F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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100% Increase

100% PAX increase vs last week.

We moseyed the hills and solved the world’s problems.

Paused for a quick COT and Defib took us out in prayer as we prayed for Huck.

Until next week…

Site Q Mix Up

With the site Q absent, and apparently not checking Team Up, YHC showed up to Q TRB as scheduled, but so did Goose, with some sort of verbal agreement with Nutria. After a little discussion YHC and Goose agreed to postpone the Goose Q ‘til next time.

After the warm up the Pax hit each of the 11 light poles for a Route 66 with Bobby Hurley’s. A Route 66 is one rep at the first light, 2 reps at the second light and so on for 11 lights. Just for the edification of F3 Gastonia, there are exactly 11 light poles from the flag to the end of the back parking lot.

Route 66 with big boys going the other way.

Mosey to the field for a rendition of JC’s Marine Bootcamp special. From the middle of the field, a Pax calls an exercise and the reps. YHC made the rep rule of minimum of 10, maximum of 25, or caller’s choice if I/C. After performing the exercise, mosey to the short side of the field, mosey across to the other side, then back to the middle for the next Pax called exercise. Rinse and repeat til time. Last called was 5 burpees OYO, however YHC reminded the Pax of the minimum rule, so it was over-ruled to 10 burpees. Mosey back to the flag for the pledge and COT.

Announcements: 4/20 Puff Puff Pass Extinction Run at Primal

Prayers: Tesla, Orangeman’s brother

YHC took us out. It was an honor to lead. -Orangeman

Prom Date Advice

It’s prom season in the area and some of the Pax’s 2.0s are asking other Pax’s 2.0s to the prom. Opportunities abound to hand out advice to the 2.0s and their HIMs, most of it doesn’t seem to real good, IMO.

After the pledge and a warm up, YHC explained tabata. For those that don’t know, it’s a time-based workout with a certain time for work and a certain time for rest. Today’s version is 60 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest, rinse and repeat for 10 reps. Exercises performed were halos, around the world, kettlebell swings, curls, chest press, tricep extension, rows right side, rows left side, calf raises.

After the set, mosey, in snake fashion, around the parking lot, dos some core work, then repeat the set.

Pax pushed hard, complained (sometimes a lot!), and got through 2 and a half sets.

Announcements: 4/20 Puff Puff Pass, aka, Extinction Run at Primal; 4/13 Convergence at ball park before the Community Foundation Run

Prayer Requests: Gavel and family, Fannie Mae’s dad, Anchorman, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Hunchback, Montana, Hall family


YHC took us out. It was an honor to lead. -Orangeman

Bridge the divide

A cold Sunday morning at Coconut horse.  We had 3 runners, 3 who rucked, and 2 afterwards added for q source.

Announcements: Convergence before the community foundation run and Elimination run at Primal on April 20th.

Prayers: Huckleberry and Turtleman


In for Q source with discussion of Bridging the divide. Using the book “3Practices for Crossing the Difference Divide” by Jim Henderson and Jim Hancock.


First 5 are the M’s

8 Ruckers and 7 runners took the DRP and braved the early spring wind with an 8° chill factor to improve their Fitness this morning.  COT ended with a passing of the flag for The GOAT to Ocho for site Q due to Bubba Sparxxx travel schedule. Coffeeteria followed with a discussion around the M.

**HIMs were challenged to take a step forward in accelerating this week by making their first 5 minutes at home exclusively dedicated to taking time to talk with the M. Doesn’t have to be just 5 minutes, but the priority is to immediately make a beeline to the M and focus on talking with her as soon as work is finished.**


  • Foundation run 4/13
  • Extinction run may change dates. TBD. Ruck sack still available—reach out to BOS or Anchorman for details on raffle tickets. Donations still needed.
  • Metro beer ruck 4/13
  • Convergence 4/13–all other AO’s are closed. Convergence will be at the Ballpark downtown. 


  • Jane Fonda slept at home last night!
  • Jane Fonda wedding 5/18
  • Anchorman
  • Turtleman
  • Hall family

Rack em Stack em


  • SSH- 20
  • Hillbillies- 15
  • Low-Slow Squats- 10
  • Gravel Pickers- 5
  • Stretching

Mosey to Parking Deck

Rack ‘em Stack ‘em

10 Big Boys

20 Merkins

30 Squats

40 SSH

50 Calf Raises

then we worked our way back from 50 to 10


Mosey to the light poles on the way back for Route 66 Bobby Hurlys then to finish we did some core with Mary

Pledge 🇺🇸


Lunch – 3/20

Food Ruck – 3/16

Convergence – 4/13

Community Foundation speed for need-4/13



Prayer Request:

Hall Family

Anchor Man

Gavel’s family

Lincoln Carter family

Fannie Mae’s father



SA wasn’t here

I prayed us out !

