Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: CSAUP (Page 6 of 8)

Burpeethon 2017 for Special Olympics NC

Well, going back in time a bit, the burpeethon was something that the Gastonia PD put together as a fundraiser for Special Olympics NC.  It was always a varied workout with burpees, but threatened to be discontinued this year after some outside workout organizations couldn’t get along.  That’s when F3 Gastonia stepped in and said we wont let this cause die.  It was a little difficult putting together our own event with the GPD regarding planning, stations, whose where, etc., but it all got done.  My M (Officer J.A. Quinley) started to roll with it and Freight our undisputed Nantan got on board and we showed up to workouts to preregister and make it as painless as possible.  With the support of our F3 group, that started as nothing more than a free mens workout, grew and grew and it truly humbled and inspired me.  You are all HIM.

We started set up and in rolls the mobile command, squad cars, the mule and some other tactical SWAT gear to put on some razzle dazzle.  Pax who posted started to show up, we had some very special Athletes there, who were amazing and pushed us, and the Ms and 2.0s who showed up as support and staff.

We opened with a moment of prayer from Officer Norton and then time to get down to it and the first heat teams are called.  Dolph is a good friend of mine and he teamed up with me and we were in the first heat with four other teams.  I didnt know who would struggle the most, me keeping up with him or him slowing down for me.  The answer is, ME.  The GPD has some pretty fit officers and they set the standards for exercises and demonstrated them to get the idea of what is and isn’t acceptable, but of course, modify as you need to.  They also pulled out a five foot piece of rope and had that up the sleeve because it was truly a team event.  The scene was set as we gathered around Rankin Lake and the weather was beautiful.  Call to start and we started doing synchronized burpees, in which, each hold the end of a rope and do burpees in sync and this is where I crushed it.  We were the first ones done.  Unfortunately, we were passed by all teams by the time we got to station #2.   Each teammate held their end of the rope as you moved thru the eight stations.

Station #1 – 20 synchronized burpees
Station #2 – Lunges from line to line (30 yards)
Station #3 – 100 Air Squats
Station #4 – Burpee broad jumps from line to line (30 yards)
Station #5 – 15 incline sit-ups (modified down from 25)
Station #6 – Duck walk from line to line (+/-40 yards)
Station #7 – Bear crawl from sign to sign (+/-40 yards)
Station #8 – 20 synchronized burpees
All stations done at various points of the lake loop that is +/-1.75 miles

Station #8 is where the rubber met the road.  There were a couple other Clydesdales like me that struggled.  I had to sit out for five minutes and then get back at it to finish it up.  The point is that everyone finished.  A special shout-out to “The M Squad”.  Gena and Jo rocked a time of +/-26 minutes.  Gena is a part of FIA and not sure what her name is, but it should be USS McCampbell.  That is a Destroyer whose tag is “relentless in battle”.  Jo, Tooltimes M showed up in flip flops and just ready to help take care of sign-ins and hand out shirts, until a last minute audible and she stepped up, borrowed a pair of shoes, got a shirt and did the work out on the fly.  These women and animals and my hat is off to them!!!!!!  By the way, this is the second person in a row that Tooltime has unknowingly backed the bus over.  A few more and there will be a support group.

After all of the teams came in, we took a little trip to the mobile command and posed for a picture.  Look for some more information in the newsletter.  After this, turn the temperature up, because its time for the minute competitions.  Max reps in 60 seconds for Burpees, Merkins, Sit-ups and hip slappers.  This was awesome.  I enjoyed this thoroughly, although I didnt come close to winning, but seeing the men in a circle around their bros cheering them on.  Defib, Flush and Blart were the victors, with Defib taking two crowns.

