F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Page 63 of 917

800 Squats?!!!!

I rolled into Folsom as 3 pax took off for some EC. It was good to be out in the gloom with my brothers.  I was pondering a recent poem I had read and the challenge of our witness. How many times have we hesitated to share our faith and allowed someone we call a friend to not experience God through us?


“My friend, I stand in judgement now;

And feel you are to blame somehow.

On earth I walked with you day by day;

And you never did point the Way.

You knew the Lord in truth and glory;

But you never did tell me the story.

My knowledge then was very dim;

You could have led me safe to Him.

You taught me many things, that’s true;

I called you “friend” and trusted you.

But I learned now that it’s too late;

You could have saved me from this fate.

We worked by day and talked by night;

Yet you taught me not the light.

You let me love and live and die;

You knew I’d never live on high.

Yes, I called you friend in life,


And trusted you through joy and strife,

And yet, on coming to the end,

How can I call you friend?”


Warm Up:


20 MNC IC – Ball joint decided to grace us with his attendance



50 calf raises

Mosey up to the gate with 5 hand release merkins at each light

11s Big Boys and Pull ups

Mosey to the flag for the Pledge

Mosey to the steps for triple nickel

Dips and merkins

Derkins and LBCs

Mosey back to the COT with Burpees at each light.

Wirenut led a roudn of 22 for the vets

2 min Plank to finish time.



2/10 Folsom Nationals –  6:30am Saturday. Bring your canned goods for Paul Bearer’s Pantry.

2/21 2F Lunch at Estia’s in Belmont


Prayer Requests:

Wirenut’s mom and wife

Ball Joint’s Sacrum




All Pax unspoken requests

Down range @ Clemson

AO: Valley of Death

Warm up exercises

Ran down to the amphitheater

6 out of 7 rounds of:

5x balls to the wall press

15x assorted merkins

20 assorted ab exercises

10x alternating squats and dips going up the giant steps

headed back and stopped for 3 rounds of assorted calf raises


SSH’s Galore

Nice group gathering on arrival at the Snoballs.


Quick stretch

Starting at 60 SSHs counting down by 10 per round

Constant to every round.

20 squats

20 monkey humpers

20 plank jax

20 mountain climbers

20 lbs

20 flutters


A round of Mary

One more round of the Constant set.

It was a great morning.

Pleasure to lead





One Third

15 Pax were warned before this workout that no points would be given if effort wasn’t applied. Onsite, it sounded like Revelations as I stated a third of them were likely already not going to get the point before we even started. Broke has ramped up the trash talk getting after Seuss. It’s quite entertaining. Other than Iron Pax this might be my new favorite time in F3. There’s nothing like a little competition to get some butts hurt. Speaking of, be carful if you drive through Dallas. I hear there is potential for flooding from the ponds of Folsom. They are filling up with tears.


Sealjacks, Freddy Mercury, Merkins, go get a block and meet back up.

The Thang:

I borrowed some sandbag exercises from a training program I’ve done a couple of times. The exercises involve multiple movements much like Shortsale often confuses us with. I started with examples then laid out sheets with instructions on it to help as we went. Below are the reps and explanations.

3-Carl Fredricksons-Block situp, put the block on your shoulder and get up from the ground, get back down, rinse and repeat with the other shoulder. That’s 1 rep.

5-GTSS-Pick the block up from the ground to your shoulder, squat, put it down, rinse and repeat the other shoulder. That’s 1 rep

10-Avalanche-Lying on your back with the block on the ground behind your head, lift the block over you then back to the ground. That’s 1 rep.

5-SALTT-Holding the block arms at a 90, lunge, twist your upper body both right and left, stand, rinse and repeat lunging with the other leg. That’s 1 rep.

3-BAD-Plank position, drag the block from one side to the other under your chest, drag back across, burpee, merkin, That’s 1 rep.

After each round we ran a lap around the parking lot.

I’ll be honest I really didn’t pay that much attention to the effort. What I can tell you is no one was really talking. There was a lot of heavy breathing and grunting. Yeah it kinda sounded like what you are thinking. Speaking of, there was some talk about Slaw, the Navy, and bathing with lots of Dudes.

Next we hit the turd shack for a few rounds of wall sits, wall taps, dirty hookups, and donkey kicks.



Announcements for this week-Wiener Nationals at Folsom Saturday 0630 all other AO’s closed.

Prayer Request-Several with sicknesses, cancer, a praise

It’s Monday


Warm Up:

We ran we did multiple exercises for 45 mins.  It was great and Fun!!

Announcements: Convergence this Saturday

Prayer request: many spoken and unspoken

Prayed us out

EZ out!!


FRC #1

Behold, FRC official episode #1!!!

9 HIM showed dark and early for the earliest AO of all that time officially launching today!

A brief disclaimer was given. The pledge of Allegiance was recited, the ruckersackers went rucksacking and the fake rucksackers headed out toward what will be known henceforth as the Tool Time route. All made it back safely at the appointed time, which is 5:15am!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead this brave new AO! AYE!!!

Announcements – Pushing Rocks is underway, post! Folsom Winter Nationals this Saturday, 2nd F lunch coming up

Prayer requests – Virus’ father-in-law in nursing home, PAX on the mend, Jane Fonda, Dr. Skeet family after her tragic passing

Folsom Backblast 2/6/2024

Sizzler VQ

It was cold but nice! At least the ground was dry!

Q was as follows:


Warm up…..

Side straddle hops

Gravel pickers

Marconium night clubs

Slow Mercian’s in cadence

-Mosey to bottom of parking lot

Sprint to top 1/2

Bear crawl back down (1st 2 sprinters walk)

Sprint back to top

-4 corners

10 Mike Tyson’s

2 burpees in center

10 Mike Tyson’s

20 hillbilly squats

4 burpees in center

10 Mike Tyson’s

20 hillbilly squats

30 sizzlers

6 burpees in center

10 Mike Tyson’s

20 hillbilly squats

30 sizzlers

40 Freddy Mercurys

8 burpees in center

REPEAT 4 corners x2

Cross lot dirty 11s – hr mercans and big boys

Circle of trust

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