F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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7/26/23 – The Ricky Bobby

Slight Warm Up:
ssh and squats ic

The Thang:
Opposing Partner Booyah Merkins
On the track, partners run in opposite circles and perform one booyah-merkin counting up to a  total of 10.

Dora 1-2-3
Big Boys, LBC’s and Heels to Heaven – Opposite partner runs part of track

Plank’s and Run
Entire group holds plank while one Pax runs length of pavement, planks and 2nd rolls.  Rinse and repeat twice.

CDD’s IC until time

2nd F Lunch in August will be at Pita Wheel in Belmont.
‘Kings and Crowders Ruck’ date tbd should be on Sunday in August before school resumes.

Tube’s M


Protect the house

Protect the house

  • Man is responsible for the family

Protect the house by:

  • prayer

  • leading the house

  • what you see, watch , read , association

  • Being an example

  • creating the right environment

  • taking responsibility for all areas of your life

Q Source at The Storm

Good crowd at the Storm, including a down range post from Newman (Moorehead City).  Start with mission of F3 – to plant grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.  Warmup with SSH, IW, gravel pickers, and some stretches.  Ask question of who is familiar with Q Source?  Small handful of hands raised.  Sargento graciously explained what Q source is for benefit of those who did not know.   Mosey

Get to other side of school, pair up for boo yah merkins and bear crawl about 25 yards to turn around point.   Meet back in middle.  5 rounds.  But first explain that Q Source is divided into four sections, get right, live right, lead right and leave right.  After called exercise had a short conversation about concentrica.  Mosey to front of school.

10 step ups each leg, and run up the hill to the road.  Don’t cross road, but do give 10 hand release merkins. Call 5 rounds.  But before get started, quick word  on get right, jester king queen and relationship with Creator.

Cut it short due to time, head back to flag.

Pledge.  Another word that intent was not discuss any points of Q source, but only to inform those who do not know what it is, or why we do it.  Also went over Q source options on Sunday morning.

Men- if you are not familiar, get with someone who knows q source, and then give some consideration to attending.  Topics discussed are applicable to every man.  You are promised to learn points that will help you be a better man.

Announcements:  stay tuned for CSAUP opportunities, convergence Labor Day weekend, be in training for Thunder and Lightning, 2nd F lunch third Wednesday

Prayer requests: Norwood surgery, Turtle Man, Eh Yall mother in law, Tiger mother, Anchorman sis in law, Sargento knee, PAX traveling, Flintstone mom, Tooth Fairy daughter with upcoming sedation

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Mission Work

We had runners and ruckers at The Sword on Monday. Some “smartsacked”. After words we discussed praying for God’s word to advance and the people out in the world doing his work. While we are all called to do it I’m talking about those that sacrifice and risk their lives to do it. We discussed Thessalonians 3:1-5 and Ephesians 3:14-21. Check these verses out. Spend some time studying and rereading the Ephesians verses. It is powerful and has a lot going on in it.


Some ran and some rode at Crossroads on Sunday. Some returned from vacation while a few others were still gone. At Q Source we discussed the leadership qualities of Braveheart aka William Wallace. Not the real person but the fictional character from the movie. If you didn’t know at Crossroads on Sundays we are selecting leaders to inform the group about. I was having a hard time settling on someone and had the thought that the best leaders are usually made up. You can write in all the perfect skills with a fictional leader. That is not to say the real person wasn’t the same. I don’t know. The fictional character had the skills and qualities we should all try to obtain.

No Flabby Abs at Mt Hollywood!

Hard to believe it, but it’s probably been a couple years since GoldDigger and I did EC in Mt Holly. Just in time to catch my breath afterward, we begin. 3 Pax did a ruck while 5, make that 6, (with Red Ribbon emerging silently out of the darkness), stayed for the workout. Good thing, too, because we needed an even number. Although we did Route 66 last week with Freon’s burpees, I repeated with Hand-Release Merkins. When we got to the ALARM, the groaning began. Seems some of  this crowd would rather stick to arm and leg workouts as the Escalating/De-escalating portion included Crunchy Frogs and Russian Twists. These seemed to be real crowd-pleasers..haha. Well, everyone put forth tons of effort and did great!

