Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 7 of 51)

Pole to Pole

No I’m not talking about T-bone style sleeping Slaw! If you don’t know look it up in the lexicon. I’m talking about working our way through the park light pole to light pole.

I read a Bible verse that hit me the other day. Proverbs 24:10 If you falter in the day of Adversity, your strength is small.


Pfftttt let’s go get some blocks and mosey down the road to where you first turn in.

The Thang:

Do 5 blockees, run to the next light pole, do 10 jumping lunges(feeling those this morning), run back to your block, rifle carry it to the next pole, and rinse and repeat. Looks to be about 14 poles. This was a good grinding workout!

After that we grabbed some wall at the turd shack. Wall Walk up the wall to the BTTW position then walk back down. Grab your block for 5 thrusters. Rinse and repeat for 5 rounds. Nice! Wall Walk? Plank position with feet against the wall. Now start walking your feet up the wall while walking your hands back to the wall until you are vertically in the Balls To The Wall position. Now walk back down.

That about done it so we grabbed our blocks and headed back.




Announcements-Signup for the competition Flintstone put out ASAP

Prayer Request

Eating Asphalt, Smelling Sh!t

Another rainy day Q by YHC. It seems as if we’re ever in a drought, just get YHC to Q and the flood gates will open. Since it’s December, we’re going with a Christmas themed workout. Leppard casually strolls in at 17:29:59:999 so we get started.


The usual. Well, not really. Freight can’t follow simple directions. Leppard had to stop for jock strap/ equipment adjustment. All in attendance were shocked and appalled. He attempted to blame the issue on a co-worker having an accident at work (which confused everyone). What does that have to do with him adjusting his junk?. Whatever. You vs. You.


Mosey the long way around to the parking lot beside the closest turd shack for the 12 days of Christmas Slaw style. It went like this:

  • 1 – Kraken Burpee
  • 2 – Mike Tysons
  • 3 – Flutter Licks (IC)
  • 4 – CDD’s
  • 5 – Burpees
  • 6 – Reverse Crunches
  • 7 – Big Boys
  • 8 – Hand Release Merkins
  • 9 – Sumo Squats
  • 10 – Plank Jacks (IC)
  • 11 – Monkey Humpers (IC)
  • 12 – SSH (IC)

We performed the exercises just like the song. 1 Kraken Burpee, then 2 Mike Tysons, 1 Kraken Burpee, etc. A few things to note during this evolution: 1) All the ab work forced Purple Haze and Blart to pretty much crap their pants (which stunk up the workout). 2) Once we passed the 5 Burpee point, YHC swears he heard the sound of cats meowing. Maybe not. 3) During the 10 Plank Jacks, Def Leppard lost control of his arms and face planted the asphalt. Workout had to be paused because we couldn’t stop laughing. 4) Once the workout resumed, Broke almost blew a knee out on the first round of Monkey Humpers. YHC didn’t believe the workout was too difficult but the old guys are dropping like flies.

We barely made it out alive to get in a round of Red Barchetta.

  • 100 yard run,  perform 100 SSH (SC) run back to start then-
  • 75 yard run,  perform 75 Mountain Climbers (Count Right Leg) back to start-
  • 50 yard run, perform 50 LCB’s. Back to start-
  • 25 yard run, perform 25 Werkins. Back to start-
  • 10 yard run, perform 10 Burpees

Return to the flag for a round of Iron Hulk. We made it through 8 rounds when we ran out of time.



  • Maybe a beer mile on 12/31 sometime, somewhere
  • Maybe some stuff happening on 1/1
  • Roundup is Qing a 24 hour run to support Angel Bows by Raemy. It starts on 1/14/23 at 0530 and runs until 0530 on 1/15/23. Check Slack if you want to donate/ participate.

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Gumby’s Mom and Brother-in-Law
  • Def Leppard’s co-worker that was injured
  • The Burgess Family

YHC took us out in prayer.


I want to thank every one of you guys for posting in the rain. I truly love the joking and camaraderie at the workouts. Thank you guys for letting me Q.

No old PAX were injured too bad during the performance of my Q.




Dinner Plans Were Cancelled

12 HIM showed for a warm November workout. Here is what happened.


SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbilly’s



We moseyed over to the turd shack by the pond, Rack and Stack starting with  10 Perfect Form Merkins then 20 Mountain Climbers, 30 LBC’s, and finally 40 Star Jumps.

