Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: wirenut (Page 8 of 12)

Skull Krusher

It was a nice cool May morning down in the Valley of the Beast known best as Folsom. Today I’ve taken yet another Q on short notice as GearWrench asked me to take it a few days ago. As I look around I see all familiar faces so only a brief disclaimer and we’re at it.

Warmup was pretty standard with some SSH, Gravel Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Seal Jacks, and we  finish up with Low Slow Squats & Low Slow Merkins with a hold at the bottom on both.

We Moseyed on to  the Block Pile for little Block Stacking. Along the way we stopped at each light pole for 5HR Mike Tyson’s and Jump squats. Once the Block Pile we did a working set then Rifle Carried @50 meters to the street light at the end of the road. Once there we performed same set and Rifle Carried back. Each round we kept working sets from all previous rounds. It went something like this.

Rd. 1 – 5 Blockies.                                           Rd. 2 – 10 Thrusters.                                     Rd. 3 – 15 Merkins on the Block.            Rd. 4 – 20 Triceps Ext.                                  Rd. 5 – 30 Curls

Everything was going fine until we got to the Tricep Extensions when my block slipped and cracked me upside my dome. It didn’t hurt but what was once a little sweat turnt into a lot of blood. I guess that’s why they’re called skull crushers. Anyway I slowed the bleeding (it really was a good bit must be that good pre-workout I got down in the     D-BLOK last weekend it’s the real deal shhhhh) best I could and finished up in time to repeat the 5HR Mike Tyson’s and 10 Jump Squats at each light on the way back.

We’re back to the flag with 1 min. to go so we did a few burpees and called it a wrap.




Hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who showed to help us all get a little mo’ better today than we were yesterday.

Stackin Nickels and Dimes

Good morning Down Town. I took this thang on last minute notice and I mean last minute of last night. That’s ok Maybelline you had to get your beauty sleep befor the trail run I get it. We got a good crowd let’s go get it.

Pledge – Disclaimer – Warmup – Go

The Thang

We moseyed over to the end of the parking lot where the flower pots and the Down Town Torture Rack for a little Triple Nickel with some Pull-ups and Step-ups. Next we did a 5×10 of Hanging Leg Raises and Incline Merkins.

Well that’s done we’re heading over to the Parking Deck of Death where we ran a Rack-’em Stack-‘em that consisted of Burpees, Lunges, Merkins, Squats, and LBCs.

Running short on time and lungs we’re heading back to the Rotary Pavilion. It’s time for the COT when a train comes by so we all finished up with 5 Burpees said the pledge and peace we’re outta here.





Space Cowboys on Route 66

It was a beautiful morning here in Little D. The sun was shining. The birds chirping. We’ve finally got ourselves a Saturday without rain. I pulled into Old School and the first 2 PAX I saw were Oompa Loompa and Def Leppard. Welcome to Really Really Old School guys. For a moment I thought some of the geriatrics from the old folks home across the street had escaped. Anyway we’re all here and after a quick warmup we headed out about the town stopping at various intersections to knock out some HR Merkins and Squats along the way. We made our way over to the Old Jailhouse where Oompa once spent a night improper/malfunctioning equipment on his horse and buggy. Man the law was strict back then. While we’re here we got in couple of rounds of Route 66. The first round being Bear Crawls and HR Mike Tysons at each parking space. With the second being Walking Lunges and Squats at each parking space. We then picked back up with another mosey stopping at various intersections for HR Merkins and Squats. We ended up at the Old Courthouse where I think Ol Man Leppard submitted his first Presidential  Vote back in the day which was for Good Ol Woodrow Wilson I’m assuming. Anywho while we’re here we might as well get in some more work so we did 20 single leg calf raises on each step on the way up and then back down. Let’s get back on the road again with stops at each intersection once again for you guessed it HR Merkins and Squats. We were all moving right along getting in some work. Then all of a sudden while rounding out of Kotters Korner a Post Malone Clone came up out of nowhere and started talking to us about our running and asked what were we working out or training for. I answered as best I could at the time. Then he started in talking about our beautiful water tower and how NASA and SpaceX put those satellites on the side to talk to space aliens and control the weather. We got the heck on out of there ASAP. Whew that was something.  We finished back at the flag just in time to let the old folk’s home know that we’d brought Def and Oompa back and that they could call off the search party now.

Pledge; COT; Announcements; Praise; and Prayers

So I guess you could say I took the Space Cowboys down Route 66 and now they’re ready to blaze up and blast off with Captain Post Malone. That’ll be one small step for old man and one giant leap for old mankind.

