Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Whoopee (Page 8 of 25)


The date is 2/22/22. Gotta do something with 2’s or 22’s but nothing really exciting came to me so we just did some stuff. Started with Disclaimer and Pledge then during WU had some chatter that I may have shut down too aggressively with some burpees because it got kinda quiet after that…..oh well. We quickly reviewed the 5 core principles then took off with a mosey to the circle for some Dealer’s Choice. We all spread out around the circle and started with Tiger who called the exercise while he HASTILY moseyed around the circle while we did AMRAP of that exercise. Once he got back to original position (he may or may not have paused a few times on the way), the next person picked an exercise and moseyed around the circle while we did AMRAP of that exercise. This continued until all got their exercises in. We did a lot of stuff with no duplications…..FYI, Serina pulled the BURPEE card and then proceeded to mosey to South Carolina before coming back. Good for him-bring the heat and dish it out as often as possible. I thought that was outstanding. I don’t really know him well so seeing him get a little aggressive was nice. We talked about  stepping up and Q’ing a workout if you have not done recently-F3 is (supposed to be) a group composed of LEADERS so make sure you venture out and get some time as the Q soon if you have not done so recently. Those who Q a lot, offer to co-Q with an inexperienced PAX too.

Next, mosey up the hill dodging cars to the top (I was motoring along at my top speed when someone flew by me-? Bouquet, they went by so fast I don’t know if I saw exactly who it was…..) At the top we did 22 Merkins for the Vets then some squats called by Serina. We then moseyed down the hill in front of the school to the other entrance for some (help me out with those young eyes Serina, what does my weinke say) BURPEES. We moseyed to the parking lot and did some 22’s with (BOS sponsored) Monkey Humpers and (Seuss sponsored) Def Leppards (get your butt down). Finally, on to my favorite exercise, find a wall or a fence and let’s get some hip slappers done X 2 sets of 11. We moseyed back to the site of the 22’s and I realized I forgot to say to do 5 squats each time we crossed center so we did a few trips back and forth then moseyed back to start for a few rounds of Mary.

Great group out this am. A few of us got some EC. We finished with COT-special prayers for Tiger and family, Breaker Breaker and family, Tooltime and family, and Roundup and family. If you are in a good place, enjoy it and be thankful while lifting the guy to your left and right-we all need it.

thanks for the opportunity this am-Whoopee


Small but elite crowd this am at Members Only. Not unexpected due to F3 Retreat. We ran a solid pace and got 5 miles in. Thanks for showing Pockets.


2 for EC, small crowd but solid in quality

Today is Hermie’s 70th birthday. Dang, how many 70 year olds do you know that exercise on a regular basis? Me….just 1 that I can name right now. Lotta respect for him. He shared some wisdom with us at the end, but no way was I going to miss today. Had a few regulars heading to Biloxi for a half marathon, but other than that, what was your excuse? Think about that all you fartsackers who are MUCH YOUNGER than 70 years old.

We started with disclaimer, pledge and warmup. Common practice is that on the birthday, you do that many reps, right? Today is 70 for Hermie so here was our WU:

7-ssH                                0-burpees          H

7-Elbow plank             0-burpees          E

7-Reverse lunge         0-burpees          R

7-Merkins                      0-burpees         M

7-Imperial walkers    0-burpees         I

7-Excellent flutters   0-burpees        E   (thanks for the suggestion on this exercise Strogi)

Bootcamp with me and the rest for PainLab. It was me and Stroganoff. Hills were on the menu so we headed to a neighborhood across Garrison that had some hills and we ran 3 different hills 3 times each with exercises at the top and bottom as follows:

Hill #1: bottom 10/20/30 Squats, top 5/10/15 Merkins

Hill #2: bottom 20/40/60 air presses, top 5/10/15 BigBoys

Hill #3: bottom 20/40/60 LBC, top 25/50/75 Flutters

Few jokes along the way to keep us entertained. Too bad you were not there to enjoy. #queensgate

Mosey quickly back to start for COT and Hermie dropping some wisdom on us. A few nuggets I (sort of) remember: Don’t make your life about your work. You don’t stop playing when you get old, you get old when you stop playing.

