F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Pick up Yourself

Four runners and three ruckers left the Gloom to go their separate ways running or rucking and all ended up where we started.  The Q hung tough until the end of the gut check and then picked himself up the last mile as he watched the others accelerate to the finish line.

Five miles for runners, 5k for ruckers (all distances are approximate)


Announcements:   F3 DAD’s at the Yank this Saturday the 17th at 0700!!!!!


Second F Lunch at Logan’s Roadhouse on June 21st

Prayer requests:

JJ’s 2.0 travelling to Europe

Stroganoff’s MIL’s health journey

YHC’s Uncle recovering from fall


Midoriyama 6/6/23

1st F Q Flintstone has been keeping the Gashouse PAX motivated with an array of PT tests. The standard PT test, Thunder and Lightning. YHC decided to administer the Thunder PT test at Midoriyama. Of course it’s the hottest day of the year, air quality index is red and the wind ain’t blowing. Perfect conditions for a PT test on the asphalt (Q fail).

Warmup – Usual stuff

Around the turd shack and grab the blocks. Circle up and start the clock for the THUNDER PT test. AMRAP for 25 minutes of the following exercises:

  • 12 Thrusters
  • 12 Curls
  • 12 American Hammers w/ coupon (xtra suck factor)
  • 12 Block Swings
  • 12 Bent Over Rows
  • 12 Big Boys
  • 12 Heels to Heaven
  • 12 Burpees

96 Reps per round. Keep up with rounds completed and number of reps completed on the round that the PAX were completing.

About 7 minutes remained, so we performed 10 to 1 curls and overhead presses. Put the blocks up, muster at the flag for 22 Merkins for the vets and the Pledge.

The heat wore the guys down pretty quick. Halfway through the 2nd round, Leppard is laid out on the grass attempting to regain his breath. Freight threatened a mutiny and start a trail running AO immediately (you hate to see it). Defib pushed through and crushed the test (showing his future son-in-law Rip Cord how it’s done).Instead of keeping up with rounds completed, Happy Trees used his sidewalk chalk to draw happy Christmas trees on the asphalt. WikiLeaks needs to hear more good rock music. Hokie picked the worst day to get back out in the gloom, but he pushed through like a trooper. Haze was talking delirious and you could fry an egg on Pall Bearer’s head. This PT test will be even better when we perform it again in August!

Welcome to FNG Rip Cord. He was EH’d by his future father-in-law, Defib. Glad to have you at Midoriyama, brother!


  • 2nd F lunch 6/21 at Logan’s roadhouse in Gastonia
  • F3 dads on 6/17

Prayer Requests:

  • Jackson Hall
  • Steve Alexander
  • Norwood
  • PAX traveling

YHC took us out in prayer.



Character(s) at Crossroads

9 bike riders and 3 runners got together at Crossroads for cardio, fellowship, and our leadership lesson featuring General Eisenhower.

First of all, Happy Birthday to Mayor!

Slaw wins the award for best dressed; Haze..well..

Broke’s broken in my bike already. Looks like it finally has found its home.

Gearwrench wins the survival award for making it back alive despite a close clip.

Freight was doing some Father’s Day shopping for himself..just in case;)

Gumby tried for a free drink.

Wirenut seemed a little lost for words when Mayor suggested that he lead a Q Source.

Wik and I had great fellowship as we ran the Blart loop. Blart runs this consistently.


and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith—Phil. 3:9 

“God himself, through his Son’s atoning work, sets everything right between him and us by counting Christ’s righteousness to us – the actual righteousness of His Son.” 

Wik took us out!

So much to be thankful for..you F3 guys are very much amongst them!



The Freight

When Whoopee asked me to take over as Site Q of the famed GasHouse, it did not take long to HC. However, when not out of town, I tend to feel obligated to be there, whether I’m leading the workout or not. Any of you old Site Q’s feel that way? Other than the Q vs. Q challenge, I’ve been present each Saturday that I was in town. When filling the June Q list, I noticed Wirenut had an opening on June 10th. I recall last year he and Whoopee did a Q swap, so #repeat. It had been a minute since my last Old School Q. I do recall the beer workout being deployed. But Leppard’s trying to get cured off the White Claws these days so better not tempt him too much. The idea that kept coming back was the Weinke Freight used in his Q vs. Q. It was a good plan. It had a great mix of block work and running. So, my opponent that day likes to pay homage to F3 men with his WODs. While this grouping of exercises have nothing to do with his name but the inspiration certainly does. Let me spread my seasoning on it a bit and I give you “The Freight.”

