F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Page 23 of 917

Tennis Blocks

We had 10 out this morning at Folsom

Warm up was basic: SSH, Hilbillys, Windmills, Gravel Pickers, and Imperial walkers

We headed up the hill to grab some blocks then made our way to the tennis court for some stacking block work after a rifle carry to each “corner” of the court (we actually had 5 stops):

We started with 5 tricep extensions, the stacked 10 “Lawnmowers” (each side), then 15 Curls, then 20 Swings, then 25 Rocky Balboas, and lastly 30 presses, but of course you have to unstack what you stack so we did!

We did a little ab work before leaving the court to tune of: 10 WW3 sit ups, 10 American Hammers, and 10 Windshield wipers.

We had enough time to return the blocks and mosey to the picnic shelter to do 3 rounds of: Step Ups, Squats, and Bulgarian Split Squats.

Time to head back to COT!


He Killed a Man With His Big Toe

It was a beautiful Folsom morning with a full moon on one side and a scenic sunrise on the other. The weather was perfect and 8 HIM’s came to put in a little work.

We went to the tennis courts and did AMRAP 6-minute sets of various exercises. These exercises were completed at the beginning of the first court and the end of the third court.

This included:

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Hillbillies
  • Calve Raisers
  • Imperial Walkers.

Between the courts, we would mosey down and lunge walk back.

After each set YHC read a quick story on a WWI Medal of Honor recipient.

World War I Medal of Honor recipients, citations | Medal of Honor | The United States Army

Great work by all.

Prayer requests.

  • Clutch
  • Huck
  • Hall Family
  • injured PAX
  • the unspoken prayers.


Big Pappy

Ville to Ville Team B

Not to toot my own horn but with only 3 of my original 6 runners and a van retal cancellation at the last miniute, i pulled together and we ALMOST beat the A team(90 secs). Special thanks to all my runners and especially those that came on last minute. And a special special thanks to Montross for doing most of the hard stuff..like Van rental and hotel reservations. It was funny Montross telling the Hotel lady and some guys named Breaker Breaker and Orangeman where checking in early and it was cool to use his card.😂
My 3 alternates where Oompa Lumpa, Goodwrench and John from Lincolnton. Oompa in his typical old/hard/ancient/badass/old Marine self knocked out his 2 legs with out a much as a grumble or complaint. Goodwrench (F3 Isotope) had 2 sub 7 min runs one almost 9 miler and a 7.5. And ole big John (Mr. i run 40 miles a week-thanks Sparky!) Killed his 2 legs sub 7s also. The only faux-pas we had was ole Maybeline was chilling in the van with the a/c on when Goodwrench came rolling in after leg 9 🤦‍♂️. Goodwrench never stopped, he kept on running and we caught up to him after he ran about 1/4 of Maybeline’s leg! 🤣 It was hot and the last 6 legs we kept a close eye in everyone and even gave out a ton of water to who ever was in need along the way. I had the Glory Leg so as I come around the conner they announce our team name and i am expecting to see my team waiting to run across the finish line with me, but these fools are already eating pizza and drinking beers so I crossed alone. Thanks Guys. Afterwards almost all my team when home. Me and Montross stayed and took a self guided tour of Downtown Greenville. We found some Grub and a cool Karaoke bar where we people watched and had a few cold ones! It was awesome and I want to do it again but aint no way I’m Q’n it…NOPE! 😂


You can get pregnant while pregnant?!

Beautiful spring gloom, perfect conditions! Into, Disclaimer, Pledge,  FNG?

Warm up in cadence

SSH, R over L. Flap jack, Cherry pickers, Toy soldiers, Imperial walkers, Monkey humpers , Mosey around loop stop on Main Street. Set up 4 corners with increase of each exercise every time around. LBC x5 +5 until 20, mosey , CDD x5 +5 until 20, mosey, Squats x5 +5 until 20, mosey , Mtn Climbers x5 until 20  plank for the six  

Walk to stair case and line up on stairs.  This was the calf beat down felt for days to come.   25 calf raises in cadence, 20 inside calf raises OYO, 20 outside calf raises OYO. Headed up to the top of the stairs into the parking lot set up 11’s  1 flutter kick cnt 1 side Backwards lunge to other end 10 merkins, repeat. Some of us started counting the backwards lunge walks out of habit.

Head under bridge for cadence dirty hook ups, Big boys, Dips, Durkins, Wall sits. Mosey back to flag short round of Mary… time

Prayers for anchorman, turtle man, Huckleberry, termite, rebar aunt, my daughter getting married.

It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Next Time

YHC arrived to find Roscoe already traversing the hills of The Halfpipe. We were soon joined by Stroganoff who arrived just in time to start a loop up and back. Leave it to three HRBs to show up and close out the season just to gain points. Given the events in Charlotte the day prior, the topics of conversation were a bit more serious than in prior weeks. However, the fellowship was still great, and there were light-hearted topics sprinkled among the mumblechatter.

We may have found a potential new member for Team HRB to add for the Mortimer next year. However, we’d have to review the rules to see if this would count as an official F³ event with this new member. If no point would be awarded, then it probably wouldn’t be worth it.

