F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Crossroads 17-Dec-23

Rucking crew only today.  Multiple conversations happening about why we were all there.  Punch bug rules were invoked.  The pledge was said in perfect unison (possibly due to some of those absent that are normally present) and we discussed five failures of leadership with some of the best discussion I have ever seen/heard.  Thanks men.

Announcements:  2nd F lunch at Hickory Tavern 12/20/23 @ noon, Beer mile on 12/30/23 @ 10:30am on Winder Trail Gtown.

TAPs:  Gumby’s mom, Broke’s mom, Haze’s M, All of us (be thankful we have more and are better than what we deserve)

Do you even Neon bro?

6 HIM for the Pub this morning. We did the Sargento route backward to test everyone’s directional abilities. No one got lost or injured. It was a good day.

For those keeping score at home, 5 of the 6 wore neon.

Announcements – 2nd F lunch Wednesday at Hickory Tavern, Beer Mile Saturday the 30th, muster at Sargento’s at 10:30 – 4333 Winder Trail

Prayer Requests – Turtleman, Greg Dills’ (F3 Wimpy) mom passed this week, Roscoe’s coworker’s mother passed, Roscoe friend in hospice care

Shoulda brought some dollar bills 💵



  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Gravel Pickers
  • Stretching

Pledge 🇺🇸

Mosey to Honey Hunters

On our way we stopped by old LL for some dirty hookups

  • Triple Nickel – 5 of each , 5 rounds!

         Big Boys



  • If there is time- Dora 123

        100- Merkins

        200- Squats

        300- LBCs

Mosey back to Start on our way back we also stopped by LL for some more Dirty Hookups , finished by some Route 66 Merkins 


  • Combined 2nd F HH
  • Beer Run
  • 2nd F Lunch

Prayer Requests

  • Huck
  • Jackson Hall
  • SA
  • All those without this Christmas
  • Haze’s wife
  • Oompa
  • All Family Members 

1 step forward 2 steps back

8 pax posted to Midoriyama on Thursday night for a little fun and games. YHC listened and learned from last years QvQ challenge. The PAX like games in their workouts. I took a note from Shortsale’s book and we got after it.


Blah blah blah

The Thang:

In the long parking lot starting at one end. The idea was to try and make it to the other end. With a deck of cards we would draw a card and do the reps per the face value with each suit being an exercise. Just like any other time we use cards. Dimaonds=merkins, Hearts=WWI’s, Spades=Squats, and Spades =burpees. After doing the reps we then would bearcrawl that many spaces forward. So for example a 10 of diamonds we would do 10 merkins then bearcrawl 10 spaces forward. Once there we draw another card. Except this time we have to bearcrawl backwards that many spaces. So if the first card was a 10 and the next card is a 6 we would end up being 4 spaces forward of where we started. This really confused the Dr’s and Accountants in the crowd. We did this back and forth slowly inching our way forward in the parking lot. Eventually we switched the backwards movement to suicide sprints. Some believed we’d never get anywhere but we finished about a third of the way through the parking lot so we would have been up against the house if we were betting. All in all this kept us guessing and moving a lot. Which seems to be a problem for some. I guess they confused this with a 2nd F event. If you’re gonna mummblechatter you gotta be able to exercise at the same time!


Announcements-12/30 beer mile see Sargento for your HC, 2nd F lunch at Hickory tavern next week

Prayer request-Gumby’s mom, Cindy’s colon


Partner Work?

I can’t believe it’s almost been a whole week before writing this the weasel shaker might come for me soon. I planned what I thought would be at least the first 30 minutes of the workout but with 8 solid HIMs joining me it was more like 20 minutes. This is what I remember since I kind of made this one up on the fly.


Warmup in the Bunker
Seal Jacks x11 IC
Squats x11 IC
Toy Soldiers x11 IC

Partner up and stay in Bunker for lazy DORA. Partner 1 would work while partner 2 planked, switch when needed or evenly OYO.
50 WWI, 100 merkins, 150 squats. Enough of that mess.

Mosey long way to parking lot across Pita Wheel. Dodge so leftover trash from Friday night festivities and get to work.
Partner booya triple nickel. Partners run to opposite ends of parking lot and perform 5 CDDs, meet back in the middle for 5 booya merkins do that x5.

We were headed to the track but someone, I think Watts Up, mentioned that a better less used parking lot was closer. Head there for some more DORA.
100 hand release merkins, 200 calf raises, and 300 LBC. Run outside of parking lot.

