F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Midoriyama 2/8/24

Track season is starting next week for me and i wanted to have some fun at Midoriyama since i will not be able to attend very often for the next few months. Played some ultimate frisbee rules football to celebrate Super Bowl weekend. It ended up being a great workout for all. Good work Leppard, we won!

Mayor is a Jacka$$

Not that it’s a surprise or that anyone needed to be told but The HIM known as Mayor is apparently a Jacka$$. This and many other topics were thoroughly discussed at this this morning’s installment of The Weak and The Restless at the Best Friday Morning AO in The Region. We did manage to get in a workout despite all the chatter. We did a lot of SSHs, Merkins, Squats, Mike Tyson’s, Big Boys, etc… on our tour of The Fuse District. Once back to the Rotary Pavilion we did a bunch more SSHs paired with a few rounds of Burpees.




See y’all next time.

Now known as Death Wish

4 HIM showed to the 2nd installment of the official FRC. No extra R’s in attendance today, just straight running.

In the many convos that happened during the run, it was determined that hospital name Gary Bret Meek will be renamed Death Wish. If you’ve ever run with him, you know why.

Announcements – Folsom Winter Nationals, nonperishable food collection at Folsom, 2nd F lunch in a couple weeks

Prayer Requests – Death Wish’s students


Giselle bringing the heat (and the mileage) to Ranger. Many complaints about the pace, but we managed to fit in over 4 miles, a good number of exercises, and several parking decks, including the Mothership.

Breathwork 101 @ Diablo

This won’t be your ordinary ruck this morning. I promised the guys that we would do something  totally new to F3 this morning, so I shared what I learned from a podcast with Gary Brecka. Gary is a Human Biologist, biohacker, researcher, and an anti-aging and longevity expert…so he says. If you haven’t checked out his videos, then you need to do so. Lets get some stretching in before we get started. We stand straight up and move in to an Egoscue method stretch. Stand pigeon toed, hold your arms out by your side, rotate your thumbs to point behind you and make 40 baby circles backwards while making sure you hold the tension in your shoulders. If it doesn’t hurt, then you’re not pushing your  arms backwards enough. After 40 circles, bring your hands down in front of you and take your fingers interlaced together facing down. Bring your hands all the way up, palms to the sky and look up focusing on your middle fingers for 10 seconds. Slowly bring you hands down by your side.  This technique gave my low back pain immediate relief.

Let’s ruck down to Martha’s house where we’ll get some merkins, squats and step ups in while we made our rounds. In the middle of all this, I threw in some breathwork. Gary created his technique from Wim Hof. You sit down and take 10 obnoxiously deep breaths, hold it on the last breath for 30 seconds, take another deep breath and hold it for 30 seconds.  Your hands will get tingly, your neck will get warm and you may experience a little lightheadedness. You shouldn’t experience any brain damage, but I am no expert so don’t take my word for it. You do this 3X’s with a short break in-between. There are many reported benefits of breathwork meditation, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving sleep and mood. 

Check him out for yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlMiCE6k9MU

Prayers for Turtleman and all others mentioned and not mentioned. 

Good work men!


The usual at the Shack: 1 mile run to Queens, modified half Murph, parking deck suicides, water fountain 15s, 1 mile run back w/final 400 sprint finish. Started with 8 PAX, finished with 5.

The Worm

Classic Worm…about 5 miles plus a plethora of exercises and hill repeats. Nice weather brought out a big crowd. 17-18 I think it was. If you get a chance to post anywhere out of region, this is a top choice.

Buckshot Downrange @ F3 Boone


Region: Boone

AO: Fiddle Camp


Warm Up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Cotton Pickers(?!), Arm Circles forward & back, Moroccans.

The Workout: Mosey a bit to a parking lot to retrieve some hidden coupons and do some block work. YHC introduced Boone to Mike Tysons though? Ended with a 12 burpee homage to the Q’s daughter on her birthday.

Back to the flag for some Mary and a bunch of merkins.


Some great HIMs up there in Boone, but that air breathes a little differently than ours!



Folsom Nats PREBLAST

Folsom Nationals is Saturday! Couple important things. everyone please park in the lower lot! (stay straight on the main road all the way at the bottom between the 2 lakes). Please bring gloves, and cloths you don’t mind getting dirty! We will have teams of 4 this year. Your rock pushing team is your group. Please try and find your people and gather together before the 6:30 Start time! Remember! 6:30 start time! If you didn’t sign up for pushing rock no problem! Yall come on! You will be added first to any teams that are missing people, and then any extra will be made into teams by the QIC (me). Site Qs bring your shovel flags. This is going to be awesome!


P.S. I almost forgot the most important part! Bring Food! Lets get enough to fill up both of these Rangers!!

Prison Break 2/7/24

Brisk Morning.

We ran and we also rucked.

Ask yourself this.. Are you training for a 5k, 1/2 marathon, relay, or maybe even a 5 mile run with a dozen donuts you gotta eat during the run? Or are you training to be a runner. what ever it is you are training for remember to not let the obstacles get in the way of the fun. We are truly blessed to get up in the mornings and push the rock with great Men.

The Bed Pan is Full!




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