F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Simple Little Workout

It was a super muggy typical summer morning here in the Little D. I saw a decent crowd I approached the tennis courts at Folsom. To be honest I was excited about the simplicity of the workout for this particular morning. Not simple as far as it being easy but simple as far as the exercises being called. S-A is on the record for saying you only need 4 or 5 exercises for a good workout. We’ve all heard it Burpees, Some sort of squats, Mike Tysons, Imperial Walkers, Merkins etc… Well I’m bout to run this thang with 3.

With no FNGs there’s no need for a disclaimer. But I did give my own disclaimer. Do the work with proper form or be called out and shamed profusely. Some in this crowd will definitely modify no matter what.

We warmed up with some of the basics along with some stretches and mobility movements. And just like that we’re off. We ran to the Flag Pole stopping at each light pole along the way to do 5 Burpees. Once at the flag pole we caught our breath long enough to say the pledge.

After the pledge we moseyed down to a place in the park where the county used to house bad kids. Later it became group home location. I never spent any time here growing up but probably should have.

Anyway we’re going to triple nickel.  Here at the bottom we’re gonna do Jungle Boy Squats then run up the hill to stop sign at the Flag Pole and do 5 Bonnie Blairs each leg. This took a little more time than I anticipated due to the long run between. But we got it done.

Once we finished there we headed to the horse track for a 6×6 of the same exercises as before. We did our 6 Jungle Boy Squats at the bottom of the concrete bleachers and the 6 Bonnie Blairs per leg at the top. This time instead of a run between we box jumped up and down the concrete bleachers between rounds.

Now that we’ve finished this round of  simplicity we’re heading back towards the tennis court parking lot and wouldn’t you know it we’re passing the same light poles as before so we did 5 Burpees at each again but this time we added in 10 Jungle Boys to go along with them. Once back we had enough time to gather up at the last light and get the last set best set done together.

And that’s Time


The goal was to get through a final round that consisted of a 7×7 of the same movements. As stated before the longer run on the round of 5s ate up a lot more time than I anticipated. So just like in life we analyze , adjust, and adapt to complete the tasks at hand.

Also this was all legs and plyo work. You can’t build a strong building without an even stronger foundation and the same goes for the body and spirit.

Thanks for the Werk Men.


Lightning – Prison Break 8/23

Prison Break hosted the Lightning Challenge again this morning. Weather was much worse this time than back in June as the humidity was turned all the way up this morning. Despite that, most if not all PAX saw improvements in their times. Shoutout to the ladies who walk the track in Dallas each morning for putting up with our bull crap and laughing along the way. I’ve come across them a few times now and they are always very sweet!

Handing The Reigns To A Worthy HIM

After a few miles to at various paces, the men of Prison Break gathered to talk about butt pain and other COT things. We covered the usual announcements such as Coconut Derby for the belt on Sunday 9/3, Montross is Qing Downtown for a “Very Special Day” on Friday, Convergence Monday 9/4 at Caromont Park in Gastonia, and 2nd F lunch at Pita Wheel Gastonia later this month.

There was one more very important announcement. After nearly 2 years, the time has come for me to step aside as Site Q for Prison Break and let someone else wrangle the runners for a bit. It’s with great honor that I announced Bedpan is taking over as the new Site Q at Prison Break. No doubt Bedpan will do a great job making new runners feel welcome and give them the 10-cent tour when needed!

Prayer requests: Wirenut, Purple Haze’s friend Chris, Huck, the Hall family, Norwood, Turtleman, and all of the PAX

— Montross

Thunder AND Lightning

About 15 minutes before the start, a pop up storm descended upon Mt. Midoriyama and decided to hang around for a while. The Thunder or Lightning PT test would have been much more appropriate considering the weather, but the OG PT test was what we did. Due to relocating in order to be near cover in case of lightning, a comparison to the early run isn’t accurate. The weather sucked, but the PAX pushed through anyway because that’s what we do.



Bedpan took over Prison Break Site Q from Montross today. Thanks and congrats to both.

Coconut Derby 9/3

Convergence 9/4

Special Q at Downtown this Friday


Pray for Huck, Turtleman, Jackson, Norwood and others.


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Friends don’t let friends skip leg day! @ the Bulldog

I’m starting to see More of Les Nessman. Keep it up brother, good work!

I have not been working my legs enough, so I decided to give ’em some attention.  This sounded good on paper, so let’s see what happens.