Mosey to the hill that leads to the pier and do a Triple Nickel with Mike Tysons at the bottom and WW I at the top.

Next we mosey to each light post doing 5 of each exercises, Imperial Walker Squats, American Hammers and Diamond Merkins.

We make it back to start with time left for Dora so we partner up for 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBC’s.  Lunge walk the short distance back to start. Time



shirt preorder

Christmas party Dec 3 at 6pm

Prayer Request:

Tim Dellinger

Pockets dad

SA’s Daughter



Purple Haze mom

my mom

Golddigger flu

stressful holidays

Wichita and family


Great work men! Just another walk in the park for this crowd.  I’m glad to call each one of you a brother! Thanks for having my back. It was an honor to lead you tonight.

Midoriyama 11/15/22

It was a cold, nasty, rainy day at Midoriyama. YHC made the call and just had the PAX muster at the picnic shelter. It was still cold, nasty and rainy but at least we were dry. YHC figured 1 or 2 guys would post. He was pleasantly surprised when he had a group of 8 show up. No FNG’s, so let’s get going.


Some easy stuff with a few burpees sprinkled in because Def Leppard says “it ain’t a workout unless you do some burpees!”.


21 minutes of EMOM. YHC set a repeating 1 minute timer. Each minute we performed:

  • 5 Mike Tysons
  • 10 Flutter Kicks (count right leg)
  • 15 SSH SC

YHC then reset the timer for 21 more minutes of EMOM.

  • Minute 1 – 20 Merkins
  • Minute 2 – 25 WW1’s
  • Minute 3 – 35 Squats

We repeated this circuit for 7 rounds for a total to finish the workout.



Christmas Party 12/3 1800 @ Lewis Farm in Ranlo

Christmastown 5K on 11/26. Roads close at 1700, so get to McAdenville before then. Our tent will be set up beside the YMCA.

Beer Mile on 12/31/22. See the Nantan for more info.

Prayer requests:

  • Huckleberry
  • Turtleman
  • Gumby’s Mom
  • Leppard’s Mom
  • Pockets’ Dad
  • Christmas Season (The homeless and those who have lost loved ones)


YHC took us out in prayer.

Thank you gents for supporting Midoriyama in some real crappy weather!




The People’s Elbow

Ruled by an iron elbow the people are rebelling. The royal elbow set a decree that no man can Q in the month of November if they have more than 10 Q’s. Unable to influence men to move he has resorted to Putin type tactics. If you can’t influence to movement then restrict other’s freedoms. Well I for one have had enough! I convinced Slaw to give a middle finger to the ruling upper class and allow me to Q at Midoriyama. Break free men. You too can Q again without fear. Stand with me and fight against tyranny, injustice, and government overreach. See many of you don’t realize what has happened behind the scenes. Sargento recently jumped ahead of me in the all time most Q category. Then he fell and broke his elbow, limiting his ability to Q. Suddenly he restricts my, along with yours, ability to lead other men. Obviously to hold me back while he is on the mend. Is this starting to feel a little Kim Jong-unish? As Rage Against the Machine screamed “WAKE UP”! I didn’t Q yesterday for myself. I did it for you. I did it for the oppressed and downtrodden. See it isn’t about what F3 can do for you. It’s about what you can do for F3. Men I fully support more of you stepping in to lead but not at the expense of other’s freedoms. In a rebellious fashion this is what we did.

Warmup: I didn’t need it because I was already fired up!

Sealjacks ic

Don Q’s ic

Merkins ic

Arm circles both directions

Let’s Roll!

The Thang:

In the parking lot we set a timer for 3 minutes. Run a lap then do burpees until the timer goes off. Rinse and repeat for 5 rounds. It was chilly out and this got everyone warmed up quick.

Partner up for 11’s. Start with 10 partner mtn climbers(facing each other in the plank position, reach out and grip  each others forearm with one hand, like your doing a viking hand shake,  and do mtn climbers). Then do 1 booyah merkin. Doing this 11’s style sucked!

After that it was time to move again. Do some reps and run a lap.

