Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Coconut Horse (Page 15 of 20)

Solo Coconut

A glorious Easter morning saw one solo runner with no other PAX in attendance.  At 0630 with no one else in attendance I took off on the route I know so well.  I really enjoy my Sunday routines and although I missed my F3 brothers I know I wasn’t alone in the run.  I ran a little faster than normal but appreciated the sunrise and blessing that is Easter.

HE is risen.



Coconut horse shirts v skins

Two rucked and others ran. Whoopie
And some others went shirtless and caused the local senior women’s walk group to have hot flashes!
Update the blue hair 500 group is doing fine and all smiles.they have volunteered to help out with our next CPR class😀.

Big run coming up in September.
Prayers were lifted up for those in need.

The Bedpan is Full!

South of the Border

A few weeks ago, I saw something HIPAA mentioned about Qing every site and decided that was a challenge I want to take on this year. Some sites are hard for my schedule, but I’m going to find a way to Q at every location this year….and what better time to Q Coconut Horse than as I’m hitting the homestretch of P200 training!

I like to try to stay north of 85 as much as possible. I have a reputation to uphold! Whenever I come south of the Gaston-Dixon line, I have to be careful not to let too much yuppie rub off on me LOL!!!!
I felt comfortable since I was more in my truck! The weather was beautiful, the birds were chirping (well, they were chirping somewhere, I didn’t hear them), the bees were…well they aren’t doing much yet either….but there were 12 men at the Teeter for a little mosey around lower Gastonia. Paces varied but everyone made it back safe and sound and remains to fight another day! Good work by all. Thanks Gastone for picking up the flag for me (Q fail) and also for hanging out until 6:30 so I could leave at “Clydesdale” time and be sure I made it back in time!

Announcements: P200 upcoming, Convergence at FOLSOM on 3/30 (Tool Time, Freight, and Woop-dee-dang-doo will be Qing), 2nd F events on Fridays at the Station in Belmont (contact Tiger for more info…these guys are consistent so get out there!), 3rd F at Allen Tate’s if anyone is interested (once monthly). (I may have missed one here, the note on my phone crashed). Prayer requests: F3 PAX from Hartsville who passed Saturday during a race, Whetstone, Breaker’s sister-in-law’s father in hospice, Gastone’s father, Nikki Bailey and family, and an unspoken request. YHC took us out in prayer.

Moleskin: I encourage everyone running at Crossroads to visit the Horse and vice versa. It is a great change of scenery and both offer different challenges. More important, it gives you a chance to mix up Q source and learn with some other guys you aren’t as used to discussing the weekly topic with.

On a personal note, I ran the entire loop without stopping, which I was unable to do last time I tried in Spring 2018. That was something I have been wanting to “check off my list” for a while now!

Rain no meatballs

4 guys powered through The Coconut.

The Thang:

We ran the 5 mile loop in the rain.

The Moleskin:

whoopee and I could not talk Monk into just drinking coffee, so  we ran. Glad tha we did.

Great push by all.

Gastone Out!

Table for 2

2 Men braved the morning 5 mile run.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles

The Moleskin:

We met at 6:30am at the Harris Teeter Parking lot for a 5 mile run.

Other’s showed but I could not tell you with all the activity who actually did something and the amount of people that participated. So I am counting the number of people that showed to run the Coconut Horse Sunday morning run.

Extra runner’s out some place. I just know the only other person I had seen actually run was Linus.

Rucker’s are counted below. With the gains in Gastonia lately I believe we will grow in the area of Rucking.

Good work to all,

Gastone Out.



All who wander aren’t lost

Gastone asked YHC to Q the Coconut Horse and since my Sunday routine always starts with the horse so of course I agreed.

Whoopee was looking to start early with some EC Rucking so I accepted that and showed up at 0515, ready to go.  The rain/sleet was falling pretty good so when Whoopee showed up and parked beside me I greeted him with a grin and a gesture.

At 0530 we headed out on the normal route and got as far as we could before turning around for my official Q at 0630.  As we approached the HT we passed HushPuppy on a solo run.  Then Breaker Breaker passed by coming out of the HT.  At 0629 Linus showed up and we tried to coax him into the Ruck option as we had an extra Ruck between us.  He wanted to run so Whoopee and I headed off in the other direction.

We returned at 0715 or so and there were more cars than people in the parking lot.  COT only had four but when we entered Starbucks there were a total of 8 as ToolTime, Stroganoff, and Defib were now showing for the Q-Source discussions being led by Stroganoff.  Short Sale returned from a run and then our new PAX Compass showed up after a ten miler.  No one dared run under the tunnels of the greenway as the water was flowing fast this morning.  The discussions were excellent regarding language.  We discussed accountability, candor, love, and self-discipline.

F3 is a great thing.  Give it away.

This is F3, where did you come from?

8 posted at the Coconut Horse this morning including FNG Compass.

I believe everyone that posted put in some EC.

Compass had seen us leaving from Harris Teeter on Sundays in the past and saw Roscoe and Myself running back toward the start this morning after some EC around Martha Rivers so he followed us to join in.  That’s what I’m talking about.

5 for Coffeeteria at Starbucks.  It was a Grande ole time (see what I did there?)

Until the next one.  Aye!


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