Finish with a BOM

Moleskin – At the end of the day, F3 Gastonia brought in over $1,400 in sign ups, competitions and some very, very special men who donated some large amounts.  I know who you are and you guys are ambassadors and have my respect.  Thank you.  I was worried when tasked with this if anyone would come out since it has a cost implication, does anyone care about this, etc. and I am truly blown away by your support and your actions. You men (and ladies) are examples of what it means to be truly exceptional.  A special thanks to Freights M (Melissa) for her efforts and anyone else who came out in support (Linus, Hushpuppy, Ash Pond, Oompa) and Sidecars M for the Monster drink donation.  Please forgive me if I missed any others, but we know you were there.  Also thanks to all those who gave donations because you were elsewhere but saw fit to help out.  It meant so much to those athletes that we were there.  Tracy (SONC Athlete) mentioned in her speech that God doesn’t just put us anywhere, its where we can make the most impact.  Hearing those words and seeing who they were coming from just blew me away.  Jason, another athlete, who was getting pictures with all of us.  Did you see their medals???  They are so proud of them and thanks to these efforts, they can enjoy the fellowship of their own in competition.  I have attached a few pictures that are amazing, especially the shovel flag.  Look for more in the newsletter.  Look for a bigger and better one next year…they have started to plan it.

Thanks again…



It’s that time. What you have all been waiting for. The suspense has built and now comes the pain! Yes I know you were thinking this was going to happen already but it really is this time! When this was originally going to happen there were other parties involved that just couldn’t get it done. In steps a group of HIM’s that always get the job done. A beacon of light for the community. This event has been going on in Gastonia for some time and it’s sole purpose is to raise money for the Special Olympics. This year and many more to come F3 Gastonia has partnered with the Gastonia Police Department to make the money rain. The WOD this year will be  two man teams that venture through a one and half mile loop with several pain stations along the way. It will consist of exercises where the team and/or individual teammates must do a certain number of exercises as designated. I’ve got a feeling there will be burpees.

Location: Rankin Lake Park 1750 Rankin Lake Rd Gastonia, NC

When: September 16th Registration is from 8-8:45. The Pain starts at 9:00.

Cost: $25 and you get a shirt

There will be a swat display or so I’ve been told. There will also be opportunity for additional pain and competition. For two dollars each you can enter the one minute drill competitions.  Winners get gift cards from local businesses. The drills will consist of Merkins, Situps, Burpees and Hipslappers. I mean if you think you’re up to it! Keep a look out for the flyer and get your team ready.


PREBLAST: The “FAT BOY” Strength/Speed Course

Time to get those competitive juices flowing again and put your combination of speed and strength to the test. #F3FatCamp will be launching a competitive summer series open to ALL PAX and any FNG that will take place one Wednesday each month, June – August:

  • Wednesday, June 21st
  • Wednesday, July 26th
  • Wednesday, August 23rd

The FAT BOY course will be a GEAR based course designed for you to utilize a combination of Strength and Speed. This will be a timed course and will remain the same each of the 3 weeks which will offer both a U vs All other competitors and a UvsU opportunity. Come to all 3 weeks during the summer and work to improve your times or bring your best time during any one of the 3 weeks to see where you stack up. Whether you hit 1 week or all 3, the top time will be awarded the “FAT BOY” Golden Brick, one of the most prestigious awards ever created. Trophies will be presented to the following competitors:

  • Overall
    • Champion
    • Runner-Up
    • Second Runner-Up
  • Jr Mac Weight Class (Under 200lbs)
    • Champion
    • Runner-Up
    • Second Runner-Up
  • Grand Mac Weight Class (Over 200lbs)
    • Champion
    • Runner-Up
    • Second Runner-Up

The course will be set up at the #F3FatCamp AO (Elon Park Elementary School – 11425 Ardrey Kell Rd. Charlotte, NC 28277) on the dates listed above. 10min warm-up will commence at 530 and the competition will run from 545 – 615. Times will be recorded and posted on a leaderboard which will be updated after each competitive week.

For questions, reach out to Bounty Hunter or myself. Come familiarize yourself with the AO ahead of time. #F3FatCamp is a gear based workout that takes place every Wednesday morning 530-615 with 2 pre-run options. 1st pre-run launches at 500 and circles back to pick up the 2nd wave at 515.





YHC is aware that some of you have already received this update. Better to have it twice than not at all. Travel safe!

• Donate to the Hidden Wounds foundation at the following link. This is a worthy cause and we will be presenting them a check at the race site.

