F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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F3 Tequila Sunrise – May 17, 2024

YHC celebrated his 48th birthday and took the Q at Tequila Sunrise. We had no FNG’s, but we did have a Kotter from our region who moved DR. Glad Tiny Tank could come out and join us.

SSH x 20 IC
Arm Circles x 10 IC
Toy Soldiers x 10 IC

We crossed the street into the neighborhood across from the elementary school.  We ran the loop (Merewood Road and Glen Harbor Drive).

Round 1 (at each light pole):
4 burpees and 8 squats

Round 2 (at each light pole):
4 mike tyson’s and 8 mountain climbers (count one side)

Crossed the street and did four corners: (Four exercises to = the year I was born ’76)
19 Merkins
38 Squats
57 Seal Jacks
76 Flutter Kicks (count one side)

Extinction run at Primal Brewery
Murph at Sandlot


Rock, Paper, Sissors??

Kind of a small group for a Downtown crowd today. The holiday weekend must’ve inspired some fartsacking this morning 🤷🏽‍♂️ none the less, the 8 of us that showed up certainly put in that work! 💪🏽

Here’s how it went down. We started with the pledge and a quick disclaimer. Then listened to some motivational words from David Gogggins and others while we warmed up.

Seal Jacks:10

Don Q’s:10

Gravel Pickers:10

Imperial Walkers:10

A few yoga stretches


Freddy Mercury’s:10

Flutter Kicks:10

Finished the warm up off with some Burp&Merks: up to 10 & back to 1

Next we hit the ladders. I introduced a few drills that were immediately followed by a sprint up the stairs and then a walk back to the start. Quick feet then explode type deal. At first the pax wanted to job back to the start but I encouraged them to walk because they would soon appreciate the recovery time lol. Drills went as follows:

Single step: x3

Double step: x3

In&Out: x3

In&Out squats:x3

Scissors?:x3 (everyone except for Slaw, not sure what drill he was doing 🤣 his coordination could use some improvement!)

Plank walk: x3

Knee tucks: x3

With about 15 min left we went into B.O.M.B.S.

50 burpees

100 overhand claps

150 merks

200 big boys

250 squats

Pax 1 exercises Pax 2 ran to the street and back hitting the ladder both ways

Single step for burpees

Double Step for OC

In&Out for BB

In&Out squats for squats

Ended with COT. Prayers for Turtleman and Slaws coordination 🙏🏼💪🏽

Thanks, Shortsale, for the Core

7 Pax came out on a warm Midoriyama evening. We beat the rain, worked our core (thanks to Shortsale for the inspiration to do more core), and kept moving.

Warm Up: Imperial Walker Squats, Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers


Stack at Each Pole:

2 burpees

2, 4 squats

2,4,6 CDDs

2,4,6,8 Moroccan Nightclubs

2,4,6,8,10 Bobby Hurley

2,4,6,8,10,12 Crunchy Frogs

14 LBCs

16 Flutters

To shade for one minute of core:

American Hammers


Reverse Crunch

Genie Elbow to Knee

Genie Knee to Elbow


100 Big Boys

200 Merkins

300 Flutters 

Descending Route 66 at each light pole with Big Boys

End with a round of Mary.



Memorial Day Murph

Clean-up day after Yank-June 22

Blood Drive-June 26;17 slots to fill

F3 Dad’s resuming-see Slack

Prayer Requests:



Gavel’s family/nephew

Grandpa Leppard took us out.

Good times! Thanks guys!



What started as a great idea 💡 to play ultimate football, ended up  as a great opportunity to see how well we can adapt on the fly! It was an intimate group of 6 PAX at The Ricky Bobby this beautiful morning!

Here’s how it went down:

As always the music was blasting for a little ambiance ITG 💪🏽 Pretty easy warm up with the almost Mandatory side straddle hops, followed by some Don Q’s, Gravel pickers, then Imperial walkers. We did a few stretches and then went into the 1st improvised exercise.

Burp & Merks: start with a burpee and increase the merk at the bottom by 1 rep in til you get to 10. So 2nd burpee 2 Merks at the bottom… so on and so forth… once you get to the 10th burpee there is 10 Merks at the bottom. Since we are F3 men we had to pyramid everything back down to 1… in case your math isn’t that good that 100 push-ups total inside all those burpees 😮‍💨

Next came a suicide type work out that included 15 burpees at the 1st light pole, 10 Merks @ the 2nd, 20 @ 3rd and 30 big boys @ 4th.

A Partner Dora variation came next that included 3 more exercise. (Mike Tyson’s, double crunches, & Squats) Each round one Partner exercise as the other lunge walked to the next light pole and back.

We then took it to the football field. After picking up the cones I set up earlier for the football game 🥴 we left 4 cones out to play a little game called “when animals attack!” So we set up a square “kill zone” that everyone had to stay inside of. One person was designated as the animal. I went 1st since it was my Q. The remaining Pax went to the opposite corner as me. We all assumed the bear crawl position and played a little game of tag. (Bear crawl only). When someone was tagged the round started over and the person tagged became the animals. It was fun, entertaining, and it sucked all at the same time.