10 Bonnie Blairs


20 hand release merkins


30 WWI situps


40 monkey humpers


50 LBC’s


With 6 minutes left we set the 3 minute timer again for 2 rounds. 1st round was just 20 squat jumps. 2nd round was 40.




Announcements-2 more days to sign up for Thanksgiving day Ultimate Frisbee-let me know, Christmas party 12/3 0600 Lewis Farm.

Prayer Request-PH’s mother, PB’s parents.

Naked Moleskin:

The other day I saw the royal elbow walking out of his office as I drove by. I stopped in the street and yelled for him to be careful with it as he was in close qtrs with another car. Not knowing who was yelling he turned and looked with sheer disgust. Mt daughter pointed that out quickly. It was funny. I imagine he will have the same look on his face as he reads the first part of this BB. This pleases me. I’m a bit of a trouble maker if you haven’t noticed(I’m sure you have). After reading Dredd’s writings I prefer the term Mr Vice. In all seriousness I love Sargento. I think he is a great guy. He is committed to F3 and F3 Gastonia and genuinely wants as many men as he can reach to participate and become better versions of themselves. Long live the elbow!

Semper Fi


SSH, Gravel Picker x 15 IC



Marine Corp WOD for the 247th birthday

Row 247 meters  (subbed run the parking lot beside turd shack 2x)

11 Merkins

10 situps

11 Kettle Bell swings  (subbed concrete blocks)

10 Toes to Bars ( subbed V ups)

The Pax put in the work and picked up the 6 as needed. No man left behind

Happy Birthday Jarheads and a Happy Veterans Day to those who served in all branches! Appreciate the sacrifice!



Christmas Town 5k with 5 Track Commanders, HC to Broke if you haven’t already.

Ultimate Frisbee Thanksgiving morning 07:00  at Midoriyama  HC in Slack or see Freight

Christmas party Dec. 3rd


Prayer Request:

Purple Haze mom

My mom



Ball Joint travelling


Thanks for letting me lead today, it’s always and honor.



Weak Sauce v. 2.0

YHC picked up the first Q of the month for November. Blart had previously stated that he regretted missing the first weak sauce Q, so why not repeat it (with a few modifications)? With beautiful weather and a not-so-beautiful group of PAX, we got started.


Warmup: The usual stuff

Thang: Mosey around the turd shack towards the block pile. This is when Freight stated “Dang. We already have more cardio in than the last time you Q’D!”. As we got the blocks out and circled up, YHC announced the workout. Numerous moans and tantrums were displayed by 2 former Nantans. Hate to see it. However, this did make the Q’s heart happy. One of them even threatened to mutiny and run. After he saw he had no followers (insurrectionists), he decided to stay. After a quick Kleenex/ Kotex session, we finally got started. The workout is a modified fat Amy with blocks. It goes like this:

  • 50 Curls
  • 5 Burpees
  • 40 WW2s (no block)
  • 5 Burpees
  • 30 Overhead Press
  • 5 Burpees
  • 20 Block Swings
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Blockees
  • 5 Burpees
  • 20 Block Swings
  • 5 Burpees
  • 30 Overhead Press
  • 5 Burpees
  • 40 WW2s
  • 5 Burpees
  • 50 Curls

During this routine, we discovered that Oompa Loompa is a ballerina. He said he was modifying but holding the fence and swinging your legs around is a stretch (pun intended). Freight told him to bring his ballerina shoes next time.

We then did 4 rounds of “The Code of Abs”. It consists of:

  • 10 WW1s
  • 10 Reverse Crunch
  • 10 American Hammers IC
  • 10 Flutter Kicks IC
  • 10 Homer/ Marge
  • 10 Freddie Mercs
  • 30 second high plank
  • 30 second low plank
  • Run a lap around the horse shoe pits

Lastly, we did 10 Blockees to make up for the 10 we didn’t perform on the way back up on the fat Amy routine.

Announcements: Christmastown 5k on 11/26. We have 4 track commanders. Need runners/ pushers. HC to Broke. Christmas Party on 12/3 at Lewis Farm. Morons 4 Beer- ask Gearwrench about it if interested.

Prayer Requests:

  • Huck
  • Turtleman
  • The royal elbow (Sargento)
  • Gumby’s mom
  • Purple Haze’s mom
  • Our Nation

YHC took us out in prayer.