Donations to F3 Summerville causes

• Contact Goose ( ASAP and sign-up for F3 Village games. Regions and AO’s also need to coordinate team space/tents for the village with Goose now. ALL Pax are encouraged to stick around for 2nd F after the race, as well as participate in the F3 games.
• All runners check the following web site for your team number and starting time. You will need to know this when you check in.
• Team Captains print and sign the race waiver. Each team must have a waiver signed by all team members with them upon checking in for the race.
• Early forecast predicts a very hot race day with possible Thunderstorms. HYDRATE and plan accordingly.

• 0730 gates open for the masses. Plan for traffic delays getting to the AO. F3 will be parking near the buses. Look for F3 brothers to direct you to parking.
• Team Captains ONLY check in IMMEDIATELY after arriving. No need for all team members to stand in line. F3 check-in will be via the F3 table, NOT the table for the general population. Captains will need to know their team name and start time.
• 0815 BOM
• 0830 Race starts
• 0851 First F3 team steps off.
• 0913 Last F3 team steps off. Actual finish order is determined by one tracer that each team gets and when that tracer passed the start and finish line, not physical order of finish. F3 has nothing to do with the timing of this event, with the exception of the F3 team’s order.
• F3 games will go at approximately 1130 or as determined by Goose. This is the first time for the F3 games so you definitely want to stick around to compete and enjoy the 2nd F.
• Food and beverage vendors will be on site. PLEASE SUPPORT THE VENDORS THAT SUPPORT THE RACE.
• In addition to the vendors selling items, the Mud Run organizers (not F3) will be raffling off items.
• ENDEX is TBD, expect late afternoon.
• The Q for this event as well as some of the Co-Q’s will be wearing white F3 T-shirts on race day. If you have questions, find a guy with a White F3 shirt.
• If you plan to drink, plan NOW for a Designated Driver.

Thanks for all that you do,

Major Dad – Mud Run Q

Ragnar Trail Relay- (Preblast)

It seems as though we have been searching for that perfect CSAUP event for some time now. Every year another event comes along and peaks our interest, we all sign up, train for it, and join a handful of brothers who share a decent experience, yet something is missing. The race might be fun but the experience sucks, or maybe the F3 experience is great, but the race is poorly organized. Finally, we have a solution! Over the past couple of months, YHC along with several brothers have worked hard to develop a pretty great partnership with The Ragnar Team..

1st- What is Ragnar? Ragnar Trail Series is a 8 man team trail relay race at Anne Springs greenway on Oct 6th & 7th. Each man takes turns running 1 of 3 trail legs, one runner at a time until each man has completed all 3 legs totaling 16.5 miles. This race takes around 24hrs to complete. In your down time you can visit the Ragnar village and get fitted for free Salomon shoes for the run, or hang out in the hammock field, or maybe join in on the free coffee and Smores around the bonfire. Meanwhile, your team will set up camp in the F3 designated campground, with complete amenities geared towards us, with goals at making our experience the best team event we do all year.

Huge F3 specific campground- lined with shovel flag field, BBQ grills and food, our own area for games (corn hole, horseshoes etc.), the freedom to bring just about anything into our campground to better our experience, picnic area for M’s and 2.0’s. Announcements made over race PA for an all F3 workout and sendoff. How about an F3 specific competitive division? Winning F3 team takes home The custom F3/Ragnar Championship belt. With incentive discount to return the following year to defend your title. In addition, due to our less than desired weather last year, Ragnar is adding a bonus “Rock You Like a Hurricane” medal for any returning runners from 2016’s race. We have worked out a VIP pricing discount for all F3 teams. Our pricing will never increase- Regular team is $1040 or Ultra for $660.

F3 promo code:SCT17MF3VIP

I truly believe this event can be our new F3 annual race. There will be no other CSAUP event with this big of a 2nd F.The more PAX we can get to join us, the more Ragnar is willing to do for us, and the more exciting this event will become. Spread the word.

I will be hosting many Ragnar training events leading up to the event for any PAX that are interested. If you have any further question or requirements, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kid Rock


PREBLAST: Disaster Early Response Training

Are you ready for a convergence with a purpose!!!