This is where it gets a little fuzzy. We ran to behind some building for some Mary of core work. Left there and headed to the Yank where there are some lit Christmas trees and a great spot for some half pipe lead by none other than Tesla. Don’t remember the exercises called but there were 2 burpees every time we crossed the middle. Finished that and made it to the statue for a few more exercises to finish.


Sargento’s beer mile 12-30 11:00?, bring light beer.

Ocho’s grandma
Tesla’s sister and family
Watts Up’s wife aunt
Norwood’s roommate passed away at 41
Tooth Fairy’s M and new baby expected January 5
Jane Fonda
Jaxson Hall
Jackson Courtier
Brutus new grand baby.

YHC prayed.

The Goat’s meteor shower

We started off the day in a balmy 32° weather with clear skies and burpees, then moseyed around downtown Cramerton and back to the start for some more Burpee’s by the train and headed up the hill and ran the paint train twice, then four corners under a sky riddled with shooting stars. We then moseyed on back to the parking lot for five minutes of Mary.

Excercises performed:



Side straddle hop

Mike Tyson




Mike Tyson

Bear crawl





Rocky balboas

6-shooters (apparently with different size chambers on the reload)

Windshield wipers




  • Beer mile 12/30 @ Sargento’s house (or just show up this weekend randomly per Ocho)
  • 2nd F Wednesday hickory tavern Gastonia
  • Christmas Day all ao closed
  • Breaker breaker Q tomorrow tequila sunrise


  • Jane Fonda
  • Jackson curry 2nd round chemo complete
  • Turtleman in a tough spot
  • Montana
  • Orangeman 2 friends 1 mom is not doing well the other has been diagnosed with breast cancer
  • Mayor has a friend going through a lot need prayer deiorio
  • Tesla sister passed away
  • Rebar son had surgery
  • Mayor’s knee

My Redemption Q

It’s been a while since YHC has taken a Q so when Pony Boy put me on the spot a little while back, I couldn’t turn it down. The last time I led this group of men, YHC wasn’t feeling great and had a rather crappy attitude to be truthful. I apologized to the PAX and promised to redeem myself at my next Q. That being said, I arrive at Folsom a little early to get some stretching in. 5:30 hits so we clock in.

Warmarama: SSHx 10 IC, Monkey Humpers x10 IC, Goofballs  x10 IC, 5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to horse track.


Here we perform a dirty version of the triple nickel. The dirty part being running a lap after each trip up the concrete seating. Huck always blamed the box jumps I had often called here being the start of what became the Jacked Up Leg. I actually broke my leg later on, but not by doing said box jumps. That’s a story for another time. This episode included no box jumps. 5 derkins at the bottom, 5 calve raises each step to the top, 5 burpees, down and run a lap around the track. Repeato 5 times. During this routine, Pallbearer noticed something spectacular in the sky. I had forgotten about the green meteor shower that was taking place. PAX got a little entertainment during the rest of the workout.

Mosey to the flag at the office, Pledge.

Mosey to the parking lot by soccer field. Route 66 with Bobby hurleys. Always one of my favorites.  Once we finished up with those we mosey to tennis courts.

Being the humble and generous Q I am, and believing in the democratic republic idea, YHC gave the PAX the opportunity to make their voices heard with a vote. Of course, the constituents today didn’t have a description of the referendum they were to vote on. They were simply asked option 1 or Option 2. I’m sure some democratic scholars will contest my election procedure, but I am the Q here. Option 1; burpeecides. Run the width of one court for 1 burpee then back to start. Run 2 courts, 2 burpees and back. Continue every court adding a burpee each trip. Once you reach the end, start decreasing back to start. Option 2; 4 corner escalator. 10 merkins at corner 1. Corner 2; 10 merkins, 20 squats. Corner 3; 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 mountain climbers. Corner 4; 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 mountain climbers, 40 LBCs. After a final vote and 37 recounts, the electorate decided with Option 2.

With time remaining, and being the constitutionalist I am, gave representation to the minority of the earlier vote. The people also got Option 1. We made it to the 6th court and then Omaha back to start.

22 for the Vets


2nd F Dec 20 Hickory Tavern by the PUB

2nd F happy hour Friday at Wild Wing Cafe

Beer Mile Dec 30 Sargento’s

COT: Buss Family, Sister Act’s coworker, Huck, TurtleMan, Hall Family

YHC took us out in prayer

It is an honor as always to lead you men. I appreciate you all!

