Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Martha’s House (Page 5 of 21)

Formerly The Black Knight, this AO meets Monday mornings at 0530 at Pelicans on Union Road, near the entrance to Martha River’s Park

We started the week…

12 men showed for a Q and then realized I was Q, we had fun.

The Thang:


25 SSH

Mosey to hill near picnic tables at the bottom on the sidewalk.

Plank. One side, arm and leg up. Then the other

11’s up to picnic area and then down to the sidewalk for 1 Burpee. Rinse and repeat until the numbers are inverted.

Mosey to back of the soccer field. Plank.

25 LBC’s

Mosey out the back of the park into the neighborhood to the entrance of Caromont Family Medicine.

Lunge walk about 40 yards.

Mosey over the wall in the back of the parking lot to Bellaciono’s Dock.

10 Sumo Squats, Run to dock jump up on the dock, 10 Squats, Bear Crawl down the ramp.

Rinse and repeat until we got to 1 Sumo and Squats.

Mosey to Brick wall on Neal Hawkins.

15 Dips

10 Incline Merkins

20 Step Ups 10 each leg.

Mosey to start.

25 Box Cutter

25 Flutter

25 LBC’s


The Moleskin:

Strong group of men today at Martha’s. One thing I noticed is we really did not have a 6 today just barely. Everyone was keeping up and on target.

We were joined by Wes Anderson as a FNG who was a Marine (Or always will be a Marine) and he owns a company that does Hosiery. Thus, he was named Spanks for his great work in his company. Also, Spanks dressed like it was 20 degrees outside and he noticed it felt like summer fast. We welcome him and look forward to seeing him out more often.

Whoopee takes the reigns on Wednesday for Snowball’s and that should be interesting.

It’s always an honor to Q, thanks for the opportunity and I look forward to the next.

Gastone Out!


And Begin

No FNG’s so we started with the pledge.

LBC’s 20 IC
Merkins 10 IC


Moseyed to the parking lot of the old Harris Teeter but on the way had to stop and grab a rock.  Once at the thing was to perform 5 reps of Merkins, LBC’s, Squat with a Shoulder Press (w/rock), WWII’s, SSH, Bicep Curls w/rock, and Burpees.  After those 1 lap around the building.  Rinse and report for 3 rounds.

Then we kept our rocks and walked to the parking lot and partnered up. P1 would run to street while P2 did exercise.  We used the same exercises as made sure everyone was completely happy.
Then we kept rocks and did lunges, Sprints w/o rocks, and more lunges.  We returned to rocks to their home and stopped by the bank wall for 20 Derkins, 15 Dips, 10 Derkins and 5 Dips.  Moseyed to Snowballs where Gastone led Flutters and we finished with American Hammers.

I pray that these men will leave as faster and stronger leaders to handle anything that life throws at them.

Smooth start

9 men came out to better themselves and the guys around them. 2.2 miles with some pain stations.

The Thang:

25 SSH

Mosey to the Robinson. Halfway we stopped and did 20 Merkins.

Once at Robinson we found a wall.

10 Dips

10 Right step ups

10 Incline Merkins

10 Dips

10 Left step ups

10 Derkins

10 Dips

Mosey to the middle of the school to find the railings.

Everyone up on the railings. Guy at the top bear crawls to the other side. Etc. Repeat  once more. This was the down hill side.

Lunges up one side and down the other.

Back up on railings this time bear crawling up hill. 2 times.

Mosey but blocked by fence locked around the other way.

Large staircase. To the top and back down 10 times touching every step.

Mosey out to parking lot for Mary but noticed lots of poop in every direction. Mosey to front of school to grass.

Jack Webb up to 7 and then back down.

To the parking lot.

30 LBC’s

20 Flutter

10 Box Cutters

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter

10 Box Cutters

10 LbC’s

20 Flutters

10 Box Cutters

Mosey back but stop at the hill for some backwards up the big hill. Ran out of time to go the entire way. Hushpuppy somehow got way ahead of us, beast.

