Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Coconut Horse (Page 19 of 20)

Ruck & Run and lot’s of fun..

Some met early for the Ruck and other’s did the run.

5 Miles and some did more.

Quiche was attacked by a tree. Gastone found a rock in the dark in the middle of the path.

Great to see Hushpuppy out and in the mix.

Some stayed for coffee or hot chocolate after. Quiche locked his keys in the car.

Lot’s goes on with the Sunday mornings.

Gastone Out!


Anybody got a dime? Kings to Crowders Backblast

I apologize for the delay but since this was a pseudo CSAUP event the 24 hour backblast rule is a little gray.

Unfortunately my plans to eat at a decent breakfast eatery  near Crowder’s Mountain went awry when everywhere decent I checked was closed on Sunday except for McDonald’s.  I arrived about ten minutes early and sorted my car out and wondered to myself if anyone would bother to show but I had a good feeling that my hiking partner Stroganoff would and at 0600 hours there he was.  The pre-blast had a 0600-0640 breakfast timelime and no one else showed so I wondered how many would actually come for the hike.  About 0645 JK2 showed up and ordered some food to go so I knew we would have at least 3.

I pulled out right on time and wondered why Stroganoff wasn’t behind me.  I waited and figured he was being a good wingman for JK2.  Only later did I learn that someone left their phone in the head and had to go retrieve it.

We pulled into the Linwood access at 0658 and the gates were open and there was the Nantan and his crew waiting to go.  Kotter Richard Simmons let me know he was coming since he signed up for a HTL Ruck in 2018.  Once he appeared nine PAX got in two clown cars and off we went to the Boulder’s access at Kings Mountain.  Defib and I registered our vehicles while everyone hit the head and got organized.  Before I could set the tone for “church on the mountain”, Stroganoff ripped JK2 with a quip about his Ron Jeremy mustache.  JK2 didn’t know who that was and some others pretended they didn’t either.  This was the first of many Ron jokes the rest of the day.  I decided we needed to read the “Mile One” verse before we started.  GENESIS 2:15  “Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.”  God intends for us to work and through our efforts we can honor God by fulfilling our purpose to work.

We then headed out on the trail.  It was clear and brisk to start.  We went up a hill and down a hill and I walked past some signage and kept going.  Fortunately the wiser group in the back called to us and said we were heading towards South Carolina so we returned to the sign and made the appropriate adjustment.  It could have been a very long day.

We had a good pace and there was lots of fellowship along the way.  The group of nine all stayed close together.  I learned all about Richard Simmon’s training for the GoRuck in Charlotte next year.  He had a 40 lb plate in his ruck which made the rest of feel pretty weak in comparison.  He also had a feisty female voice on his phone telling all of us constantly to pick up the pace.

Everyone had on a pack of some sort from Camel-backs to  first aid kits and food.  Monk, the stoic that he is, only had his thoughts with him and a few snacks in his coat pocket.  He had a water bottle that probably held about 3 ounces.  Fortunately I had at least half a case so I gladly gave him some of mine later in the day.  At every mile we stopped to read another verse of scripture and share a lesson.  For the first 3-4 miles we only saw one person…an odd man sitting on a bench who seemingly came  out of nowhere.   Both Monk and JK2 had foot problems during the hike.  Monk later declared that his boots were too small.  However between some quality first aid and fresh socks there were no complaints.

On the Ridgeline trail there is an option to climb to King’s Pinnacle.  There was a discussion about whether or not to do this but Stroganoff didn’t hesitate and led the way and the others followed.  We arrived at the top with the mountain to ourselves.  We had a snack break and Stronagoff ate a delicious looking smashed PBJ sandwich.  Then Freight tried in vain to get his phone to take our picture by balancing it on a near vertical steep rock face.  Suddenly two strangers appeared and Monk asked them to take our photo.  When they asked if we would take theirs, I believe Monk said “NO”!  It was a pretty well timed joke but of course we took their photo.

From this point of the trail and we were about halfway and we past many hikers coming from Crowders or the Sparrow Springs parking lot.  At one point near Sparrow Springs the trail was closed as indicated with about a fifteen foot section of Crime Scene Tape.  Someone said, “anybody got a dime?  Somebody’s going to have to go back and get a sh%tload of dimes!”

We crossed another road and had a Mayor of Charlotte sighting.  She was walking her dog and actually passed us twice on the trail.   From this point the elevation increases towards Crowder’s Mountain.  Eventually we made it to the Crowder’s Pinnacle where there were what seemed like  hundreds of people.  After a mosey down the stairs we ended at the Linwood parking lot where we finished with a COT.  JK2 drove Defib and me back to the Boulder’s Access and we called it a day.

