F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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The Goat “Power Outage Edition” 5/9/24

Started out with the lights out, and they never came on…

Warm up: Don Q’s, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Slow Squats

Mosey over to the hill across the railroad tracks, then 5 rounds of:

  • 10 Jumping Squats, run down the hill, 10 burpees, run up the hill (one round)

Mosey back towards F&B then 5 rounds of:

  • 5 merkins, 5 mule kickers/bucking broncos, 5 big boys

Using the block of buildings there,  1.5 rounds of:

  • Inchworms to the corner, lunge walk to the next corner, bear crawl to the next corner, jog backwards to the start

Out of time halfway through round 2.

Mosey back to F&B parking lot, pledge, announcements, then prayers.

F3 Barracuda – May 15, 2024

Clutch and I posted this morning at Barracuda. I believe there were 13 PAX in attendance. A Lake Wylie PAX even asked where Tesla has been since he normally posts DR on Monday and Tuesday.

We ran through the River Hills neighborhood (key word: HILLS).

Nickelback was on Q.

I promoted the Extinction Run, so hopefully, we will see a few PAX from Lake Wylie show up.


F3 Ground Assault – May 8, 2024

We had a nice turnout this morning for Ground Assault including runners and ruckers.

Good work by all.

May 14 – Rice N Beans, 5:45-7:00 p.m. at 107 South Broad Street, Gastonia. Contact Anchorman to sign-up.
May 15 – 2nd F Lunch at Ray’s Country Smokehouse and Grill, 219 S. Broad Street, Gastonia.
May 18 – Extinction Run IV at Primary Brewery, 9:00 a.m.
May 27 – Memorial Day Murph at Sandlot.


No FNGs. Solid crowd with the exception of 1…..

Started with disclaimer, Pledge, then some warmup stuff. We moseyed across the street for some sort-of-extended mobile warmup across the Terminix parking lot: karaoke, nur, high knees, butt kickers (everybody brought there butt, why wouldn’t we????), bear crawl, long jump, then some lunge, lunge, lunge, lunge burpee or if you wanted, you could lunge, lunge, lunge, lunge, lunge,  lunge burpee-I left this up to the pax discretion. Unfortunately I was next to Bullwinkle who preferred the shorter version with more burpees and I had to try to keep his pace as best as I could.  He is more than 10 years younger and (more than I care to admit) pounds lighter than I am so there is that. At some point, an un-named pax whose name rhymes with Hoganhoff went to empty his bladder bringing back memories of the Mortimer…..jokes were made in his absence, limericks and songs were shouted to the stars while he was relieving himself then things returned back to normal when he got back. I think we did a second round of those exercises.

Next we moseyed to the bank across the street for a quick lap. At this point Hoganhoff was MIA, presumably for a second round of 10-100 (better than a 10-200!!!). We got to the starting point and exercises were ‘splained quickly: 25 SSH for a buy in then 10 reps each of the following exercises focusing on FORM instead of speed-merkin, squat, LBC, SSH then take a lap. Again, 10-100 round 3 for Hoganhoff-man, this guy’s prostate must be the size of a basketball and his bladder itty bitty. Oh well, hang in there Hoganhoff.

We moseyed to the Grace Animal Hospital and thankfully there was a portojohn there for Hoganhoff for round 4-it was a quick one and I am not sure anyone else realized he was gone. Again, exercises were ‘splained:  buy in with 25 SSH then 10 reps each focusing on FORM over speed: mtn climber, imperial walker, big boy, seal jacks. On the first round Hoganhoff did plank jacks instead of seal jacks so he could make sure to empty his bladder while no one was paying attention. He gave me a thankful and appreciative look for not pointing it out (“our little secret, right???” he said with a wink and a nod)…..

We did a second round of above exercises then moseyed back to the bank for a repeat of the previous exercises then moseyed to the wall for some step ups.  We finished with the parking lot mobile warmup stuff with LLLL-Burpee-Long jumps to finish things off followed by Mary in the Pelican’s lot.

As far as I could tell, Hoganhoff didn’t need to empty his bladder anymore after we left the Grace Animal Hospital parking lot, however he was quite interested in moving the COT along at a rapid pace.  We finished with COT then everyone got outta there, some faster than others.

good work men, at least most of you.



On The Hunt In The Park

Today, I will call it, The Inaugural Folsom Scavenger Hunt! This one will be making a return with a few tweaks to make it better.

The gist was simple, after a short warm up we divided into 2 teams and competed in a scavenger hunt.

