Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Coconut Horse (Page 6 of 20)

Coconut Coolness

Five runners on a cooler morning at the Horse.

Defib, DDC, ShortSale, JJ, and Flintstone all ran the route with YHC and Tube showing up for QSource and DDC leaving for church.

A reminder for those PAX that are on IR or are just fartsacking the 1st F…you are still welcome to stay engaged through leading or showing up for the other F’s!

Announcements:  Labor Day combined Mt. Hollywood and Sandlot McAdenville workout starting across from the Spruce Goose.

Prayer Requests:

Whoopee’s 2.2, Linus Dad, Turtleman, Flintstone’s Grandmother, and the PAX with kids going to college.  Praise:  Congrats to Dr. Feelgood and Hot for Teacher as their 2.0’s are recognized for earning their Eagle Scouts this morning.

Q Source continued covering “Cowboy Ethics”.  4.  Do what has to be done  5.  Be tough, but fair  6.  When you make a promise, keep it  7.  Ride for the brand

We discussed how the F3 culture keeps us accountable for living third, although we sometimes fail.  Riding for the brand….who are you representing?  Your family name….F3….your employer…..and the church as a Christian.  Go forth and represent!

Coconut Horse SHAME

YHC wished to publicly apologize for the delayed BB.  YHC deserves all the shame from the PAX and makes no excuses for not meeting the standard.

YHC and JJ ran 5.  Flintstone ran as well but was solo and if I recall got more than 5.  JJ went to church and Flintstone and YHC were the two left for QSource where we previewed Cowboy Ethics and if you are reading this we are still covering that book.  YHC will be on Q tomorrow so be sure to make it.  You will be better for it!



Directionally Challenged

YHC showed up at the Coconut Horse a little before 0700 with evidence of F3 PAX vehicles in the parking lot.  JJ and DDC came running in from the loop around 0715 as scheduled, then Oompa Loompa a short time later.  Next came Rebar running with a Ruck on.  (running with a ruck is not recommended…ask my right Tibia).  We knew Gavel was still out there somewhere and we waited, and waited.  Whoopee showed up for Q Source and at 0728 YHC did the nameorama and announcements and closed in prayer.

Short Sale showed up for Q-Source.  Still no Gavel.  YHC called Gavel but no response.  After grabbing coffee we started week one on “Cowboy Ethics” with YHC on Q.  Someone mentioned that Gavel had returned after JJ had tracked him down.  Apparently he took a left on the Greenway instead of the right and ended up at Lineberger Park.  Whoopee expressed significant empathy for Gavel as he too has experienced a lack of sense of direction.  To his credit, Gavel refused the ride back to the Horse and returned safely under his own power.

Do you have a personal Code?  The Code of the West brings us back to the simpler times where men lived by honoring the Golden rule.  Authenticity, directness, humility, confidence…where a handshake was as good as a contract.  Back to a time where fundamental principles of right and wrong and personal character, not job title or bank account is the true measure of a man.

Short Sale with the Q next week if you want to learn more.  Live each day with Courage…..


Ride for the Brand

Stroganoff thought about cancelling the Coconut Horse for Independence Day but YHC volunteered to make it happen and take the Q of our “run what you brung” Q Source series where the Q gets to determine the topic of the lesson of the day.

Flintstone texted me that his EC session went too long and that he would see us back at the HT after the run.  I saw his shirtless body running down Kendrick as I approached the Horse to meet up with JJ in the parking lot.  We had a nice time chatting it up on the normal 5 mile route and then we caught up with Flintstone at the end.  JJ cut out for the Q Source to get to church on time while YHC and Flintstone stayed for Q Source where I covered the main lessons of “Cowboy Ethics”.  I liked it so much I ended up buying the book and will peruse it and perhaps share the lessons with a bigger audience in greater detail in the future.

False Expectations at the Horse

We were hoping for significant downpours and greenway flooding to make the normal Coconut route a memorable slopfest.  Unfortunately, we were thirty minutes too late as most of the heavy rain had already passed and had to settle for a little rain, some puddles, and the creek just shy of flooding the tunnel.

Perhaps the summer vacation schedules or threat of rain kept the numbers down, but in any event, we only had three with YHC, Flintstone, and JJ.  Here it is in all its glory:

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles.

