Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: wirenut (Page 9 of 12)

Lots of Work but Nothing Special

Good morning F3 Gastonia is a brisk clear morning here at Folsom this is great weather for a Thursday Beatdown. We’ve got a smaller than usual crowd for a Folsom workout this morning. No FNGs so after a quick warmup we’re moving to the tennis courts for a nasty but simple circuit that involved a lot of Merkins, Squats, Flutters and LBCs. 250 total reps of each broken up with a little bit of running in between rounds. Once we finished up here we moseyed over to the Folsom Brickyard for a few quick sets of Curls and Overhead Presses. We finished just in time for a quick round of Cherry Pickers before time ran out.



Announcements: Folsom Nationals & Extinction Run

Prayers: GearWrench’s Family, Mayor’s injuries, Big Pappy’s injuries, Tonka and family, Huckleberry, Wichita’s Family, Myself and my family and many others I’m sure I’m missing

Thanks for showing up and working hard this morning men. As the title says lots of work but nothing special on this one. I think often times we over think these workouts when we can just pick a few exercises and go HAM and get a lot better results.


Run, Crawl, Rack and Stack

Well it’s a cold one out here at Old School this morning and there’s already a crowd. Great to see lots of support for RoundUp and the 24hr. / 50mi. Crew. Quite a few are here just for the run but after a quick 2mi. EC run I quickly saw that a good amount of PAX were here to workout as well.

I don’t see any FNGs so after a quick disclaimer and my standard warmup we are at it. It was a simple but very effective rack and stack style workout with lots of Burpees, Hand Release Mike Tyson’s, Jungle Boi Squats and plenty of Core Werk to go with it. Mix that up with a lot of confusion, lack of communication, Bear Crawling and running between rounds and things quickly got disastrous. Sorry about the not so clear instructions men but after a couple of rounds we were all on track. At 0730 we all got in a lap with the 24hr. Crew and got back to work by this time all were working on unstacking and by the time 0800 rolled around some were working on a second round of racking and stacking and most were finishing their final round of unstacking.



Prayers : Wichita’s family, Ozark’s niece, TurtleMan and family, Huck and his dad, Slaw’s M, My family, All PAX

I’d personally like to thank everyone for all the prayers for my family during the chaos this last month or so. It has meant the world to us.

Announcements : 2F Lunch Wed. at Hillbilly’s BBQ.

CSAUP/Convergence at Folsom 2/11. Bring your Pushing Rocks Team. FYI there’s some heavy work going on at this one. All of y’all soccer armed boys gimme a shout I’ll talk you through it. Just kidding guys but it’s gonna be a Good One Show to Know.

Q Fail/Site Q Fail Announcement : Ball Joint reminds me that I forgot to say the PLEDGE during Name-O-Rama. I quickly said thanks and I’ll get to it next. Well  47 names later I forgot. Huge Q Fail. My apologies men.

Great Job to all showed up and put in that WERK today. Good luck and stay safe to everyone running today. Way to Push That Rock.

I Stole, Modified, Rinsed, & Repeated this one

Earlier this week I saw on Slack that Midoriyama needed someone to take the Q on Thursday so I said why not. I told the Slawbag I’d take it and so here we are. Now this will my second post of the day and I have done a months worth of block work already this week at Folsom. That being said I figure why stop now. I can’t all the take credit for what happened next. You see Sparky made one of his rare appearances on Tuesday ( I think he’s up to like 12 for the year) and he kicked the crap out of us with a WOD he got from the PizzaMan called Black Jack. Well I figured I’d steal some parts from it and add my own twist to it. Here’s how it went down.

The Warm Up

25 – SSH / 5 – Mike Tyson’s                           Now Mayor loved this so much I decided to do 4 more rounds but decided to drop the SSH by 5 each time. After that we continued to warm up the shoulders with some rounds of arm circles and crossbody / OH arm and triceps stretches.

The Thang
20 to 1 Squats / 1 to 20 Merkins              Each round has a total of 21 Reps between the squats and merkins. Sounds simple right well it would be but we were on a timer as well. Every 3 minutes we had to stop and do Burpees. Now we were supposed to do 3 Burpees every 3 minutes but evidently I didn’t clarify that so it ended up being 1 Burpee every 3 minutes. That’s OK I’ve got a fix for that. Once the Bat-flippers finished their rounds I had them jog the parking lot until the 6 was finished and got a lap in as well. We’ve got a little time left so The Burpee Fix will be AMRAP DORACIDES with each partner completing an AMRAP round of Block Curls, Block OH Ext., and finally Block OHP and while other partner does suicide sprints with escalating burpees at each stop.