A lot of us are in the 40-50 year old range. Think about this: Who is NOT going to be here over the next 20-25 years and why? Who will still be posting at 70 years old? Who is gonna move out of town, stop posting, or get the celestial discharge (if you know what I mean)? All I can say is I am much more likely to make it to 52 if I keep posting with you numbnuts. And if that helps me get to 52, I’m pretty sure it will help me get to 60 or 70. I am also more likely to keep posting if you keep posting so do me a favor……pretty please? Get outta the f’ing fartsack and post. I need you and so do the other guys who posted at the Yank and in Folsom today. Keep “suggesting” another CSAUP that I really don’t want to do. Keep pushing me to get better and I’ll make sure I do the same for you. I’d say that’s a pretty good deal if it helps both of us eventually post on our 70th birthday.

Thanks Hermie. You are that rock someone just threw out in the lake causing a bunch of ripples I hope to benefit from.  #ISI

Special prayers for Linus whose father passed away this week. I know him from church and can say without a doubt he was a HIM before I knew what a HIM was.

Also prayers for the fools traveling to Biloxi/NOLA to run in some stupid race that I wish I was going to running in also… travels guys. Have a great trip and get home safe.




I’ve been EHing a guy thru his mom (Lorri), a nurse who works in our office for a LONG time. The last time I saw this kid was 12-13 years ago. I was at a pool party for our office within a year or 2 of moving here (sometime around 2007) and there were two 13-14 year old kids in the front yard playing wiffle ball. I have kept up with Matt over the years-his mother is someone I really respect and she would share with me how he was doing at Clemson then his time in the army and most recently when he proposed to his girlfriend. My advice to her was to tell him to give her the ring ASAP if she was the one. No more waiting around. Lorri, his mother, made it clear she thought this was THE GIRL and all I could think about was me in that situation sitting around waiting for the right time and letting her slip away. Jump ahead a few months and they are engaged and he is planning to move back to G-town. He was in town and wanted to post so Nutria was gracious enough to let me hijack the Q. I had 1 goal: make him Merlot. I figured I could PROBABLY do it. He’s only 25 years younger. He’s only been in the army doing crazy stuff for 8 years. He’s only 6’3″ and less body fat than I ever was. What could go wrong…….?

We started with a brief disclaimer and intro of Matt to the group, hit the pledge, and mumble chatter ensued quickly during the WU. We did some SSH, squats, and merkins then moseyed to the Planet Fitness parking lot for some starfish/4 corners thing. Each corner was exercise X 10 reps and every time we crossed the center we did 3 burpees. The exercises were SSH, BigBoys, Jump Squats, and Merkins. Next we moseyed to the wall for some of my love language, as JJ put it. Hip Slappers were on the menu. We discussed the 5 core principles as we moseyed across the parking lot after each set of HS. We did 5 then moseyed, did 10 then moseyed, did 15 (Merlot was rumbling at this point) then moseyed, did 20 then moseyed……….Son of a Nutcracker, I am about to die…….did 25 HS all in cadence. During the mosey we talked about each core principle. JJ corrected us with the “men only” which really is “open to all men” principle-good clarification…..that is why we still have Mayor with us, right? Move on after I swallow some Merlot to keep it down. Mosey to the wall at Food Dog for some Donkey Kicks-extra points for Stinky Bird for the donkey noises. Think we did either 2 or 3 sets of 10 then moseyed to Gastone’s Hill. Somewhere along the way we also talked about the mission (to plant, grow, and serve….) as well as the Credo (leave no man behind, but …). Thanks again guys for being thorough.

Quick question: At what level of Kotter-ness do we need to re-name this hill? Anyone checking on Gastone? Anyone? Anyone? If you are reading this, how about sending him a text (704) 995-2497 and see how he is doing? I know he would appreciate that.

We started at the bottom and ran up doing 2 Merkins at each mailbox on the way up. Defib and FNG led the way, and I made sure no one got left behind…..if I was not the 6, I was pretty darn close. Props to Defib for pushing FNG-he apparently got his money’s worth finally at this point thanks to Defib. We nurred down the hill then headed home with 10 Merkins and 10 Monkey humpers at each light. I thought we would get back too soon so I added 10 big boys for the last 8 or so lights….not a wise move on my part but WTH? We got back in time for COT and namorama. FNG Matt was a groundskeeper at the golf course in high school so we named him Spackler from Caddyshack. I kicked my own butt with hip slappers. I think everyone got a good workout but unfortunately no Merlot…..

I checked with Spackler’s mother later in the day. She said he had a great time and was so tired he could only go to 1 CrossFit workout later that day… much for me pushing him so hard he would Merlot.

thanks for the opportunity to lead-Whoopee

6 miles

3 showed early for the extra mileage led by Defib. Now that I have a Garmin watch, I can keep track of the mileage and just for the record we went more than 1 mile….