After the Hurricane Matthew clean up, it became vitally clear that while F3 had the manpower and gumption to assist in disaster relief, we didn’t have any official credentials. F3 St. Simons is going to host, in partnership with SSUMC, an Early Response Team Training event. Through this course you will learn what is needed to assist in the clean up efforts, and you will also receive a FEMA Level 2 credential. This credential will allow access to a disaster zone prior to the general public, and even residents. Details below.

BUT what would be an F3 event, without some of all the F’s. Weekend schedule is below!

We hope to have a lot of participation from outside of our nomad. If we have enough interest, we will set up some room blocks at King and Prince Hotel (Ocean Front on SSI), The Inn at Sea Island, and The Cloister at Sea Island (only the best for the best).

If you would like to be a part of this exciting weekend, please HC below and send an email to and I’ll get your relevant information. DEADLINE to HC is 3/1. $$$ Due no later than 3/31

Disaster Early Response Team Training-April 29-SSUMC

An Early Response Team (ERT) is a self-contained team that enters a disaster area by invitation. ERTs provide emergency repairs and/or assistance to help people be safe, sanitary, and secure until insurance and other help is available.

United Methodist ERT’s offer a Christian presence and are trained to provide various types of physical, emotional and spiritual assistance to disaster survivors.  ERT’s are taught the types, phases and levels of disaster as well as the unique role and purpose of “early response.” Training also includes team leadership, team needs and equipment, spiritual and emotional care, faith-based disaster response, chainsaw safety, how to tarp roofs safely and how we coordinate with United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) and United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).

$50 per person Registration fee includes: Lunch (provided by F3SSI), T-shirt, Credentials (Badge), Background check, Manual, Training and Dinner!

Our class is actually two parts! The first session is the ERT specific training and will be done around 1300. The 2nd class is a chainsaw intensive class, and we must have 6 guys sign up to host the course. To participate in the chainsaw course, you must have your own saw, and protective gear. The SSI Pax will work on securing extra saws, please let us know if you would like to participate in the chainsaw course, and if you would need a “rental” saw.

Weekend Schedule


2ndF-1900 (location and details coming soon)*


0600-0700 Beat Down                                                                                                                     0700-0800 Breakfast and Showers,Please                                                                                        0800-1700 Class                                                                                                                               1800-Dinner hosted by F3SSI (location and details coming soon)*


1030-SSUMC Church in the Park. Come see our AO in a different light. Church in the park is followed by a pot-luck lunch with Fried Chicken!

*The Friday & Saturday night events may be cancelled if we don’t have many out of town visitors.


The Thang

In a quest to cure Sad Clown Disease …

Five teams of 5 or 6 men.  Points given for extra stuff for bragging rights.

1700-1800 – Registration / check in and put stuff in the cabins
1800-1900 – Basketball and fellowship
1900 – Dinner and CPR review from Whoopee
1930 – Talk from CSPAN
2000 – Talk from DREDD
2030 – Fellowship

0530 – Wake up
0600 – Work – out warm up
0620 – Sasquatch – Climb 1
0650 – Third F Devotional / Sunrise
0700ish – Red Pills (8 beatdowns throughout Crowder’s Mountain State Park and Camp Crowder’s Ridge
0850ish – Climb 2 – Finish on top of the mountain
1000 – Breakfast
1100 – Cleanup / breakdown

The teams were:

Team 1 – Squirt, Blart, Def Leppard, Dolph, Gomer, Gumby

Team 2 – Oompa Loompa, Roscoe, Short Sale, Photobomb, Ashhh Pond

Team 3 – Freight, JJ, Stroganoff, Spiderman, Easy Rider

Team 4 – Billy Madison, Bacon, Hushpuppy, Edison, Whoopee, The Mayor

Team 5 – Huckleberry, Sargento, SLAW, Sledgomatic, Monk, Linus

Red Pills (after warm up and mosey up Crowders Mountain):

1- Two team members run to the Linville Rd. Park access and retrieve a park map.  Other members complete 50 CDDs then run to the trailhead to meet other two members.  Everyone completes 10 burpees and returns up the hill.