Finished 3 minutes late but took good care of the 6.

The Moleskin:

Great group of guys and always an honor to Q these workouts.

Next 2 workouts are covered with Turtleman on Wed. at Snowball’s and Timeframe has Martha’s House covered on Monday.

Gastone Out@!

A Day to Remember

It appeared that the threat of rain this morning may have scared off some, but we must move forward.  There were no FNG’s so we started with the pledge.


20 SSH
20 Squats
20 Merkins
20 LBC’s
20 CDD

Continued warm-up to the Bellacino’s dock where we performed 2 rounds of dock jumps with lunges down the walkway.

Mosey to the front of Bellacino’s where we performed 23 Burpees (23 NYPD Officers killed on 9/11)

37 SSH  ( 37 Port Authority Officers killed on 9/11)

We partnered up and made our way to the front of the old Harris Teeter. P1 did merkins while P2 ran to Neal Hawkins.  Team total was originally 343 but I threw in an Omaha to 300, we will make up the 43 later.  (343 NYFD Firefighters killed on 9/11)

From there we ran around the parking lot and did two rounds of Indian Run.  The last man did 2 burpees and had to sprint to the front.  Thanks to Turtleman and Gastone for the push, I had to sprint half the parking lot since they decided to sprint as well.

We made up the 43 with some LBC’s

Lunges then sprints, then sprints and lunges.

1 minute rounds of Rocky Balboa (2 rounds)

More sprints and lunges.  While we were recovering, JK2 had some jokes about….well you can ask him.

Moved over to the Advanced Auto Parts dock (thanks Gastone for pointing it out) and we did 3 rounds of Merkins at the top.

Running low on time (and jokes) we moseyed back for 30 of the World Famous “Gastone Flutter Kicks”.

Once again I was honored to lead on Patriot’s Day.

Prayers for those affected by Harvey and Irma, and to the family, friends and colleagues of the victims of 9/11. We will NEVER FORGET!

Solar Eclipse Glasses Not Needed

Pledge and disclaimer

2 Burpees
LBC’s 20 IC
4 Burpees
Squats 20 IC
6 Burpees


Mosey to the wall in front of the bank
20 Derkins, 20 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 Dips ( All OYO)


Mosey to the dock next to Bellacino’s (thanks Gastone)
Jump the dock then bearcrawl the wall and jog to the parking lot for 5 burpees. Repeat with 4 burpees, 3 burpees, 2 burpees and 1 burpee.


Walked to the front of the old Harris Teeter and did speed bump merkins (10 to 1)


Partnered up. While partner 1 ran the second did LBC’s and switched for 2 rounds.  Same idea with WWI’s, Flutter Kicks and Squats.


Split up and did 2 rounds of parking lot sprints.  (Turtleman enjoyed them so much he did 3 rounds)


Then lunged from one parking space line to the other with 10 burpees. Lunged back for 20 LBC’s.  Lunged back for 5 burpees.  On the way back, we lunged and bear crawled.


Moseyed back to the wall and OYO 10 Derkins and 10 Dips.  Back to Pelicans and circled up for 20 American Hammers and 20 LBC’s (OYO).


Announcements: Give 2 Give, Speed for Need, Special Olympics Burpeethon


Welcome FNG Pho Cotton.


I tried to focus on upper body since last week Gastone killed my legs and Shortsale gave me a sixpack!  Great work by everyone.



My M’s favorite trainer at About Face Boot Camp (Misty) is on vacation, relegating her to workout at home. I’d share a photo but that might provoke some of our PAX to defect to the Cramerton gym which we share common terrain at Goat Island. This opportunity has allowed me to post several times this week beginning with Martha’s on Monday. In order to avoid another one of Gastone’s creative leg burning jaunts, I took one for the team and grabbed the Wednesday Q from his mitts. Thinking of the working, it seems the only other man among our PAX that truly dedicates his workouts to the core is Tool Time. He may have a bolt in his head but I think he’s on to something as we seem to be reading from a similar hymnal, which by the way, anyone posting at GasHouse Saturday, well, you better get ready work your belly. So with the concept in mind I announced the working title of the routine as CORA.