5 ran, 2 rucked, all put in some miles then 6 of us enjoyed the unusually warm weather outside and finished up the 8 Block and discussed briefly about the concept of Word for the year. If you have not done the 8 Block thing before, check out the podcast by Italian Job, Tommy Boy, and CSPAN on “Stuff Worth Trying” a few weeks ago when they discussed this. It’s worth your time.





11 Boneheads showed up for my Christmas themed workout at the Goat. Nothing was really coming to me when I was working on my weinke, so I just went with something easy, on paper anyway. It was cold and I’m not sure I will ever get used to the cold, but this am seemed colder than usual. We started with a disclaimer and quick warmup then headed up the street past Floyd and Blackies. On the way we started to get a little spread out so we stopped at a light for some squats. We headed up into a parking lot then I was informed one side of the lot was an apartment complex so we quietly moseyed across the street to a church with a nice parking lot and the group was informed of the plan: the Christmas themed workout would be based on a Christmas movie we all know and love: DieHard. We started up by the church with a nice wall and did 10 reps of the “D” exercise then took a lap around the lot. Once we all returned we did 10 reps each of the “D” and “I” exercises then took another lap. Once we all returned we did 10 reps of the “D” then the “I” then the “E” exercises then took a lap. This continued until we finished all exercises as below:

D-Donkey Kicks     I-Imperial Walkers     E-Eight Count Body Builders     H-Hand Release Merkins which changed to Humpers, the monkey variety after the first round.     A-Ass slappers (similar to HIP SLAPPERS), however Tesla had to be cautioned multiple times to slap his own ass.     R-Reverse Lunge     D-Deconstructed Burpees

This took longer than I expected which actually worked out pretty well for me since I had nothing else planned. We moseyed slowly back and got 3 burpees at each light and took the long way around the Goat park. Once back to start we had time for some Mary then called it a day.

Great group of guys out here today. Everyone pushed the rock and more than half of us went to Floyd and Blackies for a little fellowship. It’s times like these I realize how much more this morning routine is than just some exercise group. It was nice to just slow down for the morning and hear about what is going on with everyone. We saw a few of the M’s coming in for coffee and 2-3 Pubbers coming over for fellowship and some blade sharpening.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead and for the guys who posted on a cold morning.



8 block

We started with the Pledge then I gave a quick summary of the plan for the day. I had posted a few messages earlier in the week about the 8 Block thing that CSPAN has talked about on several podcasts this time of year over the last few years. Just so everyone was aware, in my opinion (and probable a few others) CSPAN was one of the key PAX that got GasHouse up and running. If he was not here physically, he was partly responsible for a lot of the guys that were here the first few months when GasHouse started. To say he is a HIM is really not enough. He has positively influenced a lot of men and continues to impact many men within F3 whether they realize it or not. He gets credit for the 8 Block. Basically this is a structured assessment of your potential and your plans for the next year that focuses on a lot of the things F3 teaches and (in my opinion) is best done with several guys that know you pretty well (Shieldlock). You can find several versions of CSPAN’s presentation (or podcast) of this if you Google “F3 CSPAN 8 Block.” It will take you about 30 minutes to watch/listen to this. I would suggest having a pencil and paper in front of you while you listen so you can write notes then think about it for a few days and meet with a few guys to fill it out.

Our workout today was designed to teach us the framework of the 8 Block with some discussion along the way to ‘splain what each block was focused on. The general idea is take a piece paper, divide it into 4 boxes (a horizontal line and a vertical line) and each box addresses something. We moseyed to the football field at Grier and used the field as our paper. We started in the top left block: Concentrica-partner up, P1 ran the squared circle of this block on the field, P2 lunged the same route. When P1 caught up to P2 they swapped duties and this continued until we all did 1 big circle. Once all arrived back at start we got into plank and discussed what Concentrica is-if you don’t know what Concentrica is then 2 things: 1) you were not at Storm this past week when we discussed this, or 2) you have not been to Q source/read Freed to Lead. You can look this up and read it-it is time well spent so plan on reading it a few times then discuss with some of your F3 brothers sometime.  The idea with the 8 Block is to IDENTIFY THE AREAS OF YOUR CONCENTRICA THAT YOU NEED TO WORK ON AND LIST THEM.