Warm-up: all IC x 10: Seal Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Side to Side Lunge, Gravel Pickers, Arrows, MNCs

Grab a block and walk over to the street side of the paved asphalt. The workout has a start, middle, and end. There would be various ways of travel between the 3 segments.

  1. 10 burpees; murder bunny to middle cone, run to other side – 10 more burpees
  2. Run to middle for 10 hop overs, return to start
  3. 20 Turtle crunches, run to middle for 10 hop overs, murder bunny to track
  4. 20 OH Press, Murder Bunny to middle, bear crawl to start, 10 CDDs
  5. Run across the field, take a full lap around the track
  6. 20 Heels 2 Heaven, run w/ block, 10 blockees, run w/ block, 20 SSH
  7. 10 Curls, OH Block Carry, drop block, run, 10 HR merkins
  8. 15 jump squats, run, grab block – lunge walk to other side, 15 jump squats (legs were shot by now)
  9. OH block carry to middle, 20 derkins, leave block, run, 20 merkins
  10. Take a full lap around the track, broad jump to middle, 20 rocky balboas, murder bunny, 10 hammers and 10 big boys
  11. NUR across to other side, 20 Imperial Walkers
  12. 10 Mike Tysons, run to middle, 10 Parker Peter, run, 15 block curls
  13. 10 Thrusters, run w/ block to other side, 10 block pull overs
  14. 20 Penguin crunch, run to other side, 20 Turtle Crunch
  15. Take a half lap around the track, murder bunny to the middle, 20 dips, crab walk, 20 Genie Knee to Elbow
  16. 20 OH presses, carry block to other side, 20 skull crushers
  17. Run a full lap; murder bunny to the middle, carry block to other side – >> END

COT: Prayers for Gumby’s family, Ratchet (Jackson Hall), Norwood, Anchor Man’s Sister in Law procedure. Announcements for 3rd F Lunch 6/21 at Logans, 7/4 TFY – 0700 – 0745 workout, then reading of Declaration of Independence.

Notes: Flintstone organized the Lightening EC at 0600 which many of the PAX completed. That took a bit of wind out of the sails, especially the First F Q.  Just remember, extra credit is extra. It’s not the Q’s fault to make your second workout easier. Always good to test yourself, but be prepared. I was happy with today’s workout. Block work is always a tough one but add in the running and keep the pace going, the heart rate remains elevated. The chatter wasn’t too bad today but notably some of the louder voices were missing, so that made it easier on the old Q. The Q swap was as good as expected so I could get to a different AO and be around the NOGA crowd – especially to get Timeout afterwards.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead,

Short Sale


Wirenut led warm up …. Train … u know the drill … tried to “quickly” assemble pain Labbers to show boot camp what they’d miss by delivering some IC monkey humpers …. Too bad no Short Sale or Whoopee …
Mosey to circle lead more warm ups and then discuss idea for todays beat down …. Assembled toys different kettlebells 25/45 jump rope slam ball dumbbell’s 5/8 set of weights …. Choose your poison or choose an an ab exercise …. Timer to be 2 sand buckets or a rope sled attached to heavy tire …. Truck down path and around stone monument ….
Intermission a la Rudolph climb steps lunge top side lunge next 2 in opposing directions beat crawl and crab walk last 2
Intermission 1.5 mosey to my truck for coupons 20 curls 20 overhead press then 15 now 10 what to finish ? 6 sounds right
Back to program … continue all for / more cycles
Finish few ab exercises after returning supplies to truck …. Music by CCR …. Celebrating Fogerty finally obtaining ownership of his music catalog earlier this year … prayers for Time Frame ( broken toe) Wirenut loss of father ( first wedding anniversary and birthday since loss ) Tube friend battling cancer

Stackin Nickels and Dimes

Good morning Down Town. I took this thang on last minute notice and I mean last minute of last night. That’s ok Maybelline you had to get your beauty sleep befor the trail run I get it. We got a good crowd let’s go get it.

Pledge – Disclaimer – Warmup – Go

The Thang

We moseyed over to the end of the parking lot where the flower pots and the Down Town Torture Rack for a little Triple Nickel with some Pull-ups and Step-ups. Next we did a 5×10 of Hanging Leg Raises and Incline Merkins.

Well that’s done we’re heading over to the Parking Deck of Death where we ran a Rack-’em Stack-‘em that consisted of Burpees, Lunges, Merkins, Squats, and LBCs.

Running short on time and lungs we’re heading back to the Rotary Pavilion. It’s time for the COT when a train comes by so we all finished up with 5 Burpees said the pledge and peace we’re outta here.





