Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Downtown (Page 12 of 21)

Last Chance

It was the 31 of the month and a bunch of HIMs showed to know what YHC had up my sleeve. Actually it was in my pocket!


Pledge of Allegiance

Warm Up:

Moroccan Night Clubs x15 IC

Air Shoulder Presses x15 IC super fast

Don Quixotes x15 IC for all the haters. Whoopee felt so strongly about these exercises that he decided to run around by himself instead of staying with the PAX for the workout. Hmmm.

Mosey through the streets of downtown Gashouse. Stop for a brief wall sit by the church, get some Rocky Balboas on the curb, wind around here and there until we arrive at the top of the parking deck for…

The Deck of Death: once of YHC’s favorites!

Spades – Peter Parkers

Diamonds – Derkins

Clubs – American Hammers

Hearts – Donkey Kicks

The deck of death works great for giving a great workout and also promoting plenty of mumblechatter. We were having so much fun that Whoopee felt left out and joined in about 2/3 of the way through. There were a couple of hiccups and their paying attention for their turn or counting for some veteran unnamed. That’s ok though, keep coming out, you’ll get the hang of it one of these days.

Mosey around downtown some more until we reached the start. Done

Prayer requests: Sly is deployed, safe travels for the holiday weekend, praise YHC’s M doesn’t need surgery

Announcements: JJ 5k September 22, Stop Suicide 5k, BRR needs a runner, Q vs Q September 14

It was a pleasure leading today men. It’s time for more PAX to take their turn at the helm of our workouts. You’ll be glad you did. Aye!


Snowflake Central

Yes I realize this backblast is a few days late but you will have to excuse me because I have been busy GETTING AFTER IT!  So there we were… it was Friday morning at 0530.  Eighteen PAX arrived with no FNG’s and after a brief disclaimer, introduction, and #pledgeofallegiance, YHC called for a Slaughter Starter.  I don’t typically enjoy the Slaughter Starter but my goal was to get the PAX to 100 burpees before the workout was over.  20 Down…80 to go.

Warm up:


5 Burpees OYO

20 Big Boi situps

It was about this time that Round Up appeared…missed his alarm or overslept but showed nonetheless…Good job!

5 burpees OYO


5 burpees OYO

Domino Merkins 5 each

YHC shared a quick word about personal standards, accountability, and giving your best at home #whetstone

Since this workout was less than 24 hours from our 50 mile relay, YHC promised very little running.  We walked to the parking lot adjacent to the Pavilion at the same time a trash truck pulled in to empty the dumpsters.  Modify to the other side of the parking lot. #commonsense

Partner up to ensure accountability

Two light poles approximately 25 feet apart in the parking lot.  Partners stay together.  10 burpees on one end and then walk or run, (your choice) to the other light post for 10 LBC’s.  Rinse and repeat with descending # of burpees.  Really good effort here as the partners stayed together and pushed through.  Catamount pushed the Rock on this one.  55 more burpees (10 to go)  Shout out to Sister Act who is stronger and faster than ever and helped push me during this exercise.

YHC called for the PAX to get to the top of the parking deck.  Most chose to mosey and a few ran to the top.  This is my favorite spot because (a) we own the high ground (b) the pavement is smoother than the lower levels, and (c) there is usually a cool breeze (usually with enough elevation to not smell the wafting putrid air the dumpsters emit every Friday morning

Time for Mary…

20 CDD’s

20 LBC’s

Train…5 more burpees

20 Squats

50 LBC’s

20 merkins

5 Very slow and deliberate 8 count body builders

Rudolph called for Wolverine Burpees.  Since YHC will not be influenced by unruly PAX, a cold stare followed.  However, somehow that turned into a Wolverine Burpee speed contest with Whoopee and Rudolph doing Synchronized Wolverine’s at a frantic pace while the rest of the PAX just stood and watched.  This was probably my favorite part of the workout.

We did 5 more burpees to finish 100 (except Whoopee and Rudolph who now had 110.)