Gastone was of course the first to arrive followed by Bandit, my Weasel Shaker mentor. Defib, JK2, and Stonecold comprised a formidable crew. My planned routine needed a number divisible by two or three so I was happy. All the men were veterans so I didn’t even bother with a disclaimer – they had suffered through my direction before so we stood at attention for the Pledge. Now let’s get this train wreck mov’in.


  • 4×4 – OYO x 5
  • Shoulder Tap/Plank Jack – IC x 10
  • Peter Parker – IC x 10
  • Plank, alternating lunge – IC x 10
  • 4×4 – OYO x 5

The 4×4 was discovered in the exercise lexicon and similar to an Insanity set that I enjoy the challenge. From a standing position, drop into plank and then perform 4 merkins followed by 4 mountain climbers; return to standing to jump and overhead clap. I was kind and allowed for a single leg count of the mountain climbers. The 4×4 was quickly embraced by the PAX, especially JK2. When he begins griping in the opening minutes of the warm-up, then you know the plan is working as intended. Now JK2 tried to categorize the 4×4 as a burpee and I suppose it’s in the family. Regardless, try that one on for size at your next Q if you want the mumble chatter early, especially if Mayor is in the circle. If you’re paying attention you’ll notice the middle three exercises were performed in plank. Since the Q never said recover, the shoulder burn began to take effect, at least for everyone but JK2 who attempted to stand between each one. Yes there is a common theme of our favorite tree professional who offered quite a lot of feedback during this 45 minute session. With the warm-up complete, time to mosey to the office building on Riverwood Parkway.

The Thang:

We split into two-man teams for the first set which would make use of the subtle incline rising from the road to the parking lot. I know how much Gastone loves hill work and I didn’t want to disappoint. In the DORA format, we would perform all core based exercises today. The team would perform an aggregate total with P1 exercising and P2 running the incline to return and swap:

  • 100 WWI
  • 200 Freddie Mercury’s (count right side)
  • 300 American Hammers (count right side)

With that set complete we moseyed to the upper parking lot and seeing the PAX needing to catch their breath, I asked JK2 if he attended F3 Dad’s weekend. I figured that would be a great place for him to unleash a dozen or so of his brood. But he didn’t attend, so he instead offered the standard joke about the naked man wrapped in bubble wrap heading to the doctor. We made the assumption the PAX had encountered this gentleman at one point or another of our professional careers: Stone Cold arresting him, Defib zapping his heart, Gastone selling him an office chair, Bandit providing IT advice, and me appraising his house. Yeah that dude is nuts. Now for the second circuit – each man is on their own this time.

  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 LBC’s
  • 30 Mountain Climbers

These would all be performed in succession and then the PAX would run to the opposite end of the parking lot, rounding the island before returning and beginning the next set. We did a total of 5 sets. Everyone dug deep on this one. Once concluded we re-joined our partners for the final circuit which the team would perform in aggregate with P1 exercising and P2 running to the opposite end of the parking then swap:

  • 100 Penguin Crunch
  • 200 Flutter Kick (count right side)
  • 300 Plank Punches

We finished at 0612, just enough time to hustle back to the starting spot. Announcements for the Burpee-thon and prayers for Bandit’s aunt and JK2’s friend (Beef) going through a rough time.


I’ve been looking for a Weinke that I could laminate and use when I can’t find the creative juices or for an emergency like a Q no-show. Stroganoff has the Wolfpack Grinder, Brownstreak has The Vern. There are others out there as well. So I think the CORA is worth a patent. I’m willing to negotiate naming rights, maybe a certain local heating and cooling company would be willing to put their brand on it. This routine doesn’t require coupons, the timing works well in the standard 45 minutes, and it definitely works the core. As Tool Time knows, having a strong core provides benefits for so many other things but for this morning, it was fun to hear JK2’s mumble chatter. Until the next time.

