F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Pookie was found

Seven ruckers, zero runners, and Scrat hit the Coconut Horse – Heatherloch course Sunday morning. Roscoe, Stroganoff, and Shortsale were absent, but we thought after the big Wolfpack win, they may have been too tired to join us. During announcements and prior to QSource, Roscoe stops by to let us know that Shortsale’s black lab went missing Saturday after the game.

Without hesitation, the group took off to Shortsale’s house and helped with the search. Unfortunately, no trace of Pookie was seen Sunday.

Monday morning at 10:18am, the following text was sent from Shortsale:

Announcements, Prayer Requests, No Q Source.

DR: Region: HamptonRoads, AO:Quack Quack Honk

Thursday mornings location was more North of my location and about 25 minutes from the hotel.

0530 and there are 8 PAX’s include me. Q was Funny Car. There were a few guys from yesterday that I had met. I good overall workout and I look forward to seeing these guys more when I’m back up this way. At least once per month.

DR: Region: HamptonRoads, AO: Bear Country

I have several customers in the Suffolk, Virginia area and will be spending several days in the future here, so I found a Hampton Inn that is kind of in the middle of several AO’s, not quite like our Gashouse. Each AO is about 15-25 minutes away from the hotel.

Wednesday morning was first with Bear Country. Arrived at 0515 and there were a few PAX’s getting in some EC. 0530 hits and there are 10 PAX’s including myself. The Q was Bing. Nice group of guys and a solid workout took place.

Stolen Q @ GOAT

YHC took the Q from the infamous Open Q sometime Wed.  Hope he didn’t have too much planned…

YHC has slept a few times since this, so this is the best of the recall… (like pretty sure we did The Pledge of Allegiance, but not sure if it was the beginning or end)

Started with brief mosey the long way to the upper parking lot.

Did some warmup – SSH, Stretching, Merkins?, LBCs?

Move to tunnel for some wall sits and air presses.

Up and over to the street/church rarely used.

Route 66 in the church parking lot – twice.

Calf raises on the steps.

Pair up for some double-dirty 11s on the half-pipe ish – merkins and squats.

Paused half-way to reset the bat flippers and get the group back together.

Back to the tunnel for wall sits, donkey kicks, and dirty hookups.

Then back to the flag.

Announcements were announced.  Prayer Requests Noted.

Thanks to all for coming out in the gloom.

Until next time.

Watts Up Powering Down.



7 Pax posted to Old School on Saturday morning. 3 came in early for this month’s mini misogi: farmer’s carry 25% of your body weight for .5 miles under 9 minutes. I believe all were successful despite GPS trying to cheat us. That’s twice now. Note for next time to use the actual measured area despite what Garmin or Strava will show. That being said it was tough but not tough enough with that much success. Harder dumber things to come.


Some stretching and what not

The Thang:

Mosey down the road toward the Cerebrus hills stopping along the way for some core exercises. Cerebrus is a 3 way intersection in which you have now choose but to climb a hill in any direction. We would climb each one and do a set of reps at the top and bottom each time.

Rd. 1 10 merkins at the top and 10 CDD’s at the bottom

Rd. 2 10 Freddy Mercury’s ic at the top and 10 Mtn Climbers ic at the bottom

Rd. 3 10 squats at the top and 10 shoulder taps, count one side, at the bottom

That sucked for everyone except Slaw. He freakin smoked it!

Now that we are done with that we have to climb one more time to get out of here, your welcome. Over next to First Baptist we stopped for some route 66 with crabwalks and WWI situps.

Once we crossed over the main st we did some catch me if you can for a block. Bear Crawl and 5 burpees. Over one more block we continued this with lunge walks and 10 star burst.

Back at the flag we finished off with a few minutes of Mary.



Announcements-2nd F lunch this week, CSAUP on May 4th announced see the preblast

Prayer Request-Hall family, Wirenut’s mom, several people sick, receiving treatments


All along the way when we stopped we had some basic Bible trivia. It was great that we got correct and confident answers. I’d like to thank Def Leppard for inspiring me to share some of these Bible messages in my Q. Also I got another 500 points for spreading the gospel so you can just quit now Seuss.

Jester @ Members Only

Eh Y’All brought a Kotter – Greenhouse

Ruckers rucked.  Runners Ran.

All returned safely and on-time.

Many stayed to discuss Jester.

The Pledge of Allegiance, Announcements and Prayer Requests were all included in the post activities.

Eh Y’All took us out.

Watts Up Powering Down


This was not your normal F3 CSAUP.  This CSAUP included all three Fs and was COMPLETELY SELFLESS AND ULTIMATELY PLEASING!  Not to mention a bonus POINT for all who rucked and donated food.