2 – Follow the path back towards camp where you will find a stack of blocks.  Retrieve a block and return.  Ask ToolTime, “Permission to piss, boss” then complete 15 overhead presses with blocks and return them for your next pill.

3 – After dismantling a rather large swingset YHC saw a massive set of monkey bars that screamed CSAUP.  Overhead presses and squats (50 each) as a team while in the deep sand and holding the beast of a coupon is a fellowship event in and of itself.

4 – Go kart roll.  Teams ride the go kart to the entrance of Camp Crowders Ridge.  Team must then push the go-Kart up the hill … yes, it burns

5 – Dolph’s World – What would a CSAUP be without tractor tires, sledge hammers, kettle bells, and a backward sled pull? Not sure, BUT it definitely wouldn’t be Dolph worthy. Four stations of “fun”

6 – On the waterfront: One PAX is blindfolded and sent to bear crawl around the docks.  Other team members hold plank and shout instructions to keep blindfolded team member on dry land.  Each instruction shouted cost one merkin.

7 – Various exercises on the basketball court to be sure no muscle groups go left out.

8 – Team rolls 4′ X 8′ trailer around back parking lot retrieving one tire per man then returning trailer to the start.

Extra Credit – Each team received a sheet of stickers with an aggregate number (300) of different  exercises.  Exercises included merkins, plank jacks, flutter kicks, and LBCs.  In addition, teams were promised additional points for catching a bear, possum, or Sasquatch.


Thirty-two men locked shields at Camp Crowder’s Ridge at the base of Crowder’s Mountain for the Gastonia region’s first CSAUP, named The Climb.  With the event promoted to begin between 1700 and 1800, over half the PAX had arrived by 1630.  Registration efforts (and early set up) were led by Freight using a double blind technique that “just happened” to yield a solid combination of speed and size to his team.  Teams were housed together in independent cabins to provide the opportunity for some Goerge W. style “strategery” or a carefully executed Code Red.

Pre-dinner fellowship and basketball continued until 1900.  The nervous anticipation of the unknown beatdown gave the PAX an abundance of energy.  The basketball resulted in one injury to body (Sledgeomatic, ankle) and many injuries to pride.  Ashhh Pond came with an arm wrapped in Saran-Wrap saying something about fresh ink, but we all knew he was going for the Winter Soldier look.

 A delicious spaghetti dinner with all the trimmings was enjoyed by the PAX. It was a great privilege to be joined by DREDD (F3 co-founder) and CSPAN (F3 GasHouse expansion leader and some other big time leadership position that he explained, but we didn’t understand).  After Stroganoff blessed the meal spaghetti and trimmings were consumed in abundance.  After dinner GasHouse Nantan, Whoopee personalized the importance of CPR and provided an abbreviated course to be sure F3 men will take action in the face of a life threatening event. 

CSPAN began his remarks with a Veteran’s Day reflection and recognition of those who have worn the uniform.  Thank you veterans!  He then  provided a brief history of how the Gastonia region has grown in number and continues to develop #HIM.  A reminder and challenge was issued to pay attention to the Concentrica placing your M at the center of all that is worldly going outward with family, shield lock, blades and stones (Whetstone process), outer ring friends, the rest of the world. CSPAN also challenged us to continue a  strong commitment to the Third F.  Our development will naturally lead to a shift from the first F to the  third F in order of impact.  CSPAN has been a steady mentoring leader for the region.  His impact is seen and heard through the students of his Q school and all PAX in the region.  Thank you CSPAN!

DREDD began his remarks expressing gratitude to CSPAN and recognizing his impact on other men.  DREDD asked that three things be remembered: Fatigue makes cowards of us all, It all starts with love, and Ask, Listen, Remember. Sharing powerful stories of personal events, DREDD brought home what it takes to lead men. Throughout his remarks DREDD remembered the PAX by name and recalled stories they had shared as he mingled before and during dinner.  The highly engaged audience was challenged to keep physically in top shape so you CAN lead.  DREDD’s story of a Medal of Honor recipient and his experience leading soldiers in adverse conditions echoed the example of Christ’s leadership beginning with love.  DREDD went on to share that men want to be known.  Ask questions, intently listen to the response, and remember.  Share that information later showing men that they are worthy of being heard and known.  The men in the room were ready to attack the mountain right then.  Aye!

