‘Twas the first day of Christmas and GearWrench said to me BRING the PAIN. So here we are. This will be my first Q at Folsom in quite a while so whatever will we do.
We all know I’m not the fondest of long boring drawn out nonstop cardio sessions. I like circuit workouts and I prefer quick intense circuit blocks with short active recovery blocks between. This way I can get the old ticker to ticking rather quickly and then push all that blood and oxygen straight into the muscles, nerves and joints that need it.
Here’s how we did this.
A – BLOK. Quick warmup to get the blood flowing then some stretching to get the joints ready for the work to be done.
B – BLOK. A declining circuit of SSH IC and Mike Tyson’s OYO. 25/10, 20/4, 15/3, 10/2, 5/1. We finished the round with one last set of 5 Mike Tyson’s and a slow recovery mosey (just enough to keep HR up) to the Folsom Block Pile.
C – BLOK. Now begins the real Block work. Erbody grabs their favorite Coupon and completes 5 rounds as follows.
10 – Thrusters, 10 – Curls, 10 – Sumo Squats, 10 – Tricep Extensions, 10 – Blockies and finish each round with a 40 yard run. 1 min active recovery and setup for next circuit we’ve got one last push to the finish.
Tha D – BLOK. This one would require a partner. I had intended to do a little DORA 123 but quickly had to OMAHA out due to time. We did however get in several rounds of Incline Merkins and Box Squats both of which were performed on the blocks while the partners rifle carried their blocks aimlessly around the horse barns. We then put the blocks up and had a slow recovery mosey back to the Flag just in time to finish things off with the Pledge.
Beer Run, Convergence maybe
Turtle Man, Huck and his family, Mayor’s bum shoulder and knee, My family, and prayers for all the PAX in all the regions.
Thanks for the hard work men. Thanks again for hitting me up GearWrench.
Before I end this BB I’ll just say The Christmas Season should be a time to celebrate and rejoice all that the LORD has done and will continue to do for us. I will do just that. At the same time we need to remember a lot of us men are going through difficult times and situations. So in your next COT look left and look right and just say a prayer for the men around you. Thanks.