No Quit Wednesday!!

1 walked 2 rucked and 4 ran on a nice cool morning.

Good to see Mayor out pushing through and doing what he can to keep mobile.

Gavel has no quit and Kept Bos on track this morning.

Anchorman and Seuss had another weighted run that the call rucking. LOL

Termite putting in solid work as well.


Good to see you all this morning.

Good job men!!


Bulldog 6/6





Flutter kicks IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO


Round 1

  • O/H Presses x12
  • Goblet Squats x12
  • Bent over rows 12 each side
  • Moroccans x 24
  • PPM’s x 12 count right leg only

R&R 3x

Rifle Carry/ fellowship mosey around lot

Round 2

  • Single arm Curls x 12
  • KB swings x 12
  • Lunges – 12 each leg (Hold KB)
  • Imperial walkers x 12 each leg
  • CDD’s  x 12

R&R 3x

Rifle Carry/ fellowship mosey around lot

Round 3

  • Step ups x 12 each leg
  • Derkins OYO x 12
  • Calf raises x 24
  • Oblique crunches x 12 each side

R&R x 3



Thunder PT test next Tuesday 6/13

Preorder regional shirts available – pro-tip: order with other PAX to combine and save on shipping


Flintstone’s parents

Jackson Hall

Prayers for our young people.


Orangeman’s daughter, her husband and 2.0 are moving to Gastonia

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!


Weekend in the Hamptons or Aspen?

Three brave HIM and an F3 Dog dubbed Scrat ventured for a Ruck and round of the Thunder PT at Diablo Sandwich. The Ruck included traversing to Southminster Presbyterian Church (not Southhampton pool) with the following intermission break: 12 x Thrusters, 12 x Curls, 12 x American Hammers ( w/ruck sack, right side only), 12 x Block Swings, 12 x Bent Over Rows, 12 x Big Boys, 12 x Heels to Heaven. With little time for Burpees, we returned.

Throughout the workout, we learned a little more about Hermie and his son’s sweet gig as a private chef in the Hamptons, NYC, and Aspen. I vote he showcases his talent next time he’s in town.

Announcements/Prayer Requests/COT in conjunction with The Pub & their Q Termite. Stay tuned.

All That Folsom Has to Offer

7 HIMS joined YHC and pushed themselves today. Achey Breaky has been coming back out. He did great..despite the fear that he would splash merlo. He didn’t! Keep on pushing! Blue Print surprised me and came up from Mt Holly. I hope he wasn’t too disappointed that we stayed within the confines of the tennis court, and that some of the workout was a little familiar.

But, we explained that we had done Heartbreak Hill 5 times with Westside on Tuesday, that there is a field with a hill to slip on, hidden coupons, rocks to pick up, trails to blaze,  enough area to get in a good 4 mile run, restrooms to maintain. Gear Wrench said there were some guys there to fix a toilet already, then said it was on account of one of our guys..haha. Ball Joint wants to see if he can get the water turned on so that we can have a “Splash Pad” workout one day. I don’t know about that, as Gear Wrench expressed some concerns about pee on the pad. So, come back again Achy, Blue Print, and others that haven’t been to Folsom for awhile. It has a lot to offer; best of all, it has  guys to push, encourage, chide,  and “run” you!



10x IC Gravel Pickers

10x IC Hillbillies

10x IC Toy Soldiers



100 Werkins

200 Monkey humpers

300 LBCs

400 Flutters-count both legs

1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1 (or use a pole, tree, etc. for your point of turnaround), 1 Perfect-form Merkin, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 Perfect-form Merkins, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 Perfect-form Merkins, sprint back, switch with partner.

Del Brown: 10 Merkins then 25 yard Crab Walk then 10 Diamond Merkins then 25 yard Crab Walk then 10 Merkins. Repeato.

Four Corner Escalator: 10 SSH, 20 American Hammers, 30 CDDs, 40 Calf Raises

Harley Quinn’s: Suicides: 10 yards/10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 LBFCs, 30 CF, 40 LBFC, 50 CF

Elevens: Squats/Big Boys


Lunch 21st

Dad’s 17th Yank

Prayer Requests:

Jackson Hall 

Malley-child Pallbearer brought to our attention

Eli- Big Pappy’s boy- med mix up- observation


do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6‭-‬7 ESV

“The wonder of God’s grace in His Son is that we may be at much at peace with God as our Lord Jesus Christ himself is. As we experience His grace, we are able to pray, and to pray about everything. The exercise of prayer becomes then a path to peace of the deepest kind, a peace that passes understanding.”


Enjoyed it!


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