The evening continued with great fellowship, some adult carb loading, and the Whetstone process in full motion.  Oompa Loompa and Gomer seemed to be sharing some life wisdom, while others mixed corn hole and cough medicine to complete a perfect evening.

During the night the foot traffic between the cabins and the bathhouse was heavier than beach access on the 4th of July.  See a doctor men.

After a few hours of shut eye I awoke to visions of fuzzy math and the need to add an additional “Red Pill” station.  Spending a couple hours making an additional sign, staging the event, and fabricating more “red pills” was incredibly peaceful.  The wind, woods, and mountain seemed to create a peaceful music which could only be broken by Miley Cyrus’ CSAUP anthem The Climb.  As the PA system reverberated thought the countryside, men arose, and all motivated by that new knowledge that it “ain’t about how fast I get there, ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side … it’s the climb.” Music made the perfect segway into Enter Sandman … and the people were happy.

After reviewing the morning’s plan extra credit stickers were provided to each team along with a promise that extra points would be awarded to teams for catching a bear, possum, or sasquatch.   Roscoe led the PAX through a warm up and a series of scripture readings.  The stage was set Freight to lead the PAX through camp and into the woods for a covert mission to the Crowder’s Mountain summit.  With headlamps burning and reflectors placed to mark the path, the PAX heard rumblings in the forest before a sasquatch did appear, or someone on the IR dressed in the Whoopee family Halloween costume running through the trees.  I believe Roscoe, Edison, and Photobomb (not really sure) were the ones who pursued the deadly creature earning the self satisfaction of the hunt and the thrill of the catch.  Roscoe’s contact lens was knocked out during the chase, but as all Alpha males do, he spit on it and stuck it back into his eye, while uttering a pledge to destroy the tree branch that dared to inflict such harm.

The PAX continued the mosey to the pinnacle of Crowders with the sky getting progressively lighter and the sun beginning to appear on the horizon.  Monk shared a powerful Third F with the sunrise as a backdrop:

Small as we are, our hearts and minds possess an immense capacity for love.  To love fully, we need to be loved by God first and then, like God, to act so that others might live, as in 1 John 4:9-10.  But loving action must be learned.  Consider how Jesus teaches how to love in your favorite parable, teaching, or Gospel story, such as Jesus’ last encounter with Peter (John 21) – (Hushpuppy), or the Prodigal Son (Bacon).

Inspired and ready to conquer the task at hand the teams divided and began to execute.  Tool Time reappeared from Friday to instruct the teams on the first two red pills.  While Tool Time wasn’t supposed to be with us on Saturday, a poster with his name on it provided the EH to bring him back.

I will have to admit, the 8 red pills were tough.  Watching the PAX pull each other through was a blast.  Each PAX had his own approach.  Dolph was just happy to be picking up heavy stuff.  SLAW took the blindfolded task as an opportunity to take his shirt off … just like he does in the school pickup line. Gomer took his perfect merkin training (which had impressed DREDD) and practiced a lot. Short Sale had to leave a little early as part of his concentrica training, so he did a couple thousand flutter kicks first.  Remembering when … Huckleberry … awesome.  Running from station to station is was great to see the intensity that did not waiver. Billy Madison decided to complete station 4 with a Bud Light in hand, possibly a CSAUP first.

PAX fully engaged the downhill ride on the go-kart but the push back up was often volunteer only.  The group lifting with the ladder proved especially tough for the tall guys.  Easy Rider and Sargento had to assume the squat position the whole time.  Stroganoff yelled a lot during the overhead presses but all made Miley Cyrus proud.

Upon completion of the red pills the return trip up Crowders was tough.  Spent legs began to cramp and burn but I personally enjoyed some quality conversation bringing up the six.

On top of the mountain the PAX traded in their 8 red pills for the cure to Sad Clown Syndrome.  Each PAX received a new stone which read “Keep Pushing.” The cure does lie in the journey so I guess Miley (before she climbed up on a wrecking ball all naked and such) had it right.  It was The Climb.