No Games Played Today

I have been working to line up a very special guest Q with this and the final weekend of March held open pending their schedule. I confirmed the special guest Q will happen next week (more to come on that announcement this week, but I’d start thinking about attending GasHouse next week #justsayin). What the Site Q failed to do was get a real Q for this morning. So that meant last night YHC had to piece together a Weinke. The forecast was calling for rain, so that meant finding some coverage. When my alarm rang this morning, I checked the weather – cloudy but no rain…good sign. I quickly wrote a new Weinke and stuffed both in my pocket.

The circle formed at 0655 and two younger kids were standing there. Apparently, they were not lost, and Linus didn’t abduct them. One was a familiar face, but he was much taller than the last time I’d seen him. Turns out they are JK2’s kids: Bob the Builder and X-Wing. We learned dad fart-sacked. Allright – that’s 2 Kotter Points for me Hunchback (unwritten rule is the Q gets to claim Kotters that show up on their own, at least that’s what Sargento told me). A few others rolled in including Nutria bringing an FNG. That meant a full disclaimer was in order. Now – it’s gametime.


SSH, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers, Side to Side Lunge, Arrows all IC x 10; we said the Pledge and departed.

A misty rain was in the air but much better than a downpour. We hustled to First Presbyterian Church in the front circle to use the benches.

  • 20 step-ups
    • 15 dips
    • 15 derkins
    • 30 SSH
    • Repeat x 2
  • Set II:
    • 20 Bulgarian Split Squats
    • 15 dips
    • 15 derkins
    • 30 SSH
    • Repeat x 2

Mosey to the back of the church and behind the boy scout hut to borrow some stones (size will matter). We then re-located to the entrance of the boy scout area and base of the driveway to the youth pad and split into groups. Whoopee and me vs. Seuss, JJ, and Bob the Builder…jk…no games today! Partner 1 got into a plank and Partner 2 placed the stone on their back for added weight and so the core would be worked stabilizing the stone. Partner 2 then ran toward the church and up the slight incline to execute 3 burpees before returning and replacing their partner. Two rounds each of that. Set 2 had the partner hold the stone overhead and Set 3 had the partner hold in a static half curl. Again, two rounds each with P2 running and doing 3 burpees. Put the stones back and then mosey up to the youth pad and under the shelter for 10 minutes of core.

  • Table-top crunch – place your feet against the wall with knees bent 90. Do a sit up and touch the wall.
  • Wall taps – legs straight in the air, bend knee and tap the wall
  • Australian Peter Parker
  • Elbow to Knee crunch
  • Knee to Elbow crunch
  • Pretzel crunch right, then left
  • Full leg raise, tap heels at the bottom and do a butt lift when legs are overhead
  • Alternating right hand to outside left foot and then left hand to right foot
  • C-sit slow bicycle claps
  • American Hammers
  • All reps x 20

Arrived back at 0801. Announcements: Convergence 4/13 at the FUSE and Speed 4 Need. Prayers for Turtleman, Huck, and the Hall family.

COT: Nutria’s son: F3 Goofball is a boy scout and provided a sales pitch to support his effort to attend Boy Scout camp this summer. Anyone needing someone to sell ice to an Eskimo or maybe an air conditioning system, start recruiting Goofball now, maybe throw him some NIL money because he will be in demand in about 10 years. I think we all began raining cash for the Scout gift cards, chocolate, and meat sticks! Did I mention he was selling meat sticks? Because any F3 man trying to build their soccer arms could use some Meat Sticks, ASAP!.

After the epic sales pitch, we began to name the FNG, Adrian Vaccaro. Nutria brought him (points for Nutria) and he stayed for the Pain Lab so he’ll officially be in El Toro’s backblast. But when it came to naming him, we couldn’t get “Meat Sticks” out of our head. About like the years ago when Allen Take was hell-bent to name someone Squirrel Nut or something like that. Well, despite the PAX chanting Meat Sticks, we let Adrian tell us a little more about himself. We learned he played football in high school, both ways, and as a linebacker, his most memorable play was a strip-sack fumble recovery. Therefore we introduce you to “Meat Sack,” welcome! Coffeteria was held at Alchemy downtown that opened this week. The coffee bar is owned by the same person who runs one in Belmont. You had Seuss at coffee…we may add that to the rotation. No games were officially played today, because that is how the GasHouse rolls.