After a few rounds we wondered over to the play ground to get into some pull ups and dips. With about 3/4 min remaining we gathered near the flag and ended with some Sallies 💪🏽.  Pledge, announcement, and prayer closed it all! 🙏🏼 Not too bad for making it all up on the fly lol

It’s Baseball Seaso….. Wait, I Thought We Just did This?

Well, your right… kind of. I did just Q this workout at Sandlot Monday, but this workout was originally created to do at Folsom.  The biggest difference this time is that we acutally got to do the workout on the baseball field like it was designed!

OK because you didn’t read the backblast from Sandlot let me fill you in on what went down.

Standard warm up then a mosey over to baseball field #2

We played a game of F3 baseball where each base had it’s own exercise, home plate had 5 burpees, 1st base had 10 merkins, 2nd 10 big boys, and 3rd 10 Mike Tysons. A different Pax started at each base and had to complete the work before advancing to the next base. Upon completing the circuit and arriving back to his starting base the Pax would score a run and start the circuit over again. We ran this “game” for 20 min and the winner was Pony Boy scoring 10 runs! we all got at least 8 and most had 9. Excellent work men!

Before leaving the field we began a 4 of Diamonds (well that’s what I was calling it but Wirenut informed me that my rep counts negated a 4 of diamonds routine, hey, the more you know!) anyway we had 4 exercises in cadence at each base. Those exercises were : 10 low slow squats, 10 seal jacks, 10 in and outs, and 5 toy soldier squats! we made it to 2nd base before we had to call it quits and head back to COT.

It was fun, you should have been there!

Who Asked You?!?

12 HIM showed at the Goat for what YHC thought was going to be a quiet workout.  Well that didn’t happen.

Count off to myself because some days its easier, a quick disclaimer and its time for our warm up.

8 SSH IC + 2 Burpees / 8 Imperial Walkers IC + 2 Burpees / 8 Crack Pickers IC + 2 Burpees / 8 Plank Jacks IC + 2 Burpees.  Lots of confusing looks and comments about 8 reps compounded by the fact that YHC even messed up the count.  The burpees didn’t quite register either since they are not regularly on this Qs weinke.   The 8 & 2 was a nod to Mom’s 82nd birthday coming up Saturday.

Mosey to the bridge and Lt Dan across.  10 Merkins and plank for the six.

Mosey to second bridge and cross with High Knees and 10 Morrocan Night Clubs on the other side.

Mosey to the back parking lot for three rounds of four corner stack.

Round 1 = Start with 10 Merkins, run to second corner for 10 Merkins and 20 Apollo Ohnos. Run to third corner for merkins, Apollo Ohnos and 30 Squats. Run to fourth corner for Merkins, Apollos, Squats and 40 Flutters. Plank for 6.

Round 2 = Stack 10 Monkey Humpers, 20 Calf Raises, 30 LBC and 40 Air Presses

Round 3 = PAX Choice.  Boudin called 10 Merkins, Mama’s Boy called 20 Burpees (WTH!) At this point the Q started taking more shots and Mama’s Boy too.  Dr Seuss called 30 American Hammers and Radar called 40 Lunges.  And we are off.  Lots of grumbling and modifying on this round, but lots of hard work too.

Mosey back to the flag for Mary.

Announcements:  Memorial Day Murph.  Tequila Sunrise moving to Southpoint HS while driveway is under construction.  6/1 = PT Test at all Saturday AOs

Prayers:  Turtleman, Gavel’s Family, Termite, PAX on IR and Graduates.

Til next time!


Turtleman’s First Q

In honor of Turtleman, YHC found his VQ from September 20, 2017 and tried to replicate it at the Bulldog this morning. Clavin and Timeframe assisted with the music and insight on Turtleman’s preferences and post-exercise comments of “We’re Not Doing That Again.”

The backblast below is word from word from the original. Locations were changed to areas around WA Bess.

Siete pax se reunieron en la penumbra para un miercoles por la manana golpean hacia abajo.

The goal was to post the BB with a full Spanish update.  With  spell check and other technical difficulties, that would take all night.  No time for that.  So here goes.

The thang as best that I recall:  The pledge followed by warm up:  SSH x 20 IC, LBC’s x 20 IC, Merkins x 10 IC, Moroccan Night Club’s x 10 IC.  Mosey towards KFC to pick up some rocks and on to the old HT.  Put the coupons down to start.  Up first, run to the loading dock, jump up, bear crawl down the ramp, run to parking lot and do 20 squats.  Rinse and repeat times 5.

Mosey towards the Food Lion, pause for 10 burpees, then continue towards car wash.  Borrow the curb for dips x 15 IC and derkins x 10 IC then rinse and repeat.  Mosey to Union Rd and detour to Dollar store.  They have a nice parking lot so YHC figured would do some Mary, 20 WWI sit ups, 20 LBC’s,  60 seconds of PC planks, followed by mtn climbers x 30 – rinse and repeat.  Recover and mosey back toward old HT.  Midway stop for 10 burpees.

