men this morning at Mt. Hollywood.

Warmups: SSH, low slow squats and toy soldier all x 10IC

Mosey to the front of the school.

11s: Australian mountain climbers and donkey kicks.

Mosey back to where we started.

Partner up: four corners.  Both partners must do at least 50 of the exercise, one partner must do 100.  Exercises were: lunges, flutter kicks, lbcs and merkins.

Mosey back to the front of the school for lazy dora.  100 plank jacks, 200 cdds and 300 monkey humpers.

Quick mosey to the side of the school.  11s: decline merkins and dips.

Mosey back to the launching point for Mary.  Exercises included: corkscrews, dying cockroaches, burpees, squats, WW2, toy soldiers and others.

22 for the vets and the pledge.


Announcements: Christmastown 5k, convergence at the Yank.

Prayer requests: Oompa’s family, those dealing with the aftermath of the hurricane.

BOM: YHC took us out.

Always an honor, men.

Philippians 4:13


Arms and Shoulders

The weather was perfect and 9 PAX resisted the urge to fartsack and chose to start the work week off right by posting at Mt. Hollywood. Since there were no FNG’s a short disclaimer was given and we got started.


Warm Up

SSH and Imperial Walkers x15IC followed by a lap around the parking lot


The Thang

Everyone grab two bricks out of my truck and let’s do this. Since YHC doesn’t have the new “official” F3 version we’re going old school for the Deck of Death.


Spades = Mountain Climbers

Clubs = Squat to Air Press

Hearts = Morrocan Nightclubs (counted IC)

Diamonds = Merkins

Ace = 14 reps plus a lap around the lot

Wild = PAX choice of exercise plus a lap around the lot

(All exercises and laps performed with coupons in hand)


We got through the deck with a little time to spare so we did a blind draw of one card and doubled the face value to get the number of reps for one more round of each exercise. Out comes a Queen so 24 reps of each and one last lap around the lot. Three minutes of Mary and the workout is complete.



YHC is doing a study on Transformation by Rick Warren through his church and wanted to share a little about what that means. We need to seek God’s will to transform the essential areas of our lives: Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Relational, Financial and Vocational.


Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”.


Conforming has to do with behavior

Transforming has to do with character

Conforming is from the outside in

Transforming is from the inside out



Burpeethon on October 6th

Need Q’s at Mt. Hollywood


Prayer Requests

Shad Rap’s 2.0 having a sleep deprivation test tomorrow

Buckeye’s aunt is ill

Tiger’s M

Broke’s 2.0 having more tests

Those impacted by the flooding


YHC took us out


Almost forgot the pledge, but remembered while most of us were still around to avoid the Q fail. Thanks for the opportunity to lead and for the push.




Say what?

Seven PAX decided to get the workweek off to a good start by rolling out of the fartsack and posting at the newest AO in Gaston County, Mt. Hollywood. Everyone was a regular so only a short disclaimer given before we go to work.


Quick warmup of Imperial Walkers, SSH’s and Morrocan Nightclubs all x10IC. Said the pledge and headed down Catawba Ave to the BB&T on the corner where we got started with The Thang:


Walls of Jericho – 7 reps of 7 exercises then a lap around the building and parking lot repeated 7 times. Exercises were  Hip Slappers, WWI’s, Squats, Derkins, American Hammers, Seal Jacks and Mike Tyson’s.


We took a few minutes to recover and discussed what we can learn from the bible story about the walls of Jericho and how they fell. The massive wall surrounding the city seemed to be indestructible and the strategy laid down by God probably seemed foolish to the people…. You want us to march silently around the city once a day for six days, and then, after seven circuits on the seventh day, shout and blow our horns? Say what??? But Joshua was obedient to the plan given to him by God and the people followed the instructions exactly as they were laid out for an easy victory. When we are obedient to God’s commands we will achieve victory, no matter how foolish his plan may seem to us, he will always deliver us when we are faithful. The problem we have is that we make life difficult by seeking to do what WE want and not what HE wants.


Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Mosey over to Central Ave and head back toward the start. Orangeman and Sister Act are starting to get restless due to the fact that we haven’t heard a train and YHC has yet to call any burpee’s. Gotta keep the PAX happy so we gathered up at the entrance to Rankin Elementary to practice the monthly challenge – Contra Burpee’s. Start with one at first light pole and add one at each pole all the way to the corner.


Short mosey over to the auditorium for the last part of the workout. Deep Sea Divers, Calf Raises and Dips on the steps.


Just enough time left for a couple of rounds of Mary which consisted of Corkscrews, Crab Cakes and Bobby Hurley’s.



3rd F at Grits and Greens in Lowell on Wednesdays at 6:30pm

CSAUP relay on August 25th – If you want to sign up you need to let Pizza Man know ASAP.

2nd F cookout at Sargento’s on August 25th (M’s only, no 2.0’s) – Let Sargento know if you are planning to attend.

Nomads heading to CSPAN convergence on August 18th – Freight is getting clown car together

Folsom 2.0 workout on August 18th

Tubing on August 18th – Contact Freight for details

JJ5k on September 22nd at Common Grounds in Stanley

Speed for Need – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/10k in Belmont September 22nd

Special Olympics Burpee-thon on October 6th


Prayer Requests and YHC took us out.


Strong work from everyone this morning. Sister Act continues to post all over the county, Dr. Seuss and Orangeman are two of the most steady, hard working guys in F3, Tiger is battling an injury but still posted and pushed through, Gilligan is back and pushing the rock and Gold Digger continues to do his energizer bunny impersonation. I appreciate the push and opportunity to lead this morning.








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