Q announced the item to be found and the 2 teams took off looking for said items. First team back won. We played in “rounds” for each item.

The winning team had some “work” with the loosing team having either more reps or a harder exercise, for example the winning team may have to do 20 LBC’s while the loosing team had to do 20 Big Boy’s. There were other exercises, but you get the gist.

We had a 10 item list but only made it through 5, I won’t list the items because they likely will make a return, although not in the same places.

We all had fun and most of us got over 3 miles in while on the hunt!

Hope to see you there next time!

I dont think the hard stuffs coming down yet

Rainy day at Gaston’s hill.



Ruck to Gaston’s hill. 10 squats at the top followed by Moroccan nightclubs.

Repeat the hill followed by 10 lunges and 10 cherry pickers.

Ruck to Food Lion for some wall sits

Ruck to Planet Fitness for LBCs and Dying cockroaches

Ruck back to Pelicans


Extinction run

2f lunch at Ray’s smokehouse 5/15

Prayer requests:

Bandit’s co-worker

Church memebers in hospital


Thank you for the opportunity to lead

Tequila EMOM

I’ve been traveling quite a bit lately and had the chance to revisit Princeton, NJ where “Noodle” delivered a beatdown worth repeating.  So I shamelessly stole it, including the new warmup “exercise” called Weed Pickers – same as gravel pickers, cotton pickers, grass pickers, etc., EXCEPT the hand clap is behind your back.  Unlike those other kinds of “pickers,” weed pickers just might be a real exercise!  OK, maybe not, feel free to discuss amongst yourselves.  Maybe it’ll become one of Mayor’s discussion topics at happy hour…

After the weed pickers, I called 5 burpees – at the faintest echo of a train horn in the distance – before Radar could even protest!

Enough warmup, on to The Thang – a simple “EMOM” routine that I also stole from Noodle:  1. Mosey for 60 seconds; 2. Stop to exercise for 60 seconds; rinse and repeat until time.  Exercises were:
 – Flutter kicks
 – Perfect form merkins
 – American hammers
 – Jungle boy squats
 – Mountain climbers
 – Mike Tysons

We moseyed towards downtown Belmont and the track behind the old middle school, stopping at prescribed intervals along the way.  Mumblechatter was light at first but picked up steadily by the time we crossed Central Ave.  At the track, the usual mosey was replaced by nur and karaoke both ways before it was time to head back.  (Thanks to Flintstone for a not-so-subtle nudge about what time it was.  I had miscalculated how late it was and really didn’t want Flintstone to be right, but dammit he was right.  So we reversed directions around the track and headed back to the flag. )  The moseys back to start might have stretched a little longer than a minute, but the six came in right on time for COT.

Announcements:  Rice n Beans 5/14 – HC to Anchorman.  2nd F lunch 5/15 at Ray’s.  Extinction run 5/18 – come out even if you’re not running, show support!

Prayers:  Praise to Jane Fonda getting married, also Tooth Fairy and Flintstone’s son getting new jobs!  Prayers for those with storm damage, kids in school, Termite, Tesla, and pax on IR.

It was a privilege to lead – thanks to all you HIM’s who showed up and followed!
 – Nutria

Show Up. Seek Truth.

7 ruckers, 4 runners, and 1 who did both on a cool Mother’s Day morning. Sidewalks were used inconsistently. And we went up the steps. I guess I won’t get my membership card until I can fully appreciate the serene, barren, roughly paved landscape of a future 55 and older community and the quirks of an AO that it’s been said “starts on time but ends whenever we’re done”.

Nobody comes for the workout though  they come for the barista and her huge jugs of coffee. The salty PAX were mostly agreeable on the topic of Meeting. The Spur was answered with 3 short affirmatives and we were on our way.

The bottom line is this – Show Up. Seek Truth. Simple to understand. Harder to practice.

Big week this week. Give what you can.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Bulldog 5/9

With trees scattered in the streets, lightening in the sky and no power around W.A Bess Elementary the three that posted agreed the surroundings were a bit sketchy for swinging iron.

No Rep

Who are you trying to please?

Great weather for a run/ruck and 9 PAX took advantage this morning and put in work at The Sword.

Discussion this morning was on Galatians 1:10 – “ For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”



Lunch Wednesday at Ray’s

Extinction Run Saturday

Rice and Beans Tuesday

Memorial Day Murph


Pray for police, storm cleanup, Maybelline’s mom, Turtleman, Westside’s father in law, Kelly Bird, Huck and the Hall family.  Praise for Maybelline’s M graduation.


Sarlaac took us out

I’m Broke



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