Put the blocks up and Time.


Announcements : Beer Mile, Pushing Rocks

Prayers : Mayors shoulder, Turtle Man and family, Huckleberry and family, My family, and each other

As I said in the beginning I kinda mashed up a few different guys workouts from the past. I also threw in a little bit of my own flavor with them. I hope this put a good kind of hurting on you Evening Shade PAX. Thanks for the hard work and the much appreciated prayers and support my family and I have needed recently.





D-BLOK at Folsom

‘Twas the first day of Christmas and GearWrench said to me BRING the PAIN. So here we are. This will be my first Q at Folsom in quite a while so whatever will we do.

We all know I’m not the fondest of long boring drawn out nonstop cardio sessions. I like circuit workouts and I prefer quick intense circuit blocks with short active recovery blocks between. This way I can get the old ticker to ticking rather quickly and then push all that blood and oxygen straight into the muscles, nerves and joints that need it.

Here’s how we did this.

A – BLOK. Quick warmup to get the blood flowing then some stretching to get the joints ready for the work to be done.

B – BLOK. A declining circuit of SSH IC and Mike Tyson’s OYO. 25/10, 20/4, 15/3, 10/2, 5/1. We finished the round with one last set of 5 Mike Tyson’s and a slow recovery mosey (just enough to keep HR up) to the Folsom Block Pile.

C – BLOK. Now begins the real Block work. Erbody grabs their favorite Coupon and completes 5 rounds as follows.

10 – Thrusters, 10 – Curls, 10 – Sumo Squats, 10 – Tricep Extensions, 10 – Blockies and finish each round with a 40 yard run. 1 min active recovery and setup for next circuit we’ve got one last push to the finish.

Tha D – BLOK. This one would require a partner. I had intended to do a little DORA 123 but quickly had to OMAHA out due to time. We did however get in several rounds of Incline Merkins and Box Squats both of which were performed on the blocks while the partners rifle carried their blocks aimlessly around the horse barns. We then put the blocks up and had a slow recovery mosey back to the Flag just in time to finish things off with the Pledge.



Beer Run, Convergence maybe


Turtle Man, Huck and his family, Mayor’s bum shoulder and knee, My family, and prayers for all the PAX in all the regions.

Thanks for the hard work men. Thanks again for hitting me up GearWrench.

Before I end this BB I’ll just say The Christmas Season should be a time to celebrate and rejoice all that the LORD has done and will continue to do for us. I will do just that. At the same time we need to remember a lot of us men are going through difficult times and situations. So in your next COT look left and look right and just say a prayer for the men around you. Thanks.




Blocks, Asprin, Chloraseptic, and more Blocks

It’s the first Saturday of December & we’ve got ourselves a Christmas party tonight. No better time than now to get  in a little work to prepare for the extra calories that will be consumed from the debauchery to come. It’s my First Q in a while since we all tried our best to partake in his excellency’s New Q November I haven’t had to plan out one of these in a bit. Let’s do this. Quick warmup ladder down style.

SSH and Mike Tyson’s                              25/5, 20/4, 15/3, 10/2, 5/1

Followed that up with some:

Gravel Pickers IC                                                   MNC IC                                                                   Mountain Climbers IC

We finished off this Warmup with some static and active stretches and now we’re off. We headed over to the newly rebuilt Block Wall over by the Church and FD. Here we did some 11’s.
Single Leg step ups on the Block Wall and Calf Raises on the curb across the road. Upon finishing up we moseyed over to the Courthouse for some 4 corners. We did 5 Mike Tyson’s at each corner around the Courthouse Block. Once finished with a round of that we headed over to the dreaded Kotter’s Korner and ran 4 corners of 10 ATG Squats per corner around this Block. Moseyed back over to the FD. Paused here for The Pledge and a few more Mike Tyson’s why not right. We’re now headed back towards the Old School parking lot just in time to let everyone know I’ve got a truckload of you guessed it Blocks. Everyone grabbed their coupon of choice and we did 7 rounds of:

7 Thrusters                                                               7 Goblet Squats                                                     7 Curls                                                                         7 Tricep Ext.                                                             7 Alpos

We followed each round with a rifle carry of 25 yards. It was at this time that Gumby discussed with us the amazing and very interesting usages of Asprin and Chloraseptic Throat spray. (ask him I’m not getting into it on here) Needless to say we all learned a little something interesting today. Then  once the last carry was in it was time to head in for the COT.