We descended at our own pace and found a full bacon and egg breakfast waiting.  As we recovered together Whoopee stood and reminded everyone of what F3 has meant in his life.  Sandy V had especially taught him to be a better emptier of the dishwasher.  The PAX nodded because everyone knows they are in a different place with a special group of brothers than they were a year or more ago.  What we do to pay it forward is the real mountain pinnacle.  Keep pushing!

Thank you to everyone for jumping in, cleaning up, and doing whatever was needed. Great work!


Are you ready to FTS out of the Charlotte Marathon? / Final Pre-blast

It is race week. If you’ve trained hard, you can consider this the victory lap. It just happens to be the race itself. I first heard Fishwrap call the race a victory lap and thinking of it that way feels right. The hay is in the barn. Now it’s just time to get your mind right and do it.

To best prepare each participant to do just that, below you’ll find your race week playbook. It’s a collection of wisdom from F3’s fairy godmothers of running (read: most of the below is a near exact cut and paste from correspondence with Freeloader, Postfontaine, Subway, Fishwrap etc.). Thank you guys, and you’re welcome everyone who reads it.

Before that though, here’s the #1 rule of race day / race week / race prep… don’t try anything new. You should have rehearsed everything. No new shoes or clothes race day. No new meals the night before, or gels, drinks day of. Race day should be auto-pilot, an auto-pilot victory lap that is.

The Art of Peaking – Greg McMillan
There is an art to peaking and over the last 20 years, I think I’ve figured it out. It’s about resting the body and mind yet keeping the engine revved with a few workouts. It’s also about having a relaxed and confident mindset and strong belief in yourself.

Remember to get in a couple of easy runs, a tempo run, and most importantly some good rest.



10:00 am – 9:00 pm Novant Health Charlotte Marathon health & wellness expo will serve as the packet pick-up for all events at the Charlotte Convention Center (501 S. College Street, Charlotte, NC, 28202) in Hall C-2. You must present a photo ID to pick up your Race Bib.

Dudes uptown are grabbing lunch and picking up their packets. For those that want to gather and talk race strategies, we will plan to meet at 12:30 p.m. in the lobby of the convention center, at the top of the expo escalator. We’ll plan to walk across the street to one of the restaurants near The Green.


  • 7:04 am Arrive at Roman Bearden Park and look for other F3’ers (we may or may not have a dedicated space #workingonit)
  • 7:15 am Must be in start corral
  • 7:30 am Full marathon, half marathon start


  • Wake up at standard F3 time 5 am- ish.  Immediately eat small bagel OR half bowl of oatmeal and peanut butter OR almond butter. Maybe half a banana (OR whatever you have tested and decided on). Start drinking water. And, take a slam … or 5. Always good to get that out of the way pre-race (be sure to use the confetti text-message feature on your iPhone to notify your fellow runners of your pre-race success).
  • 7:04 am arrive at the park for BOM and/or pep talk from Fishwrap about how you are about to FTS out of your race. It will be chilly so no need to get there much earlier.
  • Then, we run a warm up 1/2 mile to 3/4 mile and dynamic stretches
  • 7:15 am – Arrive at start corral, take a Gu.
  • 7:25 am – Move to front of the line pre-race
  • 7:30 am RACE START
  • Half marathon fuel strategy – Take Gu or Gatorade on the course at 4 mile and 8 mile marks
  • Weather will be perfect.  Upper 30’s to lower 40’s. For the race, can wear throw away gloves and throw away hat (can discard somewhere in the first few miles).

At this point, you are all well prepared. Physically, you are in a great position. The only thing now that is of equal importance is where you are mentally. At the end of the day, running is just pain management. For every one of us, there is going to be a point in the race where a little bit of you wants to quit. You will debate in your head and say “it’s not my day” or “it’s too cold” or “cold air hurts my lungs” or “gosh just a minute slower than my goal is ok”….this is all normal. Yep…normal people will give in. They will become what is referred to as a convenient competitor. And, you will achieve a normal result. Congrats. But….we are not normal nor should we accept normal. Believe me, you will remember the exact point where you lost a bit, where you decided that normal is ok….and…you will regret it. If you do only one thing, try this. When the body hurts and you want to slow down, DON’T! Step up. When you win that battle, it will stay with you.