All the old man jokes aside we got in some good work out here. I was the youngster at age 43 out here. Also I was never at the front of the pack. So that being said thanks for the push and inspiration guys.

Now which one of y’all gonna bust out that AARP Card and get me a discount on my breakfast.


No One Showed to Know

Happy Easter weekend all. With errbody body doing Street Project work with Freight or running through The Folsom OCR with Stogie or maybe out of town for vacay who knows. All I can tell ya is not a single one of y’all Showed to Know at Old School. I just hope that you are putting in Werk somewhere and not hiding out in the bed due to a little misting rain. I kept it simple with a quick warm-up and a short mosey over to the Gazebo at the Ol Gaston County Courthouse. AMRAP SSH for 1min. followed up by 1min. Strength set for 5 rounds ea.

AMRAP 1: SSH 1min Merkins 1min AMRAP 2: SSH 1min Jungle Boys 1min   AMRAP 3: SSH 1min  Block OHP 1min AMRAP 4: SSH 1min Block Swing 1min     AMRAP 5: SSH 1min Big Boys 1min

Mosey back to Flag.

I’ll bet the 1 man COT looks funny. I finished up by saying the pledge, taking my vitamins, and saying my prayers Brother.

All finished in time to meet up with Stogie who’s was meeting me to bring back some equipment back that he used for his OCR. It sounds like he had a pretty good crowd and they all had a pretty good time glad to hear it.

Well it’s about time for a livermush omelette we’ll see ya next time or not who knows.



Keepin Things Simple

Well it’s finally starting to feel like spring around here and running season is also in full force. That being said we’ve still got to put in some work.

I kept it pretty simple with this one. Nothing special about the warm up my usual Mike Tysons, SSH, Static and Functional Stretching, and we finished up with some 10 Count Squats and 10 Count Merkins. That’s a Low Slow movement with a 10 count at the bottom if you think you’re good at knocking out a lot of reps of either one of these exercises then I challenge you to do them this way you’ll be feeling it in less than 5 reps I guarantee.

Moving on we stepped over to the playground for Lunges, Dips, and Pull-ups. 3 Rounds AMRAP 1 min. each.

Moving on we hustled up to the Tennis Courts got in a quick recovery stretch and some MNCs to loosen everything up. We then got back at it with a few rounds 4 corners.

Round 1- 5 Burpees each corner   Round 2 – 10 HR Merkins each corner Round 3 – 15 Squat Jacks each corner Round 4 – All Previous Rounds each corner

Moving on back to the Flag we had about 90sec. left so we finished up with 5 Kraken Burpees.


Pledge, COT, Praise, Prayers

Hope y’all enjoyed it. See ya next time.



Old School Field Trip – Detention Day for 2

So it’s another QvQ Saturday and this place looks like most of the field trip days I remember from school as I was usually one of a select few that weren’t allowed to go for various reasons unbeknownst to me. This was usually some sort of punishment that I deserved truth be known. That being said this place is empty with the exception of Blart and myself with most of the normals visiting elsewhere for this week’s QvQ challenge. Since it was just the 2 of us I kept it simple with a little running, a little plyo, some hill werk and a lot of recovery work. Along the way we also made frequent stops for Merkins, Squats, Dips, and Step Ups.

That’s it that’s a wrap. We had a good simple and effective workout and we didn’t have any IKEA bookshelf instructions to cipher through whilst doing said simple workout.

Community Foundation Run, 2nd F Lunch at JR Cash’s Mt. Holly, QvQ

Lots of prayers out there right now y’all all know someone out there that needs them so say a prayer for them.

Wet and Dirty Thirty

Well it’s Saturday it’s 0700 and no one took the Q. So as Site Q I’m more than willing to dish out a beating. Everyone ready great quick disclaimer and we’re at it.

Warmup: SSH, Squats, MNC, Merkins, Hillbillies, Don Qs all 30 reps each

The Thang: While moseying some what aimlessly around the back roads of The Big D we’re stopping at random intersections performing 30 reps of various exercises. At our first 3 stops we did 30 merkins and 30 Imperial Walkers. Next 3 stops we did 30 Squats and 30 Air Presses. We finished our aimless mosey at the Carr School Playground the perfect spot for a modified Triple Nickel. Instead of doing 5 x 5 we did 5 x 6 to keep my 30 rep scheme going. We did 5 rounds of 6 pull-ups and 6 Burpees with a little run between. Now that our grip is burnt out and we’re good and tired and burning with lactic acid let’s get in some partner work. We ran through some Dora 1-2-3 with 100 hanging leg raises, 200 squats, and 300 LBCs. Once finished we’re moseying back to the flag with a few more stops with 30 reps of random exercises on the way back to the Flag where we finished the workout with 30 more Squats and 30 more Merkins.