During the times we stopped for bible verses, Def Leppard could almost always repeat the verse with just a few hints.  He is a wise sage and I appreciate his impact on me.

All in all it was a great day with all three F’s on the Mountain.  Next time we will start from South Carolina for the whole trail.  I don’t think it would add much distance but at least it would resolve the feeling of unfinished business.

Psalm 1 18:6   “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.  What can man do to me?”

Live without fear and you can be free knowing that your ultimate destination is in heaven.

I appreciate all the F3 brothers that I have crossed paths with  over the last several years.  The hike was right around the 11 mile mark.  I know that Def Leppard thought this was a CSAUP.  I can’t argue with that especially since the soreness I experienced this week was ridiculous!

It was a pleasure to lead as always.

Kings to Crowders pre-blast

So we are going to have church on the mountain this week so get your hiking boots on and come clear your mind on the mountain.  We will hike from Kings Mountain to Crowder’s Mountain.  Everyone has their own pace so you should plan on getting a partner or group of partners who will walk your pace. You will need a partner to carpool back and forth from the parking areas.  It should also be someone who will walk your pace.  This is cafeteria style so you can choose what you want.

Menu:  Optional start for breakfast- meet at Trackside Grill located at 109 E Hudson Blvd, Gastonia, NC at 0600 for a hearty breakfast.  From Trackside we will leave at 0645 to get to the parking lots.  If you don’t want breakfast, be at your State Park parking area at 0700 when the park opens.

Parking:  .  Head to Linwood Parking area.  Be there at 0700 when park opens and leave cars and then proceed to the Boulder access area.

***If you want to cut your hike short, you should drop your car Sparrow Springs access at 522 Park Office Ln, Kings Mountain, NC area with your wingman.  This will cut the hike basically in half (approximately 6 miles or 3 hours)

No matter where you park, you should clown car over to the Boulder’s Access Area at 108 Van Dyke Road.  When you get there, fill out the required forms for the Ridgeline Trail hike and grab a park map.  I have found decent cell coverage at Crowder’s to include MapMyRun.  You may consider a mobile charger since cooler weather may drain your cell batteries.

0730:  Operations/Safety Briefing by Roscoe and quick 3rd F.  Prep your gear and get ready.

Begin the hike before or no later than 0800.

Click to access crowders-mountain-park-map_0.pdf

Begin on Ridgeline Trail

Merge with Pinnacle Trail

Merge with Crowder’s Trail (This is near the Sparrow Springs access so for those that choose the shorter route you can head to your cars here)

Decision Point…  Choose either Rocktop Trail or Crowder’s Trail.

Rocktop is shorter but more strenuous and Crowder’s Trail is longer and less strenuous.

The Rocktop trail takes you to the Overlook at Crowder’s near the Radio Towers.  The Crowder’s Trail connects you to the Backside trail which ends at the Linwood Parking area.

End at Linwood Parking area and clown car back to Boulders Access at 108 Van Dyke Road.

What to bring:  Comfortable shoes or boots with good traction in wet weather.  It appears that we will get rain Saturday night.  The rocks are slippery.  Bring water and quality snacks or lunch.  Charging device for phone if you wish.  If you want to add difficulty to the hike, put a sandbag or weight in your pack.  Bring a first aid kit.  Bring a shovel flag.  Bring a change of socks.  Dress in layers with a waterproof outer layer.  Sleeves are optional.  HAVE YOUR CAR KEYS AT ALL TIMES.  We don’t want PAX stranded because they can’t find their keys.  Wear F3 gear.  You never know how many people we can EH on the trail.

They say you can average 2 mph and we are looking to cover about 12-13 miles.  We should be done by 2 or 3pm but it depends on your pace.  Plan accordingly.

I am sure I left something out so DM me or comment with your suggestions.



SPEEDFORNEED!!!! Gashouse men many of you have seen my Tweets and Retweets for SPEEDFORNEED!!!  TCLAPS to JRR Tolkien for bringing this opportunity to us! If you’ve Never heard of SPEEDFORNEED? Watch this cool YouTube Video “The Making of SPEEDFORNEED” which shows in ~4min what and why F3 Nation is doing this charitable initiative.