3 rounds, 50 seconds each with 10 seconds to transition to the next exercise.

Set 1: Sumo squats, Bulgarian split squats, Sumo walk, baby makers, wall sits, step ups, Romanian dead lifts. Rinse & Repeat 3x’s

Set 2: kickbacks, calf raises, side leg raises, forward leg raises, mountain climbers, side kick throughs, alternating side squats. Rinse & Repeat 2x’s – ran out of time for #3.

Announcements: Convergence Monday @7am, meet at FUSE with a glove?

Prayer request:  Turtleman, Norwood, Huckleberry, Tiger’s mom & dad, Orangeman’s oldest daughter, What’s Up’s nieces son’s heart transplant 🙏

Good work this morning men. Thank you for the opportunity to lead 👊

Cemetery Hill

Any of ya’ll been to Gettysburg? If not, you need to go and do it and do it in the spring or summertime, when the battle was fought. You need to see it that way. Cemetery Ridge was where the Union army dug and it gave them the high ground. The National Cemetery that Lincoln gave the address was on the hill behind the ridge. It is massive. Make sure you see it. It’s a very moving place.

YHC decided to take the pax into the cemetery for a little hill work as the Goat just was a little “soft” to be frank. And YHC was looking for something a little more since this was “shred” weekend with the canyon coming up. So off we went!


Easy jogs across the parking lot to do this:

SSH X 20 (jog)

IW X 20 (jog)

Gravel Pickers X 20 (jog)

Tesla Stretches

Mtn Climbers X 20

Mosey over to the cemetery and down to the bottom of the hill.

Act 1: Triple Nickel

Bottom: HR Merkins X 5

Top: 5 squats

Let’s try this again!

DORA 123

1 -100 merkins

2- 200 lbcs

3 – 300 SSH

Let’s go home!

About 2/3 of the way we stop and do some “chop-chops”. @ 5 of them.

Back to COT and a 2 minute plank.

NMM: Hot, humid morning. But a good one! Everyone put in the work and we did the work. Great day to be alive boys! Every day is. Be grateful.

F3 The Storm – August 29, 2023

Pulling into Stuart W. Cramer High School I noticed that many of the parking lights were off. I had planned my weinke around them working, so I was going to have to “go off the cuff” with my Q in the morning.  Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer and we took off on a mosey to find some lights.

The mosey took us down toward the lower parking lot at the visitor side of the football stadium.

SSH x 20 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Gravel Pickers x 10 IC
Seal Jacks x 20 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC

Dora (100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 flutter kicks (count one side))

Staying in lighted parking lot, each PAX took up a parking spot.

  • First Round – Lunge walk to the other side and perform 10 Mike Tyson pushups.
  • Second Round – Lunge walk back and perform 20 Rocky Balboa’s (count one side)
  • Third Round – Toy Soldiers and perform 30 SSH
  • Fourth Round – Toy Soldiers back and perform 20 Jump Squats
  • Third Round – Bear crawl, lunge walk, bear crawl to the other side and perform 20 Mountain Climbers (count one side)
  • Fourth Round – Bear crawl, lunge walk, bear crawl back and perform 30 High Knees (count one side)
  • Fifth Round – Nur to the other side and perform 40 LBC’s
  • Sixth Round – Nur back and perform 40 American Hammers (count one side)
  • Last Round – Crab walk, lunge walk, crab walk to the other side and end with 10 Mike Tyson pushups.

Seeing a few minutes left, we lined up and headed back to COT with the last person performing a burpee, then sprinting to the front.

Check Slack for IronPax workout locations. Register here.
The F3 Belt is up for grabs Sunday (9/3) at Crossroads. 5 mile run. Winner takes the title.
Labor Day Convergence beginning at 7 a.m. at CaroMont Health Park (Honey Hunters baseball stadium).

Continue prayers for my sister Mackenzie.
Tiger’s parents
Anchorman’s father in law
Breaker Breaker’s children are heading to Florida.

Peak to Peak recap

I wouldn’t have qualified hiking from Kings to Crowder’s mountains as a CSAUP but the way I feel today I have changed my mind.  It is a CSAUP, especially in the heat, and especially for the guys that carried plates in their packs.  We didn’t do any official weigh in’s as this was more of a fellowship hike but it turned out that we got a good big dose of all three F’s!