For those of you counting at home that was an ass ton of Merkins and Squats.


Announcements: Extinction Run, Pushing Rocks, Q vs Q

Prayers: Hayes Family, Turtleman, Huckleberry, Clavin’s wife, PAX running Viking Dash, My Family, and I’m sure so many more.


Better Late Than Not at All. Courage and Adam Lambart.

Didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. It’s cold, I’m tired, My foot is still killing me every time I run, It’s been a long, long, long week and I just don’t want to do this today. That’s all the excuses I came up with as to why I wasn’t going to run this morning. I have the Q and I’m leading the Q Source today that’s why I’m even contemplating going. “But surely someone will take over for you given the week you’re having “ a little voice just keeps saying. I finally tuned out that noise and got my butt out of bed up to Ingles. Better late than never I guess. Everyone has been long gone and I’m fidgeting with my phone and earbuds and notice a PAX heading through the parking lot. It’s like he was there just to pick me up. So I picked up with him ran/walked to the college and back just in time to be late for the COT. I got an earful from Mayor about hurrying up to get to Q Source. He’s right so we finished up outside just in time to wait @ 30 min. for erbody to get coffee. We then had a great discussion about Adam Lambert and how we think he was once on American Idol and he may even be the Leadman for Queen now IDK. Once everyone settled in we had a great conversation about Courage, what it means and what all it takes to be courageous. It didn’t take a lot convincing myself that I needed to be out here with my Brothers today but it did take a lot to actually do it. There’s a lot of power and love in this group and I am grateful for being able to participate in it. Thanks for the love and support you all have given me these last few years and especially the last few weeks.

Turds and Toadstools

It’s Thursday and guess what. I’ve got the Q once again at Folsom at the Site Q’s request. Guess what else It’s raining again this place is starting to feel way I’d imagine Seattle WA feels like. No wonder it’s so crazy out there huh. Anyway there’s 7 of us here ready to put in some work. We mustered in the lower shelter as I didn’t want to do any running due to the weather and a nagging foot problem that I’ve been dealing with for a few weeks now. We start the warmup it went like this.

  • 20 SSH IC
  • 5 Mike Tyson’s
  • 1 Low Slow Pause Squat/Stretch at bottom
  • 20 Munkey Humppers IC
  • Lower Body Stretching followed by Upper Body Stretching

Rinse repeat for a total of 2 rounds. Now during this warmup which was not very intense, someone whom is going to remain anonymous only because I really ain’t sure who did it evidently dropped a deuce. They didn’t break wind, they didn’t pass gas, they didn’t do a little toot. No they shat themselves. It was bad. I had to remove myself before yakking all over myself. Touché whoever you are. I guess we all could say that was a $h*tty warmup.

After getting my bearings back together we got back to work with a little Triple Nickel that consisted of Pull-ups, Dips, and since there was no running we did Box Squats.

That felt great so we did another Triple Nickel with HR Mike Tyson’s and 5 Strict Step-ups per leg.

Now that we’ve got the upper and lower body warmed up and ready to go let’s focus on the core. We hit 3 rounds of Big Boys, Flutters and crunches.

Next we did some mobility and strength work. We did a lot more stretching followed by 10 Temp Squats and then 10 Tempo Merkins. (3 count down, 10 count at the bottom, return to the top that’s 1 rep) When we finished up with the last rep GearWrench noticed some bat turds near his face on the ground while getting up and then he noticed a tiny Shiitake Mushroom shaped dry spot inside the middle of what was hopefully a sweat stained thong shaped spot on the cement floor. Now a normal man would maybe be ashamed of himself but no not GearWrench he was very proud. Heck he’s the one who pointed it out to everyone and wanted it put down as the name of this BB. It’s the little things in life I guess. Literally like little.

Now for the final push my friends 30 sec. of work and 30 sec. of recovery. Went well so we did another round with 30 sec. of work and 15 sec. of recovery this go round.  Work was as follows.

  • SSH
  • Lunges
  • Merkins
  • Burpees
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Squats

Thats Time Men.



Announcements: 2/11 Folsom Nationals (Bring Your Pushing Rocks Team)
3/4 Extinction Run or The Rooster which ever you want to go to.

Prayers: Wichita’s Family, Huckleberry and his family, Turtleman, Big Pappy, RoundUp and family, My immediate and extended famil.  I’m sure there’s many more that I am forgetting so I’ll leave it like this. Pray for each other, our families, our friends, our teammates at work, our government, our Churches etc… like your life depends on it.

Thanks to all who showed up and showed out today.

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