Happy to see those on IR out there on a ruck! Yet again, another good experience at Mt Hollywood..made even better when Bubba discovered there was a coffeehouse near, and four of us gathered there for a little 2nd F. GoldDigger has the Q next week, so come on out for what I’m sure will be a Monday Beatdown.


Warm-Up: 10 I.C. of: Don Q, Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers


Mosey to top of hill by school

Route 66 with Hand-Release Merkins at each pole. When at bottom, do ALARM

ALARM-Partner 1 Runs, does 1 Burpee; Partner 2: 

A-100 Werkins

L-150 Monkey Humpers

A-200 LBC’s

R-250 Russian Twist 

M-300 Mountain Climber


To get back up, At each pole:

10 CDD

10,20 LBFCs

10,20,30 Plank Jacks

10,20,30,40 Crunchy Frogs

10,20,30,40,50 SSH

40,30,20,10 Crunchy Frogs

30,20,10 Plank Jacks

20,10 LBFCs

10 CDD

Mosey to school.

Elevens-Squats/Big Boys


For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

2 Corinthians 5:21 

“Our Lord Jesus Christ’s sinlessness was crucial to our forgiveness and salvation. Because he knew no sin, He could take ours. The gospel is the good news of the great exchange. That exchange took place at the cross. The Lord Jesus took in our place the wrath of God our sins deserve, so that, in exchange, we might receive HIS righteousness. “


F3 Dads-Folsom

Many Ruck Opportunities


Norwood’s surgery-This Friday

Turtleman’s ongoing cancer treatments


GoldDigger took us out.

Great time today! Thanks for the participation and hard work!



The Goat

On IR, so I guess I’ll just adjust and modify to avoid knee stuff.  How does that jive with the “If you Can’t Do It, You can’t Q it”?

Well no one stepped up to Q on Slack, so…..

Warm Up: ———————————————–


The THANG —————————————-

“Circuit on the Island”

6 Stations

Station 1  Merkins

Lunge Walk to Station 2

Station 2:  Big Boys

Broad Jump to Station 3

Station 3:  Overhead Presses

Frog jump to Station 4 (this really sucked and caused cramps b/c of the long distance)

Station 4:  Calf Raises  (Dirty Calves)

Crab Walk?  to Station 5

Station 5 – Squats

Bunny hop to Station 6

Station 6:  Inverted Rows at the tables (gotta balance those Pecs with some Lats)


Repeato:  We did about 1.5 loops.


Mosey back to StartEx with all the gear.

Lesson learned / Q Fail:   YHC though the the PAX would step up and mosey with Gear, but they couldn’t/wouldn’t.

Lesson learned / Q Fail:   Took  more time that anticipated to set up tables for inverted Rows

Lesson learned / Q Fail:   Took more time than anticipated to to get all the gear to thh Island

Arrived at COT 2min late.   Did the obligatory Burpees, per Minute.  Mana’s Boy helped me out.


COT ——————————————————————————-


Eh Yall MIL. healing
Balljoint’s aunt – recovery
Tesla – Sister in law – Dementia
Lindy space- Starting college
Balljoint t friend / Ratchet Jasón Hell – remission
Turtle man – cancer treatment coming back
F3 – parents
Boudin family trip to Africa

Thanks for the PAX
Orangeman / family flights
Tube’s M kidney stone
Norwood – Pituitary gland surgery
Gator – Moved to Gainesville, starting new job.   (may start F3 in Gainesville, we’ll be watching from Gastonia)


Balancing The Chest and Back:   Keep Shoulders in the right place.