Back to reclaim our coupons.  Partner up, on the ground with backs to backs , pass rocks in a full cycle x 20 then run to 2nd light and back.  Rinse and repeat times 3.  Quick 10 count and then shoulder presses x 20 into lunge walk with coupons to 1st light and back.  Seems like we  did that 3x’s.  Whoopie kept with a quick count off 5, 10, so we just continued.  Finished with a quick balls to the wall for a minute.  Time was getting close, mosey to return rocks and then jail break back to snow balls.

Moleskin:  Great work by all. It was a pleasure to lead.  A quick shout out to Snow Man, who posted for the first time a week or so ago.  He’s focused and putting in the work.   A great example for all of us to keep pushing and digging forward,be it life, a work out, job or whatever.   On a related note, Q power is real.   I always heard that but it took experiencing it to truly understand.  If you haven’t Q’d or posted in a while, only you can make it happen.

Till next time – Turtle Man

Mas Vale Tarde Que Nunca



Jumping Jack Flash 2

After starting the year training for a Marathon … I haven’t been to a lot of Boot Camps … so when I saw an opportunity to Q at Folsom … I decided it was time to get back in the saddle for my 8th Boot Camp Post of the Year!

Started with a quick intro and the disclaimer…

The Warmup

10 – Gravel Pickers IC

10 – Imperial Walkers IC

Right over Left … Left over Right

Let’s Mosey to the Bottom of the Park

The Workout

50 SSH, 50 LBC, 5/10 Burpees, 20 Yard Sprint

Lets Mosey to the Water Park

45 SSH, 45 Squats, 5/10 Burpees, 20 yd S

Lets Mosey to the Power Pole

40 SSH, 40 Bonnie Blair’s, 5/10 Burpees, 20yd S

Let’s Mosey to the Horse Gate

35 SSH, 35 Merkins, 5/10 Burpees, 20 yd S

Lets Mosey to the Flag for The Pledge

Lets Mosey to the Side Parking Lot

30 SSH, 30 Freddy Mercs, 5/10 Burpees, 20 yd S

Lets Mosey to the Other Side of the Parking Lot

The Word – Matthew 5:14-16

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden  Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they will see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.

Gentlemen, be the example for this World!

25 SSH, 25 LBC, 5/10 Burpees, 20 yd S

Lets Mosey to the Horse Gate

20 SSH, 20 Squats, 5/10 Burpees, 20 yd S

Let’s Mosey to the Power Pole

15 SSH, 15 Bonnie Blair’s, 5/10 Burpees,  20 yd S

Lets Mosey to the Water Park

10 SSH, 10 Merkins, 5/10 Burpees, 20 yd S

Lets Mosey to the Back of the Park

5 SSH IC, 5 FM IC, 5/10 Burpees, 20 yd S

Lets Mosey Back to the Flag for Round of Mary


Extinction Run, MD Murph/Burph

Prayer Requests

Gearwrench Grandma, Big Pappy BP, Tooth Fairy Job, Turtleman, Westside FIL

Name-O-Rama and Prayer

The Wrapup

Thanks Gentlemen for another opportunity to lead a group of leaders!

If you’re keeping score at home … that’s 275 SSH, 75 LBC, 65 Squats, 55 Bonnie Blair’s, 45 Merlin’s, 35 Freddy Mercurys, 50/100 Burpees, 200 Yards of Sprints and 2 miles of Mosey!

Now … let’s go see how many miles we can get in before we become extinct!

Doodles Out!


Guard Rails Traffic Circles and Football

Sixteen HIM dove headfirst into the Storm.  Two got out early for an extra mile while cones were being placed and before the others pulled into their starting spots.

A quick disclaimer and count off and we were ready to go.  Warm up:

15 SSH IC / 15 Imp Walkers IC / 15 Gravel Pickers IC / 15 Plank Jacks IC / Stretch for the old guys.  R over L / L over R / Feet Together / Arm stretches and that was enough stalling.

Mosey to guardrail.  Decline Merkin x 10 /  Dips x 10 IC / Incline Merkin x 10 IC

Mosey to traffic circle and circle up on your six. Leg lifts.  One person runs around the circle while others hold six inches.  Runner returns and yells up.  Feet go up to 45 degrees while next runner runs the circle then yells down.  Repeat through all runners.  Flip over to plank and follow the same rules with high plank and low plank.

Mosey to main parking lot for football.  Touchdown Beatdown.

Bear crawl through endzone to 10 yard line.

10 Jump squats, run to 20

20 Merkins, run to 30

30 Flutters, run to 40

40 Monkey Humpers, run to 50

50 LBC, run to 40

40 Apollo Ohnos, run to 30

30 Plank Jacks, run to 20

20 Squats, run to 10

10 Toy Soldiers, Bear Crawl through endzone then run back to start.

Multiple trips across the field were made.  Great job everyone

Back to the flag for some Mary and time was called.


Memorial Day Murph / PT Test June 1st / Blood Drive coming soon.


Turtleman, Termite, Recent Grads, Breakers Family, PAX on IR

Til Next Time


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