12 HIM assembled at The Fighting Yank ready to go at 0545.  A quick disclaimer was muttered even though nobody was paying attention cuz all eyes were on Whoopees wheelbarrow.  The guys knew the drill.  Ruck to Harris Teeter.  Raid the shelves.  Pay and pack up for a return trip in 60 minutes or less.  Enough chatter lets go!

Lots of laughter and talk along the way with a squeak or two coming from our trusty ole wheelbarrow.

With Teeter curbside parking wide open at 0605 the wheelbarrow was left to wonder just how much food she would be wheeling back to the Yank.  Twelve rucks exited the store overflowing with food donations and ultimately filling the wheelbarrow to the top.    A quick picture for the history book and we were headed back to the Yank.

With 10 minutes to go until bootcamp we had YHCs truck half filled with food, and it kept coming.

Honorable mentions go to the guys who sent over cash donations (Pallbearer & Balljoint); those dollars were converted into canned goods.  Those that rucked their food days earlier as their schedule allowed (Pinto); and those who added food donations to truck before bootcamp as YHC was trying to get ready to Q.  (Tooth Fairy, Fannie Mae, Norwood, and most likely there were more that YHC didn’t see.)  Sorry. Please speak up and YHC will edit.

This was a fun CSAUP to start our morning and all for a worthy cause.  We estimate F3 donated 450-500 lbs. of food to Peace Hope and Love in Gastonia.  Eh Yall, Tooth Fairy and YHC delivered these goods Saturday morning.  Trust us when we say they will use everything we delivered.  The PH&L staff were very happy with our blessing!

Thank you all! & Til next time!



Crossroads 3/17/24

What a beautiful morning for a run/ruck. One lesson learned – if Broke says he’s planning a “pretty flat” 7 mile route, he’s lying.

The PAX headed inside Ingle’s for a discussion on “Jester”.  The discussion was very lively and thought provoking. You really must show to know!


  • 2nd F lunch 3/20 @ Bad Daddy’s in Gastonia
  • 4/13 – Speed for need/ Community Foundation Run. Convergence before the race. Need runners to push 2 track commanders (Purple Haze has the Q)
  • 4/20 –  Extinction Run
  • 5/4  – The Goonie CSAUP (Defib has the Q)

Prayer Requests:

  • The Hall Family
  • Gavel’s Family
  • Anchorman
  • Huckleberry
  • Gumby’s Mom
  • Slaw & Chili’s Parents
  • Purple Haze’s Parents
  • Wirenut’s Mom
  • Sister Act

YHC took us out in prayer.



Recovery Week

-To the tune of Paul Revere by The Beastie Boys-

🎶🎶 One lone HRB I be
Who all by muself without nobody
Chill was beatin’ down on my Bobcats cap
The air was not hot, the hills were not flat 🎶🎶

After several races, this week offered a recovery break for many runners. There were far fewer cars in the neighborhood so it was quiet all around. Running season isn’t over so The Halfpips is not closing down foe the season yet.

You’re hopwfully not reading this for breaking news

Prayer Requests
M’s aunt passed away after a quick battle with pancreatic cancer. She was 87 and at peace with her eternity.

Until next week…

Core’n More back by popular demand….

It’s the perfect weather to show up for a beat down.  This is not fartsacking weather boys! This is the time to shine, to push yourself and challenge your breaking point, lol. Nobody wants to do this stupid stuff in 85 degree weather with 100 percent humidity.  Lets get it in now.

We had a good turn out with 7 total. There was a camp-Out at The Schiele with the boys scouts this morning which prevented us from our VIP parking status. We found a spot back towards the picnic table to circle up. I broke out some NIN’s station for tempo, set the clock for 50 on, and  10 seconds to transition to the next exercise. 

Set 1: LBC’s, baby makers, heels to Heaven, rev LBC’s, Superman hold, and American hammers. Rinse & Repeat

Set 2: Let’s hit the trail and riffle carry our coupon, curl your coupon halfway down, then over-head press across the bridge. Stop and sumo squat w/coupon, bear crawl up the hill, derkins, step-ups and triceps dips on the bench. Mosey back down the hill, pick up your coupon, around the world until the hill, curl up the hill, and return the base. 

Set 3: Circle back up and pick 1 of 7 work out stations; Merkins to max, over-head bar bell, curl a coupon, shrugs two coupons, over head flys with scuba weights, plank jacks, and shadow box for 50 on/ 10 off. Rotate after each set counter clock wise. Rinse & Repeat. 

With 4 minutes left, let’s do Mary. Gotta show to know. 

Good work men! 

Prayers to Turleman, Jackson Hall family, my M’s kidney stone, and all the other prayers that may have been spoken and I forgot and for those not mentioned. 

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