Next is the bottom left quadrant which is 2nd F: the idea with this quadrant is you should identify and LIST 3 guys that you need to spend extra time with. Remember the 3 guys you list don’t necessarily need to be F3 people-they are probably unique to you, but are people that maybe you have some work to do to be that friend that they need. LIST THEM BY NAME IN THIS SECTION. Our exercise was to partner carry across the field then swap and partner carries you back.

Next section is top right-3rd F. This one is easy to plan but toughest to follow thru with for me. In this section you need to list what you are planning to do SPECIFICALLY for your 3rd F this year. Set some goals. Write them down and share them with someone so they can hold you accountable. What are you studying-again, be specific-“I’m going to read the Bible more” does not count-what part(s) of the Bible are you going to focus on? Volunteer at church. Read Q Source. Whatever-it’s not so important what you plan to do, but MAKE A PLAN, WRITE IT OUT, THEN DO IT. Our exercise was P1 Heels to Heaven AMRAP while P2 did 10 Flying Squirrels then swap. We each did 2 sets.

The final section on the front is the bottom right: 1st F. To me this is the easiest to fill out and relatively tough to follow thru. List your 1st F Goals-CSAUPs you plan to do (Mortimer, GrowRuck,…), Goals for the year (1000 miles for the year). It seems best to me to take this in blocks within the year like maybe quarterly or even monthly. The idea is to think about what you can do, set a goal, write it down, then keep track of it. If it is worth doing, it is worth tracking and by tracking you will almost certainly get better. Some guys event pull their family or Shieldlock into these goals. Also, set a goal for how you will help EH guys or bring back a Kotter-how many can you get in the year? Maybe shoot for 1 per quarter or 1 per month if you are really up to it? Exercise was a version of Bear with Me. If you don’t know what this is, look it up. It’s a good workout with a ruck. We did not use rucks this am (thankfully).

I forgot to say this today, but if you pick a word for the year, write that word in the middle of the page to help you remember it.

Flip the page over and again, divide into 4 quadrants. Top Left back quadrant is the Jester-what is holding you back from being the best you can be. THIS IS TOUGHER THAN YOU THINK IF YOU HAVE NEVER CONSIDERED THIS. Read about this in Q Source and Freed to Lead then discuss the general topic one morning in the gloom with the guys. After you do that, go live in a monastery for 6 months and swear a vow of silence while you consider what your Jester is 10 hours each day, then maybe you will have an idea. This is another good topic to discuss with your Whetstone partner or Shieldlock, however it does require a lot of thought up front and thick skin if you want to do it right. Keep in mind you may have more that 1 Jester. Our exercise was combination of 10 Jump Squats and 10 Flying Squirrels I think total of 2 sets.

Bottom left quadrant on the back is DATE NIGHT: This applies to your M and your 2.0. The theme of this quadrant is that YOU SHOULD NEVER STOP DATING YOUR M AND YOU SHOULD DEMONSTRATE HOW YOUR 2.0 SHOULD TREAT OR BE TREATED BY ANY POTENTIAL FUTURE MATES. Date your M and date your 2.0, keeping in mind where each lives within the Concentrica. I don’t remember what exercise (if any?) we did at this point.

The top right quadrant on the back is listed at Podcast-what are you doing to make yourself better? What are you listening to and what are you reading to make yourself better? Thankfully we had a celebrity who has his own podcast called Gaston’s Great. This about this and write it down. What are you doing to mentally accelerate? Do you get home from work and sit in front of the TV and veg out until your M drags you to bed? Have a little purpose and plan that keeps you mentally in the game. Our exercise was for Stroganoff to lead us in his favorite exercise for whatever # reps he wanted (Flutter kicks).

The final quadrant is the lower right section and this area is labelled ALR (ask, listen, remember). This is the ADVICE area. Basically in this area, you should find someone to learn from. Find someone you feel knows more about something than you do and learn from them. In other words, find a mentor.

Thankfully a lot of guys chimed in on this for the discussion along the way and this was truly a group discussion that I hope was good for everyone. My best advice is to listen to one of CSPAN’s podcasts on this, take notes, think about this and fill it out by yourself then discuss with your shield lock or any group of guys that know you well-be prepared to provide and accept CANDOR. Don’t let someone’s comments hurt your feelings-they are trying to help you so listen and learn from what they are saying-maybe they are right or maybe they are wrong, but if they care enough to do this with you, you are getting their opinion and it is likely coming from a place of love.

