Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: 3rd F (Page 6 of 6)

Pre-Blast: New 3rd F in F3Gastonia Tuesdays @ 6:00am

F3 Gastonia is starting a weekday 3rd F on Tuesdays from 6:00-6:30 am at the Starbucks in the new Harris Teeter in Kendrick Crossing; 3350 Robinwood Rd; Gastonia, NC 28054.

Tomorrow we will reflect on Luke 1, leading up to the birth of Christ. Going forward we’ll read chapters from the bible or books on spirituality, leadership, etc. RECOMMENDATIONS are WELCOME.

Recently Dr. Feelgood did a great series on leadership, and we’d love to have other series from HIM so disposed!

Looking forward to continuing our fine discussions.


Gastonia 3rd F – New Opportunity

A recent change you may have noticed is a bible chapter and verse published via Twitter which can be studied individually or as a group. F3 is all about stepping up and with mini-computers in the palm of our hands – this information is readily available.

At the Advisory Meeting Sunday night, our 3rd F Q Monk, raised the question to offer another opportunity for us to push the rock as it pertains the Faith element. Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, December 20th at 6:00 am, Monk will lead our first mid-week 3rd F session at Starbucks at the new Harris Teeter located at the corner of Robinwood and Kendrick Road. We recognize there are workouts at both The Storm and Folsom beginning at 0530 which have loyal followings. This will not be a workout, so come in work clothes (or your jammies), grab a coffee and we’ll have a time of faith study. Monk will lead the first session but like all F3 activities, we’ll want Q’s to step in to lead future sessions.

As with any F3 events in our region, we are looking for feedback and improvement. Please share your comments. 2nd and 3rd F ideas are open for suggestion and implementation. Thanks to Monk for stepping up to lead this opportunity. AYE!

Thanksgiving Day Agitation & Proclamation

Warmup: SSH, Imp W, Toy Soldiers, Moroccans, M humpers, … 3 corners (5 burpees, 15 lbc, 25 squats oyo) mosey to parking lot

The Thang!
Train rule in effect. Lots of abs b/c that’s where the Tgiving dinner goes & core so you stay on balance: We started with a (Modified) Captain Thor (1 WWII sit up to 4 American Hammers for ten reps), and while performing Captain Thor a (very loud) train arrived and required 5 burpees oyo. I had planned several ab exercises in cadence but the train whistle made it impossible to hear anything from anyone. So I screamed  “25 LBC’s” until the PAX understood. The train had passed by the end of the LBC’s so we continued ab/core exercises in cadence: Flutter kicks, The Bruce, up/down planks, Outlaws, Protractor, Sweat Angels. Up/down planks produced mumble chatter from PAX in short sleeves, and NO sympathy was offered!

Mosey to ball court down the street for Thanksgiving dinner: Triple Check 4X
Then Bearpees across the parking lot.

Mosey back to the gazebo in Cramerton for a quick Dora 1-2-3 with 20 Merkins, 40 LBCs, and 60 squats.

Brought it home with American hammer, backstroke (ht Roscoe), Flutter kicks (ht Tool Time), and Dying Cockroaches (ht Madoff)

Madoff brought Messy and 1 FNG, a swimmer who we named Phelps.

Announcements: Convergence 12/17 at the Schiele. Look for Operation Sweet Tooth Pre-Blast soon from Roscoe. Consider leading a 3rd F (Saturdays post-beatdown at Panera); plan is to read I John together.

Prayer requests: Families of PAX, esp. Feelgood, T Square, and Bandit. Monk’s mentor recuperating from surgery.

Coffeteria at Floyd & Blackies and 3rd F post-beatdown. We read George Washington’s first Thanksgiving Day Proclamation and noticed the strong, clear acknowledgement of and gratitude for what Divine Providence has given to our nation. Also discussed giving to others in a way that develops self-reliance rather than learned helplessness. Then read Pres. Obama’s 2014 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation and found something for everyone: lots about friendship, family, and community, a bit about religion there too.

Thanx PAX. A pleasure to be with you this AM. Happy Thanksgiving. Safe travels.

After the First 3rd F – Wolves, Lunges & Bears Oh My!

21 Strong PAX plus YHC gathered in the not so gloomy morning for the post first 3rd F event.  The first shout out must go to Monk and the 12 – 13 who gathered at 6:30 am for our first true 3rd F event with a bible study.  T-Claps Monk!

Having an FNG on site and possibly the first repeat name (you guys can figure that one out), YHC began with the disclaimer and brief description of the chaos about to occur.  We begin.

Warm-Up (In Cadence)

Side-Straddle Hops – 15

Freddy Mercury’s – 15

Imperial Walkers – 15

Had a couple more in mind but the anticipation to get The Thang started, we dispensed with any more warm up and moseyed to the Flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Thang

Part I

Up first was the short mosey to the upper parking lot at Grier Middle School for our first station of fun:

Had no name for this at the time but now am calling it the Stroganoff 3 X 5 (curb to curb work):

Line up on one curb.  Bear Crawl to opposite side – 10 merkins – lunge back to other side.

