Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Coconut Horse (Page 17 of 20)

Gut Check hill…

6 pushed the rock at Coconut Horse.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles.

The Moleskin:

Tooltime is pushing some speed up the Gut Check, we should see a record break soon.

Key-eesh might get on Strava. Who knows?

Great run everyone, thanks for the push!


Respect the run

8 gathered at Coconut for many guys with respect and Stroganoff’s approach to respect.

The Thing:
We ran 5 miles

The Moleskin:


Circle of trust and prayer

Strabucks for Fellowship

Gastone Out!

Jaunt around the Coconut

11 Him’s showed for the Coconut Run.

Some did extra credit.

Monk has found the speed and drove the bus.

5 Miles was complete.

Great morning with the group with a little coffee afterwards.

Thanks for the opportunity,


It’s raining sweat

Gastone was out for extra credit and almost made it back to the start before the group left. But, I was in front of Heatherloch when I noticed the pax which I tried to catch but just to far to reach.

But, everyone ran 5 miles some ran more.

Then some stayed for coffee and Whoopee bought Popsicle but only 6 and left one person out.

Gastone Out!



We Ran… plus more

17 showed for The Coconut Horse to start off the day.

Some rucked and left early, Some left early and ran extra, Some left early and returned for the start. But, everyone completed the 5 mile loop.

Kudos to Keash and Stroganoff for putting in some major mileage beforehand. Not like it was humid.

Prayer Request: Breaker Breaker for him and his wife and a family member, Oompa’s Father in Law, Nikki Baily cancer, Sly and soldiers.

I took us out in prayer.

We went and had coffee.

Gastone Out!

Coconut Shuffle

10 Showed for the Sunday run.

The Thang:

The group ran the 5 mile loop.

Several Rucked,

Some started early.

Stroganoff ran an extra 5 before hand.

The Moleskin:

This run is set up around a run that takes place every week in Charlotte. The goal was to have a constant course so no matter if you are slow or fast that you no or learn the way. This is also for safety as if you are new to the run, we know we can go back and get you if needed. The 2nd F is just as important as the first so this is also a time to have after the run for some Fellowship. This Route was not just put together with me it kind of made itself after about a month and can be ran in either direction for an equal hurt. Thanks to all that have been a part of this run and I look forward to the future runs at this location.

Roadie took us out in Prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q

Gastone Out!



Extraordinary People Running/Rucking

20 came out on Mother’s Day and conquered the day by starting it off the best possible way.

The Thang:

Some early for extra credit run.

Some early for Ruck.

The rest came at the start time of 6:30am to run 5 miles.

We started with a pledge at 6:30am.

The Moleskin:

As always it is a honor to have such a great group of guys and to Q any location. If you are not getting inspired from some of the accomplishments of some of your brothers out at these workouts you are not paying attention.

If you are reading this then take my next challenge. This Wednesday do something out of the ordinary and special for your wife. She expected this on Sunday but does not  expect the unexpected on a random day. Just because it’s Wednesday.

Lot’s of prayer request that I did not record all of them. But, please do pray for all your brother’s and family and friends.

Gastone Out!


P.S. Madoff, hope you are ok from the fall during extra credit run. Pretty bad when your shoe fly’s off. The dangers of uneven pavement are real.


F3 Gastonia Is Getting Faster


The Thang:

Mosey or Ruck for –5 miles or more!

Great weather today and a great group of guys! Good to see this AO holding the number of men it has been lately YHC looks forward to Sunday morning with his F3 brothers! Gastonia is getting faster….All of us that are regularly coming out to Coconut Horse! Men if you want something you have got to go after it with everything you have. You need to be willing to make the sacrifices required to obtain your goal. Stay disciplined and get after it!



Memorial Day Murph 7 AM at Black Knight    if not doing that come to the Patriot Festival and run the 5k with SpeedForNeed  while we push Veterans .either way do something to honor our Fallen Heroes!


JK2’s father

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


As always it was an honor men!


Tool Time

The Stable is Expanding

In case you haven’t heard, the Coconut Horse is growing. 26 HIMs posted for Rucking or Running. YHC took the Q, so 5 Burpees OYO before we get started running. Hey, it’s Slaw. Welcome to FNG Durden, who was EH’d by Wojo. Great work, brother! Solid work by everyone on a perfect Sunday morning! AYE!


  • Memorial Day Patriot 5k in Charlotte (will be pushing veterans) check with Tool Time if you’re interested.
  • Whoopee mentioned the annual “Memorial Day Murph” for those not running with Tool Time.
  • If you’re planning on ordering Mudgear compression sleeves/ calf condoms, order them through Amazon to help our brothers out getting their gear to the top of the list.
  • Roscoe announced the beginning of “The 40 Day Challenge: Part Deux”. Read  the pre-blast and details at or the backblast channel on Slack.

Prayer Requests:

  • Breaker Breaker’s friend who is battling cancer. Also his Aunt.
  • Pastor Andrew Brunson who is on trial in Turkey
  • JK2’s Father
  • Def Leppard and his upcoming trip to Asia.
  • Defib running the Big Sur marathon and safe travels
  • Some YHC forgot and truly apologizes to those who mentioned prayer requests

YHC took us out in prayer.


