F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Leftover Turkeys

In SA’s effort to rejuvenate Downtown, he was kind of enough to invite me to Q. I was off today and following Thanksgiving, I thought I’d have plenty of time to plan a circus that would top any previous workout. Well, I got into the brownwater a bit yesterday and after a re-load of my MIL’s fantastic cooking, the only thing I was good for was a seat on the couch to watch football or basketball. The more I thought about it, let’s get to simple fundamentals of what I do. Here ’tis…

Warm-up – no arrows, no cadence, we’re going straight cardio for 10 minutes. 4 exercises at 20 seconds, 3 rounds, w/ 20 second rest between. We did 2 sets:

  • Set 1: SSH + Mtn Climbers + Freddie Mercury + Imperial Walkers
  • Set 2: Skater Jumps (new one, plus as a combo exercise drew plenty of complaints) + Iron Mike Tysons + Split Jack Toe Touch (Freight said these were Boy Band dance moves; may petition the Exicon to call these “NSyncs”) + Perfect Form Merkins

Oh – we did begin with the pledge and a brief disclaimer (you vs. you, modify if needed (there seem to be a lot of modifying and “I’m not doing…”) which is why this is a you vs. you workout).

Despite the offer of Option A to continue the cardio for another 35 minutes, it was never an option. We moseyed to Main/South for a hillish stack ’em set:

  • Main/South: 10 HR Merkins, run down street to South/Franklin for 5 burpees, run up the hill
  • 10 HR Merkins + 20 Parker Peters, down for burpees and back
  • Stack on 30 Squats, down for burpees and back
  • Stack 40 Freddie Mercury, down for burpees and back
  • Stack 50 American Hammers, down for burpees and back

Light mumble chatter, mostly about Freights Ultimate Frisbee Tournament and the shenanigans that occurred, fair, not fair, teams unbalanced – the usual complaining that occurs, much to the Tournament Director’s delight. I dropped one MF’er but technically I was paraphrasing something Freight would say. Apparently there is a off market over/under on my F bombs. Sometimes the under comes through (see Iowa football this season, can’t score but can defend).

Let’s keep this train moving and head to the top of the parking deck. In my remaining time, we’ll go for 11’s. One end of the deck is Eccentric Dips – use the rail and burn your triceps. This was a crowd pleaser. Run to the other end for Derkins. Lots of modifications. I ran past 45 minutes – so sue me.

COT: Announcements – ChristmasTown 5k – show up early and meet left of the YMCA; Converngence 12/2 TFY, Christmas party that night; Beer ruck 12/9. Prayer request – Turtleman, EZ Rider’s Family, Purple Haze’s mother with a skin cancer spot. I took us out.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. No women, no props, just a solid effort to please the Site Q. Hopefully he’ll invite me back.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend. Go Pack!

Short Sale

Where’s Stogie?

We got after it in the gloom this AM.


  • High knees, jog
  • Butt kickers, jog
  • A skip, jog.


  • Jog to front parking lot, 5 big boys/light pole.
  • Pledge it out.
  • Partner Dora: 100 thrusters, 200 HR Merkins, 300 LBC. One man did reps, the other did a lap. Switch.
  • Triple nickel at horse arena: 5 split squats, up bleachers, 5 merkins.
  • Had to Omaha due to time.
  • On the run back for COT we legit thought Stogie had got got by the gherkin.
  • Had COT once everyone was accounted for.

Happy Thanksgiving fellas! Have fun at Ultimate Frisbee. Please get the Christmas party forms and backblasts done for the year!

A Glorious Morning at The Yank

Fourteen men showed at The Fighting Yank on a morning so glorious it could make you believe that winter is not rolling in fast. YHC had the Q, my first Q in Gaston County, which came with multiple requests from the local HIMS for a Texas size beatdown. ( I’m sure I had those requests, multiple requests, right?).

The day started with the standard disclaimers followed by stretching and warmups, then onto Goose’s Seven Minute Hotel Room Workout, 30 seconds each of:
Side Straddle Hop
Wall Sit
Step Ups
Four Count Squats
Tricep Dips
High Knees
Merkin and Rotate
Side Plank, Right Hand High
Side Plank, Left then Right Hand High

The HIMS, responding magnificently to the beginning of the workout, clamored for additional and even greater challenges:
Calf Raises
The Burpee Tree House, climbing to Nine
More Calf Raises
Climb down the Treehouse with Merkins

Hill climbs with Little Baby Arm Circles and Bobby Hurley’s and then down to the playground for one more set of the Hotel Room Workout. Sadly for all, we were now out of time.

Four Step at the Ricky Bobby

12 HIMs arrived at the Ricky Bobby prepared to make themselves better stronger faster regardless of rain or shine. It wasn’t raining, and of course it wasn’t shining at 5:30 in the morning, but we went hard at it. The business is Beat Down and business is good.

We worked the four-step program this morning, cardio, upper body, lower body, core. Merkins, derkins, trailer park merkins (double-wide), scorpion merkins, planks, side planks, scorpion planks, triceps dips, American hammers, and a whole bunch of calf raises. I’d like to report that I pushed these men to their limits, but in fact these BOTG brought their A-Game and excelled in every way.

The BOTG this a.m. were

@Dr Seuss
@Gear Wrench
@Ball Joint
@Kool Aide

Do you even Spatchcock bro?

There were a Magnificent 7 brave HIM who showed to the Storm today. There was a forecast of wet weather that kept most of the chickens away. It would be their loss. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup of Goofballs

Mosey towards the shelter for the first round of stuff.

Triple Nickle

5 lunges each leg at one end of the covered drop off area, drop for a burpee in the middle and at the other end do 5 Spatchcocks. What is the Spatchcock you ask? Show to know! Just know, when you do the Spatchcock, you have to yell Spatchcock at each rep, otherwise it doesn’t count.

Now that we’re warmed up, we headed out into the fierce drizzle for The Thang.

Hump Sprints – as per my miracle knee solution, each of my Q’s will have some version of sprinting to stay limber and strong.

The PAX would sprint from the start until reaching the road hump, do 15 Merkins, sprint, 15 merkins at the next hump, sprint, 15 merkins, sprint to the stop sign. That gets the blood pumping for sure! Easy mosey up the hill to the artwork, gather the PAX and then Nur down to the starting circle.

Rinse & repeat the sprint cycle, swapping in Plank Jacks for the hump action.

Mosey back to the covered area by the entrance for Hurricane Hoedown. Lots of flutterkick reps in this routine until we had to get back for namorama. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Prayer Requests – Turtleman, Friend of YHC from church’s niece had seizure and now in coma, Montana, Anchorman’s niece’s friend needing marrow transplant, Cherie Berry’s employee lost child, Breaker Breaker’s coworker, Breaker’s cousin with family issue, Ocho’s recent work situation, Jackson Hall

Announcements – Ultimate frisbee tomorrow, Christmastown 5k Saturday, Convergence Dec 2, Christmas Party, Beer Ruck, Beer mile


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