Rinse and repeat 5 times (3 exercises performed 5 times = 3 X 5)

Roscoe led some Plank Work until all the PAX (Including the QIC) completed the work.

Part II

Mosey across the great divide (Garrison Blvd) for some extra credit prayer work at the 1st Presbyterian steps:

Partner up for the Rally to 900.  Partner 1 exercises while partner 2 runs the steps & performs 5 merkins at the top and returns to switch off for cumulative exercise reps as listed below (including the noted Omaha):

Flutter Kicks – 200

Mountain Climbers – 150

Freddy Mercury’s – 200

Plank Jacks – 150 (Omah’d to 100 after first few rounds)

LBC’s – 200 (Omah’d to 100 after first few rounds)

As usual, I couldn’t have a workout without modifying something.  Part II looked much different on paper than the actual implementation on site.  This rally to 900 ended up as a Rally to 750 or some number close to that.

Part III

Mosey back across the Great Divide down to the Grier Track for some Wolfpack Grinder:

This includes in cadence exercises followed up by a 1/2 lap run followed by some OYO exercises as follows:

10 IC Prayer Squats – 1/2 Lap Run – 20 Merkins OYO

10 IC Prayer Squats – 1/2 Lap Run – 20 Mountain Climbers OYO

10 IC Prayer Squats – 1/2 Lap Run – 20 Merkins OYO

10 IC Prayer Squats – 1/2 Lap Run – 20 Mountain Climbers OYO

Part IV

Mosey/Walk/Skip to the picnic table area for some final Middle School AO work:

20 IC Dips

10 IC Prayer Squats

20 IC Dips

10 IC Prayer Squats

Mosey back to the Schiele to close out the workout with two rounds of Mary:

Bandit gave us his trusted Dying Cockroaches with 25 IC.  YHC made the mistake of then calling on Spiderman to finish off the beat down and he tragically decided on 5 Burpees OYO.

This concludes the workout.

The PAX gather for the COT:

Announcements:  One year anniversary workout coming up on April 9th.  The Community Foundation Run 5k is the following week.  There will be some correspondence soon about some of the organizations that are similar in purpose to F3 that participate in the Community Foundation Run. We are still looking for some additional commitments for the BRR (Blue Ridge Relay) coming up in September.  We suggest looking up the F3 book, Freed to Lead, and getting a copy or borrowing from one of the PAX.  It is worth the time.

Prayer Requests:  Continue to pray for Outhouse and his family.  Keep Feelgood in your thoughts as he steps up for a huge community event (Dancing for the Future Stars) later on Saturday night.

When Q’ing, please note to get the contact info of FNG’s with email, etc.  I had the opportunity this week to do this with two FNG’s and failed to do it both times.  It’s important to get them on the email and Twitter feed as soon as possible.

We finished up with the Name-O-Rama and welcoming FNG – WTR (Michael Reeves) and welcome back Tool Time, great to see you back out.

Let’s keep spreading the word and EH’ing those you know to come join us.  The Gastonia/Gaston County group is growing and will continue to as we get into warmer weather.

As always, it was an honor to lead the group this morning.

Until the next one.  AYE!

9/19 Workout at Billy Graham Library

The Billy Graham Library reached out to F3 recently about partnering with them for an event they are going to have on Saturday September 19th. They are looking to encourage guys to make it out to the Library to see all the facilities/resources that they have. If you or anyone outside of F3 is interested please check out the information below. We are going to have a 45 minute workout on the BGEA campus prior to a breakfast/speaker event and if you’re interested, a facility tour. Tickets are $15 for the breakfast, workout, as always, is free.

Where: Billy Graham Library (Link to the location)

– When you arrive head straight towards the library and park in that parking lot; you’ll be able to see a few shovel flags.

When: September 19, 2015

6:30 am – 45 minute F3 workout (Completely Free)

7:30 am – Men’s Breakfast w/ Speaker ($15)

8:30 am – Tour the Library

What: F3 is going to host a 45 minute workout at the Billy Graham Library prior to a Men’s Breakfast event they are having. After the workout, enjoy a buffet breakfast, fellowship, and a message from The Benham Brothers. You are welcome to stay for a guided tour of the Billy Graham Library after the breakfast. The facilities they have on campus are very impressive and certainly worth checking out.

*Update*: The Benham Brothers foundation is going to sponsor some tickets for the breakfast for those in F3 that would like to attend. If you want to be a part of the breakfast/speaking engagement please send me an email at I’ll get you on a list so that the breakfast and admission will be provided free of charge. As of 9/16 They have 20 tickets, about 10 of which have been claimed thus far, available for us so please let me know asap if you would like to attend.



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