We did a little Yoga stretching and hand release merkins before returning to the Pavilion where we did a few sets of Mary.  Dr. Feelgood called French Fries just as the clock went to 0615 and that was it.

Moleskin:  I tend to volunteer to Q when someone asks without looking at the schedule or planning ahead.  I realized sometime during the week that the day before the 50 mile relay may not be the best time to Q or even post but looking back on it I can say it was the right call.  Every time you get an opportunity to Q you should take it.  I was pleased that my pre-tweet about snowflakes prompted some additional PAX to show (I know it worked on Sister Act!)  I am enjoying the new PAX that I get to meet seemingly each week.  This week Hacksaw shared with me a little F3 testimony at 0345 before the relay.  He and the “Medicine Woman’s jacked up leg” are two recent great additions to the PAX.  *(Somebody get Hacksaw a copy of Freed to Lead)

After running the PUB Thursday, this Friday morning beatdown, the 50 mile relay, the outstanding 2nd F event at Sargento’s (T-Claps to Sargento and his M), and the Coconut Horse this morning, I am again reminded of what a blessing F3 is to all of us.

We have lots of prayer requests each week but please keep Stroganoff’s and his family in your prayers.

Doing the hard things prepares you when the suffering hits.  No one is immune.  Keep pushing the rock!

Always a pleasure,


Turkish, and why do they get up with one hand in the air?

13 High Impact Men showed for a soggy drizzle perfect condition workout with Gastone.

The Thang:

20, 3 count Merkins

25, 3 count  SSH

20 Diamond Merkins OYO

15 3 count Smurf Jacks  (Pizza Man, this mixes up the norm)

25 Imperial Walkers

20 3 Count CCD’s

Now that everyone is awake, Mosey.

Mosey to the corner of S. South St to 2nd avenue.

Plank for 6

25, 3 count Mountain Climbers

Mosey to corner of 2nd and Marietta.

Triple Nickle from 2nd up to Franklin. 75% Sprint to the top of hill then 5 Burpee’s, rinse and repeat for a Triple Nickle. ( The triple was the 3 trips to the top and the nickel was the 5 Burpee’s upon arrival.)

LBC’s while we wait on the 6.

Backwards up the hill to Franklin.

Mosey to the wall and have a seat against.

Balls to the wall for a 30 second count.

30 Sumo Squat Jumps, OYO

Wall Sit, Knee’s lower than your butt. 20 Second count.

Balls to the wall for a 30 second count

30 Sumo Squat Jumps, OYO

30 Monkey Humpers

30 Squats

Wall Sit, Knee’s lower than your butt. 20 Second count.

Balls to the wall for a 30 second count

30 Sumo Squat Jumps, OYO

20 Monkey Humpers

10 Gorilla Humpers

30 Squats

Mosey to the bridge.

Lunge Walk across entire bridge.

Bear Crawl Back.

Mosey to middle of parking lot.

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Plank Jacks

20 Mountain Climbers (It was at this moment when Pizza Man mentioned that I need to look at the exercise lexicons to come up with original material)

Next Exercise, Turkish Burp. (Lay on the Ground with one arm straight above you like superman, Stand up while keeping arm straight above you, then jump to the ground do a Merkin, bring your feet under you and jump in the air) A Turkish Get Up with a Burpee.

Mosey to the start, right on time.

The Moleskin:

Oh, the fun everyone had.

Prayer Request for several battling Cancer. My favorite saying from a good friend of our family that passed from Cancer is “Cancer Sucks”. I really believe that term and cannot wait until the kick cancer’s butt with a cure.

Also, pray for people with addiction problems.  Addiction, if you have a loved one or a friend that battles with these problems they can have serious effects on your life just to know these people. Many times the people with the addiction don’t think they have a problem, they do. They think they are fine and that it has no effect on others. But they are wrong, it causes pain for all of those involved. If you battle addiction just ask for help and take the steps to end your dependency and I am sure you will find some brother’s in F3 to support you. I will.