COT was filled with a lot of prayer requests about either family members or PAX that need some prayers-it’s a tough time of year in a lot of ways. Keep posting so you can stay on track and help your brothers stay on track. Thanks for coming out this am and for everyone’s input.




Disclaimer, Pledge, Warmup: 10 SSH, Squats, Merkins then quick ‘splanation of plan: Theme would be Concentrica-reminder that the old guys here have probably heard this and jump in anytime to add to the discussion. Mosey down the hill to the parking lot with a turn around. We ran a few laps around this circle with a quick discussion of what the Concentrica is: think of archer’s target with 5 circles-closest is what you should be aiming for most often-this is your M. Next ring is your Shorties-they need to know that M is top priority but they are right behind. Next 2 rings are you guys-Shieldlock and Whetstone. Outermost ring is work or Mammon and should be least important in your list of priorities but often is not the case. This does not mean “don’t spend time on outer rings” but really just means MORE OFTEN you should be focusing your time (or arrows to keep with the archer theme) on the center rings, realizing you never know when you will run out of arrows (or time). Next we moseyed back to start for some more reminders of the Concentrica-split into groups of 5 and each group would run to end of lot and back while rest of group would do an exercise with letter starting with M (for M), S (for Shorties), S (for shieldlock), B (for Blade), and M (for Mammon). The exercises were the following: Monkey Humpers, Spatchcock, SSH, Big Boy setups, and Mountain Climbers…..better on paper the night before so got thru this quickly. Move on to the wall at the school for few sets of Hip Slappers…..just cause there is a good wall and……..why not? Mosey to baseball field-thanks for leading the way Seuss. Step ups and Mountain Climbers then came the fun. Get on the line, 10 Flying Squirrels then 10 lunges. 15 Flying Squirrels then 15 lunges, 20 FS then 20 Lunges, 25 FS then 25 lunges. We stood there for a minute or so while I let everyone think I was going to Omaha…not a chance. Gimme 10 more FS……then 10 more FS…….then 10 more FS…….then 10 more FS. We either did 40 or 50, I am not sure, then moseyed back to start for Mary with max of 5 reps and everyone took a turn. Had enough, time was up. Finish with COT-lot of prayers, Christmas Party, family member. Good time this am getting back out here-Storm never disappoints so thanks for the guys for showing up and putting in some work. Final word-Focus on the M. She is your most important relationship and when you commit relationship malpractice (as Dredd puts it), everything else will fall apart. If you have not experienced this, you have probably seen it. ESPECIALLY during this time of the year, take some time and spend it with your M showing her the love and respect she deserves and needs. It is time well spent.



A couple days after Thanksgiving was a good time to take the Q. I was almost guaranteed to post….and I could make sure at least the Weinke would be tough. Hopefully I could keep up my end of the bargain as the Q and not modify too much. Sargento promised to show which led to one of our new exercises called the Spatchcock. Keep reading to find out about this.

We had a pretty good showing for the boot campers. A few had come for some EC running but Dr. Suess/Buckeye had to leave before the bootcamp started. That’s ok, they put in some miles while I was sleeping. I will say there was no question about whether they should get credit for the workout, but as the Q, I’ll make sure they get credit. Maybe that will encourage them to stick around next time…..

Disclaimer, Pledge, WU then we were off. Sorry Hermey, we got to go. Hold down the fort for the PainLabbers. We moseyed up to Grier parking lot for a quick summary of what was on the menu: today would be sponsored by Flying Squirrels, Triple Nickels, and a Spatchcock. We got started with our first round of triple nickels: Flying Squirrels and Jump Squats. We moved on to First Presbyterian Church front circle with another round of Triple Nickels (insert eye roll here): Flying Squirrels and Bonnie Blairs. At this point there was a brief discussion as to whether we were doing Bonnie Blairs or not but I don’t remember what really was said. Move on to next round of Triple Nickels over at the steps by the PAD: Flying Squirrels at bottom of steps and Spatchcock at the top. Insert funny look and all together: WHAT’S A SPATCHCOCK? Sargento is having in-laws over for Part Deux Thanksgiving and was cooking another turkey in the spatchcock fashion: basically squash the turkey so the legs and arms are laying on the side with no backbone which allows the entire turkey to cook faster and more evenly. This is an exercise I kind of made up for today: lay on your back, arms and legs in front (sort of like a Sandy V) then move arms and legs together to the sides then back to center IC. I gave bonus points for yelling “spatchcock” with each rep-good job Sargento, you got 7,000,000 points.