Working 9 to 5

Inspiration can come from many different sources. It can come from books we read (the Bible usually works well), coaches who lead us, or family that loves us. Inspiration for development of an F3 workout weinke can sometimes come from the most obscure places. After the most recent beat down from Gastone, I volunteered to lead a workout at Martha’s. On the way to work that morning, Dolly Parton’s ‘9 to 5’ came on the radio, and I knew I had the inspiration I needed to develop a weinke.

I arrived a little earlier than usual (which is typically 5:29) to find a few men already stretching. A few more rolled in prior to 5:30, and it was time to get started.

SSH x 15
LBC x 15
Merkins x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

The Pledge

Mosey to the building at the center of the baseball fields at the park.

To allow everyone time to quickly catch their breath, I explained the ‘9 to 5’ theme of the workout to the PAX. Dolly Parton is known for her famous pair… of talents… those would be singing and acting (of which she did both for the movie ‘9 to 5’). So in honor of her famous pair of talents (singing and acting), we paired up with a partner for some Dolly Dora 1-2-3. Partner 1 ran to the end of the path between the baseball and softball fields. Partner 2 worked to complete the sets of exercises. Once Partner 1 returned, flip flop and Partner 2 does the running. Exercises were:

Merkins x 95
Squats x 195
LBCs x 295

With this completed, mosey to the picnic shelter near the restrooms. Had to get in 95 reps here:

Step-Ups x 30
Dips x 15
Steps-Ups x 30
Dips x 20

After some mumble chatter about the performance of the cast in ‘9 to 5’ (Yes, Dabney Coleman was in that movie. Think it was Stroganoff who got that one.), mosey around the running path to the bottom of the hill near the picnic shelter.

Here we did some 9 to 5’s:

Run to the top of the hill and do 1 American Hammer (using 4-count)
Run to the bottom of the hill and do 5 Burpees
Run back to the top of the hill and do 2 American Hammers.
Run back to the bottom of the hill and do 5 Burpees
Repeat until you’ve made it to 9 American Hammers.
Think most of the PAX got to 9. At some point, I believe I lost count of American Hammers. Time and my lack of oxygen required that this be called at whatever point you were at.

Mosey back towards Pelican’s.

To gather everyone together, we stopped on the curb near the entrance for a round of Derkins (total of 9 in a 4-count).

Mosey back to Pelican’s.

To finish it off, a round of Dolly’s x 14.


Prayer Requests:
Bandit – Aunt, Nancy Todd
Easy Rider – Brother
? (sorry) – Friend’s Son – Deployment to North Korea
Udders – Missionaries in Guam
Stroganoff – Dropping son off at college


At this point, the PAX is just sort of standing around and not dispersing as normal. I felt something was wrong but couldn’t quite place it. Then, T-Square mentioned, “The Nameorama”. Oh yeah, that’s what I was missing. And how could I have missed that? I’ve been to countless F3 workouts, and each one has contained a Nameorama. Yet somehow in my attempt to not make a mistake, I couldn’t see the forest for the trees.

So we circled back up for a better late than never Nameorama.

Thanks as always. Let’s do it again sometime. In the meantime, I’ll be working on a Steal Magnolia’s themed workout.


Red Light, Green Light

In the rain these HIMS were outstanding!

Merkin 10 IC

Ran down Riverwood Pkwy and stopped at Plantation Trail for 10 SSH.  Ran to River Ridge Drive for 20 SSH.

Continued on to Village Ridge Drive and ran up the hill stopping at each street lights for 5 Merkins.  Once we reached the top it was back to the bottom where we ran backwards to the first driveway on the left and did 5 Merkins (2 rounds).

We then ran to the parking lot of O’Reilly Auto Parts on Union and for some Mike Tysons.

Then onto the old Harris Teeter parking lot and split up into 3 groups and did 2 rounds of sprints.

Walking over to the front of Bellacino’s, we watched the traffic signal at Neal Hawkins/Union.  When we had a green light it was lunge time, but when it was red we had to stop and perform burpees.