August Monthly Challenge of 20 Contra Burpees per day

The Forge – Wednesday’s @ 6:30pm (Green and Grit’s in Lowell)

August 6th @ 5:30am – Official Mt. Hollywood AO Launch (Mt. Holly Middle School – 124 S Hawthorne St, Mt Holly, NC 28120)

August 11th – F3 Gastonia M’s workout @ Folsom @ 8am

August 12th – Crossroads Convergence (Coconut Horse will be CLOSED)

August 25th – BRR/Bourbon Chase Relay CSAUP @ 4am….sign up here –

August 25th – 2nd F event at Sargento’s Casa (PAX and M’s ONLY)

Sept. 22nd – Stop Solider Suicide 5k/10k Speed For Need event in Belmont….sign up here – Discount Code: HAPPY

Sept. 22nd – JJ5K at Common Grounds in Stanley…sign up here –

Oct. 6th – Special Olympics Burpee-thon – More information to come


Also, sign up for Christmas Town 5k. This is one that all the Pax should attend and bring your family.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q, I am humbled through all of you.

Gastone Out!

Free Burpees for everyone



-warm up

   Goof balls 

   Mar Night Club

   Freddy Mercs



short mosey

   5 burp – knee slap

   Mosey – LBC on 6

   5 burp – sumo

   Mosey – flutter on 6

   5 burp – criss cross

   Mosey – dying cockroach on 6

   5 burp – merican side hop

   Mosey – Am hammer on 6

   5 burp – lunge jump

   Mosey – sweat angel on 6

   5 burp – jump spin

   Mosey – box cutter on 6

   5 burp – side hop

   Mosey – scissor on 6

   Team 5 burp – jump up

   Mosey – Dolly Parton on 6

   Team 5 burp – bench merican

   Mosey – alphabet on 6

   5 burp – jump from knee

Mosey – LBC on 6

single file line for bear crawl slalom

Roscoe called out 10 burpees OYO

Short Sale took us to bell with Baby Makers


Surprise Q

12 showed up wondering who the Q at Downtown was but did not know that a middle of the night call from Turtle-man put me in the driver seat because he  is dealing with a family member in the Hospital. But, once I told everyone the excitement and cheering settled down after a couple of minutes.


The Thang:

SSH 20

CCD 20

Imperial Walker 15

Wide Arm Merkins 20

Mountain Climbers 15

Diamond Merkins 10

Mosey to York Street ( Lunge walk across the Bridge) and all the way down to W. Ranking Avenue. Take a right, Left on North York Steet, Right on West Walnut Avenue, and left in to large perfect parking lot. Location is everything.

While waiting on 6 we did something at this point.

Then we did Catch me if you Can. Partner A runs the perimeter of the parking lot which is big while Partner B does 5 Burpees. Then B runs after A and once he catches Partner A does 5 Burpees. Rinse and repeat until one big lap was complete.

Next, 1 Parnter Merkin, Run opposite directions until you meet then do 2 Partner Merkins and so on. We made it to 7.

20 Flutter Kicks

20 Merkins

20 Flutter Kicks

20 Wide Arms

20 Slow to fast Flutter Kicks

10 Diamonds OYO

Meander 50 yards and then mosey to York street at the bottom of hill.

50 I said 50, Sumo Squats.

Run backwards on the sidewalk up the hill to the light. (A little mumble chatter about this due to cars on the road but everyone was ok once we got going) Do what you can do and feel comfortable with that. I am not judging you.

Plank to wait on the light to cross the road and then Mosey around the buildings and back to the start for a finish.

The Moleskin:

Great morning that started out with Whoopee and Roscoe nailing some extra credit. I would have but went to bed early last night and did not read the pre blast. We made a little over 3 miles in this Bootcamp which for some of the guys this is an accomplishment in itself.

Toto, this guy has brought it this week with his 3rd workout in his first week. He plans on attending Pain Lab tomorrow morning. Kudos to Toto.

Captain Stubbing, has been much more that present lately as well. Kudos to all the hard work.

I am only highlighting a few and many others have been working hard, keep it going. Sometimes the results are hard to see and then you look back and don’t know how you got to the front of the Pax.