The Thang —————

Circuit Training in a Square

Station 2 – Overheard  Press

Bear Crawl to Station 2

Station 2 was inverted Rom

Crab Walk to Station 3

Station 3 Was Merkins

Crawl Bear to Station 4

Station 4 was Squats

Reverse Crab Walk to Station 1





Pita wheel 2nd F lunch dallas

Aug 19 – Folsom (F3 )

Recent FNGs – LIFE alert, Kapowski

New to Area – Hot Corner


TAPs ———————

Eh Yall MIL. healing
Balljoint’s aunt – recovery
Tesla – Sister in law – Dementia
Lindy space- Starting college
Balljoint t friend / Ratchet Jasón Hell – remission
Turtle man – cancer treatment coming back
F3 – parents
Boudin family trip to Africa

Thanks for the PAX
Orangeman / family flights
Tube’s M kidney stone
Norwood – Pituitary gland surgery
Gator – Moved to Gainesville, starting new job.   (may start F3 in Gainesville, we’ll be watching from Gastonia)

F3 Dads @ Gashouse



Warm up—————————-

The Thang————————–

Mosey to school parking lot for:
Relay race with excercises
Kid carry up hill
Rock Paper Scissors & Burpees


Naming of the FNG kids:
Hit Stick    (Orville’s 2.0)
Space Cadet   (Orville’s 2.0)
Dice Wizard  (Hunchback’s 2.0)

Pita wheel 2nd F lunch

Eh Y’all  MIL. healing
Balljoint’s aunt – recovery
Tesla – Sister in law – Dementia
Blueprint’s daughter, “Space Cadet – Starting college a GA Tech for BioMed Eng
Ratchet’ s son Jason Hall – remission
Turtle man – cancer treatment coming back
F3 pax – our parents
Boudin family trip to Africa

No Wimps

9 PAX put in work with blocks, some with no gloves, others fresh faces, but none backed down.  Here’s what I remember:

Game time.  Many PAX out on vacation.  Some others decided to show up  to fill in the gaps.  Hokie’s been a regular lately, and it’s been good to see him out.  Hunchback and his 2.0, Pizza the Hut, made rare appearances in the summer sun at Midoriyama.  Hot Corner made up for an AM fartsack by getting in a late one.  Add in regulars Blart, Pockets, Montross and Happy Trees and there you have it.  A full ball team.

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 10 x Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • 10 x Overhead Claps (IC)

Meander to get blocks.  No running til the hill work.  Once everyone had their blocks, we carried them down the road, around the turn, and to the turd shack at the top of the hill to the lake near the picnic shelter.  As we traveled, we stopped at each light pole on the route for

  • 1 x Blockee (OYO)

We’re at about the midpoint between the early summer and late summer rounds of the PT tests.  Time to check on progress.  Today’s progress check was all about Thunder.  To recap:

  • 12 x Thrusters
  • 12 x Curls
  • 12 x American Hamers (w/coupon, count right side only)
  • 12 x Swings
  • 12 x Bent Over Rows
  • 12 x Big Boys (no coupon)
  • 12 x Heels to Heaven (no coupon)
  • 12 x Burpees (no coupon)

In Thunder, you repeat it for time.  As this is a bootcamp, we’re gonna take a break to run.

  • Mosey down the hill to the water and back up at the end of every round

You’re welcome

Timing worked out pretty well.  The long walk over trimmed down the time to where we really didn’t have too much more time than the 25 minutes that’s allotted for Thunder.  Adding in the running sucked, and it was a sweatfest for those 25 minutes.  Most PAX got through 3 rounds, with some more and some less.

Shortcut back, stopping for

  • 1 x Blockee (OYO)

at every pole.  We probably got about 15 in total.  Not significant, but not nothing.  It broke up the carrying.

By the time all PAX were back, blocks put up and we met back at the circle, we were 1 minute past time.  YHC cranked out his 10 burpee penalty for each minute late as COT got started.

Prayers for Norwood, Turtleman, Montross’s Mom, Balljoint’s Aunt & others.

Just because it’s simple, doesn’t mean it’s easy.  These 9 put it out there and left a lot of sweat on the field.  Strong work by all.

There’s nothing like July at Midoriyama.  Grateful for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

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