Roscoe mentioned the beginning of the 40 day challenge today. Def Leppard and Whoopee shared some wisdom from Jocko Willink on discipline at Folsom yesterday. Even when you don’t FEEL like posting/running/eating right, the discipline of sticking to your goals will see you through. Even when you feel like you’re just “going through the motions” of working out, do it anyway. You may not like it while you’re going through it, but you will be glad you did after you’re done. Whoopee spoke on keeping each other honest and accountable during the challenge. Don’t be afraid to call your brother out (in a brotherly love kind of way) and help keep him on track. That’s the whole “Iron Sharpens Iron” aspect in the shield lock. YHC has seen firsthand how  much of a difference being disciplined has helped our PAX during the last 40 day challenge. Let’s get to it and push each other.

Keep pushing,


40 Days of Discipline Part Deux

The first forty days of discipline was a great success with many PAX becoming more intentional in putting in the work and eating better.  The results speak for themselves.  Several PAX have lost the equivalent of a ruck sack.  I am not a mathematician but I would approximate that our attendance at AO’s in our region have increased by at least 9000 percent.  Hopefully most of those habits have stuck with you.  If so, the fitness and diet part of this challenge should be the easy part.

This 40 day  initiative begins on April 29th and ends on June 7th.  (Start it out at the Coconut Horse for that first post of the challenge)


1. Workout a minimum of 5 xs per week from April 29th through June 7th.

Don’t eat sweets, soft drinks, or junk food.  Four cheat meals.  You can earn more.  Don’t drink alcohol or limit it to one or two drinks.  Hold yourself accountable by journaling your efforts.

  1. Cherish your M: Take your wife out on at least two dates in the forty days.  
  2. Bring at least one FNG to a workout in these 40 days. For every three FNG’s, you get a cheat meal.  #AlwaysbeEH’ing.  If you EH a guy who posts and you aren’t there, that is a 50 burpee penalty #nojoke
  3. Acts of Service: Do something for someone else daily with no expectation of anything in return.  Be grateful you get to do it.  Encourage others.  Lead or participate in a service project.  Make a point to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.  Journal your efforts (honor system) Extra credit if your 2.0’s watch your example and/or participate. 
  4.  Read a book.


Your fitness is important and you are pushing the rock.  You workout with your brothers in the shieldlock.  You are blessed to continually strive to experience all 3 F’s and you know that when you are striving to be your best, you need to share it.  Be the example.  Be the man you know you were made to be. 

Now for the fine print….


You must workout a minimum of 5 times per week (at least 27 workouts in 40 days) using the #F3 250 model.  Any workout that is a minimum of 30 minutes counts.  This could include running, cycling, rucking, any F3 workout or workout you put together at home.  Two a day workouts count.  Example, you complete an F3 bootcamp in the morning and a minimum 30 minute run in the afternoon=2 workouts.

Diet:      You still cannot have Mountain Dew T-Square.  No other soft drinks, desserts, sweets, potato chips, junk food, fast food, etc.  You know what your food vices are so stay away from them.  Fast food is allowed if it is salad or chili and unsweetened tea or water…you get the idea.  If you defile a chicken foot in a blender and claim that is nutritious, you are automatically DQ’d (I’m talking to you Gastone!)

Protein shakes within 30 minutes of ending the workout.  Get some protein powder and a shaker bottle and make it a habit.   Drink more water.  You will be working out more and this will help you recover.

You are allowed four cheat meals.  Your choice but they must be named and claimed. If you work out more than 5 times per week, you can claim an extra cheat meal.  An example is a couple of slices of pizza but don’t blow it on a whole pizza.  Even though you will be getting the workouts in you can’t out train a bad diet.  Remember you can earn more by bringing in 3 FNG’s or going on a date with your M.

Alcohol:  I am no nutritionist but have seen enough articles about red wine being good for the heart and beer being a good recovery drink.  However, I am not recommending anything here.  Moderation and limit yourself to one day a week if you have to have it.

You must keep a daily journal of both your workouts and cheat meals. The journal is for your eyes only.  I use the “notes” on my IPhone since I always have it with me.  I journaled all my workouts on my phone in 2017.  It is helpful to look back and see types of workouts, two a days, and extra credit workouts that make journaling worth it.  You can also see where you failed to work out and why.  It is a good habit.  I also saw where I was injured and what I did to modify workouts until I was healed up.

Journal what you are grateful for and start with your M.  Try not to take her for granted.  Chances are she is the best thing that ever happened to you.  As Will Munny (Clint Eastwood) said in Unforgiven, “I ain’t like that no more. I ain’t the same, Ned. Claudia, she straightened me up, cleared me of all that drinking and killing and such” (I know that isn’t totally accurate but that is how I like to remember it).  If she likes to stay home, stay home and spend time without distactions.  Write her notes…send her flowers…cards…Text emoji’s are nice but they don’t count.  If you are on a date with your wife, you can eat a free cheat meal.  If you don’t have an M, be nice to your dog.  (If this isn’t in your comfort zone and your M is taken aback in your sudden change in behavior, it will probably be amusing so share it with your bros)


If you missed an opportunity to bless someone by an act or gesture of kindness, try not to miss the opportunity the next time.

Read a book that would do you good.  Make it about something that interests you or inspires you.  You have the time.

Give it away.  Think about that friend that you have mentioned F3 to many times.  You know he needs it so get him out.  And then do it to someone else.  Pick them up.  Post with them.  If they post and you aren’t there, you will do 50 burpees the next time you post.  I am sure the Folsom crew won’t mention that you failed to post with your FNG on their Slack channel or group text.

Be grateful for your family.  Be the example for your kids.  Push the rock and hold yourself accountable.  Give it away.  Realize it isn’t about you.  Serve others.  Be the best you can be.  Maybe we will all be a little better in June because we will be intentional about it.    Make positive change in yourself and make it contagious.

It all begins Sunday so prepare yourself and plan!





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