Prayers for several of the pax going through or family that is going through something. I would notate these people but I don’t want to mess up all the relationships so just give a good prayer for the pax.

Gastone Out!



South Street Challenge

I’ve had this beat down on the drafting table for a while, waiting for an opening on what has become a popular Q spot of late. The idea spawned from Tiger’s Q a while back at the Yank. An uphill run with pain stations at the bottom. It was a strong test, one that needed to be shared with others. So I noodled on the idea and had a general plan of what to do. But then something else shocked my brain Thursday night so I decided to pull a slick switch and have 10 minutes of Mary to kick off the festivities. It went like this:

Pledge, mild disclaimer: “get in plank” where we did each exercise for 25 seconds:

  • plank jacks
  • burps
  • jingle balls
  • mtn climbers
  • merkins
  • imperial walkers
  • high knees
  • touch left toe, raise right knee
  • touch right toe, raise left knee
  • lbcs
  • chop sticks
  • reverse crunch
  • fifer scissors with punch
  • plank rolls
  • am hammer
  • flutter kicks
  • leg raises
  • ww1
  • freddie mercury
  • ski abs

When the idea came to begin with Mary, I added a playlist with the theme of summer. Summer Nights by Van Halen was on their first album with Sammy Hagar in 1986, which we learened Island, Round-up, and obviously Madmen had not been born (#imold).  Song #2 was Summertime Girls by Y&T followed by Joe Satriani’s Summer Song. Whoopee – you missed another great set.

The PAX looked relieved that was over but the main event was waiting. I did a demo tour posting printed signs of each exercise that had a 10 count. We began the loop with 10 burpees and progressed down the three blocks to reach Second St doing merkins and monkey humpers before making the return to the top. The route was 0.48 miles round trip broken up at various intervals of:

  • burpees x 10
  • ssh x 10
  • dips x 10
  • box jumps x 10
  • merkins x 10
  • monkey humpers x 10
  • mike Tyson’s x 10
  • plank jacks x 10
  • squats x 10

The PAX pushed through with Round-up leading the charge followed closely by Dr.  Seuss.  Others that completed 4 full rounds were: Island, Turtleman, and Roscoe. Nice job men getting in over 2 miles. The rest of us were close to that mark but had to u-turn at Main St to get back on time. Which at that point I realized Spider-Man snuck out early for work. I guess fighting crime does pay.  Or maybe he went to Comic-con in Charlotte going on this weekend.


We heard and lifted prayers for Lynn Ham, Breaker Breakers uncle and sister in law’s husband; Def Leppard’s son going to the hospital Monday and Timeframe asked for the Clark family that lost their little girl too soon. The announcements which are still current as of this B.B. are 3rd F event Friday 6/22 at 7 pm at First Presbyterian Pockets and YHC are sharing.

This was a good workout that if I had arrived early enough to post the signs, it could have moved much faster.  I’ll keep that in mind for the future.  Thanks for the chance to Q.

Continue reading

Getting Ready for Huckleberry

Side Staddle Hops, exercise!   Once the warm-up began, I raced to the car and grabbed the first winkie I could find, a technique Gastone willing teaches anyone naive enough to accept.

Boom, back with some squats, in the cadence form and we have a Q.  21 strong, weather perfect, energy up and a crop dusting a plenty.

Not sure what’s changed in the water, but the last 3 weeks we’ve had over 20 strong each Friday.  That’s a great trend to make into the norm.

Here we go!

Warm UP
Side Straddle Hops 50
Squats – 15 IC
LBC’s – 20 IC
Mountain Climbers – 15 IC
Plank Jacks – 15 IC


Mosey the long way to FUMC big parking lot.
Partner Up(which wasn’t necessary in hind site)
11’s with Wolverine Burpies and mountain climbers at one end, and Imperial Squats at the other.

Midway through – OMAHA!!!!!

5 Wolverine Burpies here, run to the other end of the parking lot, 5 Imperial Squats, run back
4 Wolverine Burpies here, run to the other end of the parking lot, 4 Imperial Squats, run back
3 Wolverine Burpies here, run to the other end of the parking lot, 3 Imperial Squats, run back and so on.