The Sloshing Yank

The convergence of the Pushing Rocks Challenge AND an infamous Buckshot Q at The Fighting Yank?! You already know it was going to be ON. Too bad Roscoe was too afraid of getting a little messy. On to the thang.

Rowdy and good sized crowd showed (cause they already know’d) and somehow Tesla even convinced an FNG to come out! Probably paid him. Still waiting for my check to clear though apparently…

  • Mosey to pavilion and do some warm-uppy things. Orangeman was insistent that we do actual exercises…You vs. You, but we made sure.
  • Mosey to picnic shelter up the hill a bit for a little Dora 123. Merkins, Squats, LBCs. Run down some tricky stairs to the fountain and back up.
  • Mosey to the swamp…I mean, the field up top, and then it was time to rock and roll.


  • Watts Up & Goose selected teams…1 surprise: Mama’s Boy was NOT the first pick. 1 non-surprise: Tesla was the last pick.
  • Teams appeared pretty even, but that was not to be the case. Goose’s team ended up winning 5-2, in what was a lot of laughter, a lot of mud, and the perfect intersection of fitness and fellowship.
  • Whenever a team scored, the opposing team had to do a called exercise of up to 10 reps. Went like this:
    • Team Goose 1-0: 10x SSH in cadence
    • Team Watts Up 1-1: 10x Seal jacks in cadence
    • Team Goose 2-1: 10 merkins
    • Team Goose 3-1: 10x LBCs in cadence
    • Team Goose 4-1: 10x Calf Raises…but Orangeman did Heels to Heaven.
    • Team Goose 5-1: 9x Burpees
    • Team Watts Up 5-2: 5x Fox Holes…cause Orangeman was embarrassed and mad.

After all of that nonsense, we circled up for a great end to the morning.

Prayer Requests:

  • Gavel and family (father’s memorial service is today)
  • Jane Fonda’s move back into his house
  • Anchorman
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Guys on IR
  • Other guy on “IR”…
  • BOS’s mother in law
  • Buckshot’s cousin, recently diagnosed with breast cancer


  • 4/20 – Extinction Run…tons of things and information coming out about that, including raffle for a ruck sack and a new Mudgear shirt for the event
  • 4/13 – Community Foundation Run 5k
  • 5/13 – Young Life Golf Classic

It is always such a pleasure to get to lead you all, probably should do more of it.

Our honor defend, fight to the end…Buckshot

Ricky Bobby – 3/13/24


Warm-up with various exercises…

The Thang:

Mosey lap around track then back to center by bleachers for instructions.


  • Mike Tyson’s x 10, run a lap
  • MTs x 10, Squats x 10, run a lap
  • MTs x 10, Squats x 10, and A/Hs x 10, run a lap
  • MTs x 10, Squats x 10, A/Hs x 10, and Mtn Climbers x 10, run a lap
  • MTs x 10, Squats x 10, A/Hs x 10,  Mtn Climbers x 10, and SSH x 10, then run a lap
  • MTs x 10, Squats x 10, A/Hs x 10, and Mtn Climbers x 10, run a lap
  • MTs x 10, Squats x 10, and A/Hs x 10, run a lap
  • MTs x 10, Squats x 10, run a lap
  • Mike Tyson’s x 10, run a lap

Almost 6:15am, fellowship mosey to shovel flag, oh yea, no Site Q, no shovel flag, time to improvise since no flag on school flag pole. Use YHCs cell phone to retrieve a pic of the US flag for the Pledge.



Prayer Requests

YHC closed us in prayer.

It was get back to TRB, its been a while since posting here. Thanks men for allowing me the opportunity to lead this morning!

Breaker Breaker

The Storm – 3/12/24



The Thang:

Mosey to lower round-a-bout for some Bo Dereks; 10 squats and then mosey up hill just short of top round-a-bout for 10 hand release merkins. Rinse and repeat until YHC calls time…

Time – mosey back to shovel flag for COT.

The Pledge


Prayer Request

YHC closed in prayer

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