JJ left for church but Whoopee joined in so three for the run and three for a modified QSource.

Afterwards we finished up with COT and many prayer requests.  We jump started a vehicle for a Starbucks patron before rolling in for Q-Source coffeerama.

This period of QSource allows for the “people’s choice” as we are not following any curriculum or specific book.  Last week Whoopee covered a Lou Holtz book, but only the first three pages.  This week since it was Father’s Day, YHC decided to talk about the difference dad’s make in the lives of children and society because I am the Q and I can do what I want.   I actually rubbed the PAX face in the dirt with my disclaimer because they had no choice but to listen to my lesson that they had no role in choosing the topic.  That is how it works.

Father’s Day was founded in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd, who was born in Arkansas. Its first celebration was in the Spokane YMCA on June 19, 1910. Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, was a single parent who raised his six children there.

There is another origin…1908..a church in West Virginia held a service honoring fathers after 362 men were killed in a mining accident in 1907 in Monongah.  Of that number, 250 were fathers.

It wasn’t a holiday until Richard Nixon made it such in 1972.  Mother’s Day was declared a national holiday in 1914.  Other countries adopted fathers day to include such notables as Iran, Turkey, South Africa, Zimbabwe, China, and many more.

Many men don’t like the idea of Father’s Day and it is understandable.  Men tend to be less sappy and we don’t like flowers or brunch.  Many father’s day cards poke fun at dads.  We just persevere and don’t need attention from the outside.

As the late U.S. senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, said: “A community that allows large numbers of young men to grow up in broken families…never acquiring any stable relationship with male authority, never acquiring any rational expectations about the future — asks for and gets chaos.”

Here is what we know (Much of this is common sense):

  1. Kids that grow up with engaged, present dads are less likely to drop out of school or wind up in jail.
  2. When children have close relationships with father figures they tend to avoid high risk behaviors and less likely to have sex at a young age.
  3. They are more likely to have high paying jobs and healthy, stable relationships when they grow up.
  4. They tend to have higher IQ scores by the age of 3 with fewer psychological problems.
  5. Kids with two parent households are less likely to grow up in poverty.
  6. When dad’s get involved and are a part of prenatal care, they are more strongly attached to the baby. When this happens, they are disproportionally remain in the childs life.
  7. For dads who live apart from their kids, there are limited options for engaging fatherly interactions. “Writing letters, phone calls — even if you’re not in physical proximity, knowing your dad cares and wants to be involved to the extent that they can is really important,” Marcy Carlson, a sociologist at the University of Wisconsin, told Fatherly. If you can’t even do that, buying love isn’t the worst idea. “There’s tons of evidence that financial support of kids is good for their outcomes,” she says. “If dads can provide for their children, that goes a long way.”
  8. Dads also seem to offer a unique touch, with at least one study suggesting fathers are better than mothers at teaching children how to swim because they are less overprotective and more likely to let their children venture into the deep end or swim facing away from them.
  9. Similar studies cited in the book show that sons who grow up without fathers (or with disengaged fathers) tend to be less popular in preschool. Broadly, the research suggests that boys lean on their fathers more than anyone else as they develop social skills. And one large study of nearly 9,000 adults confirmed that a father’s death affects sons more strongly than daughters, leading to the same sort of health problems seen after an ugly divorce.
  10. “Numerous past studies find a link between low-quality fathering and daughters’ sexual outcomes, including early and risky sexual behavior,” says Danielle DelPriore, who has studied how dads impact risky sex. “A father who is cold or disengaged may change daughters’ social environments and sexual psychology in ways that promote unrestricted sexual behavior.”

Children who grow up with involved fathers are: 39% more likely to earn mostly A’s in school, 45% less likely to repeat a grade, 60% less likely to be suspended or expelled from school, twice as likely to go to college and find stable employment after high school, 75% less likely to have a teen birth, and 80% less likely to spend time in jail.

“Most of the literature on widowhood shows that kids whose dads died are better off than kids who go through a divorce,”

As men we need to be present for our children and be a role model for all children.  Kids are always watching you and your behavior and they learn a lot by how you treat others, particularly your M.  

Be a positive example.


Prayer Requests:  Linus dad, Whoopee’s 2.2 and travels to Boston, Turtleman (prayer and praise!)