Mosey 43 feet to the small parking lot, Partner UP.
LBS’s in the cumulative to 200,  Dutch Skate to the wall, run back and switch.

Dirty Hook Ups, 15 IC

Mosey towards the Pavillion, stopping short for some wall sits.
March, 20 IC, Shoulder Presses 10 IC
March, 20 IC, Shoulder Presses 10 IC

Jailbreak to the Pavillion!

Mountain Climber Merkins – 10 IC

4 Minutes of MARY AB Work





Add you name to the comments(as my mobile device was absent) and I’ll add it to the post.

Imaginary Fire Ants of Pain

23 of Gastonia’s Greatest showed for a Gastone led bootcamp and started the day off in the best way possible.

The Thang:

30 SSH


10 Burpee’s

Mosey to the wall for 70 Seconds of Ball’s to the Wall.

Mosey down Marietta Street to the intersection of 2nd.

Partner 11’s, Partners run opposite directions, one to Franklin and the other to 3rd. Once there 10 Burpee’s. Run back to second to meet your partner and 1 Hand Slap Merkin. Rinse and Repeat until you flip the numbers. We got it down even though my explanation could have been better. (We were called out for to much noise from a resident) oops.

LBC’s and some planks while waiting the 6.

Mosey to South Steet and go backwards up the hill to Franklin.

Mosey across the street to a patch of grass for Jack Webb up to 8 and back down. (Some people acted like fire ants got them when we got around 7)

Mosey backwards to the top of the hill and then Lunge to the start.

Times Up.

The Moleskin:
Prayers for Clavin and I honestly forget. But, I pray for all to be well.

Great group of guys and always a privilege to Q, Thanks Spider-man for the opportunity.

Gastone Out!


14 showed for day 4 of the tour. Another perfect day to push the rock. Today was a little more special than normal though, it’s VQ day with Queso.  YHC’s overgrown 2.0 loves F3 and enjoys coming out with the guys to be a part of something great. Definitely a HIM in the making.

The deal was that Queso would create the weinke with some help from dad and lead as much as he wanted. So that’s what we did. Here’s what I remember.


Newton’s Cradle x15 IC

Goof Balls x15 IC (for the absent Short Sale)

Mosey around the big island in the parking lot back to the pavilion.

Thang 1:

B.O.M.B.S. – Partner up and do cumulative reps of:

  • 50 Burpees
  • 100 Over Head Claps
  • 150 Merkins (these sucked super bad)
  • 200 Big Boy Sit Ups (these sucked even more than the merkins)
  • 250 Squats

While partner 1 does the exercises, partner 2 runs. We first went around the big island in the parking lot but that took way too long so YHC switched it to 2 laps around the pavilion. Much better and it kept us close together for good mumble chatter. Good conversation and strong effort here! Aye!!!

Thang 2:

The A.S.H (supposed to be the WASH but shortened due to time limitations and YHC’s already burned out pecs) – Keep the same partner as before and do cumulative reps of:

  • 100 American Hammers
  • 150 Step Ups
  • 200 Hip Thrusters (aka baby makers or limited stroke pickle pounders) as expected there were numerous exaggerated counts and crude comments of PAX needing a cigarette or a nap. Great examples for the adolescent Q.

Like before, while partner 1 works partner 2 runs around.

Recover! We had a couple of minutes left so YHC called for a quick set of Nolan Ryans. Done!

Announcements: CSAUP next Saturday, Forge on Wednesdays, Community Foundation 5k April 14

Prayer requests: Roscoe’s 2.0 surgery, Lynn Hamm recovery from brain tumor surgery, Breaker Breaker’s step dad’s knee, safe travels for PAX, friend of Gastone

As always men, it was a pleasure and I appreciate you ALL welcoming my 2.0 and supporting him as you do! AYE!!! He was super excited to lead and I know he’s looking forward to doing it again soon.

Happy Easter! The Lord is Risen!!!

The Ministry of Silly Walks

It was a great day to post downtown.