A few of us started the day at the Waffle House to carb up before the launch at 0800 when the park gates open.  A couple PAX even walked outside to encourage the Coconut Horse runners as they went by.  Captain Steubing brought his 12 year old son Jaba to the event.  Captain Stuebing also bought YHC’s breakfast. #classact

After loading up we drove to the Linwood lot at Crowders Mountain.  Even though the Park Ranger told me the gates open at 0800, there were probably 25 cars in there at 0750 when we drove up.  Geez!

We were ready to go and dropped some cars off and took some others to the other end at the Boulders access parking lot.  We registered our cars and got squared away.  Bedpan saved the day as their were maneating mosquitos attacking everyone at the ranger station.  The bathrooms had just been cleaned.  We were ready to go except Hunchback did some Sua Sponte leadership and decided to drive to the Sparrow Springs station instead of the Boulders to check it out recon style.  When he showed up we started with a disclaimer and hit the woods.

We stopped every couple miles to drink and share a verse.  We were making good time and it wasn’t too hot.  Guys were moving around in order and talking and learning about one another.  Eh Y’all was the intentional six to keep everyone in front.  We had 16 total PAX.  YHC felt and urge to start running as the trail reminded me of Mortimer 100 training.  Defib agreed and we may run this in the future to prepare for next years race.

We kept going and then at mile 4.75 some vicious murder hornets attacked Stroganoff and Montana.  They spent the next quarter mile wondering if they got the stingers out.  Fortunately, Montana broke out the bee sting treatment wipes and made the ouchies all better.

At the first overlook, we stopped and took a short break.  Later, we stopped again and Defib shared a story about Joshua.   “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Church on the mountain.  Maybe I didn’t skip church today?  Thank you Defib!

We took a group photo at the King’s Pinnacle and then moseyed on back down the trail.  Some dude recognized Tesla and they said hello.  Some PAX took a right turn to hit the restrooms and refill the water at the Sparrow Springs station and then headed back to the trail.  The heat was rising and we were drinking lots of water.  We crossed another road and came to a fork in the trail.  Take a right to the RockTop trail or left on the Crowders trail.  The Rocktop trail is shorter but harder so we chose that way (as Tesla would say, “why wouldn’t we?)  About halfway up, one the PAX said with disdain, “why did we choose this route?”

This hike started to climb and the steps were getting sketchy due to rocks and roots.  Some separation occurred among the PAX but faithful Eh Y’all kept the six in check.  We had some cramping and pain among some PAX but you are kind of screwed once you aren’t that close to your car.  To his credit, Watts Up turned down many requests to carry his pack to lighten the load.  There were some psychological tricks to keep him moving like a solar flare meant gravity wasn’t pulling as hard and therefore walking uphill would be easier.  There may have been jokes about the feminine napkins getting wet and weighing him down, Midol, etc..  There is no quit in Watts Up.  Much respect earned!

We stopped to regroup at the Boulders and Breaker Breaker generously gave Watts Up his last “salt tablet” little blue pill.  It supposedly would help with cramping but also had some alleged side effects that we won’t discuss here.

We made it out of the woods to the Tower Trail.  YHC delegated Stroganoff to take PAX to the tower and down the steps or they could go down the Tower Trail.  We split and headed to the lot and waited for the PAX to reassemble for COT.  The tower trail was actually a little quicker than the folks that took the steps.  Tiger took off early for some obligations but 15 were there for the COT.  It was a great day.  No one got hurt.  We had lots of fellowship, lots of faith, and lots of rock pushing (no pun intended).  We haven’t done this since 2017 and YHC is committed to do it again every year.

Shout out to Austin Powers for joining us from the Lake Wylie region.  Jaba didn’t complain and as a 12 year old, this ain’t no joke!  Respect and hate at the same time!  Montana is a welcome addition to the PAX and folks enjoyed knowing him better.  YHC enjoyed catching up with Montross and Bedpan.

Stroganoff took me back to my car and took his keys out of my car’s passenger side door.  Somehow the key fairy got him a key during the hike and he was able to drive me back to get mine.

The encouragement among this group is outstanding and was on display throughout the event.  Some guys shared how F3 has impacted them and included anecdotes about the quality of the men they surround themselves with now and how they let some of their old friends go a little.

Thanks for the PAX that showed and for Defib for pushing me to schedule the event.  It was awesome.  Heck, YHC may try to do it again in the fall.



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