MW out

Diablo Sammich – Dec 14

Meteor, Schmeteor!!!

Congrats to the pax with good vision who enjoyed the meteor shower show.

Even extra Mary on my six didn’t help YHC sight in the elusive fire rocks.

Regardless.. we rucked.

Workout brought to you today from our friends at Ace Hardware.

The Chanukah Song

At some point late in Maybelline’s Q last week, one of the works of America’s finest creative geniuses was brought up. Yes, The Chanukah Song by Adam Sandler. Why is not important, but the fact it was stirred a thought in YHC’s mind. Could a weinke be created for this timeless treasure. The attempt went something like this…

Nothing to do with injury or suggestions, but rather a hint of the craziness to come.

The Pledge

Everyone sing along…

Put on your yarmulke
Here comes Chanukah
So much funukkah
To celebrate Chanukah
Chanukah is the festival of lights
Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights

SSH IC x 8
Moroccan Night Clubs IC x 8
Squats IC x 8
Merkins IC x 8
Mtn Climbers IC x 8
LBCs IC x 8
Imperial Walkers IC x 8
Burpees x 8

Mosey to the parking lot at the park

When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree Here’s a list of people who are Jewish just like you and me David Lee Roth lights the menorah
So do James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and the late Dinah Shore-ah Guess who eats together at the Carnegie Deli?
Bowzer from Sha Na Na and Arthur Fonzarelli

Eight’s (think of Eleven’s but Chanukah style)
Run to the other side of the parking lot for 1 Jump Squat
Run back for 7 (Son of a) Nutcrackers (Stand with hands in the air, lunge and arms down towards the crotch)
Repeat until the count was flipped

Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot

Paul Newman’s half Jewish, Goldie Hawn’s half, too
Put them together, what a fine lookin’ Jew
You don’t need “Deck The Halls” or “Jingle Bell Rock”
‘Cause you can spin a dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, both Jewish

In honor Paul and Ms Hawn, partner up. Start in the middle of the parking lot.
Partners run to the opposite sides and do 1 burpee
Run back to the middle for a Boo-yah Merkin
Rinse and repeat and increase Boo-yah count each time until you get to 8
8, the number of Best Actor Oscars that Paul Newman won

Put on your yarmulke
It’s time for Chanukah
The owner of the Seattle Supersonic-ahs
Celebrates Chanukah
O.J. Simpson, not a Jew
But guess who is? Hall of famer Rod Carew, he converted
We got Ann Landers and her sister, Dear Abby
Harrison Ford’s a quarter Jewish, not too shabby

Next, the only thing in the F3 Exicon with the word quarter in it… Quarter Pounder
Starting at a light pole, run to the next light pole then 25 Mike Tysons
Run back to first light pole, then run to the second light pole then 50 Flutters
Back to first light pole, then run to the third light pole then 75 LBCs
Back to first light pole, then run to the fourth light pole then 100 SSH

Mosey to the front of the turd shack.

Some people think that Ebenezer Scrooge is
Well, he’s not, but guess who is?
All three Stooges

Triple Triangle for the Stooges
Run to first corner Monkey Humpers x 30
Run to second corner for LBCs x 30
Run to third corner for CDDs x 30

The counts got a little fuzzy (Q fail) but round 2 cleared it up
Run to first corner Monkey Humpers x 20
Run to second corner for LBCs x 20
Run to third corner for CDDs x 20

Repeat a third time with a count of 10. Shemp was mentioned at some point so we did one more round with 30 Squats at the three corners for the forgotten Stooge

So many Jews are in showbiz
Tom Cruise isn’t, but I heard his agent is
Tell your friend, Veronica
It’s time you celebrate Chanukah
I hope I get a harmonica
On this lovely, lovely Chanukah
So drink your gin and tonic-ah
And smoke your marijuani-khah
If you really, really wanna-kah
Have a happy, happy, happy, happy Chanukah

To get smoked on the way back, we sprinted to the next light pole and then 5 merkins. Rinse and repeat to the front gate.

Mosey to the flag.

Site Q called Oblique Crunches x 8 on each side as a final Chanukah gift to the PAX.

2nd F lunch, 12/20 Hickory Tavern @ The Pub site in SOGA
Beer Mile 12/30 (I believe)

Prayer Requests
Simpson family
Greg Deals (F3 Wimpy), his mother passed
Buss family, Dan lost his wife Michelle to pancreatic cancer
EZ Rider’s son

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

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