0530  Disclaimer

Warm up

SSH- I saw car headlights as soon as we started and knew we had to wait for the unknown late arrival to jump in and get at least one SSH before we stop.  The late arriver was none other than Blart.  He…..took…..his……sweet……….time………          PAX SSH=41?     Blart=1

Next exercise was Deep Sea Divers in honor of the absent site Q Spiderman.  These are easier when you are fresh.
10 Squats
Mosey to the Methodist Church small parking lot with the incline.  Start at the bottom for elevens/Jacob’s Ladder.  One Squat at the bottom, ten Bobby Hurley’s at the top and Jacob’s ladder until one Bobby Hurley and ten Squats.  HushPuppy didn’t say DFQ but he was thinking it.    Gastone was a beast today.  He embraced a leg intensive workout.  Who knew he liked doing legs?

Plank for the six and then 16 Mountain Climbers IC.
Mosey to the steps in front of the church for 50 calf raises OYO.

Mosey to the big parking lot, and lunge walk the length of it heading uphill.

Back bridge leg raises.

Mosey to the parking deck.  Steps to the top for partner squats x 20.  P1 jumps on P2’s back and P1 does 20 squats.  Switch.  YHC is very thankful that Hushpuppy has been pushing the rock lately and is only 17.1429 stone.  (a little British weight reference since we were dedicating this workout to Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks skit).  Good work here.  Guys are different sizes so 20 squats with manly men on your back was tough.

Back down the steps and across the street to the McQuitter’s wall for a set of leg work.

Wall jumps x 20

Step ups x 20

Box squats x 20

One leg lunges x 10 each leg

Mosey across the street.

At the first 3 light poles 10 Sumo Squats

Then lungewalk to the three way stop…the blinking three way stop.  This exercise wasn’t so bad because Medicine Woman and Slaw were busy talking about whether or not the first three way stop was the one where we should stop.  The problem is there was no flashing light.  Gastone was first to the top of the street and confirmed that it actually was a three way stop.

Mosey to the Pavilion and 50 calf raises OYO.

5 minutes of Mary

5 burpees OYO because we didn’t do any.  Come to think of it, I don’t ever remember a downtown workout without a train going by.  Maybe we just didn’t hear it?

On your back, cross your right leg over your left and grab your knee and pull it close.  Then release your hands and keep your knee in place.  Switch….lots of mumble chatter about this stretch.  It must have taken longer than I thought because the alarm sounded at 0615 and the workout was over.

Random thoughts…

I forgot to do jump lunges because I never looked at my Weinke.  #Qfail!

It was good to see Slaw come in early wearing the Oakley t-shirt.  It looked familiar and then he reminded me it was the “smedium” shirt that I gave him.  It looks better on him and the cool factor is over the top.  We got our 25 V-up things done for the monthly challenge right away before the workout.  Day 16 done!

Eat lots of protein today and keep hydrated.

Hipaa was wearing his weighted vest again.  Get some.

It was great to see Pockets, Medicine Woman, and Oompa Loompa downtown.

Lots of events coming up….Gastonia CSAUP relay race “Going the extra Mile coming April 7th.  Sign up by March 17th.  Community Foundation Run-April 14th, Christina Latini Memorial 8K in Huntersville, April 21st.

Prayers for our four PAX doing the Ruck event with MECA tonight in Concord.  Woody, Boudin, Whoopee, and Freight are going to get after it!

Prayers for Def Leppard’s son Logan and for all the PAX that push the rock and all the men that don’t know they need F3.

Final thought….I listened to F3 Houston’s roundtable call yesterday and although we know each other, if an accident happened to one of us during a workout, would we be prepared to give aid?  We are good about carrying at least one cell phone but where is the nearest hospital?  Would we wait for an ambulance or scoop and go?  Who would we contact for you in an emergency?
This is a problem we need to solve and find a best practice.  Collecting the emergency contact information won’t be hard.  How do we put it into a retrievable file that we can access in an emergency?  If you have thoughts DM me.

Always a pleasure to lead!  Hopefully your walk will be adequately silly and we can get that government grant.

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