We moseyed back and closed out with COT at the Dutch Oven.

We prayed for the families of the officers involved in the tragedy and for high school seniors and their parents.

Until next season…

Double Down Downtown

I resurrected my Q vs Q workout from ’23. We did Double Dirty 11s. Using the bar down on 2nd Ave we did Inverted rows (pullups) and Inclined mercians 1-11. half way to south street on the manhole we did 5 jungle boy squats , and at the corner we did big boys and hand release merkins 11-1. This work out ALMOST pulled the upset to Shortsales Office Depot/Kinkos/14 page instruction work out …whatever🤷‍♂️😂. Everyone pushed hard and even Dr. Suess said i should have won!!


Who’s the Q?

With the day off from work I was perusing the teamup app to see if the Q at Midoriyama was worth a hoot.  As chance may have it it was the infamous Open.  He sucks – I contacted the site Q – Slaw to see if he would rather me take it.  He mentioned that he was going to take it but I was free to step up.  So why not – it always rains when he Qs anyway so better to step up and stay dry.  So with just a couple of hours to prepare a weinke I set to work – planning the perfect Q for a warm sunny spring afternoon.  Several hours of thought, planning and creativity went into the process.  With about 30 min to spare I looked out the window – what the hell – it looks like its going to rain. – I had not anticipated inclement weather.  No worries time for plan b.  As I drove to the workout the skies opened up.  Time to modify – I sat in car for 5 min and scribbled a few basic exercises on a piece of paper and set out for what was sure to be epic.

Time – Mosey to picnic benches for cover.  Some grumbling from several pax about a lack of warm-up blah blah blah.  Once we arrived we warmed up with seal jacks merkins lbcs and hillbillies.

The thang – grab some picnic bench for a tabata style workout with 3 sets of 7 seven exercises – 1 min of exercise then 30 seconds of rest.  For whatever reason Slawbag felt compelled to stare at my Weinke – you can take the man out of the Navy but you cant take the Navy out of the man.  Exercises were Rocky Balboas (yes on the picnic bench), Derkins, LBCs Bulgarian single leg squats, dips, step ups, and squats.  Lots of mumblechatter about YHC not being able to start a clock, keep time, or count.  Damn what do they expect from a doctor – let me see your insurance card.   Apparently Slaw thought my Weinke was too long so he took it upon himself to monitor time and call exercises – who’s Qing this anyway! Three sets were all we had time for – mosey back to flag for 5 burpees and 22 for the vets.


Goonie this Saturday – bring rucksack, light and a change of clothes/shoes

Extinction run 9am at Primal on May 18

Memorial day Murph at the Sandlot 7am – other AOs operating on normal schedule


CMPD and all those that serve.

Jackson Curtis

Until next time

Defib out

Let’s Celebrate

April 27th is my wedding anniversary and my mom’s birthday. So this is cause for a celebration.

Party began with a disclaimer then the warm-up
SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

The Pledge

Pain Lab went and did their thing while the bootcampers moseyed to the 1st Pres parking lot.

YHC brought party gifts and wanted to give them out while the PAX were still fresh.
Route 66 with Merkins and Bear Crawls and with stops at each parking space line.
This was well received and the PAX were appreciative of the party gifts.

Mosey to the hill at the back of 1st Pres.
It was YHC and M’s 22nd anniversary so this called for 22s.
2 SSH in the parking lot and up the hill to the benches for 20 Dips.
Count up and count down until we got to 20 SSH and 2 Dips.

To keep the party going, we celebrated my mom’s 71st birthday using the steps.
Partner up for a Dora-style party game
71 Hand-Release Merkins
171 Squats
271 Flutter Kicks

If there wasn’t enough celebration already, mosey to the baseball field at 1st Pres to celebrate Babe Ruth Day (also 4/27)
From home plate, mosey to right field for 10 Burpees
Slow mosey to center field for 10 Burpees, and 20 American Hammers
Mosey to left field for 10 Burpees, 20 American Hammers, and 30 Big Boy Situps
Mosey to home plate for 10 Burpees, 20 American Hammers, 30 Big Boy Situps, and 40 Eagle Wings (these were actually only Bat Wings, but you need an E to spell Babe, the exicon is short on E’s, and there were no bricks readily available).

From there, mosey to the pharmacy parking lot, where the PAX gave out their gifts.
If I remember, Tricycle gave us Shoulder Taps and Cheesesteak gave us LBCs (I think)

Back to the flag for a couple rounds of Mary.

Goonie 5/4
Schiele entrance will be closed soon; will have another entrance in the back of the parking lot (more details to come)
Extinction Run
Memorial Day Murph at The Sandlot – 0700 start; no 0530 bootcamp that day
F3 Dads the 3rd Sat in June, July, and August

Prayer Requests and Praises
Maybelline’s parents
Maybelline’s coworkers and new business opportunity
Clavin’s M surgery praise; prayer for test on her pancrease
High School Seniors
Kids in the bus accident on 85 last week.

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

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