And, for anyone not running, we would love to see you out on the course — your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated.


– 20/20 & Matlock

2016 Charlotte Marathon and Half Marathon Pre-Blast ** UPDATED w/DISCOUNT CODE

** Note: This pre-blast was posted last month, but I think several missed it. Also, after a little back-and-forth with the race director, we were provided with a discount code for 10% off, for anyone who hasn’t already registered. Use: $ubwayBonk (oh wait, that was a previous discount code); instead, use: MAF4Life (no, that won’t work for this, either, slow pokes); for real, use this super-hard to remember code to grab yours: “F3” Also, let MMOB know if you are running. He’s a race ambassador, which means he gets a shirt that says he’s an ambassador. **

The following is a transcript of an actual text message conversation:

Unnamed Pax: Dude, we need you to write a sick pre-blast for the 2016 Charlotte Marathon/Half-Marathon (formerly Thunderroad Marathon).

Matlock: Umm, ok, how do I write a pre-blast for a public race? Do I just paste a link to the race site?

Unnamed Pax: No. << includes link to Freeloader’s 2014 Thunderroad pre-blast >>

Matlock: Oh, Ok, so I need to post the link AND list the instructions to register?

Unnamed Pax: Yes, but … << includes link to Uncle’s 2015 Thunderroad pre-blast >>

Matlock: Got it. So, I also need to post the link to Material Girl’s testimony/recap from 2013 for inspiration?

Unnamed Pax: Basically, and a Coachloader or MountainFishwrap-style whimsical and definitely nonsensical story of fiction without a plot helps it pop. Also, make sure you don’t do this. << includes link to Subway’s BRR pre-blast >>

Matlock: Challenge accepted under one condition, 20/20 has to proofread and spreadsheet anything I need. Basically, you need to force him to be my co-assistant-Q.

Unnamed Pax: I’ll work on him. Bathroom humor and challenges of manhood usually do the trick. Stay tuned.

So, I started digging in and reading the various recaps and comments from the pax from past Thunderroad races. Damn, you guys are encouraging and inspiring … here is a representative sample:

  • “Without doubt, this was the most difficult physical thing I’ve ever done, by far. And definitely the most rewarding. The training, tips, support, running partners and in-race support from F3 made this possible, and race day was a unique and special experience.”
  • “Never would have gone for the full without the training and support that F3 has brought to the table.”
  • “Thanks for waiting for me while I dropped a deuce in the lady’s front yard on mile 6.”
  • “The best part was spending time at the finish together and seeing the effort expended by the pax, and the feeling of accomplishment that we all shared.”
  • “We train ourselves to make the impossible seem possible.”
  • “Does Dredd ever shut up?” … “Never.”

So, I guess this thing does need its own pre-blast. But, why did I accept the challenge to Co-Q? Because I didn’t even know F3 existed the last time I ran this race. Today, the men of F3 are pushing me to shave 4 minutes off my last year’s PR (1:34) to run my first sub 1:30 half. The training and support this group provides is flat out amazing. It’s this group that will help me—and many others—get across the finish line and accomplish something special.

To those already signed up, join the F3 team and use the comments sections on this post to let us know who else is running and throw out a goal time to help us keep you accountable. To those thinking about running it, read the linked posts above and use this group as a way to help you crush this thing.

Sign up for the race, here. Instructions: follow the on-screen instructions. Please note, there is an F3Nation team, which you can join when you sign up. Not sure what that really does for us, but hey why not (also there’s a random “Katherine H.” in this group, which is confusing).

We’ll get another update out closer to the race with any planned meet ups or organized gatherings. Until then, get your 6 to SIB, Sweet 6, 8@8, and Richie. 20/20 has the 8@8 Q for October and will be pre-blasting optional tempo workouts for your benefit. You know, co-assistant-Q stuff.

Kisses and well wishes,


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