Once we made it to the ATM, we did 5 squats near the road and ran to the building for 5 merkins.  Then 10 squats and 10 merkins. Then 15 squats and 15 merkins. Then 20 squats and 20 merkins.

Onto the wall in front of the bank where dips and derkins were crushed by these men.

At the completion, we were wet from the rain but stronger. Great job everyone!

Gastone Delivered the mail.

8 men showed for a Gastone Monday morning welcome in the rain and humidity when not raining.

The Thang:

Warm Up.

Imperial Walker x 30

Wind Mill x 15

Mosey through the baseball fields around the soccer field. Through the woods and down to the back of the park to cut across to Plantation Trail Road. On our way we took a few stops to plank, Right side, left side, and six inches.

Plantation Trail we did 10 Merkins and ran up backwards, 10 merkins and ran up more backwards.

We arrived a River Ridge Drive.

Each Mail box on the left we stopped and did….

20 Sumo Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Squats

20 Sumo Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Squats

20 Sumo Squats

20 Sumo Squats

10 CCD

30 Monkey Humpers

40 Sumo Squats

10 Merkins

Turned Left on Riverwood Parkway.

Power Poles on the left we did.

10 Merkins

10 Carolina Dry Dock

10 Carolina Dry Dock

10 Merkins

Mosey behind Caramont Family Medicine for some Mary.

35 Flutter Kicks

20 Bicycle

30 Flutter Kicks, last 10 in slow motion.

Mosey over wall behind Harris Teeter old store.

Mosey out to Neal Hawkins to the wall.

15 Dips

15 Incline Merkins

15 Dips

Mosey back to Snowballs because I am out of town.

The Moleskin:

Overall a great morning. We got in 2 miles but seemed like we went 6 with the rain but most of all the high humidity (Oh, the fun). This was a typical easier Monday workout but Wednesday with no Q on the board should draw me back and I always bring it on Wednesday.

Jar Jar is pushing hard and if he keeps pushing himself he will soon see the results of the morning gloom. Oompa always impresses me with his hard work and dedication. These 2 men get the Monday morning T-Claps from Gastone. Everyone else did great as well.

I am signed up for Need for Speed now so everyone else is now clear to also sign up. Tooltime has promised to wear candy cane tights for the spirit of the season. In all seriousness this will be something to be apart of that you will remember for a long time. Clear your calendar for this meaningful important time in history.

Easy Rider’s brother goes into surgery on Wednesday and needs our prayers.

Gastone Out!


The Gastone Default Q

9 Men showed up for a much cooler Monday morning beatdown.

The Thang:


20 Imperial Walker

Mosey to old Harris Teeter parking lot.

1 Burpee, Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD,  Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts),  Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts), 6 Squats,  Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts), 6 Squats, 7 Imperial Walkers,  Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts), 6 Squats, 7 Imperial Walkers, 8 Merkin’s,  Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts), 6 Squats, 7 Imperial Walkers, 8 Merkin’s, 9 Dips, Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts), 6 Squats, 7 Imperial Walkers, 8 Merkin’s, 9 Dips, 10 Sumo Squat’s .

Mosey to small staircase. 15 Calf Raises, rest, 10 Calf Raises, rest, 5 Calf Raises.

Mosey to Riverwood and then to bottom of River Ridge Road for a plank and wait for the pax.

Mosey to the front of Caramont Medical Center grass for:

7 Jack Webb’s and then back down to 1.

Out of time so says Easy Rider. Should have my watch repaired this week.

Mosey back to the start.

The Moleskin:

Always good to start off the week with a nice moderate workout. Nothing to crazy or hard.  Great group of guys this morning, not a lot of Mumble Chatter going on today. Everyone must have been as excited as I am to go to work and start another great successful week. Stonecold continue’s to have on a weight vest and does not seem bugged or strained extra, T-Claps. Hushpuppy is back and ready to take on the world and seems to be working hard.

Prayer request for JJ’s Uncle who has passed away.

Gastone Out!

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