There always seem to be lots and lots of prayers this time of year so be sure to check out the prayer list frequently.

This wasn’t a barn burner by any means but we got in a lot of Quality Reps and @ 2.5 miles as well which was the goal.

Thanks guys for the constant push and encouragement until the next time.

Run, Walk, Ruck, Whatever

Good crowd this brisk morning. Some ran and some walked. Some were quite and some talked. Some got in some EC and some just made it out of bed. No matter the circumstance if you showed up you got a little better than you were before. Good work men.

This message is a great deal late and I can’t remember all the details from the COT other than lots of babies on the way prayers for those families. Christmas Dinner 12/3 go vote and or sign up. Prayers for all PAX and their families during this holiday season.

Light Work

Small group here at Old School on this gray overcast morning. Some of the normal guys are running a 10k this morning best of luck to them today. I myself have missed several days this week so I’m going to try and focus on correct form instead of crazy volume. We performed slow focused reps on all of our compound movements which was a lot. With only a few high impact exercises mixed in with some light jogging and core work we sacrificed heart busting cardio for intensity and intent. They don’t all need to have thousands of reps or 3 plus miles of cardio to be effective and I promise this one was effective.

Announcements:                                               Christmas Town 5k                                    Christmas Party

Prayers:                                                            High Master Nantan’s Royal Elbow Huckleberry                                      Turtleman                                                         Sick Pax                                                                 All those running the 10k today



Thanks to those that showed up and put in some work with me.

Until next time. Put Some Hurt on It.

I’ve Gotta Work Tomorrow

Well it’s finally fall and we’ve got ourselves a beautiful brisk morning on our hands here in Downtown G-Town. No FNGs quick disclaimer, no Leppard so no extra explanations of what we’re doing and no SA cause he needs his beauty sleep cause he’s gotta work tomorrow. Light warmup with some good stretching and some good mumblechatter to go along with it.

Mosey to the parking deck. The bottom deck is still closed for construction so only 5 levels of insanity for this one.

First round starting on bottom deck we did 5 Burpees per deck all the way to the top.

Second round starting at the top we did 10 Big Boys per deck back down to the bottom.

Third round we ran it back doing 15 HR Merkins at each deck back to the top.

Forth round was more of the same with 20 Bonnie Blair’s (count each leg) at each deck back to the bottom.

Fifth round back to up to the top with 25 Flutters (right leg only) per deck.

Sixth and final round we ran back all of the previous working sets per deck all the way back to the bottom. This was a task that left us pressed for time so I had Omaha out with only 2 Bat Flippers (Ball Joint & Freight) completing the final round.

With a quick mosey back to the Rotary Pavilion we had just enough time to take a quick breath and finish up with the Pledge.

Great Job men I enjoyed this one. I really appreciated all that showed to know and pushed through the daunting task of putting in some work with me this morning knowing all the time that you had to work today and tomorrow.



New Q November, Christmas Town 5k Broke needs Track Commanders, Christmas Party, MORONS4BEER


Mayor and Family, PAX with Babies on the way, Huckleberry, Turtle Man, and many more spoken and unspoken.

Until next time (What were We Doing) I’m out



Parking Deck Escalator & EMOM

Beautiful weather here in G-town this morning. It’s a great day for an ass whooping let’s do this. No FNGs quick disclaimer. Cover the core principles pledge and quick warmup and stretch. Now we’re off heading to the Parking deck for a escalating /de-escalating ladder workout. Burpees, Bonnie Blaires, HR Merkins, Squats, & LBC were the exercises of choice for all rounds here. We finished pretty strong here so we’re moseying on round the block and back to the pavilion. Here comes the fun we finished up with an EMOM/Tabata  SSH, Merkins, LBC, Squats, and we ended each round with 5 Burpees then a 1min. rest recovery. We started with 30 sec. work 30 sec. rest. We followed with 40sec. work 20sec. rest. We finished with you guessed it 50sec. work 10sec. rest. We finished the last round with about 1min. to recover before COT. Good job fellas. Thanks for the push this morning.




The Bitch is heat and on the Loose

Well I was supposed to have the Q at Midoriyama today but got caught up in multiple wrecks on the way. Rolled in @ 10min. late and found the guys doing some really stupid $h!t. Listening to the mumblechatter I find out that evidently there is a bitch (female dog not derogatory female slang) on the loose and she’s got the hots for Freight. And y’all accused me of pitching woo on the job huh. Thanks Slawbag for picking up the slack for me it was a real beat down for the little bit I was here.






Show Freight your Cans

Love you Guys I’m out.

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