The Man in the Arena

Muggy morning for some moseying at The Coconut Horse.

Whoopee showed on time but forgot his shoes and made it back just as the Q called the start.

We moseyed.  Some faster than others.

No  announcements.  Several prayer requests including Turtleman and Linus and his family.

Last week, we started a 7 week “open subject” series for the Q Source Study.  This week we reviewed a summary of a classic book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  In summary, the 7 habits are Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put first things First (prioritize), Cultivate a win-win paradigm, Seek to Understand before being Understood, Create synergy by practicing openness and keep Sharpening the Saw (always learning).  If you have not read it, I would recommend it.

We also took a quick look at The Man in the Arena which comes from a classic speech from Teddy Roosevelt.  It’s premise is that the people actually doing things, taking action are the ones that deserve the credit.  Those that will live through both success and failure will find the greatest success over time.

We also reviewed one of my favorite poems, Invictus by William  Ernest Henley.  It’s a great poem about perseverance that I have referenced multiple times over the past couple of months.

Until the next one.  Aye.


A Gift of a Lifetime

3 Runners, 4 Ruckers and a Short Sale posted for some enrichment Sunday morning.  It was a beautiful morning for getting out of the fartsack to improve oneself.  After a brisk 45 minutes of first F,  6 of us stayed around for “Q Source”  Having just finished Freed to Lead last week, we decided that the Q for the week would have the option of choosing a topic on leadership for discussion.  I choose an excerpt from a book entitled A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court.  This is a short book of reflections from John Wooden (UCLA’s basketball who won 88 straight games and won the national  championship 10 times in 12 years).  I choose this topic as several Pax (including YHC) are going through a time of transition with kids graduating from high school.  The section of the book I choose was a chapter entitled “A gift of a lifetime” in which John Wooden describes a time in his life when he was about to leave home his father gave him the following list of guidelines for life.

  1. Be true to yourself – This is the foundation of all the subsequent guidelines – and thus the reason that this is listed first.   Without inner honesty nothing else in this list can be accomplished – you cannot be true to others unless you are honest with yourself.
  2. Help others – not just your physical gifts but rather give of your most valuable possession – your time
  3. Make each day your masterpiece – do not get caught up living in the past or the future but make the present count
  4. Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible – instill a love of reading to your children
  5. Make friendships a fine art – nurture friendships that involve two way dialog
  6. Build a shelter against a rainy day – do not get caught up in materialism
  7. Pray for guidance and count and give thanks for your blessings every day – stop asking for more and give thanks for what you already have.


I hope this short list inspires us all to lead a life well lived.

Until next time –


Defib out


The 3rd Quarter

Gavel broke in his new rucksack by taking it for a spin with BOS, Whoopee and YHC.  JJ, Sargento, DDC, Stroganoff, and Roscoe ran the loop.

QSource wrapped up Freed to Lead, talking about Purpose and the Third 500.  D2X describes “what” men are led to do, and the Purpose helps define the “why”.  We got into a discussion about “who” (but left off the “where” and “how”).  JJ made a great point that we don’t always know who we are having an impact on, but sometimes you do get to see it.  He told a story of a girl at Christmas that they brought gifts to, and she immediately took and put everything on.  The youth that JJ was with got an understanding of how much their efforts meant and where they made their impact.  Those times we get to see it further motivate us to continue doing what we do.

A lesson from Freed to Lead that I’ve always taken to heart is that of the Third 500.  No scientific study here, but the 3rd quarter is often when the game is won or lost.  The beginning is a distant memory and the end is still a ways away.  It’s during this time that focus and attention is required to deliver an optimal performance.  In our lives, the 3rd quarter coincides with that “mid-life crisis” time.  As men with a purpose and a vehicle to continue to grow, it’s our duty to push on and make a positive impact on our Concentrica.  One of the things discussed is there comes a time in a man’s life when he looks around for the authority that’s always been there, and realizes it’s best found in the mirror.  It becomes time to step up and do what’s needed for the betterment of the group.  Having F3 gives us the opportunity to know that while we are the leaders in our community, we’re not leading alone, and we have other men we can grow as leaders with and can learn from.

Discussions on Freed to Lead were great.  Next up is Q’s choice at the Coconut Horse QSource.