If this does not make sense, don’t worry, I’ll make sure to bring it up again either at WU or as an exercise next time I am Q.

Time was getting short so we moseyed to Sunrise Hill (according to Sargento) which is the big hill off New Hope Road near the VA center/building. At the bottom we did Flying Squirrels and at the tippy top we did Mountain Climbers. This was tougher than I thought but we pushed through it. At the top was a sign on the steps that read: PLEASE STEP UP….so we moseyed over to the 7/11 which has a wall so we moseyed over to do some step ups…..and then came my M. She was out doing something (probably Christmas shopping for me I am sure) and yelled out the window that I had yard work to do and to get moving. What could I do? You guessed It, it was time for some Monkey Humpers. My kids got a kick out of that so the rest of the weekend I was treated to my girls doing monkey humpers instead of whatever I asked them to do.

We moseyed home to start with a brief stop along the way then made it there in time for a brief Mary then finished up with COT. It’s 2 days later and my legs are still sore. I think Sunrise Hill will be part of my Weike for the next few Qs I have at GasHouse. Thanks for showing guys.


Chad 1000X

Although this was not a true “Bulldog” workout, it was done at that location on Veteran’s Day to help stop veteran suicide with the Chad 1000X workout. I heard about this on a Jocko podcast with Sara Wilkinson and GoRuck founder Jason McCarthy. This workout was to both honor Sara’s husband Chad Wilkinson and help end veteran suicide. If you have time, listen to the Jocko Podcast #296. Listen to the VERY END-it is worth a few hours of your time. Chad did this workout while training to hike mountains. He would go in the garage with a projector picture of his next mountain displayed on the garage door while he did 1000 step ups with a 45# ruck on. The workout is scalable-in other words, you can do it as a team, do it with no weight, or do the full thing with 45# weight in a ruck sack. I knew this was going to be tough-no surprise for anyone reading this. However, I trained pretty hard for this-I could have done more, sure, but for the most part I did a bunch of step ups. Having a shoulder injury gave me an excuse to do more step ups whenever I posted  instead of whatever the Q had planned. Thankfully I had Roscoe and a few others pushing me on a regular basis telling me how much they were doing.

I got there a few minutes before 0500. Roscoe was there with a scale to make sure the weight was legit. I just knew my ruck was at least 50# despite not weighing it at all ever. WRONG!!! it was 47.5 #, thankfully Roscoe had a few small sandbags so I made the necessary adjustments then re-weighed and made it legal. Roscoe weighed in too while a few others showed. Flintstone got a team together to do this-great idea since not everyone has been training specifically for this. Defib showed up still with a sleep in his eyes and some kindergarten hair (hair that has not been brushed since the morning before) and all he said was…..This is stupid or something along those lines with that same funny smile we all have when we know how much it means to the guys next to us when we show up to do the stupid crap we do.

I gave a quick summary of how this workout came to be (again, listen to Jocko Podcast #296) and then I remembered I have a Jocko-sponsored Gear Box at home that (in my excitement about this am and difficulty sleeping the night before) I forgot to bring. At that point I think Roscoe also said he had a hard time sleeping the night before because he was excited about this too. And then it was time to get it on…..

We all did our 1000 step ups. Some as a team, some with weight, some without weight…..but we all did it and it was great. When I finished my 1000, I really didn’t get excited to finish. It was a great feeling, but I kept thinking about how this guy that served our country for 21 years as a SEAL, had an apparently great home life with a great wife and 2 kids, great friends/brothers in the SEAL community, and a family that supported him could end his life. Think about that for a few minutes. Think about how many F3 guys you know that could fit that description as far as how they look on the outside? Could be a lot of us so next time you think about fartsacking, think about how much your brother might be hurting on the inside. Maybe you could reach out to the Kotter you have not seen in awhile. Maybe you show up when your bone headed brother announces he’s gonna do some stupid event at 3 am and call it The Moron even if you don’t really run……… and this is a RUNNING event. My point is, find a way to support your brothers-search out ways to do that even when you don’t want to. Make that effort any chance you can. It just might not come again. Let that sink in.

We finished with the Pledge and COT. Great work guys-thanks so much for those that showed and those that supported us during the training for this. It is on my list of stupid events I plan to do each year. Hope to see more next year. Yeah, I’m talking to you Stroganoff (and a bunch of others too).

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