  • RACE EVENT: Christmastown 5K in McAdenville
  • DATE: November 25th(Saturday after Thanksgiving) ~ 6:00 PM Start time please arrive at least 1hr earlier ( we will be running through the Christmas Lights so streets will be closed at 5pm and traffic will be heavy allow extra drive time)
  • WHO’S INVITED: F3 Nation PAX, their M’s and 2.0s (spectate & support or register to run)
  • OTHER DETAILS:$30.00 Cost thru November 21st / / No race-day registration (RACE LIMITED TO FIRST 1,200 RUNNERS)
  • MEETING POINT: F3 Nation SPEEDFORNEED tent in front of the Pharr YMCA  (look for the racing chairs!)
  • HOST F3 REGION:F3 Gashouse
  • DRIVERS:T-Square, Dolph, Pizza Man , Edison
  • TRACK COMMANDER (TC):Amy, James, Mason , 4th TBD 



If your region wants to host a SPEEDFORNEED race, please let us know ASAP! We already have  races on the annual schedule and would do our best to enable you to provide the ride of a lifetime for kids with disabilities, while showcasing what F3 Nation is all about to your local community.

Contact: Twitter @F3SPEEDFORNEED or @JRRTolkienF3 or email

SFN… HELP Kids; GROW F3 Nation ~ JRR Tolkien & Tool Time

F3 Gastonia 50 mile relay dry run

Well this F3 Gastonia 50 mile relay has been in the works for sometime and with the Tuna 200 coming QIC figured it might be a good time for a dry run and to get some of the PAX to start training for it.  With that being said…we ran…took a break…ran some more…took another break…and ran a little more!!! Around 50 miles to be exact.   During the run we ran through or ran by all 10 AO’s in F3 Gastonia.  This was a good time with my F3 brothers…I think starting at 4am brought the best out of everyone.  I can’t really explain what these events are like but the reasoning behind this 50 miler is to give a relay race opportunity to everyone within F3 Gastonia and so that you wouldn’t have to be away from the family for a couple days.  Trust me when I say that this 50 mile relay will be no walk in the park but when you are with the HIMS in F3 Gastonia there are no words that can describe it.   This BB could go on for days with all the mummblechatter that went on, so I highly suggest that you start training NOW because you do not want to miss this event, IT WILL BE EPIC!!!  There will be more information about the event coming soon!!!

Special thanks to all the HIMS that made this dry run happen!!!  There is absolutely NO way this would have been possible without each of you!!!

Until next time Pizza Brah is OOOOOOOUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!  (Show to know)

To push on, 5 miles

5 Strong for the Coconut horse.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles, regular coarse except backwards.

The Moleskin:

Pushed it hard on the 5 miles. Good to have Drone and Tooltime join us.

We drank coffee, milk, and soda and talked for an hour afterwards.


Muggy Run

3 showed for Coconut Horse for a hot and muggy morning.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles, same coarse.

The Moleskin:

Good Run around the normal loop. Gastone struggled on the hill. Defib came early and ran an extra 6. Stroganoff ran with Defib up the hill.

We said Amen and went on our way.

Gastone Out

Imaginary Mud Run

Poor Whoopee. (Wow! Those are words that you probably never thought you’d read in a backblast.)

Really though, the guy shows up at the Coconut Horse for his normal Sunday morning run and he gets bombarded by a couple of guys looking to practice their mudrun in less than a week!

A lesser man might have “modified” his way into a jog all alone but I think it was the fact that Madoff brought his 2.0 that SHAMED Whoopee into joining us.

The Thang:

We ran (thanks to Messi, we REALLY R-A-N) 2.8 miles that brought us to Martha Rivers where we did a “MudRun Dress Rehearsal”.  Did a .77 mile loop and stopped for:

  • pull-ups
  • burpees
  • squats
  • merkins

Next we did the shorter loop (.33 miles?) and stopped for:

  • jump-ups
  • derkins
  • incline merkins
  • chin-ups
  • squats
  • burpees
  • merkins

Then ran back to Harris Teeter. I guess the 13 year old talking about running sub-7-minute mile 5Ks motivated us because our final pace was about 8:20 after the 4.8 miles and extra credit were completed.

Strong work men! Thanks for the push Messi!!!


Prayers for us to be better sons, husbands, fathers and thankful for Moms in our lives.

Reroute to Sandy Hill

Party of 4 for the Coconut Horse.

The Thang:

1 mile to Sandy Hill, Up the Hill and back down, rinse and repeat.

Then ran from that location to The Hill of Village Ridge.

Backwards up the first time, the forwards. Going forwards was worse I think.

Run back to the beginning for a total of 5.

The Moleskin:

Cool morning, good comradeship, and a great run.

Monk and I ended with a little bible discussion.

The End


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