As always, a privilege to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo


The final installment for my weekend of Q’s occurred at the Coconut Horse on Sunday. The way this system works is the Q of the QSource “officially” has the Q for the Fitness portion of the event. Coming off celebrating my birthday the day before, I may have had a cold beverage or six, so it was a planned “smart sack” for the athletic portion of the session, so I posted at 0720 just as Flintstone wrapped up the COT and namarama. Congrats to the guys that ran and rucked the route. I pulled “a Sargento” in forgetting my wallet; Whoopee was kind enough to buy me a coffee which means I think I’m down 2-0 in that category. Now some, probably the Mayor and some that think similarly, are scratching their chin wondering about the no post Q and you’re right to question that, I don’t blame you, but since the Site Q doesn’t even organize Q’s for Coconut Horse, this is the accepted modus operandi.

So most of the PAX other than me put in some work that morning on the route. What I’m here to share with you is the QSource part as we’re studying Freed to Lead. I also had the Q last week (actually ran 5 miles that occasion) but I mis-read Stroganoff’s text as to where to pick up. So I covered D2X. I should have covered Concentrica – Q-Fail. So I recovered and did that topic this week.

For those of you that have read Freed to Lead or participated in Q-Source discussions, you should be familiar with the Concentrica which is a mechanism to help a man form “who” they will impact. From an F3 prioritization standpoint, this concept is at the top of the list if not at the top. The visual OBT and DREDD created is that of a bullseye where your family is in the center. Within that small circle prioritizes your M and then 2.0’s. Because of proximity, at least while your kids are through school (most of the time), this is a man’s greatest opportunity to influence and impact. Our kids are constant observers of our actions and they see our raw emotions. When we wake up in the morning and cranky. When we’re tired at night and just want the house quiet. How we treat our M’s and others. As a student of Freight’s constructive sarcasm, my kids have picked up on that trait. Nothing worse than when they use it against me (dammit!). For some it’s too late to shave the sharp edges of the rocks our kids have become. But hopefully the good has outweighed the bad or at least not so good.

The next circle are our brother’s in arms which represent a man’s closest confidants. Everyone’s circles will be different sizes and shapes. The point is we hopefully have group of close people outside your family that you spend time with (as some point of your life) and have strong trust. OBT & DREDD put a number on the next circle of 12-18 people that are friends, co-workers or others with proximity. The next circle of about 80 people are some the man had some level of impact. The outer circle is the rest of the world that wouldn’t know or really care if we passed away.

OBT and DREDD use a funeral as a way to gauge the man’s impact on the Concentrica. The closer to the center, the more those people will mourn and grieve the loss of the man. Other than Whoopee being the Sexiest Cardiologist Alive, I’m not ware of any of our F3 men being “famous” in a sense of impact. We had a good discussion inside Harris Teeter (maskless for the first time in a year) about this. I used Michael Jackson’s passing as an example. I happened to be in Los Angeles area at that time and it was all over the news with people openly weeping. I then shared Billy Graham as another with global impact. There have been other leaders, inventors, and entertainers that have a similar impact. Bringing the discussion back to our individual worlds and our concentricas, I think the lesson is to help us visualize the opportunities we have to impact others. We’re going to impact the first couple of rings in our normal interactions. I think the challenge is to grow those outer rings. When our physical time on earth is no longer, hopefully the impact we had on those that we encounter will be carried forward, representing our Legacy. Luckily for us, F3 offers many opportunities to impact others with the leadership roles and interactions. Don’t shy away from your next opportunity to lead and impact your brothers.

Short Sale

No Q Needed – We do it anyway

6 showed for some running and rucking at Coconut Horse today.

No Q…doesn’t matter…..we got after it anyway.

Terrific running weather.  It was fun.

For me personally, it was the first 5 mile run in 5 weeks due to injury and a heavy dose of SV.  If was great to get in the full route this morning.

Announcements:  Amoeba Ruck on the 22nd

Prayers:  Turtleman, Eva Gaddis (?) & others.

6 total for Q Source as we continued with Freed to Lead and discussed the D2X, Dolphin and Daffodil.  What a impactful and difficult topic.  If everyone operated daily in their D2X, the world would be such a more beautiful place.   We must continue to strive to get there.

Until the next one.  Aye!


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