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Tag: Coconut Horse (Page 5 of 20)

Quality, Not Quantity @ Coconut Horse

It was cold.  Several regulars were in Biloxi getting their work in.  We did our thing anyway.

JJ and YHC ran while Flintstone rucked.  JJ pulled me along the route.

Whoopee showed for the Q Source discussion after on the LDP.

As usual, I did not regret getting up for the gloom.

COT with announcements, prayers and name-o-rama.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Disruption at the Coconut Horse

Well Defib’s half marathon training plan is in week two and he wrote whoever showed a prescription for seven miles.  The Gloom was real but not as bad as it could have been and it was actually nice out considering the rain that kept falling.  Short Sale, JJ, Defib, and YHC ran a little more than two EC miles and returned to the Horse AO but no one else was there by 0530 so we headed out for the Coconut route.

Afterwards, JJ left for church and Flintstone showed up for Q Source.  YHC led week one of Q Source on “Disruption”.  Basically leaders create movement to advantage in others and make things happen.  Sort of like Defib’s prescription.  He even exhorted me to sign up for the Biloxi half.  It just may happen.



A Warm and Wet Coconut Horse

7 showed in the gloom for some running at Coconut Horse.  It rained a little.  It was warm for December.  Fun was had by all.

We also had 7 for a discussion on the 8 Block and One Word for 2022.


Convergence on January 1 at Midoriyama.

Many prayer requests unfortunately.

Until the next one.  Aye.


The Three Horsemen

YHC had the Q at the Coconut Horse and had the Q Source topic all planned out. Arrived early and was stunned to see there was no one there!  YHC waited until 0630 and with a tear in my eye, ran off on the route with a few look backs to see if anyone would be arriving late. Alas, it was a solo run. However, it was nice and there wasn’t another soul on the whole route. Serenity.

When arriving back at start Short Sale had returned from a  solo ruck.

Whoopee  joined us for Q Source where we discussed  Ben Franklin’s virtues and habits. A nice compliment as we progress along the 40 days of discipline.

5 Coconuts

5 showed at the Coconut Horse this morning.  It actually was a little gloomy…….appropriate for a Halloween workout.

3 ran; one rucked; one did the Chad 1000 thing…..and accomplished it.

Good work men.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Back from the Depths

It has been a while for myself but it was good to be back at Coconut Horse to Q.

Did not sleep well last night and was up around 5:00 am so I went on to the AO to Ruck at 6:00 am not knowing if any other ruckers would be there or not.  All I got was Quiche and Sargento leaving for some EC.

I took off with Jocko in my earbuds for a 5 mile Ruck.

Around 7:00 am I was approaching the other ruckers (Flintstone, Barney and Maybeline) when I was  passed by Quiche and Defib.  This at least confirmed I was not the only ones on the course.

Made it back in time for the COT and some fellowship.

Followed by 6 of us (Sargento then left early) to start the Q Source lesson this week which was on The Way of the Shepherd.  We just finished this book in our leadership series at GSM a few weeks ago and is a good read on leading teams.

Until the next one.  Aye!

Stroganoff Way of the Shepherd Summary

A veritable cornucopia of action

There was running.  There was rucking.  There was fartsacking.  There were two that showed up for Q Source only.  There was a prayer.  There were announcements.

Q Source was a freestyle.  Mostly about leadership using wisdom from Coach Urban Meyer, Simon Sinek, Bill Dupont, and Sir James Dyson.



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