The Future

A good crowd at Midoriyama today. Several PAX were out getting in some EC. Golddigger was out pushing Nugget in the stroller. The Nanatan rolled through fresh off of the royal elbow’s surgery. He seems to be doing fine. He rolled through to bring some of the devil’s elixir to a PAX formerly known as a good Baptist. Being watched by the royal XX chromosome from the car we got started.


Sealjacks, merkins, and some monkey humpers as the royal family drove away.

Let’s go get some blocks.

The Thang:

We lined up out in the street at a light pole and this is what we did. At each light pole do 10 burps, 10 thrusters, and 10 overhead presses. Rifle carry to the next pole, set your block down, and sprint back to the pole that you just come from and back to your block. Rinse and repeat this to the end of the road-7 poles. This was way worse than I thought it was going to be. Shoulders smoked! Nugget seemed to really enjoy this. Oh yeah if you are wondering GD was toting a block and pushing the stroller.

We left the blocks and headed over to dog park hill for a triple nickel. 5 Freddy Mercurys ic at the bottom, Nur up, 5 corkscrews ic at the top, and run down. Legs are now smoked. Nugget got out of the stroller on this one and attacked the hill. He passed Leppard at one point. Time to mosey back to the blocks. Nugget refused to stroll and chose to run getting several kills in route.

So the plan was to rinse and repeat the block work but that wasn’t going to happen and we didn’t have the time either so I changed that up. 1 blockee at the first pole and add one at each pole to pole 7. Good times!



Announcements-Christmas party 12/3

Prayer Request-Tophat knee surgery soon, Gumby’s mom, Mayor’s friend’s child, Leppard 2.1 wedding coming up


Golddigger and Nugget give me hope for the future! I read the Q’s Creed of which I’ll post on the Slack channel for those that haven’t seen it.


Weak Sauce

YHC grabbed the Q from Wojo (who was feeling under the weather). According to the PAX, they wished Wojo would’ve Q’d the workout after YHC’s lackluster performance. Work was done (kinda). And everyone wonders why YHC doesn’t Q that often.


2nd F lunch at Byrum’s (ask Wirenut for directions) tomorrow 10/19 at 12:00

Christmas party on 12/3 at Lewis farms

Prayer requests:


Sargento’s royal elbow

Pockets’ father

Wojo and his family


YHC took us out in prayer.

Lord of Dance

8 PAX showed at Midoriyama on Thursday. This is exactly how it went down. Before we got started we were talking about a move Blueprint introduced called soccer kicks. Picture kicking a hacky sack to yourself using the inside of each foot. Leppard gave it a try and it looked like he was trying to do some slow motion discount river dance. It was like you could watch the information drip from his brain to his feet.


SSH, high knees, butt kickers, soccer kicks-these were cut short after I saw Leppard trying again. It was really to much to handle let’s just mosey.

The Thang:

At the small soccer field we paired up for some Dora. 100 WWI’s, 200 Flutters count one leg, 300 overhead claps. Instead of run do 10 step ups on the bleachers then switch. After this we split into teams of four for some soccer. We are all pretty terrible. Some due to inexperience and others due to not playing in years. Def Leppard didn’t realize that soccer is a very physical game and expected it to be played like some new age ussy with a p sport. He wanted a safe space to decide where he would like to kick the ball. I let him know that it was ok to put some body into it when competing for the ball by doing so. Well this really upset his soft demeaner. Some time later as I attempted to steal the ball away from him he reached directly out with a push. While I’m tough and play that way this didn’t stop me. He continued to grab, hold and lean against me. All still ok with me. We are competing and that’s a part of it. I still managed to steal the ball away and as I made my exit away from him he fell down. That’s what happens when you put all your weight against something that moves. He seemed to get a little, we will say frustrated at this point. Blaming me for the whole exchange. It would seem Leppard has watched some modern day soccer and thought the flopping and crying was just a part of the game. While he has threatened a fight many times this was about as close as he has come. Hate to see it! Any way I think 7 of us had a good time and all the sprinting made me want to throw up. Fortunately team Broke, Blart, Pall Bearer, Freight won 7-6 or was it 5? Doesn’t matter, we won.



Announcements-Convergence Saturday, Need some SFN commanders for Christmas town

Prayer Request-PB’s son is sick, Montross’s nephew, Huck

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